Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Texture2D GenHeadTex(VMAvatar ava)
            var m_Head = new SimAvatar(ava.Avatar); //talk about confusing...


            var HeadCamera = new BasicCamera(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, new Vector3(0.0f, 7.0f, -17.0f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

            var pos2 = m_Head.Skeleton.GetBone("HEAD").AbsolutePosition;

            pos2.Y += 0.1f;
            HeadCamera.Position         = new Vector3(0, pos2.Y, 12.5f);
            HeadCamera.FOV              = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            HeadCamera.Target           = pos2;
            HeadCamera.ProjectionOrigin = new Vector2(74 / 2, 74 / 2);

            var HeadScene = new _3DTargetScene(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, HeadCamera, new Point(74, 74), (GlobalSettings.Default.AntiAlias > 0) ? 8 : 0);

            HeadScene.ID = "UIPieMenuHead";

            m_Head.Scene = HeadScene;
            m_Head.Scale = new Vector3(1f);

            HeadCamera.Zoom = 13f;

            //rotate camera, similar to pie menu

            double xdir = Math.Atan(50 / 100.0);
            double ydir = Math.Atan(-50 / 100.0);

            Vector3 off = new Vector3(0, 0, 13.5f);
            Matrix  mat = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)xdir) * Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix.CreateRotationX((float)ydir);

            HeadCamera.Position = new Vector3(0, pos2.Y, 0) + Vector3.Transform(off, mat);

            if (ava.IsPet)
                HeadCamera.Zoom *= 1.5f;
            //end rotate camera


            var copy = TextureUtils.CopyAccelerated(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, HeadScene.Target);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public UIPieMenu(List <VMPieMenuInteraction> pie, VMEntity obj, VMEntity caller, UILotControl parent)
            if (FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor > 1.33f)
                ScaleX = ScaleY = FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor * 0.75f;
            TrueScale        = ScaleX * FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor;
            m_PieButtons     = new List <UIButton>();
            this.m_Obj       = obj;
            this.m_Caller    = caller;
            this.m_Parent    = parent;
            this.ButtonStyle = new TextStyle
                Font          = GameFacade.MainFont,
                VFont         = GameFacade.VectorFont,
                Size          = 12,
                Color         = new Color(0xA5, 0xC3, 0xD6),
                SelectedColor = new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF),
                CursorColor   = new Color(255, 255, 255)

            HighlightStyle       = ButtonStyle.Clone();
            HighlightStyle.Color = Color.Yellow;

            lerpSpeed = 0.125f * (60.0f / FSOEnvironment.RefreshRate);
            m_Bg      = new UIImage(TextureGenerator.GetPieBG(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice));
            m_Bg.SetSize(0, 0); //is scaled up later
            this.AddAt(0, m_Bg);

            m_PieTree = new UIPieMenuItem()
                Category = true

            for (int i = 0; i < pie.Count; i++)
                string[] depth = (pie[i].Name == null)?new string[] { "???" } :pie[i].Name.Split('/');

                var category = m_PieTree;                  //set category to root
                for (int j = 0; j < depth.Length - 1; j++) //iterate through categories
                    if (category.ChildrenByName.ContainsKey(depth[j]))
                        category = category.ChildrenByName[depth[j]];
                        var newCat = new UIPieMenuItem()
                            Category = true,
                            Name     = depth[j],
                            Parent   = category
                        category.ChildrenByName[depth[j]] = newCat;
                        category = newCat;
                //we are in the category, put the interaction in here;

                var name     = depth[depth.Length - 1];
                var semiInd  = name.LastIndexOf(';');
                int colorMod = 0;
                if (semiInd > -1)
                    int.TryParse(name.Substring(semiInd + 1), out colorMod);
                    name = name.Substring(0, semiInd);

                var item = new UIPieMenuItem()
                    Category = false,
                    Name     = name,
                    ColorMod = colorMod,
                    ID       = pie[i].ID,
                    Param0   = pie[i].Param0,
                    Global   = pie[i].Global
                category.ChildrenByName[item.Name] = item;

            m_CurrentItem = m_PieTree;
            m_PieButtons  = new List <UIButton>();

            VMAvatar Avatar = (VMAvatar)caller;

            m_Head = new SimAvatar(Avatar.Avatar); //talk about confusing...

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public UIPieMenu(List <VMPieMenuInteraction> pie, VMEntity obj, VMEntity caller, UILotControl parent)
            if (FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor > 1.33f)
                ScaleX = ScaleY = FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor * 0.75f;
            TrueScale        = ScaleX * FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor;
            m_PieButtons     = new List <UIButton>();
            this.m_Obj       = obj;
            this.m_Caller    = caller;
            this.m_Parent    = parent;
            this.ButtonStyle = new TextStyle
                Font          = GameFacade.MainFont,
                Size          = 12,
                Color         = new Color(0xA5, 0xC3, 0xD6),
                SelectedColor = new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF),
                CursorColor   = new Color(255, 255, 255)

            m_Bg = new UIImage(TextureGenerator.GetPieBG(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice));
            m_Bg.SetSize(0, 0); //is scaled up later
            this.AddAt(0, m_Bg);

            m_PieTree = new UIPieMenuItem()
                Category = true

            for (int i = 0; i < pie.Count; i++)
                string[] depth = (pie[i].Name == null)?new string[] { "???" } :pie[i].Name.Split('/');

                var category = m_PieTree;                  //set category to root
                for (int j = 0; j < depth.Length - 1; j++) //iterate through categories
                    if (category.Children.ContainsKey(depth[j]))
                        category = category.Children[depth[j]];
                        var newCat = new UIPieMenuItem()
                            Category = true,
                            Name     = depth[j],
                            Parent   = category
                        category.Children.Add(depth[j], newCat);
                        category = newCat;
                //we are in the category, put the interaction in here;

                var item = new UIPieMenuItem()
                    Category = false,
                    Name     = depth[depth.Length - 1],
                    ID       = pie[i].ID,
                    Param0   = pie[i].Param0
                if (!category.Children.ContainsKey(item.Name))
                    category.Children.Add(item.Name, item);

            m_CurrentItem = m_PieTree;
            m_PieButtons  = new List <UIButton>();

            VMAvatar Avatar = (VMAvatar)caller;

            m_Head = new SimAvatar(Avatar.Avatar); //talk about confusing...

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Texture2D GenHeadTex(Outfit headOft, string name)
            var      skels = Content.Content.Get().AvatarSkeletons;
            Skeleton skel  = null;
            bool     pet   = false;

            if (name.StartsWith("uaa"))
                if (name.Contains("cat"))
                    skel = skels.Get("cat.skel");
                    skel = skels.Get("dog.skel");
                pet = true;
                skel = skels.Get("adult.skel");

            var m_Head = new SimAvatar(skel);

            m_Head.Head = headOft;

            var HeadCamera = new BasicCamera(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, new Vector3(0.0f, 7.0f, -17.0f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

            var pos2 = m_Head.Skeleton.GetBone("HEAD").AbsolutePosition;

            pos2.Y += (pet)?((name.Contains("dog"))?0.16f:0.1f):0.12f;
            HeadCamera.Position         = new Vector3(0, pos2.Y, 12.5f);
            HeadCamera.FOV              = (float)Math.PI / 3f;
            HeadCamera.Target           = pos2;
            HeadCamera.ProjectionOrigin = new Vector2(66 / 2, 66 / 2);

            var HeadScene = new _3DTargetScene(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, HeadCamera, new Point(66, 66), 0);// (GlobalSettings.Default.AntiAlias) ? 8 : 0);

            HeadScene.ID         = "UIPieMenuHead";
            HeadScene.ClearColor = new Color(49, 65, 88);

            m_Head.Scene = HeadScene;
            m_Head.Scale = new Vector3(1f);

            HeadCamera.Zoom = 19.5f;

            //rotate camera, similar to pie menu

            double xdir = 0; //Math.Atan(0);
            double ydir = 0; //Math.Atan(0);

            Vector3 off = new Vector3(0, 0, 13.5f);
            Matrix  mat = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix.CreateRotationY((float)xdir) * Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix.CreateRotationX((float)ydir);

            HeadCamera.Position = new Vector3(0, pos2.Y, 0) + Vector3.Transform(off, mat);

            if (pet)
                HeadCamera.Zoom *= 1.3f;
            //end rotate camera


            return(Common.Utils.TextureUtils.Decimate(HeadScene.Target, GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, 2, true));