//Create User_Table
    public void Create_UnlockedCharacterTable()
        string sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"User_Table\" " +
                     "(\"UNLOCKED_CHAR_ID\" INTEGER, " +
                     "\"UNLOCKED_CHAR_NAME\" varchar(40))";

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the table using a SQL statement
    /// </summary>
    public void CreateTable_Query()
        string sql;

        // Start a transaction to batch the commands together

        // Create the table
        sql = "CREATE TABLE \"StarShip\" " +
              "(\"StarShipID\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL, " +
              "\"StarShipName\" varchar(60) NOT NULL, " +
              "\"HomePlanet\" varchar(100) DEFAULT Earth, " +
              "\"Range\" FLOAT NOT NULL, " +
              "\"Armor\" FLOAT DEFAULT 120, " +
              "\"Firepower\" FLOAT)";

        // Create an index on the starship name
        sql = "CREATE INDEX \"StarShip_StarShipName\" on \"StarShip\"(\"StarShipName\")";

        // Commit the transaction and run all the commands

        Results("Create Table Query Success!");
        void Start()
            dbManager.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts");

            dbManager.Execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE posts"
                              + " USING FTS5 ("
                              + "title"
                              + ",body"
                              + ")"

            dbManager.Execute("INSERT INTO posts "
                              + "("
                              + "title"
                              + ",body"
                              + ")"
                              + " VALUES ("
                              + "'Learn SQlite FTS5'"
                              + ",'This tutorial teaches you how to perform full-text search in SQLite using FTS5'"
                              + ")"
                              + ",("
                              + "'Advanced SQlite Full-text Search'"
                              + ",'Show you some advanced techniques in SQLite full-text searching'"
                              + ")"
                              + ",("
                              + "'SQLite Tutorial'"
                              + ",'Help you learn SQLite quickly and effectively'"
                              + ")"

            var matchResults = dbManager.Query <Post>("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE posts MATCH 'learn NOT text'");

            outputText.text = "Posts matching 'learn NOT text'\n\n";
            foreach (var result in matchResults)
                outputText.text += "<color=#1abc9c>Title</color>: '" + result.title + "' " +
                                   "<color=#1abc9c>Body</color>: '" + result.body + "'\n";
        void Start()
            outputText.text = "";

            // get the final path in the working directory by combining the persistentDataPath with the new file name
            var attachDatabaseFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, attachDatabaseNewFileName);

            // extract the attach database file from the Unity project into the working directory
            if (!ExtractDatabase(attachDatabaseFilePath))
                // failed, exit

            // attach to the scifi database
            dbManager.Execute("ATTACH DATABASE '" + attachDatabaseFilePath + "' AS SciFi");

            // query the players from the newly attached database and output them to the screen
            outputText.text += "Players:\n";
            var players = dbManager.Query <PlayerStats>("SELECT * FROM PlayerStats");

            foreach (var player in players)
                outputText.text += player.PlayerName + "\n";

            outputText.text += "\n\n";

            // query the weapons from the original datbase and output them to the screen
            outputText.text += "Weapons:\n";
            var weapons = dbManager.Query <Weapon>("SELECT * FROM Weapon");

            foreach (var weapon in weapons)
                outputText.text += weapon.WeaponName + "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the player stats by executing a SQL statement. Note that no data is returned, this only modifies the table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='playerID'>
 /// The ID of the player to update
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='playerName'>
 /// Player name.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='totalKills'>
 /// Total kills.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='points'>
 /// Points.
 /// </param>
 private void UpdatePlayerStats_Query(int playerID, string playerName, int totalKills, int points)
     // Call our SQL statement using ? to bind our variables
     dbManager.Execute("UPDATE PlayerStats SET PlayerName = ?, TotalKills = ?, Points = ? WHERE PlayerID = ?", playerName, totalKills, points, playerID);
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the player stats by executing a SQL statement. Note that no data is returned, this only modifies the table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='playerName'>
 /// Player name.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='totalKills'>
 /// Total kills.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='points'>
 /// Points.
 /// </param>
 private void SavePlayerStats_Query(string playerName, int totalKills, int points)
     // Call our SQL statement using ? to bind our variables
     dbManager.Execute("INSERT INTO PlayerStats (PlayerName, TotalKills, Points) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", playerName, totalKills, points);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the first player stat by executing a SQL statement. Note that no data is returned, this only modifies the table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='playerID'>
 /// The ID of the player to update
 /// </param>
 private void DeletePlayerStats_Query(int playerID)
     // Call our SQL statement using ? to bind our variables
     dbManager.Execute("DELETE FROM PlayerStats WHERE PlayerID = ?", playerID);