void AddDateMarkerAnnoations (ShinobiChart chart)
			// Read the annotations from a JSON file
			JsonValue annotations = JsonObject.Load(new StreamReader("./Annotations.json"));
			CGAffineTransform rotationTransform = CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation ((float)Math.PI / 2);

			// create a line and text annotation for each 'date' marker on the chart
			foreach (JsonValue annotation in annotations) {
				// Extract the data for this annotation
				NSDate date = dateFormatter.Parse (annotation ["date"]);
				NSNumber yValue = (int)annotation ["y-location"];
				NSString text = new NSString(annotation ["annotation"]);

				// Add a vertical line annotation
				SChartAnnotation releaseAnnotation = SChartAnnotation.GetVerticalLine (date, chart.XAxis, chart.YAxis, 2, UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha (0.7f, 1));
				releaseAnnotation.Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.AboveData;
				chart.AddAnnotation (releaseAnnotation);

				// Add a text annotation
				SChartAnnotation releaseLabel = SChartAnnotation.GetAnnotation (text, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(14), chart.XAxis, chart.YAxis, date, yValue, UIColor.Black, chart.PlotBackgroundColor);

				//Rotate the text by 90 degrees
				releaseLabel.Transform = rotationTransform;
				releaseLabel.Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.AboveData;

				chart.AddAnnotation (releaseLabel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void AddCustomAnnotation(ShinobiChart chart)
            // Create an annotation
            SChartAnnotationZooming an = new SChartAnnotationZooming {
                XAxis = chart.XAxis,
                YAxis = chart.YAxis,

                // Set its location - using the data coordinate system
                XValue = dateFormatter.Parse ("01-01-2009"),
                YValue = new NSNumber(250),

                // Pin all four corners of the annotation so that it stretches
                XValueMax = dateFormatter.Parse ("01-01-2011"),
                YValueMax = new NSNumber(550),

                // Set bounds
                Bounds = new CGRect (0, 0, 50, 50),
                Position = SChartAnnotationPosition.BelowData

            // Add some custom content to the annotation
            UIImage image = new UIImage ("Apple.png");
            UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView (image) { Alpha = 0.1f };
            an.AddSubview (imageView);

            // Add to the chart
            chart.AddAnnotation (an);