Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void SaveFile(OutputFileType fileType,
                                     PayloadType payloadType,
                                     string fileName,
                                     bool isInput,
                                     SimpleMemory memory)
            var fileNamePrefix = isInput ? "in-" : "out-";
            var direction      = isInput ? "input" : "output";

            switch (fileType)
            case OutputFileType.None: return;

            case OutputFileType.Hexdump:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                    fileName = fileNamePrefix + DefaultHexdumpFileName;
                Console.WriteLine("Saving {0} hexdump to '{1}'...", direction, fileName);
                if (fileName == Options.OutputFileNameConsole)
                    WriteHexdump(Console.Out, memory);
                    using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, Encoding.UTF8))
                        WriteHexdump(streamWriter, memory);

            case OutputFileType.Binary:
                if (payloadType != PayloadType.BinaryFile)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                        fileName = fileNamePrefix + DefaultBinaryFileName;
                    Console.WriteLine("Saving {0} binary file to '{1}'...", direction, fileName);
                    using (var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
                        var accessor = new SimpleMemoryAccessor(memory);
                        var segment  = accessor.Get().GetUnderlyingArray();
                        fileStream.Write(segment.Array, segment.Offset, memory.ByteCount);

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown {0} file type: {1}", direction, fileType));

            Console.WriteLine("File saved.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override async Task <IHardwareExecutionInformation> Execute(
            SimpleMemory simpleMemory,
            int memberId,
            IHardwareExecutionContext executionContext)
            _devicePoolPopulator.PopulateDevicePoolIfNew(async() =>
                var portNames = await GetFpgaPortNames(executionContext);
                return(portNames.Select(portName => new Device {
                    Identifier = portName

            using (var device = await _devicePoolManager.ReserveDevice())
                var context = BeginExecution();

                // Initializing some serial port connection settings (may be different with some FPGA boards).
                // For detailed info on how the SerialPort class works see: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/e36193cd-a708-42b3-86b7-adff82b19e5e/how-does-serialport-handle-datareceived?forum=netfxbcl
                // Also we might consider this: http://www.sparxeng.com/blog/software/must-use-net-system-io-ports-serialport

                using (var serialPort = CreateSerialPort(executionContext))
                    serialPort.PortName = device.Identifier;

                        // We try to open the serial port.
                    catch (IOException ex)
                        throw new SerialPortCommunicationException(
                                  "Communication with the FPGA board through the serial port failed. Probably the FPGA board is not connected.",

                    if (serialPort.IsOpen)
                        Logger.Information("The port {0} is ours.", serialPort.PortName);
                        throw new SerialPortCommunicationException(
                                  "Communication with the FPGA board through the serial port failed. The " +
                                  serialPort.PortName + " exists but it's used by another process.");

                    // Here we put together the data stream.

                    // Prepare memory.
                    var dma = new SimpleMemoryAccessor(simpleMemory);
                    // The first parameter is actually just a byte but we only fetch whole cells so 3/4 of the cell is padding.
                    var memory       = dma.Get(MemoryPrefixCellCount).Slice(FirstCellPadding);
                    var memoryLength = simpleMemory.ByteCount;

                    // Execute Order 66.
                    // Set command type
                    var commandType = (byte)CommandTypes.Execution;
                    MemoryMarshal.Write(memory.Span, ref commandType);
                    // Copying the input length, represented as bytes, to the output buffer.
                    MemoryMarshal.Write(memory.Span.Slice(1, sizeof(int)), ref memoryLength);
                    // Copying the member ID, represented as bytes, to the output buffer.
                    MemoryMarshal.Write(memory.Span.Slice(1 + sizeof(int), sizeof(int)), ref memberId);

                    // Sending the data.
                    // Just using serialPort.Write() once with all the data would stop sending data after 16372 bytes so
                    // we need to create batches. Since the FPGA receives data in the multiples of 4 bytes we use a batch
                    // of 4 bytes. This seems to have no negative impact on performance compared to using
                    // serialPort.Write() once.
                    var maxBytesToSendAtOnce = 4;
                    var memoryAsArraySegment = memory.GetUnderlyingArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)Math.Ceiling(memory.Length / (decimal)maxBytesToSendAtOnce); i++)
                        var remainingBytes = memory.Length - i * maxBytesToSendAtOnce;
                        var bytesToSend    = remainingBytes > maxBytesToSendAtOnce ? maxBytesToSendAtOnce : remainingBytes;
                        serialPort.Write(memoryAsArraySegment.Array, i * maxBytesToSendAtOnce + memoryAsArraySegment.Offset, bytesToSend);

                    // Processing the response.
                    var taskCompletionSource       = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
                    var communicationState         = Serial.CommunicationState.WaitForFirstResponse;
                    var outputByteCountBytes       = new byte[4];
                    var outputByteCountByteCounter = 0;
                    var outputByteCount            = 0;         // The incoming byte buffer size.
                    var outputBytesReceivedCount   = 0;         // Just used to know when the data is ready.
                    var outputBytes              = new byte[0]; // The incoming buffer.
                    var executionTimeBytes       = new byte[8];
                    var executionTimeByteCounter = 0;

                    void processReceivedByte(byte receivedByte, bool isLastOfBatch)
                        switch (communicationState)
                        case Serial.CommunicationState.WaitForFirstResponse:
                            if (receivedByte == Serial.Signals.Ping)
                                communicationState = Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingExecutionInformation;
                                throw new SerialPortCommunicationException(
                                          "Awaited a ping signal from the FPGA after it finished but received the following byte instead: " +

                        case Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingExecutionInformation:
                            executionTimeBytes[executionTimeByteCounter] = receivedByte;
                            if (executionTimeByteCounter == 8)
                                var executionTimeClockCycles = BitConverter.ToUInt64(executionTimeBytes, 0);

                                SetHardwareExecutionTime(context, executionContext, executionTimeClockCycles);

                                communicationState = Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingOutputByteCount;

                        case Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingOutputByteCount:
                            outputByteCountBytes[outputByteCountByteCounter] = receivedByte;

                            if (outputByteCountByteCounter == 4)
                                outputByteCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(outputByteCountBytes, 0);

                                // Since the output's size can differ from the input size for optimization reasons,
                                // we take the explicit size into account.
                                outputBytes = new byte[outputByteCount + MemoryPrefixCellCount * SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes];

                                Logger.Information("Incoming data size in bytes: {0}", outputByteCount);

                                communicationState = Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingOuput;

                        case Serial.CommunicationState.ReceivingOuput:
                            // There is a padding of PrefixCellCount cells for the unlikely case that the user
                            // would directly feed back the output as the next call's input. This way Prefix space
                            // is maintained.
                            outputBytes[outputBytesReceivedCount + MemoryPrefixCellCount * SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes] = receivedByte;

                            if (outputByteCount == outputBytesReceivedCount)
                                dma.Set(outputBytes, MemoryPrefixCellCount);

                                // Serial communication can give more data than we actually await, so need to
                                // set this.
                                communicationState = Serial.CommunicationState.Finished;



                    // In this event we are receiving the useful data coming from the FPGA board.
                    serialPort.DataReceived += (s, e) =>
                        if (e.EventType == SerialData.Chars)
                            var inputBuffer = new byte[serialPort.BytesToRead];
                            serialPort.Read(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length);

                            for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer.Length; i++)
                                processReceivedByte(inputBuffer[i], i == inputBuffer.Length - 1);

                                if (communicationState == Serial.CommunicationState.Finished)

                    await taskCompletionSource.Task;


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override async Task <IHardwareExecutionInformation> Execute(
            SimpleMemory simpleMemory,
            int memberId,
            IHardwareExecutionContext executionContext)
            _devicePoolPopulator.PopulateDevicePoolIfNew(async() =>
                // Because the FPGA_GetNumberEndpoints function is not implemented in the current driver (and it's not
                // included in the CatapultNativeLibrary interface because of that) it's not possible to know the
                // number of endpoints. Instead this algorithm probes the first 8 indices. The single device is
                // expected to be in endpoint 0 according to spec so this will get at least one result always.
                var libraries = await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(0, 7).Select(i => Task.Run(() =>
                        var config = executionContext.ProxyGenerationConfiguration.CustomConfiguration;
                        return(CatapultLibrary.Create(config, Logger, i));
                    catch (CatapultFunctionResultException ex)
                        // The illegal endpoint number messages are normal for higher endpoints if they aren't
                        // populated, so it's OK to suppress them.
                        if (!(i > 0 && ex.Status == Status.IllegalEndpointNumber))
                            Logger.Error(ex, $"Received {ex.Status} while trying to instantiate CatapultLibrary on EndPoint {i}. This device won't be used.");

                       .Where(x => x != null)
                       .Select(x => new Device(x.InstanceName, x, Device_Disposing)));

            using (var device = await _devicePoolManager.ReserveDevice())
                var             context = BeginExecution();
                CatapultLibrary lib     = device.Metadata;
                lib.TesterOutput = TesterOutput;
                var dma = new SimpleMemoryAccessor(simpleMemory);

                // Sending the data.
                //var task = lib.AssignJob(memberId, dma.Get());
                var task         = lib.AssignJob(memberId, HotfixInput(dma.Get()));
                var outputBuffer = await task;

                // Processing the response.
                var executionTimeClockCycles = MemoryMarshal.Read <ulong>(outputBuffer.Span);
                SetHardwareExecutionTime(context, executionContext, executionTimeClockCycles);

                var outputPayloadByteCount = SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes * (int)MemoryMarshal.Read <uint>(
                if (outputBuffer.Length > OutputHeaderSizes.Total + outputPayloadByteCount)
                    outputBuffer = outputBuffer.Slice(0, OutputHeaderSizes.Total + outputPayloadByteCount);

                if (outputPayloadByteCount > SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes)
                    outputBuffer = HotfixOutput(outputBuffer);
                dma.Set(outputBuffer, Constants.OutputHeaderSizes.Total / SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes);
                Logger.Information("Incoming data size in bytes: {0}", outputPayloadByteCount);


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override async Task <IHardwareExecutionInformation> Execute(
            SimpleMemory simpleMemory,
            int memberId,
            IHardwareExecutionContext executionContext)
            _devicePoolPopulator.PopulateDevicePoolIfNew(async() =>
                // Get the IP addresses of the FPGA boards.
                var fpgaEndpoints = await _fpgaIpEndpointFinder.FindFpgaEndpoints();

                if (!fpgaEndpoints.Any())
                    throw new EthernetCommunicationException("Couldn't find any FPGAs on the network.");

                return(fpgaEndpoints.Select(endpoint =>
                                            new Device {
                    Identifier = endpoint.Endpoint.Address.ToString(), Metadata = endpoint

            using (var device = await _devicePoolManager.ReserveDevice())
                var context = BeginExecution();

                IFpgaEndpoint fpgaEndpoint   = device.Metadata;
                var           fpgaIpEndpoint = fpgaEndpoint.Endpoint;

                Logger.Information("IP endpoint to communicate with via Ethernet: {0}:{1}", fpgaIpEndpoint.Address, fpgaIpEndpoint.Port);

                    using (var client = new TcpClient())
                        // Initialize the connection.
                        if (!await client.ConnectAsync(fpgaIpEndpoint, TcpConnectionTimeout))
                            throw new EthernetCommunicationException("Couldn't connect to FPGA before the timeout exceeded.");

                        using (var stream = client.GetStream())
                            // We send an execution signal to make the FPGA ready to receive the data stream.
                            var executionCommandTypeByte = new byte[] { (byte)CommandTypes.Execution };
                            stream.Write(executionCommandTypeByte, 0, executionCommandTypeByte.Length);

                            var executionCommandTypeResponseByte = await GetBytesFromStream(stream, 1);

                            if (executionCommandTypeResponseByte[0] != Ethernet.Signals.Ready)
                                throw new EthernetCommunicationException("Awaited a ready signal from the FPGA after the execution byte was sent but received the following byte instead: " + executionCommandTypeResponseByte[0]);

                            // Here we put together the data stream.
                            var dma              = new SimpleMemoryAccessor(simpleMemory);
                            var memory           = dma.Get(MemoryPrefixCellCount); // This way memory doesn't have to be copied.
                            var memoryDataLength = memory.Length - MemoryPrefixCellCount * SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes;

                            // Copying the input length, represented as bytes, to the output buffer.
                            MemoryMarshal.Write(memory.Span, ref memoryDataLength);
                            // Copying the member ID, represented as bytes, to the output buffer.
                            MemoryMarshal.Write(memory.Span.Slice(sizeof(int)), ref memberId);

                            // Sending data to the FPGA board.
                            var segment = memory.GetUnderlyingArray();
                            stream.Write(segment.Array, segment.Offset, memory.Length);

                            // Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes that will represent the execution time.
                            var executionTimeBytes = await GetBytesFromStream(stream, sizeof(ulong));

                            var executionTimeClockCycles = BitConverter.ToUInt64(executionTimeBytes, 0);
                            SetHardwareExecutionTime(context, executionContext, executionTimeClockCycles);

                            // Read the bytes representing the length of the simple memory.
                            var outputByteCount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(await GetBytesFromStream(stream, sizeof(uint)), 0);

                            Logger.Information("Incoming data size in bytes: {0}", outputByteCount);

                            // Finally read the memory itself.
                            var outputBytes = await GetBytesFromStream(stream, (int)outputByteCount, MemoryPrefixCellCount *SimpleMemory.MemoryCellSizeBytes);

                            dma.Set(outputBytes, MemoryPrefixCellCount);
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    throw new EthernetCommunicationException("An unexpected error occurred during the Ethernet communication.", ex);

