Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task BroadcastCoinJoinIfFullySignedAsync()
            using (await RoundSyncronizerLock.LockAsync())
                // Check if fully signed.
                if (SignedCoinJoin.Inputs.All(x => x.HasWitness()))
                    Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Trying to broadcast coinjoin.");

                        Coin[] spentCoins = Alices.SelectMany(x => x.Inputs.Select(y => new Coin(y.OutPoint, y.Output))).ToArray();
                        Money  networkFee = SignedCoinJoin.GetFee(spentCoins);
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Network Fee: {networkFee.ToString(false, false)} BTC.");
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Coordinator Fee: {SignedCoinJoin.Outputs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ScriptPubKey == Constants.GetCoordinatorAddress(RpcClient.Network).ScriptPubKey)?.Value?.ToString(false, false) ?? "0"} BTC.");
                        FeeRate feeRate = SignedCoinJoin.GetFeeRate(spentCoins);
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Network Fee Rate: {feeRate.FeePerK.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.Satoshi) / 1000} satoshi/byte.");
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Number of inputs: {SignedCoinJoin.Inputs.Count}.");
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Number of outputs: {SignedCoinJoin.Outputs.Count}.");
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Serialized Size: {SignedCoinJoin.GetSerializedSize() / 1024} KB.");
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): VSize: {SignedCoinJoin.GetVirtualSize() / 1024} KB.");
                        foreach (var o in SignedCoinJoin.GetIndistinguishableOutputs().Where(x => x.count > 1))
                            Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): There are {o.count} occurences of {o.value.ToString(true, false)} BTC output.");

                        await RpcClient.SendRawTransactionAsync(SignedCoinJoin);

                        Succeed(syncLock: false);
                        Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Successfully broadcasted the CoinJoin: {SignedCoinJoin.GetHash()}.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.LogError <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Failed to broadcast the CoinJoin: {SignedCoinJoin.GetHash()}.");
                        Logger.LogError <CcjRound>(ex);
                        Fail(syncLock: false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(CcjRoundPhase expectedPhase)
            using (await RoundSyncronizerLock.LockAsync())
                    Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Phase change requested: {expectedPhase.ToString()}.");

                    if (Status == CcjRoundStatus.NotStarted)                     // So start the input registration phase
                        if (expectedPhase != CcjRoundPhase.InputRegistration)

                        // Calculate fees
                        var inputSizeInBytes  = (int)Math.Ceiling(((3 * Constants.P2wpkhInputSizeInBytes) + Constants.P2pkhInputSizeInBytes) / 4m);
                        var outputSizeInBytes = Constants.OutputSizeInBytes;
                            var estimateSmartFeeResponse = await RpcClient.EstimateSmartFeeAsync(ConfirmationTarget, EstimateSmartFeeMode.Conservative, simulateIfRegTest : true);

                            if (estimateSmartFeeResponse == null)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("FeeRate is not yet initialized");
                            var   feeRate     = estimateSmartFeeResponse.FeeRate;
                            Money feePerBytes = (feeRate.FeePerK / 1000);

                            // Make sure min relay fee (1000 sat) is hit.
                            FeePerInputs  = Math.Max(feePerBytes * inputSizeInBytes, new Money(500));
                            FeePerOutputs = Math.Max(feePerBytes * outputSizeInBytes, new Money(250));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // If fee hasn't been initialized once, fall back.
                            if (FeePerInputs == null || FeePerOutputs == null)
                                var feePerBytes = new Money(100);                                 // 100 satoshi per byte

                                // Make sure min relay fee (1000 sat) is hit.
                                FeePerInputs  = Math.Max(feePerBytes * inputSizeInBytes, new Money(500));
                                FeePerOutputs = Math.Max(feePerBytes * outputSizeInBytes, new Money(250));

                            Logger.LogError <CcjRound>(ex);

                        Status = CcjRoundStatus.Running;
                    else if (Status != CcjRoundStatus.Running)                     // Failed or succeeded, swallow
                    else if (Phase == CcjRoundPhase.InputRegistration)
                        if (expectedPhase != CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation)

                        RoundHash = NBitcoinHelpers.HashOutpoints(Alices.SelectMany(x => x.Inputs).Select(y => y.OutPoint));

                        Phase = CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation;
                    else if (Phase == CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation)
                        if (expectedPhase != CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration)

                        Phase = CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration;
                    else if (Phase == CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration)
                        if (expectedPhase != CcjRoundPhase.Signing)

                        // Build CoinJoin

                        // 1. Set new denomination: minor optimization.
                        Money newDenomination = Alices.Min(x => x.OutputSumWithoutCoordinatorFeeAndDenomination);
                        var   transaction     = RpcClient.Network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction();

                        // 2. Add Bob outputs.
                        foreach (Bob bob in Bobs)
                            transaction.AddOutput(newDenomination, bob.ActiveOutputAddress.ScriptPubKey);

                        BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress coordinatorAddress = Constants.GetCoordinatorAddress(RpcClient.Network);
                        // 3. If there are less Bobs than Alices, then add our own address. The malicious Alice, who will refuse to sign.
                        for (int i = 0; i < Alices.Count - Bobs.Count; i++)
                            transaction.AddOutput(newDenomination, coordinatorAddress);

                        // 4. Start building Coordinator fee.
                        Money coordinatorFeePerAlice = newDenomination.Percentange(CoordinatorFeePercent);
                        Money coordinatorFee         = Alices.Count * coordinatorFeePerAlice;

                        // 5. Add the inputs and the changes of Alices.
                        foreach (Alice alice in Alices)
                            foreach (var input in alice.Inputs)
                                transaction.AddInput(new TxIn(input.OutPoint));
                            Money changeAmount = alice.GetChangeAmount(newDenomination, coordinatorFeePerAlice);
                            if (changeAmount > Money.Zero)                                        // If the coordinator fee would make change amount to be negative or zero then no need to pay it.
                                Money minimumOutputAmount      = Money.Coins(0.0001m);            // If the change would be less than about $1 then add it to the coordinator.
                                Money onePercentOfDenomination = newDenomination.Percentange(1m); // If the change is less than about 1% of the newDenomination then add it to the coordinator fee.
                                Money minimumChangeAmount      = Math.Max(minimumOutputAmount, onePercentOfDenomination);
                                if (changeAmount < minimumChangeAmount)
                                    coordinatorFee += changeAmount;
                                    transaction.AddOutput(changeAmount, alice.ChangeOutputAddress.ScriptPubKey);
                                coordinatorFee -= coordinatorFeePerAlice;

                        // 6. Add Coordinator fee only if > about $3, else just let it to be miner fee.
                        if (coordinatorFee > Money.Coins(0.0003m))
                            transaction.AddOutput(coordinatorFee, coordinatorAddress);

                        // 7. Create the unsigned transaction.
                        var builder = new TransactionBuilder();
                        UnsignedCoinJoin = builder

                        SignedCoinJoin = RpcClient.Network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction();

                        Phase = CcjRoundPhase.Signing;

                    Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): Phase initialized: {expectedPhase.ToString()}.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogError <CcjRound>(ex);
                    Status = CcjRoundStatus.Failed;

#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            Task.Run(async() =>
                TimeSpan timeout;
                switch (expectedPhase)
                case CcjRoundPhase.InputRegistration:
                    timeout = InputRegistrationTimeout;

                case CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation:
                    timeout = ConnectionConfirmationTimeout;

                case CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration:
                    timeout = OutputRegistrationTimeout;

                case CcjRoundPhase.Signing:
                    timeout = SigningTimeout;

                default: throw new InvalidOperationException("This is impossible to happen.");

                // Delay asyncronously to the requested timeout.
                await Task.Delay(timeout);

                var executeRunFailure = false;
                using (await RoundSyncronizerLock.LockAsync())
                    executeRunFailure = Status == CcjRoundStatus.Running && Phase == expectedPhase;
                if (executeRunFailure)
                    Logger.LogInfo <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): {expectedPhase.ToString()} timed out after {timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds. Failure mode is executing.");

                    // This will happen outside the lock.
                    Task.Run(async() =>
                            switch (expectedPhase)
                            case CcjRoundPhase.InputRegistration:
                                    // Only fail if less two one Alice is registered.
                                    // Don't ban anyone, it's ok if they lost connection.
                                    await RemoveAlicesIfInputsSpentAsync();
                                    int aliceCountAfterInputRegistrationTimeout = CountAlices();
                                    if (aliceCountAfterInputRegistrationTimeout < 2)
                                        // Progress to the next phase, which will be ConnectionConfirmation
                                        await ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation);

                            case CcjRoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation:
                                    // Only fail if less than two one alices are registered.
                                    // What if an attacker registers all the time many alices, then drops out. He'll achieve only 2 alices to participate?
                                    // If he registers many alices at InputRegistration
                                    // AND never confirms in connection confirmation
                                    // THEN connection confirmation will go with 2 alices in every round
                                    // Therefore Alices those didn't confirm, nor requested dsconnection should be banned:
                                    IEnumerable <Alice> alicesToBan1 = GetAlicesBy(AliceState.InputsRegistered);
                                    IEnumerable <Alice> alicesToBan2 = await RemoveAlicesIfInputsSpentAsync();                                            // So ban only those who confirmed participation, yet spent their inputs.

                                    IEnumerable <OutPoint> inputsToBan = alicesToBan1.SelectMany(x => x.Inputs).Select(y => y.OutPoint).Concat(alicesToBan2.SelectMany(x => x.Inputs).Select(y => y.OutPoint)).Distinct();

                                    if (inputsToBan.Any())
                                        await UtxoReferee.BanUtxosAsync(1, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, inputsToBan.ToArray());

                                    RemoveAlicesBy(alicesToBan1.Select(x => x.UniqueId).Concat(alicesToBan2.Select(y => y.UniqueId)).Distinct().ToArray());

                                    int aliceCountAfterConnectionConfirmationTimeout = CountAlices();
                                    if (aliceCountAfterConnectionConfirmationTimeout < 2)
                                        // Progress to the next phase, which will be OutputRegistration
                                        await ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration);

                            case CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration:
                                    // Output registration never fails.
                                    // We don't know which Alice to ban.
                                    // Therefore proceed to signing, and whichever Alice doesn't sign ban.
                                    await ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(CcjRoundPhase.Signing);

                            case CcjRoundPhase.Signing:
                                    var outpointsToBan = new List <OutPoint>();
                                    using (await RoundSyncronizerLock.LockAsync())
                                        foreach (Alice alice in Alices)
                                            if (alice.State != AliceState.SignedCoinJoin)
                                                outpointsToBan.AddRange(alice.Inputs.Select(x => x.OutPoint));
                                    if (outpointsToBan.Any())
                                        await UtxoReferee.BanUtxosAsync(1, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, outpointsToBan.ToArray());

                            default: throw new InvalidOperationException("This is impossible to happen.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.LogWarning <CcjRound>($"Round ({RoundId}): {expectedPhase.ToString()} timeout failed with exception: {ex}");
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed