Ejemplo n.º 1
 //Awaits an element to be clickable By locator,
 //clicks the element and than asserts By a following locator that the click action was initiated and performed correctly.
 public void ClickAssert(By locator, By assertLocator, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     log.Debug("ClickAssert start.");
     SharedServiceClass.ClickAssert(Driver, locator, assertLocator, waitTime);
     log.Debug("ClickAssert finished.");
     log.Info(description + " - ClickAssert performed. '" + locator.ToString() + "' has been clicked. and '" + assertLocator.ToString() + "' asserted.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Awaits an element to be clickable By locator,
        //clicks the element and than asserts By a following locator that the click action was initiated and performed correctly.
        //public void ClickAssert(By locator, By assertLocator, string description, int waitTime = 120) {
        //    log.Debug("ClickAssert start.");
        //    SharedServiceClass.ClickAssert(Driver, locator, assertLocator, waitTime);
        //    log.Debug("ClickAssert finished.");
        //    log.Info(description + " - ClickAssert performed. '" + locator.ToString() + "' has been clicked. and '" + assertLocator.ToString() + "' asserted.");

        //Awaits an element to be visible By locator, then sends keys string the element.
        public void JQuerySendKeys(string locator, string keys, string description, int waitTime = 120, bool isClear = true)
            SharedServiceClass.JqueryElementReady(Driver, locator, waitTime);
            if (isClear)
                SharedServiceClass.JquerySendKeys(Driver, locator, "");
            SharedServiceClass.JquerySendKeys(Driver, locator, keys);
            log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - SendKeys: '" + keys + "'.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Awaits an element to be visible By locator, then sends keys string the element.
        public void SendKeys(By locator, string keys, string description, int waitTime = 120, bool isClear = true)
            IWebElement element = SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, locator, waitTime);

            if (isClear)
            log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - SendKeys: '" + keys + "'.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //Awaits an element to be clickable By locator, then clicks the element.
 public void Click(By locator, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     SharedServiceClass.ElementIsClickable(Driver, locator, waitTime).Click();
     log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - Click.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 //Moves focus to element selected by locator.
 public void MoveToElement(By locator)
     log.Debug("Moving focus to element " + locator.ToString());
     new Actions(Driver).MoveToElement(SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, locator)).Build().Perform();
     log.Debug("Focus to element was set.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void JQueryClick(string locator, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     SharedServiceClass.JqueryElementReady(Driver, locator, waitTime);
     SharedServiceClass.JqueryClick(Driver, locator);
     log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - Click.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 //Switches Driver's focus to the windowIndexes's opened browser instance.
 public void SwitchToWindow(int windowIndex, string description)
     Driver.SwitchTo().Window(SharedServiceClass.LastWindowName(Driver, windowIndex));
     log.Info("Moving focust to window: " + description + ".");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 //Awaits a select element to be visible By locator, then selects by text.
 public void SelectByText(By locator, string text, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     new SelectElement(SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, locator, waitTime)).SelectByText(text);
     log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - SelectByText: '" + text + "'.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 //Awaits a select element to be visible By locator, then selects by value.
 public void SelectByValue(By locator, string value, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     new SelectElement(SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, locator, waitTime)).SelectByValue(value);
     log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - SelectByValue: '" + value + "'.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 //Awaits a select element to be visible By locator, then selects by index.
 public void SelectByIndex(By locator, int index, string description, int waitTime = 120)
     new SelectElement(SharedServiceClass.ElementIsVisible(Driver, locator, waitTime)).SelectByIndex(index);
     log.Info(description + " - '" + locator.ToString() + "' - SelectByIndex: '" + index + "'.");