Ejemplo n.º 1
        void EditLIA(ArrayList SQLString, SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity _header)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder( );

            strSql.Append("UPDATE JSKLIA SET ");
            strSql.AppendFormat("LIA011='{0}' ", _header.LIA011);
            strSql.AppendFormat("WHERE LIA001='{0}'", _header.LIA001);
            SQLString.Add(strSql.ToString( ));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void AddLIA(ArrayList SQLString, SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity _header)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder( );

            strSql.Append("INSERT INTO JSKLIA (");
            strSql.Append("LIA001,LIA003,LIA004,LIA005,LIA012,LIA960,LIA007,LIA013,LIA011,LIA964,LIA963) ");
            strSql.Append("VALUES (");
            strSql.AppendFormat("'{0}','{3}','{1}','{4}','F','{2}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}')", _header.LIA001, _header.LIA004, _header.LIA960, getTime( ).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), _header.LIA005, _header.LIA007, _header.LIA013, _header.LIA011, _header.LIA964, _header.LIA963);
            SQLString.Add(strSql.ToString( ));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成领料单  第二次覆盖上次的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oddNum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SavePick(string oddNum, string num)
            ArrayList     SQLString = new ArrayList( );
            StringBuilder strSql    = new StringBuilder( );

            DataTable table;

            SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity _header = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity( );
            _header.LIA004 = "C01";
            _header.LIA005 = "004";
            _header.LIA960 = oddNum;
            _header.LIA964 = num;
            _header.LIA007 = "F";
            _header.LIA013 = "1";
            strSql         = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT DEL013 LIA962 FROM QIXDEL WHERE DEL017='{0}' AND DEL016='{1}'", oddNum, num);
            table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (table == null || table.Rows.Count < 1)
                _header.LIA962 = string.Empty;
                _header.LIA962 = table.Rows [0] ["LIA962"].ToString( );

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT DEL001 LIB003,DEL002 LIB004,DEL003 LIB024,DEL004 LIB005,DEL006 LIB006,DEL005 LIB019,DEL007*DEL008+DEL009 LIB008,DEL007 LIB982,DEL008 LIB983,DEL009 LIB984,DEL012 LIB960,IBB004 LIB964,IBB961 LIB961 FROM QIXDEL A INNER JOIN DCSIBB B ON A.DEL017=B.IBB001 WHERE DEL017='{0}' AND DEL016='{1}'", oddNum, num);
            table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (table == null || table.Rows.Count < 1)

            DataTable tableOne;

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM JSKLIA WHERE LIA960='{0}' AND LIA964='{1}'", oddNum, num);
            tableOne = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (!SqlHelper.Exists(strSql.ToString( )))
                _header.LIA001 = getOddNumPick( );
                AddLIA(SQLString, _header);

                SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity _body = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity( );
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    _body.LIB001 = _header.LIA001;
                    _body.LIB002 = (i + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                    _body.LIB003 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB003"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB004 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB004"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB005 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB005"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB006 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB006"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB007 = -1;
                    _body.LIB008 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB019 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB019"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB020 = 1;
                    _body.LIB021 = 1;
                    _body.LIB022 = _body.LIB005;
                    _body.LIB024 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB024"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB023 = _body.LIB008;
                    _body.LIB960 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB960"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB961 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB961"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB964 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB964"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB984 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB982 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB983 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( ));

                    AddPick(SQLString, strSql, _body);
                _header.LIA001 = tableOne.Rows [0] ["LIA001"].ToString( );
                EditLIA(SQLString, _header);

                strSql = new StringBuilder( );
                strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT LIB003,LIB006,LIB019,LIB002 FROM JSKLIB WHERE LIB001='{0}'", _header.LIA001);
                DataTable tableTwo = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
                SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity _body = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity( );
                List <string> codeList = new List <string> ( );
                string        code     = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    _body.LIB001 = _header.LIA001;
                    _body.LIB002 = (i + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                    _body.LIB003 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB003"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB004 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB004"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB005 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB005"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB006 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB006"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB007 = -1;
                    _body.LIB008 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB019 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB019"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB020 = 1;
                    _body.LIB021 = 1;
                    _body.LIB022 = _body.LIB005;
                    _body.LIB024 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB024"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB023 = _body.LIB008;
                    _body.LIB960 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB960"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB961 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB961"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB964 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB964"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB984 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB982 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB983 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( ));

                    if (tableTwo != null && tableTwo.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (tableTwo.Select("LIB003='" + _body.LIB003 + "' AND LIB006='" + _body.LIB006 + "' AND LIB019='" + _body.LIB019 + "'").Length > 0)
                            _body.LIB002 = tableTwo.Select("LIB003='" + _body.LIB003 + "' AND LIB006='" + _body.LIB006 + "' AND LIB019='" + _body.LIB019 + "'") [0] ["LIB002"].ToString( );
                            EditLIB(SQLString, _body);
                            _body.LIB002 = tableTwo.Compute("MAX(LIB002)", null).ToString( );
                            _body.LIB002 = (Convert.ToInt32(_body.LIB002) + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                            if (codeList.Contains(_body.LIB002))
                                code = codeList.Max( );
                                code = string.Empty;
                            if (code != string.Empty && Convert.ToInt32(code) > Convert.ToInt32(_body.LIB002))
                                _body.LIB002 = (Convert.ToInt32(code) + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                            AddPick(SQLString, strSql, _body);
                        AddPick(SQLString, strSql, _body);


            if (SqlHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(SQLString))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成领料单  不覆盖上次的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oddNum"></param>
        /// <param name="num"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SavePickOne(string oddNum, string num, string piNum, string numOfOrder)
            ArrayList     SQLString = new ArrayList( );
            StringBuilder strSql    = new StringBuilder( );

            SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity _body = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity( );
            //_body . LIB961 = piNum;
            //_body . LIB964 = num;

            DataTable table;

            SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity _header = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity( );
            _header.LIA004 = "C01";
            _header.LIA005 = "004";
            _header.LIA960 = oddNum + "-" + numOfOrder;
            _header.LIA964 = num;
            _header.LIA007 = "F";
            _header.LIA013 = "1";
            _header.LIA963 = piNum;
            strSql         = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT DEL013 LIA962 FROM QIXDEL WHERE DEL017='{0}' AND DEL016='{1}' AND DEL018='{2}'", oddNum, num, numOfOrder);
            table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (table == null || table.Rows.Count < 1)
                _header.LIA011 = string.Empty;
                _header.LIA011 = table.Rows [0] ["LIA962"].ToString( );

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            //strSql . AppendFormat ( "SELECT DEL001 LIB003,DEL002 LIB004,DEL003 LIB024,DEL004 LIB005,DEL006 LIB006,DEL005 LIB019,DEL007*DEL008+DEL009 LIB008,DEL007 LIB982,DEL008 LIB983,DEL009 LIB984,DEL012 LIB960,IBB004 LIB964,IBB961 LIB961 FROM QIXDEL A INNER JOIN DCSIBB B ON A.DEL017=B.IBB001 WHERE DEL017='{0}' AND DEL016='{1}'" ,oddNum ,num );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT DEL001 LIB003,DEL002 LIB004,DEL003 LIB024,DEL004 LIB005,DEL006 LIB006,DEL005 LIB019,DEL007*DEL008+DEL009 LIB008,DEL007 LIB982,DEL008 LIB983,DEL009 LIB984,DEL012 LIB960 FROM QIXDEL WHERE DEL017='{0}' AND DEL016='{1}' AND DEL018='{2}'", oddNum, num, numOfOrder);
            table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (table == null || table.Rows.Count < 1)

            DataTable tableOne;

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM JSKLIA WHERE LIA960='{0}' AND LIA964='{1}'", oddNum + "-" + numOfOrder, num);
            if (SqlHelper.Exists(strSql.ToString( )))
            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT LIA001 FROM JSKLIA WHERE LIA960='{0}' AND LIA964='{1}'", oddNum + "-" + numOfOrder, num);
            tableOne = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));
            if (!SqlHelper.Exists(strSql.ToString( )))
                _header.LIA001 = getOddNumPick( );
                AddLIA(SQLString, _header);

                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    _body.LIB001 = _header.LIA001;
                    _body.LIB002 = (i + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                    _body.LIB003 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB003"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB004 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB004"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB005 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB005"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB006 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB006"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB007 = -1;
                    _body.LIB008 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB019 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB019"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB020 = 1;
                    _body.LIB021 = 1;
                    _body.LIB022 = _body.LIB005;
                    _body.LIB024 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB024"].ToString( );
                    _body.LIB023 = _body.LIB008;
                    _body.LIB960 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB960"].ToString( );
                    //_body . LIB961 = table . Rows [ i ] [ "LIB961" ] . ToString ( );
                    //_body . LIB964 = table . Rows [ i ] [ "LIB964" ] . ToString ( );
                    _body.LIB984 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB982 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( ));
                    _body.LIB983 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( ));

                    AddPick(SQLString, strSql, _body);

            if (SqlHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(SQLString))
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成领料单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oddNum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SavePick(string oddNum)
            ArrayList     SQLString = new ArrayList( );
            StringBuilder strSql    = new StringBuilder( );

            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM JSKLIA WHERE LIA960='{0}'", oddNum);
            if (SqlHelper.Exists(strSql.ToString( )))

            SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity _header = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickEntity( );
            _header.LIA001 = getOddNumPick( );
            _header.LIA004 = "C01";
            _header.LIA005 = "004";
            _header.LIA960 = oddNum;

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.Append("INSERT INTO JSKLIA (");
            strSql.Append("LIA001,LIA003,LIA004,LIA005,LIA012,LIA960) ");
            strSql.Append("VALUES (");
            strSql.AppendFormat("'{0}','{3}','{1}','{4}','F','{2}')", _header.LIA001, _header.LIA004, _header.LIA960, getTime( ).ToString("yyyyMMdd"), _header.LIA005);
            SQLString.Add(strSql.ToString( ));

            strSql = new StringBuilder( );
            strSql.AppendFormat("SELECT DEL001 LIB003,DEL002 LIB004,DEL004 LIB005,DEL006 LIB006,DEL005 LIB019,DEL007*DEL008+DEL009 LIB008,DEL007 LIB982,DEL008 LIB983,DEL009 LIB984 FROM QIXDEL WHERE DEL011='{0}'", oddNum);
            DataTable table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strSql.ToString( ));

            if (table == null || table.Rows.Count < 1)

            SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity _body = new SiftingDataEntity.OrderPickBodyEntity( );
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                _body.LIB001 = _header.LIA001;
                _body.LIB002 = (i + 1).ToString( ).PadLeft(3, '0');
                _body.LIB003 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB003"].ToString( );
                _body.LIB004 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB004"].ToString( );
                _body.LIB005 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB005"].ToString( );
                _body.LIB006 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB006"].ToString( );
                _body.LIB019 = table.Rows [i] ["LIB019"].ToString( );
                _body.LIB984 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB984"].ToString( ));
                _body.LIB008 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB008"].ToString( ));
                _body.LIB982 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB982"].ToString( ));
                _body.LIB983 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( )) == true ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows [i] ["LIB983"].ToString( ));

                AddPick(SQLString, strSql, _body);

            if (SqlHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(SQLString))