Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void testSIF2xTimeParsing()
            SifFormatter formatter = new Sif2xFormatter();
            String       testValue = formatter.ToTimeString(null);

            Assert.IsNull(testValue, "Date value should be null");

            DateTime            now              = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime            assertedDate     = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 21, 0, 59);
            Nullable <DateTime> assertedDateTime = new Nullable <DateTime>(assertedDate);

            String sifString = formatter.ToDateTimeString(assertedDateTime);

            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, sifString, "Re-Parse of original");

            String test1 = "21:00:59";

            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test1, "Date Time");

            DateTime UTcTime = assertedDate.ToUniversalTime();
            String   test2   = UTcTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "Z";

            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test2, "UTC Time (Z)");

//            test2 = UTcTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "+0:00";
//            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test2, "UTC Time (+00:00)");

            // Test the time, using Eastern time
            DateTime easternTime = UTcTime.AddHours(-5);
            String   test3       = easternTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "-05:00";

            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test3, "Eastern Time");

            // Test the time, using european time
            DateTime europeanTime = UTcTime.AddHours(3);
            String   test4        = europeanTime.ToString("HH:mm:s.s") + "+03:00";

            AssertTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test4, "European Time");

            test4 = "2008-04-21T14:16:00.3651098Z";
            DateTime t = formatter.ToDateTime(test4).Value;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void testSIF2xDateTimeParsing()
            SifFormatter formatter = new Sif2xFormatter();
            String       testValue = formatter.ToDateTimeString(null);

            Assert.IsNull(testValue, "Date value should be null");

            DateTime assertedDate = new DateTime(1999, 9, 1, 22, 2, 4);
            TimeSpan utcOffset    = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(assertedDate);

            Console.Write("UTC Offset: ");

            Nullable <DateTime> assertedDateTime = new Nullable <DateTime>(assertedDate);
            String sifString = formatter.ToDateTimeString(assertedDateTime);

            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, sifString, "Re-Parse of original");

            String test1 = "1999-09-01T22:02:04";

            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test1, "Date Time");

            DateTime UTcTime = assertedDate.ToUniversalTime();
            String   test2   = UTcTime.ToString("s") + "Z";

            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test2, "UTC Time (Z)");

//            test2 = UTcTime.ToString("s") + "+0:00";
//            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test2, "UTC Time (+00:00)");

            // Test the time, using Eastern time
            DateTime easternTime = UTcTime.AddHours(-5);
            String   test3       = easternTime.ToString("s") + "-05:00";

            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test3, "Eastern Time");

            // Test the time, using european time
            DateTime europeanTime = UTcTime.AddHours(3);
            String   test4        = europeanTime.ToString("s") + "+03:00";

            AssertDateTimeParsing(assertedDateTime, formatter, test4, "European Time");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void testParsing()
            SifFormatter SIF1x        = new Sif1xFormatter();
            SifFormatter SIF2x        = new Sif2xFormatter();
            Boolean      BooleanValue = true;
            //mjn declare types as nullable
            Boolean?BooleanNull = null;
            int?    intNull     = null;

            assertBooleanParsing(SIF1x, "Yes", BooleanValue);
            Assert.AreEqual("", SIF1x.ToString(BooleanNull), "Null Bool Value"); //( (Boolean)null ));
            assertBooleanParsing(SIF2x, "true", BooleanValue);
            Assert.IsNull(SIF2x.ToString(BooleanNull), "Null Bool Value");

            bool?testValue = SIF2x.ToBool("1");

            Assert.IsTrue(testValue.Value, "Boolean Value");

            testValue = SIF2x.ToBool("0");
            Assert.IsFalse(testValue.Value, "Boolean Value");

            float floatValue = 99.34f;

            assertFloatParsing(SIF1x, "99.34", floatValue);
            assertFloatParsing(SIF2x, "99.34", floatValue);

            floatValue = 321651.09934f;
            assertFloatParsing(SIF1x, "321651.1", floatValue);
            assertFloatParsing(SIF2x, "321651.1", floatValue);

            //INF, -INF and NaN
            assertFloatParsing(SIF1x, "INF", float.PositiveInfinity);
            assertFloatParsing(SIF1x, "-INF", float.NegativeInfinity);

            float?nan = SIF1x.ToFloat("NaN");


            assertFloatParsing(SIF2x, "INF", float.PositiveInfinity);
            assertFloatParsing(SIF2x, "-INF", float.NegativeInfinity);

            nan = SIF2x.ToFloat("NaN");

            int intValue = 9998877; // new int(9998877);

            assertintParsing(SIF1x, "9998877", intValue);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Null int Value", "", SIF1x.ToString(intNull));
            assertintParsing(SIF2x, "9998877", intValue);
            Assertion.AssertNull("Null int Value", SIF2x.ToString(intNull));
            DateTime?sampleDate = new DateTime(1999, 10, 01);

            AssertDateParsing(SIF1x, "19991001", sampleDate);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Null Value", "", SIF1x.ToDateString(null));
            AssertDateParsing(SIF2x, "1999-10-01" /* + tzOffset */, sampleDate);
            Assertion.AssertNull("Null Date Value", SIF2x.ToDateString(null));