public void SetCellShip(Coordinates coordinates, ShipPiece shipPiece, int section, ShipOrientation orientation) { Cell cell; if (!Cells.TryGetValue(coordinates, out cell)) { cell = new Cell(); cell.Coordinates = coordinates; Cells.Add(coordinates, cell); } cell.ShipPiece = shipPiece; cell.ShipSection = section; cell.Orientation = orientation; }
public void OnEnable() { comp = (ShipPieceTemplate)target; pieceCellsPROPERTY = serializedObject.FindProperty("pieceLines"); widthPROPERTY = serializedObject.FindProperty("width"); heightPROPERTY = serializedObject.FindProperty("height"); GameObject prefab = comp.Prefab; if (prefab) { ShipPiece pieceTrack = comp.Prefab.GetComponent <ShipPiece>(); if (pieceTrack) { aSprite = pieceTrack.MainSprite; } } string projectPath = Application.dataPath; projectPath = projectPath.Substring(0, projectPath.Length - 6); cellVisTex = new Texture2D(1, 1); cellVisTex.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(projectPath + "EDITOR_EXTRA_ASSETS/cellVisualizer.png")); cellVisTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; cellVisTex.Apply(); cornerVisTex = new Texture2D(1, 1); cornerVisTex.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(projectPath + "EDITOR_EXTRA_ASSETS/cornerVisualizer.png")); cornerVisTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; cornerVisTex.Apply(); // Make sure to set the array sizes pieceCellsPROPERTY.arraySize = comp.Height; pieceCellsPROPERTY.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < pieceCellsPROPERTY.arraySize; ++i) { var line = pieceCellsPROPERTY.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty cells = line.FindPropertyRelative("lineCells"); cells.arraySize = comp.Width; } pieceCellsPROPERTY.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GenerateWallTextures(comp.Width, comp.Height); }
public void Navigate(ShipRuntime targetShip, Vector2Int globalStartPos, Vector2Int globalEndPos) { Init(); this.targetShip = targetShip; if (globalStartPos == globalEndPos) { StartCoroutine("DelaySearch"); return; } nextIndex = 1; CellTemplate startCell = targetShip.GetCellByGlobalPos(globalStartPos); CellTemplate endCell = targetShip.GetCellByGlobalPos(globalEndPos); // Invalid path supplied if (startCell == null || endCell == null || startCell.CellState == 0 || endCell.CellState == 0) { return; } ShipPiece startPiece = targetShip.GetPieceByGlobalCellPos(globalStartPos); ShipPiece endPiece = targetShip.GetPieceByGlobalCellPos(globalEndPos); NavGrid startGrid = new NavGrid(startPiece); startGrid.Generate(); NavGrid goalGrid = startGrid; if (startPiece != endPiece) { goalGrid = new NavGrid(endPiece); goalGrid.Generate(); } AStarAlgorithm aStarAlgorithm = new AStarAlgorithm(startGrid, goalGrid, globalStartPos, globalEndPos); int newTTmp = 0; curPath = aStarAlgorithm.AStarSearch(ref newTTmp); wiggleTimer = Random.Range(0, 6.28318f); }
// Add a new piece to the ship (spawn and track the new piece at position) public void AddNewPiece(int newPieceTemplateIndex, Vector2Int position, bool overridePosTEMPORARY = false) { ShipPieceTemplate piece = database.GetPiece(newPieceTemplateIndex); float xMod = piece.Width % 2 == 0 ? (piece.Width / 4.0f) : 0; float yMod = piece.Height % 2 == 0 ? (piece.Height / 4.0f) : 0; ShipPiece newPiece = GameObject.Instantiate(piece.Prefab, new Vector3(position.x + xMod, position.y + yMod, 0) * 3.2f, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <ShipPiece>(); newPiece.transform.SetParent(transform); newPiece.InitShipPiece(piece, position); shipPieces.Add(newPiece); if (overridePosTEMPORARY) { newPiece.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(5f, 9.25f, 0); } }
private Image GetShipImage(ShipPiece piece) { switch (piece) { case ShipPiece.Carrier: return(FieldResources.CarrierImage); case ShipPiece.Battleship: return(FieldResources.BattleshipImage); case ShipPiece.Cruiser: return(FieldResources.CruiserImage); case ShipPiece.Sub: return(FieldResources.SubImage); case ShipPiece.Destroyer: return(FieldResources.DestroyerImage); } return(null); }
// Connect 2 pieces by index, positions are relative to respective pieces public void ConnectPiecesByIndex(int localPieceIndex, int otherPieceIndex, Vector2Int localPos, Vector2Int otherPos) { if (localPieceIndex >= 0 && localPieceIndex < shipPieces.Count && otherPieceIndex >= 0 && otherPieceIndex < shipPieces.Count) { ShipPiece localPiece = shipPieces[localPieceIndex]; ShipPiece otherPiece = shipPieces[otherPieceIndex]; localPiece.AddConnection(new ShipConnection(localPos, otherPos, shipPieces[otherPieceIndex])); otherPiece.AddConnection(new ShipConnection(otherPos, localPos, shipPieces[localPieceIndex])); CellTemplate localCell = localPiece.GetShipCell(localPos.x, localPos.y); CellTemplate otherCell = otherPiece.GetShipCell(otherPos.x, otherPos.y); // Flag the connection cells if (localCell != null) { localCell.HasConnections = true; } if (otherCell != null) { otherCell.HasConnections = true; } } }
public ActionResult Index(ShipPiece shipPiece) { _db.ShipPieces.Add(shipPiece); _db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private Image GetShipImage(ShipPiece piece) { switch (piece) { case ShipPiece.Carrier: return FieldResources.CarrierImage; case ShipPiece.Battleship: return FieldResources.BattleshipImage; case ShipPiece.Cruiser: return FieldResources.CruiserImage; case ShipPiece.Sub: return FieldResources.SubImage; case ShipPiece.Destroyer: return FieldResources.DestroyerImage; } return null; }
public ShipConnection(Vector2Int localCell, Vector2Int otherCell, ShipPiece otherPiece) { this.localCell = localCell; this.otherCell = otherCell; this.otherPiece = otherPiece; }
public NavGrid(ShipPiece shipPiece) { this.width = shipPiece.Width; this.height = shipPiece.Height; this.shipPiece = shipPiece; }
public bool Navigate(ShipRuntime targetShip, Vector2Int globalStartPos, Vector2Int globalEndPos) { if (globalStartPos == globalEndPos) { return(false); } NavCell[] overrideStart = null; // Cur, prev and T evaluation if (curPath != null) { if (nextIndex < curPath.Length) { overrideStart = new NavCell[2]; // Store C0 and C1 overrideStart[0] = curPath[nextIndex - 1]; overrideStart[1] = curPath[nextIndex]; } } nextIndex = 1; CellTemplate startCell = targetShip.GetCellByGlobalPos(globalStartPos); CellTemplate endCell = targetShip.GetCellByGlobalPos(globalEndPos); // Invalid path supplied if (startCell == null || endCell == null || startCell.CellState == 0 || endCell.CellState == 0) { return(false); } ShipPiece startPiece = targetShip.GetPieceByGlobalCellPos(globalStartPos); ShipPiece endPiece = targetShip.GetPieceByGlobalCellPos(globalEndPos); NavGrid startGrid = new NavGrid(startPiece); startGrid.Generate(); NavGrid goalGrid = startGrid; if (startPiece != endPiece) { goalGrid = new NavGrid(endPiece); goalGrid.Generate(); } AStarAlgorithm aStarAlgorithm = new AStarAlgorithm(startGrid, goalGrid, globalStartPos, globalEndPos); int newTState = -1; curPath = aStarAlgorithm.AStarSearch(ref newTState, overrideStart); // Either reset, invert or leave move timer switch (newTState) { case -1: moveTimer = 0; break; case 1: moveTimer = 1 - moveTimer; break; } pathTracer.SetPositions(GetNavArray()); return(curPath != null); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { bool isDirty = false; CheckMouseActions(); GUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); // Set the prefab for this piece GameObject prefab = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Associated Prefab:", comp.Prefab, typeof(GameObject), false); // Try strip the sprite from the prefab (if it has changed) if (prefab != comp.Prefab) { comp.Prefab = prefab; ShipPiece pieceTrack = comp.Prefab.GetComponent <ShipPiece>(); if (pieceTrack) { aSprite = pieceTrack.MainSprite; } } // Draw sprite and controls if (aSprite != null) { int widthTry = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Width:", comp.Width); int heightTry = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height:", comp.Height); widthTry = (int)Mathf.Clamp(widthTry, 1, widthTry); heightTry = (int)Mathf.Clamp(heightTry, 1, heightTry); bool regen = false; if (heightTry != comp.Height) { heightPROPERTY.intValue = heightTry; pieceCellsPROPERTY.arraySize = heightTry; pieceCellsPROPERTY.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); regen = true; } if (widthTry != comp.Width) { widthPROPERTY.intValue = widthTry; for (int i = 0; i < pieceCellsPROPERTY.arraySize; ++i) { var line = pieceCellsPROPERTY.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty cells = line.FindPropertyRelative("lineCells"); cells.arraySize = widthTry; } pieceCellsPROPERTY.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); regen = true; } if (regen) { GenerateWallTextures(widthTry, heightTry); } comp.Width = widthTry; comp.Height = heightTry; float height = (Screen.width * ((aSprite.rect.height / aSprite.rect.width)) * scroll); float d = (Screen.width / (aSprite.rect.width / 32f)) * scroll; float d4 = (Screen.width / (aSprite.rect.width / 4f)) * scroll; // Drag our texture around and flag for repaint if (middleMouse) { pos += (Event.current.mousePosition - lastMousePosition) * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed; isDirty = true; } if (rightMouseDown) { optionsMenuShow = true; mouseDownOptionsMenu = Event.current.mousePosition; } if (!optionsMenuShow) { if (leftMouseDown) { Vector2 parametricPos = (Event.current.mousePosition - new Vector2(10, 140)); parametricPos -= pos; parametricPos -= new Vector2(0, Screen.width * (aSprite.rect.height / aSprite.rect.width) * scroll); parametricPos = new Vector2(parametricPos.x, parametricPos.y * -1); parametricPos /= scroll; parametricPos /= (d * comp.Width / scroll); // parametricPos = new Vector2(parametricPos.x, parametricPos.y * ((float)comp.Width / comp.Height)); parametricPos *= new Vector2Int(comp.Width, comp.Height); if (parametricPos.x >= 0 && parametricPos.x < comp.Width && parametricPos.y >= 0 && parametricPos.y < comp.Height) { Vector2 moduloPos = new Vector2(parametricPos.x % 1, parametricPos.y % 1); Vector2Int floorPos = new Vector2Int(Mathf.FloorToInt(parametricPos.x), Mathf.FloorToInt(parametricPos.y)); var line = pieceCellsPROPERTY.GetArrayElementAtIndex(floorPos.y); SerializedProperty cells = line.FindPropertyRelative("lineCells"); SerializedProperty cell = cells.GetArrayElementAtIndex(floorPos.x); if (cell.FindPropertyRelative("cellState").intValue == 0) { cell.FindPropertyRelative("cellState").intValue = 1; } else { cell.FindPropertyRelative("cellState").intValue = 0; } pieceCellsPROPERTY.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { float scaleDelta = * scroll * -Time.deltaTime; isDirty = true; scroll += scaleDelta; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.F) { pos = new Vector2(0, 30); scroll = 1f; } } GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 140, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 260)); // Draw sprite in area GUIDrawSprite(new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, Screen.width * scroll, height), aSprite); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(pos.x - (d4 / 4.0f), (pos.y + (height - (d4 - (d4 / 4.0f)))), d4, d4), cornerVisTex, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(pos.x + (d * comp.Width) + (d4 / 4.0f), pos.y + height - (d * comp.Height) + (d4 / 4.0f) * 3, -d4, -d4), cornerVisTex, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); // Draw cell visualizers and wall visualizers for (int j = 0; j < comp.Height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < comp.Width; ++i) { var line = pieceCellsPROPERTY.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j); SerializedProperty cells = line.FindPropertyRelative("lineCells"); SerializedProperty cell = cells.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); if (cell.FindPropertyRelative("cellState").intValue == 1) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(d * i + pos.x, d * -j + (pos.y + (height - d)), d, d), cellVisTex, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); Texture2D wallTex = cellVisualizers[j * comp.Width + i]; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(d * i + pos.x, d * -j + (pos.y + (height - d)), d, d), wallTex, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } } } DoOptionsMenu(new Vector2(10, 140)); GUILayout.EndArea(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); // Ensure changes are saved EditorUtility.SetDirty(comp); // Cache last mouse position on our editor lastMousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; // Repaint if necessary if (isDirty) { Repaint(); } }