private void enableThis(SingleChoiceDisplayer singleChoice)
        //Enable the highlight of the this choice.
        highlightAnimator.enabled = true;

        //Disable the tile game object preparing for starting the typing animation

        //Before the animation is about to work disable the ability to change the language.
        // code goes here

        //Disable the lean Localized Text script before doing anything.
        leanLocalizedTxt.enabled = false;

        //Take or cut the text out of the text component and pass it to the typing text animator.
        typingAnimator.contentTxt = thisChoiceTxt;

        string temp = thisChoiceTxt.text;

        thisChoiceTxt.text = "";
        //Animate the text and display it.
        typingAnimator.Play("", temp, leanLocalizedTxt,
                            (LeanLocalization.CurrentLanguage.ToLower().Equals("arabic"))?TypingTextDirection.rtl: TypingTextDirection.ltr

        //Empty the text object of the typing text animator.
        //typingAnimator.contentTxt = null;

        //After finishing the animation turn the the LeanLocalizedScript On back again.
        //leanLocalizedTxt.enabled = true;

        //After the animation is finished enable the ability to change the language.
        // code goes here
 public void enableThisChoice(SingleChoiceDisplayer singleChoice)