Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Bitmap Compute(Bitmap inputImage)
            // Define output array
            int[,] output;

            // Get the grayscale image from src
            int[,] grayscale = Grayscale.FromBitmap(inputImage);
            int width  = grayscale.GetLength(0);
            int height = grayscale.GetLength(1);

            // Detect edges using sobel
            int[,] edges = Sobel.Compute(grayscale);

            bool[,] strucElem =
                { false, true, false },
                { true,  true, true  },
                { false, true, false }

            // Calculate white top-hat (WTH) with plus-shaped structuring element
            int[,] wth = Defaults.Combine(edges, Morphologicals.Opening(edges, strucElem), (a, b) => a - b);

            // Create thresholds from the WTH
            int[,] wth60 = Threshold.Compute(wth, 60);
            int[,] wth30 = Threshold.Compute(wth, 30);

            // Calculate Hough transform
            const double STEP_SIZE = 0.25;

            int[,] hough       = Hough.Compute(wth60, STEP_SIZE);
            int[,] houghWindow = Window.Compute(hough, 20000, int.MaxValue);

            // Find and filter lines from hough transform
            SortedSet <Line> lines = Lines.FindLines(houghWindow, STEP_SIZE);

            lines = Lines.FilterLines(lines);

            strucElem = new bool[, ]
                { false, false, true, false, false },
                { false, true, true, true, false },
                { true, true, true, true, true },
                { false, true, true, true, false },
                { false, false, true, false, false }

            // Find all rectangles that somewhat resemble a card shape
            IList <Card> cards = Lines.FindCardShapedRectangles(lines, width, height);

            // Filter all card shaped rectangles with enough line support
            int[,] dilation = Morphologicals.Dilation(wth60, strucElem);
            IList <Card> filteredCards = Lines.FilterCardShapedRectangles(dilation, cards);

            // Set the output image, convert it to a bitmap and create a graphics object so we can draw on it
            switch (outputSelector.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                output = grayscale;

            case 1:
                output = edges;

            case 2:
                output = wth;

            case 3:
                output = wth60;

            case 4:
                output = wth30;

            case 5:
                output = dilation;

            case 6:
                output = hough;
            Bitmap outputImage = Grayscale.ToBitmap(Defaults.Normalize(output));

            if (output == hough)

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(outputImage);

            // Draw the filtered lines
            if (drawFilteredLinesCheckbox.Checked)
                DrawLines(lines, g, outputImage.Width, outputImage.Height);

            // Draw the potential cards (card-shaped rectangles)
            if (drawFoundRectanglesCheckbox.Checked)
                foreach (Card card in cards)
                    card.Draw(g, Pens.Yellow);

            if (drawFilteredRectanglesCheckbox.Checked)
                foreach (Card card in filteredCards)
                    card.Draw(g, Pens.Red);

            // Classify and draw all filtered cards
            foreach (Card card in filteredCards)
                List <ShapeInfo> shapes = Shapes.Find(wth30, card);

                if (shapes.Count > 10)

                Suit suit = Shapes.ClassifyShapes(shapes);
                if (suit != Suit.Unknown)
                    // Draw the bboxes of the shapes
                    if (drawBBCheckbox.Checked)
                        DrawShapes(shapes, g);

                    // Draw the card outline
                    if (drawFoundCardsCheckbox.Checked)

                    // Format the card name and print it on the card
                    string cardName = String.Format("{0} of {1}", shapes.Count == 1 ? "Ace" : shapes.Count.ToString(), suit);
                    g.DrawString(cardName, new Font("Arial", 14), Brushes.Orange, new PointF(card.bottomLeft.X, card.bottomLeft.Y + 4));
