/// <summary>
	/// Recalculates the bone indexes.
	/// </summary>
	private BoneWeight RecalculateBoneIndexes(BoneWeight bw, SharedBoneBindposeGroups sharedGroups, Transform[] smBones, Matrix4x4[] smBindposes)
		Func<Transform, Matrix4x4, int> GetBoneIdx = (bone, bindpose) =>
			SharedBoneBindpose shareBoneBindpose = sharedGroups.Find(bone, bindpose);
			if (shareBoneBindpose != null)
				return shareBoneBindpose.index;

			return 0;

		BoneWeight retBw = bw;
		retBw.boneIndex0 = GetBoneIdx(smBones[bw.boneIndex0], smBindposes[bw.boneIndex0]);
		retBw.boneIndex1 = GetBoneIdx(smBones[bw.boneIndex1], smBindposes[bw.boneIndex1]);
		retBw.boneIndex2 = GetBoneIdx(smBones[bw.boneIndex2], smBindposes[bw.boneIndex2]);
		retBw.boneIndex3 = GetBoneIdx(smBones[bw.boneIndex3], smBindposes[bw.boneIndex3]);

		//retBw.boneIndex0 = 0;
		//retBw.weight0 = 1;
		//retBw.weight1 = retBw.weight2 = retBw.weight3 = 0;

		//Debug.Log(bw.boneIndex0+ " " + bw.boneIndex1+ " "  + bw.boneIndex2+ " " + bw.boneIndex3+ " " + ">" +
		//	retBw.boneIndex0 + " " + retBw.boneIndex1 + " " + retBw.boneIndex2 + " " + retBw.boneIndex3 + " " + ">" +
		//	retBw.weight0 + " " + retBw.weight1 + " " + retBw.weight2 + " " + retBw.weight3);
		return retBw;
	/// <summary>
	/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SkinnedMeshCombineUtility"/> class.
	/// </summary>
	public SkinnedMeshCombinerUtility(CombineMode optimizeType, EndCombine endCombine, int maxVertexHint, int maxBoneHint)
		this.optimizeType = optimizeType;
		this.endCombine = endCombine;

		if (this.optimizeType == CombineMode.CalculateOverlappedBoneBindpose)
			sharedGroups = new SharedBoneBindposeGroups();
		else if (this.optimizeType == CombineMode.SharedBoneBindpose)
			boneIndexLookup = new Dictionary<Transform, int>();

		this.bones = new List<Transform>(maxBoneHint);
		this.bindposes = new List<Matrix4x4>(maxBoneHint);
		this.boneWeights = new List<BoneWeight>(maxVertexHint);
		this.meshInstances = new List<MeshInstance>();
		this.materials = new List<Material>();