Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SearchResult Search(SearchCriteria criteria)
            SearchResult retVal;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Keyword) && _settingsManager.GetValue("VirtoCommerce.SearchApi.UseCatalogIndexedSearchInManager", true))
                // use indexed search
                retVal = new SearchResult();

                // TODO: create outline for category
                // TODO: implement sorting

                var serviceCriteria = new SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria()
                    RawQuery          = criteria.Keyword,
                    Catalog           = criteria.CatalogId,
                    StartingRecord    = criteria.Skip,
                    RecordsToRetrieve = criteria.Take,
                    WithHidden        = true

                SearchItems(_searchConnection.Scope, retVal, serviceCriteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemInfo | ItemResponseGroup.Outlines);
                // use original impl. from catalog module
                retVal = _catalogSearchService.Search(criteria);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Can_find_using_simple_search(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RawQuery          = "color:bLue"

            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
            var productName = results.Documents.ElementAt(0)["name"] as string; // black sox

            Assert.True(productName == "blue shirt");

            if (providerType == "Elastic")
                criteria = new SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria
                    Catalog           = "goods",
                    RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                    StartingRecord    = 0,
                    RawQuery          = @"price_usd:[100 TO 199]"

                results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);
                Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            criteria = new SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RawQuery          = @"is:priced"

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);
            Assert.True(results.DocCount > 0, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of >0", results.DocCount));

            criteria = new SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RawQuery          = @"is:visible is:red3"

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);
            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual QueryContainer GetSimpleQuery <T>(SimpleCatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria)
            where T : class
            QueryContainer result = null;

            if (criteria != null)
                if (criteria.RawQuery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.RawQuery))
                    result = new QueryStringQuery {
                        Query = criteria.RawQuery, Lenient = true, DefaultOperator = Operator.And, Analyzer = "standard"
