public void TestSimpsonRule()
            SimpsonRule algorithm = new SimpsonRule();

                algorithm.IntegrateThreePoint(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.7e-1),
                "Direct (2 Partitions)");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 2),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.7e-1),
                "Composite 2 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 6),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.2e-1),
                "Composite 6 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 10),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 8e-3),
                "Composite 10 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 50),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 8e-6),
                "Composite 50 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 1000),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 5e-11),
                "Composite 1000 Partitions");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static float3 Integral(float4[] cp, float tOld, float tNew)
            float intX = (float)SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x =>
                                                                cp[0].x * m.pow(1 - x, 4)
                                                                + 4f * cp[1].x * x * m.pow(1 - x, 3)
                                                                + 6f * cp[2].x * m.pow(x, 2) * m.pow(1 - x, 2)
                                                                + 4f * cp[3].x * m.pow(x, 4),
                                                                tOld, tNew);

            float intY = (float)SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x =>
                                                                cp[0].y * m.pow(1 - x, 4)
                                                                + 4f * cp[1].y * x * m.pow(1 - x, 3)
                                                                + 6f * cp[2].y * m.pow(x, 2) * m.pow(1 - x, 2)
                                                                + 4f * cp[3].y * m.pow(x, 4),
                                                                tOld, tNew);

            float intZ = (float)SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x =>
                                                                cp[0].z * m.pow(1 - x, 4)
                                                                + 4f * cp[1].z * x * m.pow(1 - x, 3)
                                                                + 6f * cp[2].z * m.pow(x, 2) * m.pow(1 - x, 2)
                                                                + 4f * cp[3].z * m.pow(x, 4),
                                                                tOld, tNew);

            return(new float3(intX, intY, intZ));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void SimpsonRuleSupportsThreePointIntegration()
         SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA),
         0.2 * TargetAreaA,
         "Direct (2 Partitions)");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Calcula um valor especifico de distribuição normal multiplicando a constante pela integral da série
        private double CalculateNormalDistribuition(double z)
            var firstPart = (1 / Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI));
            var integrate = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(x => CalcSomatorio(x, 27), 0, z, 10000);
            var result    = firstPart * integrate;

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void SimpsonRuleSupportsCompositeIntegration(int partitions, double maxRelativeError)
         SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, partitions),
         maxRelativeError * TargetAreaA,
         "Composite {0} Partitions",
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void SimpsonRuleSupportsCompositeIntegration([Values(2, 6, 10, 50, 1000)] int partitions, [Values(1.7e-1, 1.2e-1, 8e-3, 8e-6, 5e-11)] double maxRelativeError)
         SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, partitions),
         maxRelativeError * TargetAreaA,
         "Composite {0} Partitions",
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static double simpsonRuleEs(Expr expr, string varName, double a, double b, int n)
            var f = expr.Compile(varName);

            double srValue = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(f, a, b, n);

            double trueValue = Integrate.OnClosedInterval(f, a, b);

            return(abs(trueValue - srValue));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static double CalculateStrictValue(FuzzyNumber fuzzyNumber)
            var leftX      = fuzzyNumber.M - fuzzyNumber.L;
            var leftValue  = fuzzyNumber.L;
            var rightX     = fuzzyNumber.U - fuzzyNumber.M;
            var rightValue = fuzzyNumber.U;

            var finalX     = leftX - rightX;
            var finalValue = rightValue + leftValue;

            return(SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x => 0.5 * (finalX * x + finalValue), 0.0, 1.0));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public double getObjectiveValue(double Qflow)
            double f = 0.0;
            double c1 = 0, c0 = 0, c2 = 0, c5 = 0, c6 = 0, c3 = 0;
            int    c4   = 0;
            double Qadd = 0; //oklart vad dena tillför

            double X = (Qflow + Qadd) / kf; //flöde per körfält

            switch (vdValue)
            case 3: c1 = 100; c0 = 0.1;

            case 10: c1 = 13; c0 = 10;

            case 11: c1 = 35; c0 = 2;

            case 12: c1 = 35; c0 = 4;

            case 13: c1 = 20; c0 = 6;

            case 14: c1 = 22.22; c0 = 6;
            if (c1 == 0)
            {   // fungerar
                double intervalBegin    = 0;
                double intervalEnd      = X;
                double partitionNumbers = 10.0;

                double deltaX = (intervalEnd - intervalBegin) / partitionNumbers;
                double SimpsonsIntegration = (deltaX / 3) * (getTime(intervalBegin, vdValue) + 4 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 1, vdValue) + 2 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 2, vdValue) + 4 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 3, vdValue) + 2 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 4, vdValue) + 2 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 5, vdValue) + 4 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 6, vdValue)
                                                             + 2 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 7, vdValue) + 4 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 8, vdValue) + 2 * getTime(intervalBegin + deltaX * 9, vdValue) + getTime(intervalEnd, vdValue));

                f = SimpsonsIntegration * kf;
                f = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(x => ((60 * length) / c1 + c0), 0, Qflow, 10);

            return(f * (100.0 / 60.0));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Simpsonses the rule integral.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The rule integral.</returns>
        /// <param name="values">Values.</param>
        public static List <decimal> SimpsonsRuleIntegral(List <decimal> values)
            var integralVals = new List <decimal>();

            if (values.Any())
                currentVals = values.Select(x => (double)x).ToList();
                for (int i = 1; i < currentVals.Count(); i++)
                    var simpsonIntegral =
                        SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(GetValue, 0, i, (i * 2));

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void btn_Integrate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double a = Convert.ToDouble(txt_A.Text),
                   b = Convert.ToDouble(txt_B.Text);

            string Function = txt_Func.Text;

            SymbolicExpression    x = Variable("x");
            Func <double, double> f = Parse(Function).Compile(nameof(x));

            double IntegrationResult = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(f, a, b, 4);

            txt_Result.Text = IntegrationResult.ToString();

            // Draw area under function graph

            var model = new PlotModel {
                Title = "Area of f(x)"

            var series = new AreaSeries {
                Title = "∫ f(x)dx"

            for (double x_val = a; x_val <= b; x_val += 0.01d)
                series.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x_val, f(x_val)));
                series.Points2.Add(new DataPoint(x_val, 0));

            series.Color2 = OxyColors.Transparent;


            FunctionSeries func = new FunctionSeries(f, a - (1.0d / 4.0d) * Math.Abs(a), b + (1.0d / 4.0d) * b, 0.01d, "f(x)");


            plot1.Model = model;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Funzione che calcola l'integrale tra a e b della funzione di densità di probabilità.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">L'estremo sinistro dell'intervallo. Può anche essere -∞.</param>
        /// <param name="b">L'estremo destro dell'intervallo. Può anche essere +∞.</param>
        /// <param name="sigma">Lo scarto quadratico medio. Se non passato, di default è 1.</param>
        /// <param name="mu">La media. Se non passata, di default è 0.</param>
        /// <returns>Il valore dell'area</returns>
        public static double CalcolaIntegrale(double a, double b, double sigma = 1, double mu = 0)
            //check condizioni di operabilità
            if (a > b || a.Equals(double.PositiveInfinity) || b.Equals(double.NegativeInfinity) || sigma < 0 || mu < 0)
            // - e + inf
            if (a == double.NegativeInfinity && b == double.PositiveInfinity)
            // -inf e valore
            if (a == double.NegativeInfinity)
                if (b >= mu)
                    return(0.5 + SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(funzioneDensita(mu, sigma), mu, b, 100000));
                    return(0.5 - SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(funzioneDensita(mu, sigma), mu, -b, 100000));
            // valore e +inf
            else if (b == double.PositiveInfinity)
                if (a >= mu)
                    return(0.5 - SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(funzioneDensita(mu, sigma), mu, a, 100000));
                    return(0.5 + SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(funzioneDensita(mu, sigma), mu, -a, 100000));

            return(SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(funzioneDensita(mu, sigma), a, b, 100000));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Function:	WaterUsage
        // Description:	Calculate the water usage of a specific pivot. Based on
        //				the Pacific University 2021 mathematics capstone 'RainCat'
        // Parameters:	fieldTable	-	FieldTable object to calculate water usage of
        // Returns:		Total water that the pivot uses.
        public static double WaterUsage(ref FieldTable fieldTable)
            double constA = SoilModel.InfiltrationConstants[fieldTable.SoilType].Item1;
            double constB = SoilModel.InfiltrationConstants[fieldTable.SoilType].Item2;

            double totalWater = 0;
            double t_a        = 0;
            double da_dt_max  = 0;
            double da_dt      = 0;
            double di_dt      = 0;

            double intersect1 = 0;
            double intersect2 = 0;

            bool bInt1Found = false;
            bool bInt2Found = false;

            double circumference = 0;
            double totalSlice    = 0;
            double integration   = 0;

            // For each sprinkler in the pivot
            for (int i = CenterPivotModel.Spacing; i < fieldTable.PivotLength; i += CenterPivotModel.Spacing)
                // Get sprinkler specific data
                t_a       = (CenterPivotModel.RevolutionTime) * (CenterPivotModel.WettedDiameter / (2 * Math.PI * i));
                da_dt_max = (4 / Math.PI) * (CenterPivotModel.WettedSoilDepth / t_a);

                // Find first intersection by incrementing through small time increments starting at zero
                for (double t = .001; t < t_a && bInt1Found == false; t += .001)
                    da_dt = (da_dt_max) * Math.Sqrt(1 - (Math.Pow((t - (t_a / 2)), 2) / Math.Pow(t_a / 2, 2)));
                    di_dt = 600 * constA * constB * Math.Pow(t, constB - 1);

                    if (di_dt - da_dt < 1 && di_dt - da_dt > -1)
                        intersect1 = t;
                        bInt1Found = true;

                // If first intersection is found then we need to search for the second
                if (true == bInt1Found)
                    // Find second intersection by incrementing through small time increments starting at the end of the interval
                    for (double t = t_a; t > intersect1 + .005 && bInt2Found == false; t -= .001)
                        da_dt = (da_dt_max) * Math.Sqrt(1 - (Math.Pow((t - (t_a / 2)), 2) / Math.Pow(t_a / 2, 2)));
                        di_dt = 600 * constA * constB * Math.Pow(t, constB - 1);

                        if (di_dt - da_dt < 1 && di_dt - da_dt > -1)
                            intersect2 = t;
                            bInt2Found = true;

                // If both intersections are found then we have enough information to get the water usage stats
                if (true == bInt1Found && true == bInt2Found)
                    // Get distance traveled then integrate to get amount of water used from t_0 to t_1
                    circumference = 2 * Math.PI * i;
                    totalSlice    = (circumference / CenterPivotModel.RevolutionTime) * (intersect2 - intersect1);
                    integration   = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(x => (da_dt_max) *
                                                                   Math.Sqrt(1 - (Math.Pow((x - (t_a / 2)), 2) / Math.Pow(t_a / 2, 2))), 0, intersect1, 4);
                // If first intersection was not found, OR if second intersection was not found then assume pivot will run entire time
                else if (false == bInt1Found || false == bInt2Found)
                    circumference = 2 * Math.PI * i;
                    totalSlice    = (circumference / CenterPivotModel.RevolutionTime) * (t_a - 0);
                    integration   = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(x => (da_dt_max) *
                                                                   Math.Sqrt(1 - (Math.Pow((x - (t_a / 2)), 2) / Math.Pow(t_a / 2, 2))), 0, t_a, 4);

                totalWater += integration * (circumference / totalSlice);

                // Reset Values
                intersect1 = 0;
                intersect2 = 0;
                bInt1Found = false;
                bInt2Found = false;

                circumference = 0;
                totalSlice    = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Остаток на складе
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lb"></param>
        /// <param name="ub"></param>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        double I(double lb, double ub, double t)
            double rez = SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x => D(x), lb, ub) - SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x => D(x), lb, t);

        public void TestSimpsonRule()
            SimpsonRule algorithm = new SimpsonRule();

                algorithm.IntegrateThreePoint(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.7e-1),
                "Direct (2 Partitions)");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 2),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.7e-1),
                "Composite 2 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 6),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 1.2e-1),
                "Composite 6 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 10),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 8e-3),
                "Composite 10 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 50),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 8e-6),
                "Composite 50 Partitions");

                algorithm.IntegrateComposite(TargetFunctionA, StartA, StopA, 1000),
                NumericIs.AlmostEqualTo(TargetAreaA, 5e-11),
                "Composite 1000 Partitions");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static double simpsonRule(Expr expr, string varName, double a, double b, int n)
            var f = expr.Compile(varName);

            return(SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(f, a, b, n));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /// Git test project
            Console.WriteLine("ASP joined the project");

            /// Simpsons Rule
            Console.WriteLine("Simpson integration");

            // Composite approximation with 4 partitions
            double composite = SimpsonRule.IntegrateComposite(x => x * x, 0.0, 10.0, 4);

            // Approximate value using IntegrateComposite with 4 partitions is: 333.33333333333337
            Console.WriteLine("Approximate value using IntegrateComposite with 4 partitions is: " + composite);

            // Three point approximation
            double threePoint = SimpsonRule.IntegrateThreePoint(x => x * x, 0.0, 10.0);

            // Approximate value using IntegrateThreePoint is: 333.333333333333
            Console.WriteLine("Approximate value using IntegrateThreePoint is: " + threePoint);

            /// Gauss-Legendre integration
            Console.WriteLine("Gauss-Legendre integration");

            // Create a 5-point Gauss-Legendre rule over the integration interval [0, 10]
            GaussLegendreRule rule = new GaussLegendreRule(0.0, 10.0, 5);

            double sum = 0;                      // Will hold the approximate value of the integral

            for (int i = 0; i < rule.Order; i++) // rule.Order = 5
                // Access the ith abscissa and weight
                sum += rule.GetWeight(i) * rule.GetAbscissa(i) * rule.GetAbscissa(i);

            // Approximate value is: 333.333333333333
            Console.WriteLine("Approximate value is: " + sum);

            // The order of the rule is: 5
            Console.WriteLine("The order of the rule is: " + rule.Order);

            // 1D integration using a 5-point Gauss-Legendre rule over the integration interval [0, 10]
            double integrate1D = GaussLegendreRule.Integrate(x => x * x * x, 0.0, 10.0, 5);

            // Approximate value of the 1D integral is: 333.333333333333
            Console.WriteLine("Approximate value of the 1D integral is: " + integrate1D);

            // 2D integration using a 5-point Gauss-Legendre rule over the integration interval [0, 10] X [1, 2]
            double integrate2D = GaussLegendreRule.Integrate((x, y) => (x * x) * (y * y), 0.0, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0, 5);

            // Approximate value of the 2D integral is: 777.777777777778
            Console.WriteLine("Approximate value of the 2D integral is: " + integrate2D);
