Ejemplo n.º 1
    private Camera CreateNewCamera(bool isAi, ShipRefs r)
        // create empty gameobject
        GameObject newCamera = new GameObject("Ship Camera");
        newCamera.transform.parent = transform;

        // attach all components needed for cameras
        Camera c = newCamera.AddComponent<Camera>();

        // render planes
        c.nearClipPlane = 0.05f;
        c.farClipPlane = 1500.0f;

        // ai switch
        if (isAi)
        } else
            RaceSettings.currentCamera = c;
            StartCamera sc = newCamera.AddComponent<StartCamera>();
            sc.r = r;
        return c;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private Camera CreateNewCamera(bool isAi, ShipRefs r)
        // create empty gameobject
        GameObject newCamera = new GameObject("Ship Camera");

        newCamera.transform.parent = transform;

        // attach all components needed for cameras
        Camera c = newCamera.AddComponent <Camera>();

        newCamera.AddComponent <GUILayer>();
        newCamera.AddComponent <FlareLayer>();
        newCamera.AddComponent <AudioListener>();

        // render planes
        c.nearClipPlane = 0.05f;
        c.farClipPlane  = 1500.0f;

        // ai switch
        if (isAi)
            RaceSettings.currentCamera = c;
            StartCamera sc = newCamera.AddComponent <StartCamera>();
            sc.r = r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Called per Ai physics tick.
         * holdTimer is the time that the AI has been holding the weapon, including timer modifications from gamemodes.
         * unscaledHoldTimer is the time that the AI has been holding the weapon, not including their modifications from gamemodes.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public override void AiUpdate(float holdTimer, float unscaledHoldTimer)
            // if the total hold time is over the usage time then drop the pickup
            if (unscaledHoldTimer > AiUsageDelay)

            // check if there a ship in front of the ai
            bool canSeeShip = Physics.Raycast(R.RBody.position, R.Forward, out RaycastHit hit, 15.0f, Layers.ShipToShip); // cast against the ship to ship layer, which are the bounding box colliders of each ship

            if (!canSeeShip)

            // figure out which ship is at the hit point. If the AI is passive towards the ship, do nothing
            ShipRefs targetShip = Ships.GetClosestShipToPoint(hit.point);

            if (R.IsPassiveTowards(targetShip))
                canSeeShip = false;

            if (canSeeShip)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public override void OnInit(float dmg, ShipRefs r, E_WEAPONS wClass)
        base.OnInit(dmg, r, wClass);

        // get current track section
        currentSection = r.initialSection;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /* This is called everytime a ship reaches 0% shield energy. What you do here is up to you, the base behaviour calls EliminateShip(r). */
        public override void OnShipExploded(ShipRefs r)

            // if this is the player who has died then open the eliminated interface after a short delay.
            if (r.IsPlayer)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /*---Creates a new grenade object---*/
        public static GrenadeObject CreateNew(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, ShipRefs owner)
            // create object
            CustomPrefab  grenadePrefab = Instantiate(GrenadeMod.GrenadePrefab);
            GrenadeObject grenade       = grenadePrefab.gameObject.AddComponent <GrenadeObject>();

            grenade.Owner = owner;

            // setup the grenades transform
            grenade.transform.position = position;
            grenade.transform.rotation = rotation;

            // get the components from the custom prefab and apply them to the grenade
            MeshRenderer grenadeRenderer     = grenadePrefab.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>("Mesh");
            BoxCollider  shipCollider        = grenadePrefab.GetComponent <BoxCollider>("ShipCollider");
            BoxCollider  environmentCollider = grenadePrefab.GetComponent <BoxCollider>("EnvCollider");

            // setup Components
            environmentCollider.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Weapon"); // the weapon layer only collides with scenery

            // setup speed
            float velBasedSpeed = owner.InverseTransformDirection(owner.RBody.velocity).z *ConfigSpeed * 0.06f;

            grenade.StatSpeed = Mathf.Max(ConfigSpeed, velBasedSpeed);

            // setup other stats
            grenade.ImpactSettings  = ConfigImpactSettings;
            grenade.StatLifetime    = ConfigLifetime;
            grenade.StatGravity     = ConfigGravity;
            grenade.StatBounceForce = ConfigBounceForce;
            grenade.StatMaxBounces  = ConfigMaxBounces;

            // setup Colliders
            grenade.ShipCollider           = shipCollider;
            grenade.EnvironmentCollider    = environmentCollider;
            grenade.ProjectileMeshRenderer = grenadeRenderer;

            // cache transform of the grenade mesh object.
            grenade.GrenadeMeshT = grenadeRenderer.transform;

            // assign explosion prefab
            grenade.PrefabExplosion = GrenadeMod.ExposionPrefab;

            grenade.ConfigureProjectile(owner.CollisionMeshObject, grenade.StatSpeed, owner);

            // check if there is environment between the ship and grenade spawn position and destroy the grenade if there is
            bool envBlockingGrenade = Physics.Linecast(owner.RBody.position, position, Layers.FloorMask | Layers.TrackWall);

            if (envBlockingGrenade)

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever a ship has just been spawned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ship"></param>
        private void OnShipSpawned(ShipRefs ship)
            /*---Do nothing if the mod isn't activated---*/
            if (!CustomShieldActive)

            /*---Apply the custom color---*/
            ship.Effects.TargetShieldColor = UseTeamColor ? ship.Settings.REF_ENGINECOL_BRIGHT : CustomShieldColor;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 static void ApplyModernGfx(ShipRefs ship, UnityScene unityScene)
     using (var p = new TimerUtil())
Ejemplo n.º 9
        *  Spawns a new set of grenades. networkSpawn allows us to determine if the server is spawning the grenades and if it's a local spawn, we'll tell the server we've fired grenades
        *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public static void CreateGrenade(ShipRefs ship)
            // if we're a player then play a 2D deployment sound
            if (ship.IsPlayer)
                AudioHelpers.PlayOneShot(AudioHelpers.GetAudioClip(AudioHelpers.Weapons_MineDrop), AudioHelpers.E_AUDIOCHANNEL.SFX, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            // create the grenades
            GrenadeObject.CreateNew(ship.transform.TransformPoint(-GrenadeSpawnSpread, 0.0f, ship.MeshBoundsFront.z), ship.RBody.rotation, ship);
            GrenadeObject.CreateNew(ship.transform.TransformPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), ship.RBody.rotation, ship);
            GrenadeObject.CreateNew(ship.transform.TransformPoint(GrenadeSpawnSpread, 0.0f, ship.MeshBoundsFront.z), ship.RBody.rotation, ship);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Call to set variables.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dmg"></param>
    /// <param name="r"></param>
    public virtual void OnInit(float dmg, ShipRefs r, E_WEAPONS wClass)
        PU_DMG = dmg;
        PU_SHIP = r;
        PU_SHIP.weaponClass = wClass;

        // play pickup sound
        if (!PU_SHIP.isAI)
            AudioClip clip = Resources.Load("Audio/Ships/WEAPON") as AudioClip;
            OneShot.CreateOneShot(clip, 1.0f,  Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to apply modern Unity graphics to the current BallsiticNG track scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ship">A BallisticNG ShipRef object</param>
        /// <param name="unityScene">An object specifying certain GameObject names in your Unity scene</param>
        /// <returns>False if the unityScene argument is invalid, otherwise true.</returns>
        public static async Task <bool> TryApplyModernGfx(ShipRefs ship, UnityScene unityScene)
            if (CanApplyModernGfx(unityScene))
                ApplyModernGfx(ship, unityScene);
                await LogUtil.Log("Cant apply modern graphics (is your unityScene parameter correct?)");

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public async override void OnShipTriggerStartLine(ShipRefs ship)
     if (ship.IsPlayer)
         await ModernBngCore.TryApplyModernGfx(ship, new UnityScene
             SceneNameWithUnityLighting = "TestStdShader",
             SunObject            = "main-sun",
             ModernSceneryObject  = "modern-scenery",
             SkyMaterialObject    = "sky-material-ref",
             PostProcessingObject = "post-processing-ref"
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /* This is called every time a ship passes the mid line. r is the reference to the ship that has passed. */
        public override void OnShipTriggerMidLine(ShipRefs r)
            // validate the lap so it can be updated next time the player triggers the start line
            r.LapValidated  = true;
            r.MiddleSection = r.CurrentSection;

            if (r.IsPlayer && !r.PassedValidationGate)
                AudioHelpers.PlayOneShot(AudioHelpers.UI_Checkpoint, AudioHelpers.E_AUDIOCHANNEL.INTERFACE, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                r.PassedValidationGate = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the current cockpit settings to the ini
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveCockpitSettings(ShipRefs r)
            INIParser ini = new INIParser();


            ini.WriteValue("Options", "Enable Lean", leanEnabled);
            ini.WriteValue("Options", "Lean Scale", leanScaler);

            var shipName = r.name;

            ini.WriteValue(shipName, "Cockpit Offset", JsonUtility.ToJson(cockpitOffset));
            ini.WriteValue(shipName, "Cockpit Scale", JsonUtility.ToJson(cockpitScale));

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the current cockpit settings from the ini
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadCockpitSettings(ShipRefs r)
            INIParser ini = new INIParser();


            leanEnabled = ini.ReadValue("Options", "Enable Lean", leanEnabled);
            leanScaler  = (float)ini.ReadValue("Options", "Lean Scale", leanScaler);

            var shipName = r.name;

            cockpitOffset = JsonUtility.FromJson <Vector3>(ini.ReadValue(shipName, "Cockpit Offset", JsonUtility.ToJson(cockpitOffset)));
            cockpitScale  = JsonUtility.FromJson <Vector3>(ini.ReadValue(shipName, "Cockpit Scale", JsonUtility.ToJson(cockpitScale)));

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /*---Called to init the AI control for this pickup--*/
        public override void OnAiInit()
            // specify some delay before the AI will think about using the pickup. For this grenade we're using a random time between 10 and 25 seconds
            AiUsageDelay = Random.Range(10, 25);

            // warn the player that the ai has picked the grenade up if it's within 30 sections of the player
            ShipRefs player = Ships.PlayerOneShip;

            if (!player || !player.IsPlayer || R.IsPassiveTowards(player))

            if (Ships.SectionOffsetBetween(Ships.PlayerOneShip, R) < 30)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnUpdate(ShipRefs r)
            // Run default cockpit update behavior


            // Update camera position with our new offset
            T.localPosition += settings.cockpitOffset;

            // Update cockpit mesh with our new scale value
            r.VrCockpitParent.localScale = settings.cockpitScale;

            // DCS-esque camera lean logic
            if (!Settings.Gameplay.NoInternalCameraTilt && settings.leanEnabled)
                var rotationDot = Vector3.Dot(T.right, Vector3.up);

                T.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * -settings.leanScaler * rotationDot);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        *  Assuming the prefab is setup correctly with the environment collider being solid and the ship collider being a trigger,
        *       this will trigger when the ship collider starts to collide with something.
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        public override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

            // don't do anything against the object that owns the projectile or trigger behaviours
            if (other.gameObject == Origin || other.GetComponent <NgTriggerBehaviour>())

            // destroy Mines
            if (other.CompareTag("Explosive"))
                DestroyExplosive(other.GetComponent <Explosive>());

            // do nothing if the rocket doesn't collide with a track or ship
            int layer = other.gameObject.layer;

            if (layer != LayerIDs.Ship)

            // get the other ship from the hit objects root transform
            Transform shipT   = other.gameObject.transform.root;
            ShipRefs  hitRef  = shipT.GetComponent <ShipRefs>();
            bool      hitShip = ShipImpact(hitRef);

            // if we can increase the score from the impact (team race), increase the ships score
            if (hitShip && Owner && Owner.CanIncreaseScoreFrom(hitRef))

            // finally destroy the grenade
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public void SpawnShip(bool isAI)
        // load ship prefab and get settings from it
        GameObject   prefab   = LoadShip(RaceSettings.playerShip);
        ShipSettings settings = prefab.GetComponent <ShipSettings>();

        if (settings == null)
            Debug.LogError("The loaded prefab does not contain a settings class!");

        // create axis containers
        GameObject axis = new GameObject("_axis");
        GameObject anim = new GameObject("_anim");

        anim.transform.parent        = transform;
        anim.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        anim.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        axis.transform.parent        = anim.transform;
        axis.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        axis.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // parent prefab to axis
        prefab.transform.parent        = axis.transform;
        prefab.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        prefab.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // create rigibody
        Rigidbody body = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

        body.useGravity  = false;
        body.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
        body.drag        = 1;

        // create classses
        ShipRefs r = gameObject.AddComponent <ShipRefs>();

        r.settings   = settings;
        r.position   = gameObject.AddComponent <ShipPosition>();
        r.position.r = r;

        r.effects   = gameObject.AddComponent <ShipEffects>();
        r.effects.r = r;

        r.input   = gameObject.AddComponent <ShipInput>();
        r.input.r = r;

        r.sim   = gameObject.AddComponent <ShipSim>();
        r.sim.r = r;

        r.body   = body;
        r.mesh   = settings.REF_MESH;
        r.cam    = CreateNewCamera(isAI, r);
        r.shield = settings.DAMAGE_SHIELD;
        r.axis   = axis;
        r.anim   = anim;

        // attach mesh collider to mesh
        MeshCollider mc = r.mesh.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

        mc.convex = true;

        // add frictionless physics manterial to collider
        PhysicMaterial shipMat = new PhysicMaterial();

        shipMat.bounceCombine   = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;
        shipMat.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;
        shipMat.bounciness      = 0;
        shipMat.dynamicFriction = 0;
        shipMat.staticFriction  = 0;
        mc.material             = shipMat;

        r.isAI = isAI;

        // destroy this class (it's no longer needed)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// User input handling logic
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleInput(ShipRefs r)
            // Ignore movement input if the VR interface shift key is pressed
            if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad0))
                // Calculate our per-frame offset
                var offsetDelta = 0.05f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                var scaleDelta  = 1.0f * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

                // Handle y axis input
                if (Input.GetKey("[8]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.y += offsetDelta;
                else if (Input.GetKey("[2]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.y -= offsetDelta;

                // Handle x axis input
                if (Input.GetKey("[4]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.x -= offsetDelta;
                else if (Input.GetKey("[6]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.x += offsetDelta;

                // Handle z axis input
                if (Input.GetKey("[+]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.z += offsetDelta;
                else if (Input.GetKey("[-]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset.z -= offsetDelta;

                // Handle cockpit scale input
                if (Input.GetKey("[7]"))
                    settings.cockpitScale += Vector3.one * -scaleDelta;
                else if (Input.GetKey("[9]"))
                    settings.cockpitScale += Vector3.one * scaleDelta;

                // Handle reset input
                if (Input.GetKeyDown("[5]"))
                    settings.cockpitOffset = new Vector3();
                    settings.cockpitScale  = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                // Handle save key press
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadMultiply))

                // Handle load key press
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadDivide))
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void OnChangedTo(ShipRefs ship)

Ejemplo n.º 22
 public VrCockpitCamera(ShipRefs ship, ref VrHudModSettings settings) : base(ship.CamSim)
     this.settings = settings;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /* Call this to load the time for this track. Default behaviour loads the file that is saved to disk by SaveTime(r). */
 public override void LoadTime(ShipRefs r)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /* This is called every time a ship passes the start line, r is the reference to the ship that has passed. */
        public override void OnShipTriggerStartLine(ShipRefs r)
            /* If this lap has been validated or the ship hasn't done any laps yet, then we want to do some stuff. */
            if (r.LapValidated || r.CurrentLap == 0)
                // invalidate the lap again
                r.LapValidated = false;

                /* If the ship has finished a lap and is not on the last lap then we want to store and display some information. */
                if (r.CurrentLap > 0 && r.CurrentLap <= Race.MaxLaps)
                    if (r.IsPlayer)
                        /* Update best time */
                        if ((r.CurrentLapTime < r.BestLapTime || !r.HasBestLapTime) && !r.LoadedBestLapTime)
                            r.BestLapTime    = r.CurrentLapTime;
                            r.HasBestLapTime = true;

                        /* Perfect lap notification */
                        if (r.IsPerfectLap)
                            // this triggers an onscreen message to appear. You can provide a color or you can write it using richtext in the string.
                            BallisticEvents.Ui.CallOnTriggerMessage("PERFECT LAP", r, ScriptableHud.BnGAccent);

                            // this plays a voice, you can feed this any sound you want (if you load your own you can also use that).

                        /* Interface sounds */
                        if (r.CurrentLap == Race.MaxLaps - 1)
                            BallisticEvents.Ui.CallOnTriggerMessage("FINAL LAP", r, ScriptableHud.BnGAccent);
                        AudioHelpers.PlayOneShot(AudioHelpers.UI_Checkpoint, AudioHelpers.E_AUDIOCHANNEL.INTERFACE, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                    // set values for current lap
                    r.LapTimes[r.CurrentLap - 1]    = r.CurrentLapTime;
                    r.PerfectLaps[r.CurrentLap - 1] = r.IsPerfectLap;

                /* Tasks for when the ship has completed the race */
                if (r.CurrentLap >= Race.MaxLaps && !r.FinishedEvent && !r.Eliminated)
                    r.FinishedEvent = true;

                    // calling this does some needed config to mark the ship as having finished

                    // if this is a player ship then set the ship as an AI ship and then save the time
                    if (r.IsPlayer)
                        // destroy the ship camera and replace it with the finished camera
                        Object.Destroy(r.ShipCamera.GetComponent <ShipCamera>());
                        ShipFCam finishCam = r.ShipCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <ShipFCam>();
                        finishCam.r = r;

                        r.IsAi = true;

                /* Reset timers and states */
                // this resets the current laps time to zero
                r.CurrentLapTime = 0.0f;
                r.IsPerfectLap   = true;
                r.PassedValidationGate = false;

                // this clears the hit weapon pads so ships can use them again

                // this calculates the time between this ship and another (depending on the ships position)
                if (r.IsPlayer)

                // give the ship a turbo
                PickupRegistry.GivePickupToShip(r, PickupRegistry.FindPickupByName("turbo"));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /* This is called everytime a ship starts a new lap. */
 public override void OnShipLapUpdate(ShipRefs r)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /* This is called everytime a ship finishes the race. */
 public override void OnShipFinished(ShipRefs r)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public GrenadePickup(ShipRefs r) : base(r)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /* This is called every time a ship is spawned. */
 public override void OnShipSpawn(ShipRefs r)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /* This is called every time a ship passes the mid line reset gate, setup just behind the mid line gate. */
 public override void OnShipTriggerMidLineReset(ShipRefs r)
     // invalidate this lap
     r.LapValidated = false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /*---Called whenever the game recieves a code mod packet---*/
        private void OnRecievedCustomPacketData(NgNetworkBase network, byte subheader, NgPacket packet)
            // we're using 0 as a base to identify packets for this mod
            if (subheader != 0)

            // open the packet
                 * Check for ID that confirms this packet is for this mod. This allows us to prevent conflicts if another mod is also using 0 as the value for its subheader
                 * We've wrapped the byte reading in a try/catch block because NgPacket will throw an exception if it tries to read data past its data length, so we can use this
                 *  to log the exception to the log file and not break code execution.
                 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
                byte[] packetIdRaw = new byte[7];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                        packetIdRaw[i] = packet.ReadByte();
                catch (Exception e)
                    // note: if you want to write to the ingame console instead of the unity log, replace Debug with DebugConsole


                // verify packet
                string packetId = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packetIdRaw, 0, 7);
                if (packetId != "XPL_GRN")

                // we've validated that this is an example mod grenade packet. Let's spawn the grenade
                // all we need to do this is figure out who fired the grenade. For other weapons, you might need to send more information then just who fired it.
                NgPeer peer = NgNetworkBase.CurrentNetwork.GetPeerById(packet.ReadNetworkConnection());
                if (peer == null)

                // get the ship from the peer that fired the grenades
                ShipRefs peerShip = peer.LinkedShip;
                if (!peerShip)

                // now spawn the grenades

                // if we're the server then also relay this packet to the other peers using the weapon spawn channel
                if (NgNetworkBase.IsServer)
                    NgNetworkBase.CurrentNetwork.SendToAllPeers(packet.ToBytes(), NgNetworkBase.CurrentNetwork.WeaponSpawnChannel);
            // close the packet. This disposes the resources needed for reading the packet
Ejemplo n.º 31
 internal static MeshRenderer ShipMeshRenderer(ShipRefs ship)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 internal static Projector ShipShadowProjector(ShipRefs ship)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 /* Call this to save the time for this track. Default behaviour saves the ships total time to disk. */
 public override void SaveTime(ShipRefs r)