Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Handler after the drag and drop
        private void frmMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            //Clear previous print out

            //Get the files that have been dragged and drop
            string[] fileList = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as string[];

            foreach( string word in fileList ){
                // Read the file into <bits>
                var fs = new FileStream(@word, FileMode.Open);
                var len = (int)fs.Length;
                var bits = new byte[len];

                bool accfound = false;
                string buffer = "";
                int ver = 0;
                SharedFunctions.UserInfo userInfo = new SharedFunctions.UserInfo();
                List<SharedFunctions.UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<SharedFunctions.UserInfo>();

                String finaloutput = "------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
                finaloutput += "From file: " + word + " \r\n";
                finaloutput += "------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";

                fs.Read(bits, 0, len);

                // Check if the file version
                if( bits[0]==0xD0 ){
                    // Version 6.X
                    ver = 0;
                    // Version 7.0 and 7.1
                    ver = 1;
                // Loop to filter out non alphanumeric characters. Form word from individual character
                // to see if it is the interested data
                for( int jx = 0; jx < len; ++jx ){
                    // Filter out not alphanumeric character
                    if( bits[jx] > 0x20 && bits[jx] < 0x7f && bits[jx] != 0x3d ){
                        // Concat to from word
                        buffer += (char)bits[jx];

                        // Check if the next word is going to the user account
                        if( buffer.Equals("Account") || buffer.Equals("POP3Account") ){
                            // Offset
                            int index = jx + 9;

                            // Additional offset required for version 6.5
                            if( ver==0 ){
                                index = jx + 2;
                            // Loop till the entire data is extracted
                            // (Data is in alphanumeric character, non alphanumeric mean end of data)
                            while (bits[index] > 0x20 && bits[index] < 0x7f){
                                userInfo.acc += (char)bits[index];
                            // Flag to indicate account found
                            accfound = true;

                            // Shift the current "pointer" to the end index of the data
                            jx = index;
                        // If there is an user account, check for its password
                        else if( accfound && (buffer.Equals("Password") || buffer.Equals("POP3Password")) ){
                            int index = jx + 9;
                            if( ver==0 ){
                                index = jx + 2;
                            string pw = "";

                            while( bits[index] > 0x20 && bits[index] < 0x7f ){
                                pw += (char)bits[index];
                            if( pw!="" ){
                                userInfo.password = SharedFunctions.decodePW(ver, pw);
                                userInfo.password = "******";
                            bool duplicate = false;

                            //Check for duplicate data before inserting into userInfoList
                            foreach (SharedFunctions.UserInfo user in userInfoList)
                                if (user.acc.Equals(userInfo.acc) && user.password.Equals(userInfo.password))
                                    duplicate = true;


                            if (!duplicate)
                                duplicate = false;

                            userInfo = null;
                            userInfo = new SharedFunctions.UserInfo();

                            accfound = false;
                            jx = index;
                        buffer = "";
                bool empty = true;

                // Loop to output data
                foreach (SharedFunctions.UserInfo user in userInfoList){
                    SharedFunctions.CsvRow row = new SharedFunctions.CsvRow();
                    finaloutput += "Account : " + user.acc + "\r\nPassword : "******"\r\n\r\n";
                    btnExport.Enabled = true;
                    empty = false;
                if (empty){
                    finaloutput += "Empty\r\n\r\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] szInputFile = new string[1];
            szInputFile[0] = "";
            string szOutputFile = "";
            Boolean bExitFlag = false;

            if( args.Length==0 ){
                Application.Run(new frmMain());
                if( args.Length != 4 || (args[0] == "-f" && args[2] != "-o") || (args[0] == "-o" && args[2] != "-f") ){
                    const string message = "Error in format, Enter as in format below:\n" + "Eg. FoxmailRecovery.exe -f [filename1];[filename2]...[filenameN] -o [outputfilepath]\n" + "Eg. FoxmailRecovery.exe -o [outputfilepath] -f [filename1];[filename2]...[filenameN]";
                    MessageBox.Show(message, "Error in format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    Boolean bLoop = true;
                    string[] szTemp = new string[1];
                    szTemp[0] = null;

                    for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
                        if( args[i].Equals("-f") && !args[i + 1].Equals("-o") ){
                            szInputFile = args[i + 1].Split(';');

                            foreach( string input in szInputFile ){
                                if( File.Exists(input) ){
                                    if( bLoop ){
                                        szTemp[0] = input;
                                        bLoop = false;
                                        string[] szBuffer = new string[szTemp.Length + 1];
                                        Array.Copy(szTemp, 0, szBuffer, 0, szTemp.Length);
                                        szBuffer[szTemp.Length] = input;
                                        szTemp = null;
                                        szTemp = szBuffer;
                                        szBuffer = null;
                            szInputFile = szTemp;
                        }else if( args[i].Equals("-o") && !args[i + 1].Equals("-f") ){
                            //string directory;
                            if( File.Exists(args[i + 1]) ){
                                var result = MessageBox.Show("File exist!, Do you want to overwrite?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                                if (result == DialogResult.Yes){
                                    szOutputFile = args[i + 1];
                                    szOutputFile = "1";
                                if( args[i + 1].EndsWith(".csv") ){
                                    szOutputFile = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", Application.StartupPath, args[i + 1]);
                                    szOutputFile = "2";
                    if( szInputFile[0] == "" ){
                        MessageBox.Show("Invalid input(s)", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        bExitFlag = true;
                        if( szOutputFile == "" ){
                            MessageBox.Show("Invalid output", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            bExitFlag = true;
                            if( szOutputFile == "1" ){
                                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a different output file name", "Renter", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                bExitFlag = true;
                            }else if( szOutputFile == "2" ){
                                MessageBox.Show("Invalid output file format", "File format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                                bExitFlag = true;
                    if( !bExitFlag ){
                        List<SharedFunctions.CsvRow> csvContent = new List<SharedFunctions.CsvRow>();
                        foreach( string word in szInputFile ){
                            // Read the file into <bits>
                            var fs = new FileStream(@word, FileMode.Open);
                            var len = (int)fs.Length;
                            var bits = new byte[len];
                            bool accfound = false;
                            string tempstring = "";
                            int ver = 0;

                            SharedFunctions.UserInfo test = new SharedFunctions.UserInfo();
                            List<SharedFunctions.UserInfo> userInfo = new List<SharedFunctions.UserInfo>();

                            fs.Read(bits, 0, len);

                            if( bits[0]==0xD0 ){
                                ver = 0;
                                ver = 1;

                            // Extract readable character from file
                            for (int jx = 0; jx < len; ++jx){
                                // If it's within range of ascii alphanumerics
                                if (bits[jx] > 0x20 && bits[jx] < 0x7f && bits[jx] != 0x3d){
                                    // Form word from each character for checking
                                    tempstring += (char)bits[jx];

                                    //Loop to extract data if the formed word is "Account" or "POP3Account"
                                    if( tempstring.Equals("Account") || tempstring.Equals("POP3Account") ){
                                        int index = jx + 9;
                                        if( ver == 0 ){
                                            index = jx + 2;
                                        while (bits[index] > 0x20 && bits[index] < 0x7f){
                                            test.acc += (char)bits[index];
                                        accfound = true;
                                        jx = index;
                                    //Loop to extract data if the formed word is "Password" or "POP3Password"
                                    else if( accfound && (tempstring.Equals("Password") || tempstring.Equals("POP3Password")) ){
                                        int index = jx + 9;
                                        if (ver == 0){
                                            index = jx + 2;
                                        string pw = "";
                                        while (bits[index] > 0x20 && bits[index] < 0x7f){
                                            pw += (char)bits[index];
                                        if( pw != "" ){
                                            test.password = SharedFunctions.decodePW(ver, pw);
                                            test.password = "******";

                                        bool duplicate = false;

                                        // Check for duplicate entry
                                        foreach (SharedFunctions.UserInfo user in userInfo){
                                            if (user.acc.Equals(test.acc) && user.password.Equals(test.password)){
                                                duplicate = true;
                                        if (!duplicate){
                                            duplicate = false;
                                        test = null;
                                        test = new SharedFunctions.UserInfo();
                                        accfound = false;
                                        jx = index;
                                    tempstring = "";

                            // Add into csv object from output file
                            foreach (SharedFunctions.UserInfo user in userInfo){
                                SharedFunctions.CsvRow row = new SharedFunctions.CsvRow();
                        // Write file into csv file
                        using( SharedFunctions.CsvFileWriter writer = new SharedFunctions.CsvFileWriter(szOutputFile) ){
                            foreach( SharedFunctions.CsvRow r in csvContent ){