static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("选择工厂模式"); var type = Console.ReadLine(); switch (type) { case "1": //工厂模式 var sharpFactory = new SharpeFactory(); Sharp sharp = sharpFactory.GetSharpe("R"); sharp.Draw(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "2": //抽象工厂模式 AbstractFactory abstractFactory = FactoryProducer.GetFactory("1212"); IColor color = abstractFactory.GetColor("B"); color.Fill(); Console.ReadLine(); break; case "3": //建造者模式 MealBuilder mealBuilder = new MealBuilder(); Meal vgMeal = mealBuilder.PrepareVegMeal(); Console.WriteLine("Veg meal"); vgMeal.ShowItems(); Console.WriteLine($"Total Cost:{vgMeal.GetCost()}"); Meal nonVegMeal = mealBuilder.PrepareNonVegMeal(); Console.WriteLine("NonVeg Meal"); nonVegMeal.ShowItems(); Console.WriteLine($"Total Cost:{nonVegMeal.GetCost()}"); break; } }
public Note(Letter Name, Length Duration, int Octave, Sharp Accidental = Sharp.Natural, bool Dotted = false) { this.Name = Name; this.Duration = Duration; this.Octave = Octave; this.Dotted = Dotted; this.Accidental = Accidental; }
/// <summary> /// 保存员工设置实体,包括添加、修改、删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="list">待保存的员工设置集合</param> /// <returns></returns> public int Save(Sharp.Common.BaseEntity item) { int result = 0; try { result = Dal.Submit(item); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var H_W = Console.ReadLine().Split(); var H = int.Parse(H_W[0]); var W = int.Parse(H_W[1]); var Si = Enumerable.Range(1, H).Select(_ => Console.ReadLine()).SelectMany(x => x).ToArray(); var sharp = new Sharp[Si.Count(x => x == '#')]; var grid = Enumerable.Repeat('0', H * W).ToArray(); for (int i = 0, cnt = 0; i < H * W; i++) { if (Si[i] == '#') { sharp[cnt].i = i / W; sharp[cnt].j = i % W; cnt++; } } for (int i = 0; i < H * W; i++) { foreach (var s in sharp) { if (s.i == i / W & s.j == i % W) { grid[i] = '#'; break; } else if (Math.Abs(i / W - s.i) <= 1 & Math.Abs(i % W - s.j) <= 1) { grid[i]++; } } } for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { Console.Write(grid[W * i + j]); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
private bool GetDenoising(Operation opera, Sharp sharp, int size) { ImageParam imgParam = new ImageParam(); imgParam = (ImageParam)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ImgDenoising(opera, sharp, size), typeof(ImageParam)); if (imgParam.result) { Bitmap imgDenoising = new Bitmap(imgParam.width, imgParam.height, imgParam.step, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed,; imgDenoising.Palette = CvToolBox.ScalePalette; pboxDenoising.Image = imgDenoising; } else { return(false); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ICovariant <Sharp> isharp = new Sharp(); ICovariant <Rectange> irect = new Rectange(); isharp = irect; //irect = isharp; Sharp testShape = isharp.Method1(); int?testNull = null; testNull = 6; string strTest = "aaaaaa aaaaa"; strTest.Split(' '); }
private static void downloadFiles(object Sharp) { var fileLocation = System.IO.Directory.GetParent (System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory) .ToString()).ToString(); Sharp sharp = Sharp as Sharp; var story = sharp.story; int order = sharp.order; var a = 0; var b = (story.Items.Length / 2) - 1; if (order > 0) { a = story.Items.Length / 2; b = story.Items.Length; } for (var i = a; i < b; i++) { //Goes through the item's resources if (story.Items[i].Resources.Length > 0) { foreach (var res in story.Items[i].Resources) { //downloads resource file if there is a file extension to file if (res.FileExtension != null) { res.DownloadFile(fileLocation + "\\Files\\" + res.Name + res.FileExtension); } } } // check to see if item has a image based off the sharpcloud image url Regex zeroImage = new Regex(@"00000000"); Match zeroMatch = zeroImage.Match(story.Items[i].ImageUri.ToString()); // Downloads image to folder if url is not all 0s if (!zeroMatch.Success) { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadFile(story.Items[i].ImageUri, (fileLocation + "\\" + "Files" + "\\" + story.Items[i].Name + ".jpg")); } } } Console.WriteLine("Files Downloaded"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* ICovariant<Sharp> isharp = new Sharp(); ICovariant<Rectange> irect = new Rectange(); //要使下面的语句成立,需要将接口声明为Out //如果一个泛型接口IFoo<T>,IFoo<TSub>可以转换为IFoo<TParent>的话,我们称这个过程为协变,而且说“这个泛型接口支持对T的协变”。 isharp = irect; */ //那我如果反过来呢,考虑如下代码: ICovariant<Sharp> isharp = new Sharp(); ICovariant<Rectange> irect = new Rectange(); //要使下面的语句成立,需要将接口声明为In //如果一个泛型接口IFoo<T>,IFoo<TParent>可以转换为IFoo<TSub>的话,我们称这个过程为抗变(contravariant),而且说“这个泛型接口支持对T的抗变”! irect = isharp; Console.ReadLine(); }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other) { GameObject source = other.gameObject; //print("The dart projectile has connected with "+ source + "!"); // Check if colliding with a Brazier BrazierAI bzai = source.GetComponent <BrazierAI>(); if (bzai && bzai.burning) { Sharp sh = GetComponent <Sharp>(); sh.sharpness = Sharpness.Burning; anim.SetBool("burning", true); return; } // Check if colliding with the original spawning Dart Trap. if (source == mySpawner) { return; } // Check if colliding with another dart. DartTrapAI dtai = source.GetComponent <DartTrapAI>(); if (dtai) { return; } // Check if colliding with pitfalls. PitfallAI pfai = source.GetComponent <PitfallAI>(); if (pfai) { return; } // Collision with anything else. Let's hit. OnDartHit(source); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Sharp mySharp = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Sharp>(); if (!isBurned && mySharp && (mySharp.sharpness == Sharpness.Burning || mySharp.sharpness == Sharpness.Normal)) { for (int i = 0; i < buttonListener.Length; i++) { ButtonListener myListener = buttonListener[i]; myListener.OnButtonTrigger(gameObject); myListener.OnButtonTriggerEnter(gameObject); } GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); isBurned = true; if (activateTime > 0) { _activateTimer = activateTime; } } }
//静态工厂方法 public static Sharp GetSharp(String type, double a, double b) { Sharp sharp = null; if (type.Equals("三角形")) { sharp = new Triangle(a); } else if (type.Equals("圆形")) { sharp = new Circular(a); } else if (type.Equals("正方形")) { sharp = new Square(a); } else if (type.Equals("长方形")) { sharp = new Rectangle(a, b); } return(sharp); }
/// <summary> /// 工厂类 /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Sharp GetSharp(string type) { Sharp sharp = null; if (type.Equals("1")) { sharp = new Circle(); } else if (type.Equals("2")) { sharp = new Triangle(); } else if (type.Equals("3")) { sharp = new Rectangle(); } else { throw new UnSupportedShapeException(); } return(sharp); }
public static void addItems(object Sharp) { Sharp sharp = Sharp as Sharp; var story = sharp.story; var sc =; var itemSheet = sharp.sheet; var itemRows = itemSheet.Dimension.End.Row; var itemColumns = itemSheet.Dimension.End.Column; int start = 2; if (Thread.CurrentThread.Name == "secondHalf") { start = 3; } for (int rowNum = start; rowNum <= itemRows; rowNum += 2) //selet starting row here { // check to see if category is in the story if (story.Category_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 3].Value.ToString()) == null) { // adds new category to story if category is new story.Category_AddNew(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 3].Value.ToString()); // Sets color of category based on argb value string[] colors = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 11].Value.ToString().Split('|'); var catColor = Color.FromArgb(Int32.Parse(colors[0]), Int32.Parse(colors[1]), Int32.Parse(colors[2]), Int32.Parse(colors[3])); story.Category_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 3].Value.ToString()).Color = catColor; } // Check to see if item is already in the story if (story.Item_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 1].Value.ToString()) == null) { var catID = story.Category_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 3].Value.ToString()); Item scItem = story.Item_AddNew(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 1].Value.ToString()); scItem.Category = catID; scItem.Description = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 2].GetValue <string>(); scItem.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 4].Value.ToString()); scItem.DurationInDays = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 2].GetValue <int>(); // checks subcategory of item if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 9].GetValue <string>() != "null") { // checks to see if subcategory is in the story if (catID.SubCategory_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 9].GetValue <string>()) == null) { // adds subcategory to category of item if not found catID.SubCategory_AddNew(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 9].GetValue <string>()); } // sets subcategory to the item scItem.SubCategory = catID.SubCategory_FindByName(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 9].GetValue <string>()); } // check to see if image path is there for item if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 12].GetValue <string>() != "null") { // uploads image to sharpcloud if image path found if (File.Exists(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 12].GetValue <string>() + scItem.Name + ".jpg")) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 12].GetValue <string>() + scItem.Name + ".jpg"); byte[] data = new byte[fileInfo.Length]; using (FileStream fs = fileInfo.OpenRead()) { fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); } scItem.ImageId = sc.UploadImageData(data, "", false); } } // Check to see if item has resources if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 6].GetValue <string>() != "null") { string[] resources = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 6].GetValue <string>().Split('|'); for (var z = 0; z < resources.Length - 1; z++) { string[] resLine = resources[z].Split('~'); string[] downLine = resLine[1].Split('*'); // uploads file if there is a file extension if (downLine.Length > 1) { if (File.Exists(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 12].GetValue <string>() + downLine[0] + downLine[1])) { scItem.Resource_AddFile(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 12].GetValue <string>() + downLine[0] + downLine[1], resLine[0], null); } } // adds url to another site else { scItem.Resource_AddName(resLine[0], null, resLine[1]); } } } // Add Tags to the item if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 7].GetValue <string>() != "null") { string[] tags = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 7].GetValue <string>().Split('|'); for (var x = 0; x < tags.Length - 1; x++) { scItem.Tag_AddNew(tags[x]); } } // Adds Panels to the item if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 8].GetValue <string>() != "null") { string[] panLine = itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, 8].GetValue <string>().Split('|'); for (var t = 0; t < panLine.Length - 1; t++) { string[] panData = panLine[t].Split('@'); if (scItem.Panel_FindByTitle(panData[0]) == null) { // sets panel type based off string switch (panData[1]) { case "RichText": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.RichText, panData[2]); break; case "Attribute": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.Attribute, panData[2]); break; case "CustomResource": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.CustomResource, panData[2]); break; case "HTML": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.HTML, panData[2]); break; case "Image": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.Image, panData[2]); break; case "Video": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.Video, panData[2]); break; case "Undefined": scItem.Panel_Add(panData[0], Panel.PanelType.Undefined, panData[2]); break; } } } } // add attribute to the item for (var j = 13; j < itemColumns; j++) { if (itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, j].Value != null && itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, j].Value.ToString() != "") { string[] attribute = itemSheet.Cells[1, j].Value.ToString().Split('|'); if (attribute[1] == "Date") { scItem.SetAttributeValue(story.Attribute_FindByName(attribute[0]), DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, j].Value.ToString()))); } else if (attribute[1] == "Numeric") { scItem.SetAttributeValue(story.Attribute_FindByName(attribute[0]), Double.Parse(itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, j].Value.ToString())); } else { scItem.SetAttributeValue(story.Attribute_FindByName(attribute[0]), itemSheet.Cells[rowNum, j].Value.ToString()); } } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var fileLocation = System.IO.Directory.GetParent (System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory) .ToString()).ToString(); // Loads user setting from config file var teamstoryid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["teamstoryid"]; var portfolioid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["portfolioid"]; var templateid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["templateid"]; var userid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["user"]; var passwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pass"]; var URL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL"]; var storyID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["story"]; MatchCollection matchUrl = Regex.Matches(storyID, @"story\/(.+)\/view"); string[] matchGroup = null; string storyUrl = ""; if (matchUrl.Count > 0) { matchGroup = matchUrl[0].ToString().Split('/'); storyUrl = matchGroup[1]; } else { storyUrl = storyID; } // Login and get story data from Sharpcloud var sc = new SharpCloudApi(userid, passwd, URL); var story = sc.LoadStory(storyUrl); //Create EPPlus and create a workbook with 2 spreadsheets FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(fileLocation + "\\combine.xlsx"); ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(newFile); //Add the Content sheets var itemSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Items"); if (itemSheet == null) { itemSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Items"); } var relationshipSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First(); if (pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Count > 1) { relationshipSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.ElementAt(1); } if (relationshipSheet == itemSheet) { relationshipSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("RelationshipSheet"); } //Setting up the threads object a, b; Sharp first = new Sharp(); Sharp second = new Sharp(); = sc; first.story = story; first.sheet = itemSheet; first.order = 0; second.story = story; second.order = 1; a = first; b = second; // Initial Item Header list var headList = new List <string> { "Name", "Description", "Category", "Start", "Duration", "Resources", "Tags", "Panels", "Subcategory", "AttCount", "cat_color", "file_path" }; // Filters the default attributes from the story var attData = story.Attributes; var attList = new List <SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute>(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"none|None|Sample"); var attCount = 0; foreach (var att in attData) { // Checks to see if attribute header is a default attritube. Match match = regex.Match(att.Name); if (!match.Success) { // Adds non-default attribute to the List and to the header line attList.Add(att); attCount++; headList.Add(att.Name + "|" + att.Type + "|" + att.Description); } } var go = 1; foreach (var head in headList) { itemSheet.Cells[1, go].Value = head; go++; } first.attList = attList; first.sheetLine = 2; first.attCount = attCount; // Insert data into 2 spreadsheets firstHalf = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(downloadFiles)); downloader = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(downloadFiles)); firstHalf.Start(a); downloader.Start(b); ItemSheet(a); RelationshipSheet(story, relationshipSheet); pck.SaveAs(newFile); /* * Console.WriteLine("Resource Tags"); * foreach (var resTag in story.ResourceTags) * { * Console.WriteLine(resTag.Name); * } */ }
//Grabs all item data with their attributes private static void ItemSheet(object Sharp) { var fileLocation = System.IO.Directory.GetParent (System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory) .ToString()).ToString(); Sharp sharp = Sharp as Sharp; var story = sharp.story; var sc =; var catData = story.Categories; var attList = sharp.attList; var attCount = sharp.attCount; var itemSheet = sharp.sheet; var order = sharp.order; var sheetLine = sharp.sheetLine; // Goes through items in category order foreach (var cat in catData) { foreach (var item in story.Items) { // check to see if category matches item category if (item.Category.Name == cat.Name) { // Creates the initial list for the item var itemList = new List <string> { item.Name, item.Description, item.Category.Name, item.StartDate.ToString(), item.DurationInDays.ToString() }; //Goes through the item's resources var resLine = ""; if (item.Resources.Length > 0) { foreach (var res in item.Resources) { //downloads resource file if there is a file extension to file if (res.FileExtension != null) { resLine += res.Name + "~" + res.Name + "*" + res.FileExtension + "|"; } // Gets the url for a website else { resLine += res.Name + "~" + res.Url + "|"; } } } // Item has no resources else { resLine = "null"; } // Add the resource data to list itemList.Add(resLine); // Adds the tags to the list var tagLine = ""; if (item.Tags.Length > 0) { foreach (var tag in item.Tags) { tagLine += tag.Text + "|"; } } else { tagLine = "null"; } itemList.Add(tagLine); // Adds the panels to the list var panLine = ""; // Check to see if item has any panels containing data var dataCount = 0; foreach (var pan in item.Panels) { // Check to see if panel data is empty if (pan.Data.ToString() != "_EMPTY_") { dataCount++; panLine += pan.Title + "@" + pan.Type + "@" + pan.Data + "|"; } } if (dataCount == 0) { panLine = "null"; } itemList.Add(panLine); // adds the sub category to the item var subLine = ""; // checks to see if item has a subcategory try { subLine = item.SubCategory.Name; } catch { subLine = "null"; } itemList.Add(subLine); itemList.Add(attCount.ToString()); //Adds the color of the category to the list var colors = (cat.Color.A + "|" + cat.Color.R + "|" + cat.Color.G + "|" + cat.Color.B).ToString(); itemList.Add(colors); // check to see if item has a image based off the sharpcloud image url Regex zeroImage = new Regex(@"00000000"); Match zeroMatch = zeroImage.Match(item.ImageUri.ToString()); // Downloads image to folder if url is not all 0s itemList.Add(fileLocation + "\\" + "Files" + "\\"); string[] itemLine = itemList.ToArray(); var go = 1; foreach (var itemCell in itemLine) { itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = itemCell; if (go == 5) { itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = Double.Parse(itemCell); itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#"; } if (go == 10) { itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = Double.Parse(itemCell); } go++; } // Adds the attributes to the item foreach (var att in attList) { switch (att.Type.ToString()) { case "Text": itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = item.GetAttributeValueAsText(att); break; case "Numeric": itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = item.GetAttributeValueAsDouble(att); itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0.00"; break; case "Date": itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = item.GetAttributeValueAsDate(att); itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM"; break; case "List": itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = item.GetAttributeValueAsText(att); break; case "Location": itemSheet.Cells[sheetLine, go].Value = item.GetAttributeValueAsText(att); break; } go++; } // Adds entire list to the row for the item. sheetLine++; } } } // Writes file to disk Console.WriteLine("ItemSheet Written"); }
private static extern IntPtr ImgDenoising(Operation opera, Sharp sharp, int size);
public ActionResult Result(string SelectedTest)//Выводит результат тестирвоания { List <Sharp> sharp = null; try { if (Request.Cookies["user"] != null)//если пользователь авторизован на странице { switch (SelectedTest) { case "Sharp": { sharp = Sharp.Load(); //загружаем данные из бд с правильными ответами int maxAnsTruth = sharp.Count(); //запоминаем кол-во вопросов int noRightAns = 0; //кол-во неправильных ответов for (int i = 1; i <= maxAnsTruth; i++) //пробегаемся по всем вопросам { if (Request.Form["quest" + i.ToString()] != sharp.First(x => x.ID == i).NUMANSWER.ToString()) //если пользователь выбрал неправильный ответ { noRightAns++; } } List <Users> users = Users.Load(); // загружаем данные из бд с пользователями double percentRes = ((double)(maxAnsTruth - noRightAns) / (double)(maxAnsTruth + noRightAns)) * 100; //процентное соотношение неправильных ответов string email = Request.Cookies["user"].Value; //запоминаем email авторизованного пользователя users.First(x => x.EMAIL == email).SHARP = Convert.ToInt32(percentRes); //запоминаем результат прохождения теста в учетной записи пользователя Users.SaveChanges(users.First(x => x.EMAIL == email)); //сохраняем изменения в БД if (percentRes >= 90) { ViewBag.Result = "Тест на знание языка C# пройден на оценку - 5"; ViewBag.Message = "Поздравляю ! Вы отлично владеете данным языком и можете похвастаться даже своими проектами. С вашими знаниями " + "можно устроиться практически в любую компанию со стартовым заработком 50к или даже можете хорошо зарекомендовать себя на фрилансе"; } else if (percentRes >= 75 && percentRes < 90) { ViewBag.Result = "Тест на знание языка C# пройден на оценку - 4"; ViewBag.Message = "Поздравляю ! Вы довольно не плохо владеете данным языком, хотя все же есть пробелы над которыми стоит поработать. С вашими знаниями " + "можно устроиться максимум на позицию Junior разработчика со стартовым заработком ~30к"; } else if (percentRes > 50 && percentRes <= 75) { ViewBag.Result = "Тест на знание языка C# пройден на оценку - 3"; ViewBag.Message = "Поздравляю ! Вы прошли тест, но увы результаты оставляют желать лучшего. С вашими знаниями " + "будет довольно сложно устроиться даже на позицию Junior разработчика. Для улучшения результата стоит подтянуть свои знания языка прочитав по ней литературу"; } else { ViewBag.Result = "Тест на знание языка C# пройден на оценку - 2"; ViewBag.Message = "Увы...вы не прошли тест. Это говорит о том, что вы либо не знаете язык совсем, либо вы изучали его не правильно. Рекомендуем вам после " + "изучения каждой темы по языку закреплять материал на практике."; } break; } default: break; } } else { throw new Exception("Доступ к этой странцие имеют только авторизованные пользвоатели"); } }catch (Exception exc) { ViewBag.Msg = exc.Message; return(View("Error")); } return(View()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string fileName = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(System.IO.Directory.GetParent(Environment.CurrentDirectory).ToString()).ToString() + "\\combine.xlsx"; // Get info from config file var teamstoryid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["teamstoryid"]; var portfolioid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["portfolioid"]; var templateid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["templatIeid"]; var userid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["user"]; var passwd = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pass"]; var URL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL"]; var storyID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["story"]; var storyTwo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storyTwo"]; // Login and get story data from Sharpcloud var sc = new SharpCloudApi(userid, passwd, URL); var story = sc.LoadStory(storyID); // Load data from excel using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(fileName))) { // Generate data from worksheets var itemSheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First(); var relSheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.ElementAt(1); var relRows = relSheet.Dimension.End.Row; var relCols = relSheet.Dimension.End.Column; var itemRows = itemSheet.Dimension.End.Row; var itemColumns = itemSheet.Dimension.End.Column; // Creating the objects to be used in the threads object a, b; Sharp first = new Sharp(); Sharp second = new Sharp(); first.sheet = itemSheet; = sc; first.story = story; first.order = 0; second.sheet = itemSheet; = sc; second.story = story; second.order = 1; // Creating the threads firstHalf = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(addItems)); secondHalf = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(addItems)); firstHalf.Name = "firstHalf"; secondHalf.Name = "secondHalf"; // add attribute to story for (var k = 13; k < itemColumns; k++) { string[] attribute = itemSheet.Cells[1, k].Value.ToString().Split('|'); if (story.Attribute_FindByName(attribute[0]) == null) { switch (attribute[1]) { case "Text": story.Attribute_Add(attribute[0], SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute.AttributeType.Text); break; case "Numeric": story.Attribute_Add(attribute[0], SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute.AttributeType.Numeric); break; case "Date": story.Attribute_Add(attribute[0], SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute.AttributeType.Date); break; case "List": story.Attribute_Add(attribute[0], SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute.AttributeType.List); break; case "Location": story.Attribute_Add(attribute[0], SC.API.ComInterop.Models.Attribute.AttributeType.Location); break; } story.Attribute_FindByName(attribute[0]).Description = attribute[2]; } } // go through item sheet a = first; b = second; firstHalf.Start(a); secondHalf.Start(b); // Waits for all the items to be in the story before adding relationships firstHalf.Join(); secondHalf.Join(); Console.WriteLine("Adding Relationships"); string[] attSplit = null; // Add attribute relationship to story for (var i = 6; i < relCols; i++) { attSplit = relSheet.Cells[1, i].Value.ToString().Split('|'); if (story.RelationshipAttribute_FindByName(attSplit[0]) == null) { switch (attSplit[1]) { case "Numeric": story.RelationshipAttribute_Add(attSplit[0], RelationshipAttribute.RelationshipAttributeType.Numeric); break; case "Date": story.RelationshipAttribute_Add(attSplit[0], RelationshipAttribute.RelationshipAttributeType.Date); break; case "List": story.RelationshipAttribute_Add(attSplit[0], RelationshipAttribute.RelationshipAttributeType.List); break; case "Text": story.RelationshipAttribute_Add(attSplit[0], RelationshipAttribute.RelationshipAttributeType.Text); break; } } } // Add relationships to items for (int rowNum = 2; rowNum <= relRows; rowNum++) { // Establish relationships between 2 items var currentItem = story.Item_FindByName(relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 1].Value.ToString()); var nextItem = story.Item_FindByName(relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 2].Value.ToString()); var rel = story.Relationship_AddNew(currentItem, nextItem); // Assign direction to relationship switch (relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 3].Value.ToString()) { case "None": rel.Direction = Relationship.RelationshipDirection.None; break; case "AtoB": rel.Direction = Relationship.RelationshipDirection.AtoB; break; case "BtoA": rel.Direction = Relationship.RelationshipDirection.BtoA; break; case "Both": rel.Direction = Relationship.RelationshipDirection.Both; break; } string[] tagArray = null; if (relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 4].Value != null && relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 4].Value != "") { tagArray = relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 4].ToString().Split('|'); for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.Length - 1; i++) { rel.Tag_AddNew(tagArray[i]); } } var relCom = story.Item_FindByName(relSheet.Cells[rowNum, 5].Value.ToString()); for (var k = 6; k < relCols; k++) { attSplit = relSheet.Cells[1, k].Value.ToString().Split('|'); rel.SetAttributeValue(story.RelationshipAttribute_FindByName(attSplit[0]), relSheet.Cells[rowNum, k].Value.ToString()); } } } story.Save(); }