Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap.
            Map streetMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile.
            string filepath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("d98b3e5293834c5f852f13c569930caa", "TrailBikeNetwork.shp");

                // Open the shapefile.
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI.
                _shapefileMetadata = myShapefile.Info;

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile.
                _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile.
                _myMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += MapView_SpatialReferenceChanged;

                // Add the feature layer to the map.

                // Show the map in the MapView.
                _myMapView.Map = streetMap;
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
        private void initAsync()
            FeatureLayer shapeFile = this.layer as FeatureLayer;

            if (shapeFile != null)
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = shapeFile.FeatureTable as ShapefileFeatureTable;
                if (myShapefile != null)
                    ShapefileInfo fileInfo = myShapefile.Info;
                    string        x        = "";

                    foreach (Field field in myShapefile.Fields)
                        x += field.Name;

                        x += "\n";
                    info.Text             = x;
                    InfoPanel.DataContext = fileInfo;
                    //ShapefileThumbnailImage.Source =
                    //    await Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.RuntimeImageExtensions.ToImageSourceAsync(fileInfo.Thumbnail);
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

                // Open the shapefile
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent, 50);
            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(e.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            Map streetMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

            // Open the shapefile
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI
            ShapefileInfo fileInfo = myShapefile.Info;

            InfoPanel.DataContext = fileInfo;

            // Display the shapefile thumbnail in an image control
            ShapefileThumbnailImage.Source = await Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.RuntimeImageExtensions.ToImageSourceAsync(fileInfo.Thumbnail);

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);
            await newFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
            MyMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += async(s, e) =>
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

            // Add the feature layer to the map

            // Show the map in the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = streetMap;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            MyMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISStreets);

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

                // Open the shapefile
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent, 50);
            catch (Exception e)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", e.ToString(), "OK");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // 数据/导入shapefile文件;
        private async void AddSHP_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofdlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
            ofdlg.Multiselect = true;
            ofdlg.Filter      = "Shapefile文件(*.shp)|*.shp";
            ofdlg.Title       = "打开Shapefile文件";
            if (ofdlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                for (int i = 0; i < ofdlg.FileNames.Length; i++)
                    String fPath = ofdlg.FileNames.GetValue(i).ToString();
                    // 新建图层
                    ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(fPath);

                    FeatureLayer newFeaturelayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile)
                        SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan,
                        SelectionWidth = 5
                    Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls.MapView mapView = (Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls.MapView) this.FindName("myMapView");
                    if (mapView != null)
                        await mapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeaturelayer.FullExtent);

                        // 获取文件名
                        String layerName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fPath);
                        // 新建checkbox并入栈
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            Map streetMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

            // Open the shapefile
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI
            _shapefileMetadata = myShapefile.Info;

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);
            await newFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
            _myMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += async(s, e) =>
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

            // Add the feature layer to the map

            // Show the map in the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = streetMap;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            //  string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

                // Open the shapefile
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.SetLicense(licenseKey);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent, 50);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to initialize the ArcGIS Runtime with the client ID provided: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap.
            Map streetMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile.
            string filepath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("d98b3e5293834c5f852f13c569930caa", "TrailBikeNetwork.shp");

            // Open the shapefile.
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI.
            _shapefileMetadata = myShapefile.Info;

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile.
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

            // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile.
            _myMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += async(s, e) => { await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent); };

            // Add the feature layer to the map.

            // Show the map in the MapView.
            _myMapView.Map = streetMap;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap.
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile.
            string filepath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("d98b3e5293834c5f852f13c569930caa", "Public_Art.shp");

                // Open the shapefile.
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile.
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                // Add the feature layer to the map.

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile.
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent, 50);
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            Map streetMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

                // Open the shapefile
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI
                ShapefileInfo fileInfo = myShapefile.Info;
                InfoPanel.BindingContext = fileInfo;

                // Read the thumbnail image data into a byte array
                Stream imageStream = await fileInfo.Thumbnail.GetEncodedBufferAsync();

                byte[] imageData = new byte[imageStream.Length];
                imageStream.Read(imageData, 0, imageData.Length);

                // Create a new image source from the thumbnail data
                ImageSource streamImageSource = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(imageData));

                // Create a new image to display the thumbnail
                Image image = new Image()
                    Source = streamImageSource,
                    Margin = new Thickness(10)

                // Show the thumbnail image in a UI control
                ShapefileThumbnailImage.Source = image.Source;

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);
                await newFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
                MyMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += async(s, e) =>
                    await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Show the map in the MapView
                MyMapView.Map = streetMap;
            catch (Exception e)
                await((Page)Parent).DisplayAlert("Error", e.ToString(), "OK");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private async void Initialize()
            Map myMap = new Map(BasemapType.TopographicVector, 43.3, -73.2, 8);

             * try
             * {
             *  if(LocalServer.Instance.Status == LocalServerStatus.Started)
             *  {
             *      await LocalServer.Instance.StopAsync();
             *  }
             *  string tempDataPathRoot = Directory.GetParent(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows)).FullName;
             *  string tempDataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempDataPathRoot, "EsriSamples", "AppData");
             *  await LocalServer.Instance.StartAsync();
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  var localServerTypeInfo = typeof(LocalMapService).GetTypeInfo();
             *  var localServerVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(localServerTypeInfo.Assembly.Location);
             *  MessageBox.Show($"Please ensure that local server {localServerVersion.FileVersion} is installed prior to usung this app. Thx bro.\n{ex}");
             *  return;
             * }
            sfFeatTable = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync("C://Users//benja//Desktop//ColumbiaCounty//ColumbiaCounty.shp");

            // Create feature layer using this feature table. Make it slightly transparent.
            newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(sfFeatTable)
                Opacity = 0.6,
                // Work around service setting.
                MaxScale = 10

            // Create a new renderer for the States Feature Layer.
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Transparent, lineSymbol);

            // Set States feature layer renderer.
            newFeatureLayer.Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

            // Add feature layer to the map.

            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent, 50);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
        private async void showBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(rasterResultPath);

            FeatureLayer newFeaturelayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

            await myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeaturelayer.FullExtent);

            String layerName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rasterResultPath);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create the map with topographic basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create the point for the map's initial viewpoint
            MapPoint point = new MapPoint(-11662054, 4818336, SpatialReference.Create(3857));

            // Create a viewpoint for the point
            Viewpoint viewpoint = new Viewpoint(point, 200000);

            // Set the initial viewpoint
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = viewpoint;

            // Create a shapefile feature table from the shapefile path
            ShapefileFeatureTable myFeatureTable = new ShapefileFeatureTable(GetShapefilePath());

            // Create a layer from the feature table
            _shapefileFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myFeatureTable);

            // Add the layer to the map

            // Create the symbology for the alternate renderer
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 1.0);
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, lineSymbol);

            // Create the alternate renderer
            _alternateRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

                // Wait for the layer to load so that it will be assigned a default renderer
                await _shapefileFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Hold a reference to the default renderer (to enable switching between the renderers)
                _defaultRenderer = _shapefileFeatureLayer.Renderer;

                // Add the map to the mapview
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Enable changing symbology now that sample is loaded
                _myRendererButton.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(e.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create the point for the map's initial viewpoint.
            MapPoint point = new MapPoint(-11662054, 4818336, SpatialReference.Create(3857));

            // Create and show a map with topographic basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic())
                InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(point, 200000)

            // Get the path to the shapefile.
            string shapefilePath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("d98b3e5293834c5f852f13c569930caa", "Subdivisions.shp");

            // Create a shapefile feature table from the shapefile path.
            ShapefileFeatureTable featureTable = new ShapefileFeatureTable(shapefilePath);

            // Create a layer from the feature table.
            _shapefileFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureTable);

            // Add the layer to the map.

            // Create the symbology for the alternate renderer.
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 1.0);
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, lineSymbol);

            // Create the alternate renderer.
            _alternateRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

                // Wait for the layer to load so that it will be assigned a default renderer.
                await _shapefileFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Hold a reference to the default renderer (to enable switching between the renderers).
                _defaultRenderer = _shapefileFeatureLayer.Renderer;

                // Add the map to the mapview.
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Enable changing symbology now that sample is loaded.
                _changeRendererButton.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        async private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            map1.Map = new Map();

            string folder   = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.Path;
            string filename = @"Assets\NOA\bnd-political-boundary-a.shp";
            string filepath = Path.Combine(folder, filename);

            ShapefileFeatureTable shapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

            FeatureLayer featurelayer = new FeatureLayer(shapefile);


            await map1.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(featurelayer.FullExtent);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap

            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            string file_shapefile_location = parent.FullName + "\\Data\\Public_Art.shp";

                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(file_shapefile_location);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

                string file_to_stylx = parent.FullName + "\\Data\\style.stylx";
                symbolStyle = await SymbolStyle.OpenAsync(file_to_stylx);

                IList <String> stringList = new List <string>();

                SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(await symbolStyle.GetSymbolAsync(stringList));
                newFeatureLayer.Renderer = simpleRenderer;

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile

                MyMapView.Map = myMap;
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create the map with topographic basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create the point for the map's initial viewpoint
            MapPoint point = new MapPoint(-11662054, 4818336, SpatialReference.Create(3857));

            // Create a viewpoint for the point
            Viewpoint viewpoint = new Viewpoint(point, 200000);

            // Set the initial viewpoint
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = viewpoint;

            // Create a shapefile feature table from the shapefile path
            ShapefileFeatureTable myFeatureTable = new ShapefileFeatureTable(await GetShapefilePath());

            // Create a layer from the feature table
            _shapefileFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myFeatureTable);

            // Wait for the layer to load
            await _shapefileFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Add the layer to the map

            // Create the symbology for the alternate renderer
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Red, 1.0);
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Yellow, lineSymbol);

            // Create the alternate renderer
            _alternateRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

            // Hold a reference to the default renderer (to enable switching between the renderers)
            _defaultRenderer = _shapefileFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            // Add the map to the mapview
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Enable changing symbology now that sample is loaded
            MyRendererButton.IsEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

            // Open the shapefile
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

            // Add the feature layer to the map

            // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
            await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <ShapefileFeatureTable> InitLayerTable(string _layerNm)
            string shapeNm = "";

                string[] ary = _layerNm.Split('^');
                shapeNm = ary[0]; //레이어테이블명

                string shapefilePath             = Path.Combine(BizUtil.GetDataFolder("shape", shapeNm + ".shp"));
                ShapefileFeatureTable layerTable = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(shapefilePath);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map to display in the map view with a streets basemap
            Map streetMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISStreets);

            // Get the path to the downloaded shapefile
            string filepath = GetShapefilePath();

                // Open the shapefile
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Read metadata about the shapefile and display it in the UI
                _shapefileMetadata = myShapefile.Info;

                // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
                FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);
                await newFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile
                _myMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += async(s, e) =>
                    await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(newFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

                // Add the feature layer to the map

                // Show the map in the MapView
                _myMapView.Map = streetMap;
            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(e.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private async void LoadTheShapefile()
                // Get the path to the downloaded shape file.
                string myShapefilePath = _SHAPEFILEPATH;

                // Open the shape file.
                ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefileFeatureTable = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(myShapefilePath);

                // Create a feature layer to display the shape file.
                FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefileFeatureTable);

                // Set the Id of the feature layer for the shape file so we can find it later.
                myFeatureLayer.Id = "WorldCountries";

                // Add the feature layer to the map.
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error loading the shape file.");
        private async void Initialize()
            //MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            MyMapView.Map = new Map(new SpatialReference(3375));

            //MyMapView.InteractionOptions = new MapViewInteractionOptions { IsZoomEnabled = false };

            // Open the shapefile
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(shapeFilePath);

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

            // Add the feature layer to the map

            await myShapefile.LoadAsync();

            //Get mosaic dataset names in the SQLite database.
            var names      = MosaicDatasetRaster.GetNames(rasterMapMosaicPath);
            var rasterName = names[0];

            //Create a raster from a mosaic dataset
            Raster mapRaster = new MosaicDatasetRaster(rasterMapMosaicPath, "RasterMapTable");

            // Create a RasterLayer to display the Raster
            RasterLayer rasterMapLayer = new RasterLayer(mapRaster);


            rasterMapLayer.MinScale = 100000;

            rasterMapLayer.MaxScale = 2000;

            await rasterMapLayer.LoadAsync();

            MyMapView.Map.MinScale = 3000000;

            MyMapView.Map.MaxScale = 2000;


            // Add a graphic at JFK to serve as the origin.
            start = new MapPoint(564968.155634, 431946.116905, new SpatialReference(3168));


            SimpleMarkerSymbol startMarker = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Cross, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 15);

            //PictureMarkerSymbol markerSym = new PictureMarkerSymbol(new Uri("C:\\Users\\mfathin.CSYSINT\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2017\\Projects\\ArcGISControl\\ArcGISControl\\Icon\\icons8-man-filled-100.PNG"));
            // markerSym.Opacity = 0.5;
            _startLocationGraphic = new Graphic(start, startMarker);

            // Create the graphic for the destination.
            _endLocationGraphic = new Graphic
                Symbol = startMarker

            // Create the graphic for the path.
            _pathGraphic = new Graphic
                Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 1)

            graphic1 = new Graphic
                Symbol = startMarker
            // Add the graphics to the overlay.

            //// Update end location when the user taps.
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapViewOnGeoViewTapped;

            await MyMapView.SetViewpointAsync(new Viewpoint(start, 4000000));

            // Update the extent to encompass all of the symbols

            // Add the graphics overlay to the map view
            plotButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            { TryPlot(); };

        private void Update(ShapefileFeatureTable sf, CancellationToken ct, IProgress <int> p)
            Task.Run(async() =>
                var directory = Globals.Model.Assets.PathTo("BasinShapefile");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory))
                    MessageBox.Show("You need to have imported a basin shapefile.");

                var file = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.shp").FirstOrDefault();
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                    MessageBox.Show("Error reading the basin shapefile.");

                var ci      = Globals.Model.EcosystemVitality.FetchIndicator <ConnectivityIndicator>();
                var reaches = ci?.Reaches;
                if (reaches == null)
                        "You must import a river network for the Connectivity Indicator in Ecosystem Vitality.");

                var bsf      = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(file);
                var allQuery = new QueryParameters
                    Geometry            = bsf.Extent,
                    SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Contains
                ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalProtectedArea = 0;
                ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalArea          = 0;

                foreach (var mapFeature in await bsf.QueryFeaturesAsync(allQuery))
                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                    ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalArea += GeometryEngine.AreaGeodetic(mapFeature.Geometry);

                    var areaFeatures = await sf.QueryFeaturesAsync(new QueryParameters
                        Geometry            = mapFeature.Geometry,
                        SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Contains
                    foreach (var feature in areaFeatures)
                        ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalProtectedArea += GeometryEngine.AreaGeodetic(feature.Geometry);
                        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)


                // todo: this is not an efficient algorithm
                var pb = new PolylineBuilder(new SpatialReference(Model.Attributes.Wkid));
                foreach (var reach in reaches)
                        reach.Nodes.Select(node => new MapPoint(node.Location.Longitude, node.Location.Latitude)));
                var mapGeometry = pb.ToGeometry();
                ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalLength = GeometryEngine.Length(mapGeometry);

                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                var lengthFeatures = await sf.QueryFeaturesAsync(new QueryParameters
                    Geometry            = sf.Extent,
                    SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Contains

                var tpl         = 0.0;
                var reachNumber = 0;
                foreach (var reach in reaches)
                    var poly = new PolylineBuilder(new SpatialReference(Model.Attributes.Wkid));
                    poly.AddPart(reach.Nodes.Select(node =>
                                                    new MapPoint(node.Location.Longitude, node.Location.Latitude)));
                    var pg = poly.ToGeometry();
                    foreach (var feature in lengthFeatures)
                        var intersection = GeometryEngine.Intersection(pg, feature.Geometry) as Polyline;
                        if (intersection?.Parts.Count > 0)
                            tpl += GeometryEngine.Length(pg);
                        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                    p.Report(25 + (int)(75.0 * reachNumber++ / reaches.Count));

                ConservationAreaIndicator.TotalProtectedLength = tpl;
            }, ct).Wait(ct);
        private async Task Import()
            var dialog = new OpenFileDialog
                Title      = "Add conservation area shapefile",
                Filter     = "GIS Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp",
                DefaultExt = ".shp"

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true)
            var filename = dialog.FileName;

            var rawAssetName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);

            if (ConservationAreaIndicator.AssetNames.Contains(rawAssetName))
                MessageBox.Show("You have already added a shapefile by that name.");

            _assetName = rawAssetName;
            int i = 1;

            while (Model.Assets.Exists(_assetName))
                _assetName = $"{rawAssetName}_{i++}";
            Model.Assets.Create(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), _assetName);

                var sf = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filename);

                if (!sf.HasGeometry)
                    MessageBox.Show($"Shapefile {filename} does not have a geometry.");
                var directory = Globals.Model.Assets.PathTo("BasinShapefile");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory))
                    MessageBox.Show("You need to have imported a basin shapefile.");
                var ci = Globals.Model.EcosystemVitality.FetchIndicator <ConnectivityIndicator>();
                if (ci?.Reaches == null)
                        "You must import a river network for the Connectivity Indicator in Ecosystem Vitality.");

                var progress = new ProgressDialog
                    Label           = $"Processing conservation areas",
                    Owner           = Application.Current.MainWindow,
                    IsCancellable   = true,
                    IsIndeterminate = false

                progress.Execute((ct, p) => Update(sf, ct, p));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show($"Open of shapefile {filename} failed: {ex.Message}");
        private async Task ImportFromShapefile()
            var dialog = new OpenFileDialog
                Title      = "Open shapefile with Spatial Unit locations",
                Filter     = "Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp",
                DefaultExt = ".shp"

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true)
            var filename = dialog.FileName;
            var sf       = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filename);

            var qp = new QueryParameters();

            var esi = Model.EcosystemServices.FetchIndicators <EcosystemServicesIndicator>().ToList();
            var res = await sf.QueryFeaturesAsync(qp);

            foreach (var r in res)

                if (!(r.Geometry is MapPoint point))
                    if (!(r.Geometry is Polygon polygon))
                    point = polygon.Extent.GetCenter();
                var name = r.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "name").Value as String;

                var success = false;
                foreach (var es in esi)
                    foreach (var su in es.SpatialUnits)
                        if (su.Name.ToLowerInvariant() != name?.ToLowerInvariant())
                        su.Location.Latitude  = point.Y;
                        su.Location.Longitude = point.X;
                        su.Location.Wkid      = point.SpatialReference.Wkid;
                        success = true;
                if (success)

                var wkid = point.SpatialReference.Wkid;
                if (wkid == 0)
                    wkid = 4326;    // WGS84
                SpatialUnit nsu = null;

                switch (Indicator.EvidenceLevel)
                case Confidence.F1:
                    nsu = new F1SpatialUnit
                        Name         = name,
                        NonCompliant = false,
                        Location     = { Latitude = point.Y, Longitude = point.X, Wkid = wkid }

                case Confidence.F2:
                    nsu = new F2SpatialUnit
                        Name     = name,
                        Location = { Latitude = point.Y, Longitude = point.X, Wkid = wkid }


                case Confidence.F3Sharp:
                    nsu = new F3SharpSpatialUnit
                        Name     = name,
                        Location = { Latitude = point.Y, Longitude = point.X, Wkid = wkid }

                case Confidence.F3Fuzzy:
                    nsu = new F3FuzzySpatialUnit
                        Name     = name,
                        Location = { Latitude = point.Y, Longitude = point.X, Wkid = wkid }

                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown evidence level.");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nsu.Name))
                    nsu.Name = $"SU [{Indicator.SpatialUnits.IndexOf(nsu) + 1}]";
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Shape 레이어 보이기/끄기 - Shape버전
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_mapView"></param>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        /// <param name="chk"></param>
        public async void ShowShapeLayer(MapView _mapView, string _layerNm, bool chk)
                // 0.해당레이어 가져오기
                string filterExp = "";
                string layerNm   = "";

                    string[] ary = _layerNm.Split(',');
                    layerNm   = ary[0]; //레이어테이블명
                    filterExp = ary[1]; //필터표현식
                catch (Exception) { }

                FeatureLayer layer = layers[_layerNm];
                //Type memberType = this.GetType();

                // 1.레이어 ON
                if (chk)
                    if (_mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Contains(layer))
                        //on상태 아무것도 안함
                        if (layer != null && layer.LoadStatus == LoadStatus.Loaded) //레이어객체 있으면 단순추가
                        else //레이어객체 없으면 Shape 로딩
                            string shapefilePath = Path.Combine(BizUtil.GetDataFolder("shape", layerNm + ".shp"));
                                ShapefileFeatureTable layerTable = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(shapefilePath);

                                layer            = new FeatureLayer(layerTable); /////// 신규레이어 생성 ///////
                                layers[_layerNm] = layer;                        /////// 딕셔너리에 자동으로 저장되지는 않을것임 ///////

                                layer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer.Clone();    //렌더러는 레이어 각각 할당해야하므로 렌더러복사하여 할당
                            catch (Exception)
                                //throw e;

                    // 필터링 인수있으면 하위시설물으로 필터
                    if (!FmsUtil.IsNull(filterExp))
                        layer.DefinitionExpression = filterExp;
                // 2.레이어 OFF
                    if (_mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Contains(layer))
                        //off상태 아무것도 안함

                    // 필터링 인수있으면 하위시설물으로 필터 리셋
                    if (!FmsUtil.IsNull(filterExp))
                        layer.DefinitionExpression = "";
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("레이어가 존재하지 않습니다.");
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private async Task ImportFromShapefile()
            var dialog = new OpenFileDialog
                Title      = "Open shapefile with station locations",
                Filter     = "Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp",
                DefaultExt = ".shp"

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true)
            var filename = dialog.FileName;
            var sf       = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(filename);

            var qp = new QueryParameters();

            var res = await sf.QueryFeaturesAsync(qp);

            foreach (var r in res)
                if (!(r.Geometry is MapPoint point))
                    if (!(r.Geometry is Polygon polygon))
                    point = polygon.Extent.GetCenter();
                var name = r.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "name").Value as String;

                var success = false;

                foreach (var station in FlowDeviation.Stations)
                    if (station.Name.ToLowerInvariant() != name?.ToLowerInvariant())
                    station.Location.Latitude  = point.Y;
                    station.Location.Longitude = point.X;
                    station.Location.Wkid      = point.SpatialReference.Wkid;
                    success = true;

                if (success)

                var wkid = point.SpatialReference.Wkid;
                if (wkid == 0)
                    wkid = 4326;               // WGS84
                var ns = new Station
                    Name     = name,
                    Location = { Latitude = point.Y, Longitude = point.X, Wkid = wkid }
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ns.Name))
                    ns.Name = $"STATION [{FlowDeviation.Stations.IndexOf(ns) + 1}]";
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Shape 레이어 보이기/끄기 - Shape버전
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_mapView"></param>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        /// <param name="chk"></param>
        public async void ShowShapeLayerFilter(MapView _mapView, string _layerNm, bool chk, string _FTR_IDN)
                // 0.해당레이어 가져오기
                string filterExp = "";
                string shapeNm   = "";

                    string[] ary = _layerNm.Split('^');
                    shapeNm   = ary[0];                     //레이어테이블명
                    filterExp = "FTR_CDE='" + ary[1] + "'"; //필터표현식
                catch (Exception) { }

                //FTR_IDN 필터추가
                if (!FmsUtil.IsNull(_FTR_IDN))
                    if (FmsUtil.IsNull(filterExp))
                        filterExp += "FTR_IDN LIKE '%' || " + _FTR_IDN + " ||  '%'";
                        filterExp += " AND FTR_IDN LIKE '%' ||  " + _FTR_IDN + " ||  '%'";

                FeatureLayer layer = layers[_layerNm];
                //Type memberType = this.GetType();

                // 1.레이어 ON
                if (chk)
                    // 필터링 인수있으면 하위시설물(관리번호, 전체)으로 필터
                    layer.DefinitionExpression = filterExp;

                    if (_mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Contains(layer))
                        //on상태 아무것도 안함
                        if (layer != null && layer.LoadStatus == LoadStatus.Loaded) //레이어객체 있으면 단순추가
                        else //레이어객체 없으면 Shape 로딩
                            string shapefilePath = Path.Combine(BizUtil.GetDataFolder("shape", shapeNm + ".shp"));
                                ShapefileFeatureTable layerTable = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(shapefilePath);

                                layer = new FeatureLayer(layerTable);   /////// 신규레이어 생성 ///////
                                layer.DefinitionExpression = filterExp; // 필터링 인수있으면 하위시설물(관리번호, 전체)으로 필터

                                layers[_layerNm] = layer;               /////// 딕셔너리에 자동으로 저장되지는 않을것임 ///////

                                layer.Renderer = CmmRun.uniqueValueRenderer.Clone(); //렌더러는 레이어 각각 할당해야하므로 렌더러복사하여 할당
                            catch (Exception e)

                    // Zoom the map to the extent of the shapefile.
                    //await _mapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(layer.FullExtent, 50);
                // 2.레이어 OFF
                    if (_mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Contains(layer))
                        //off상태 아무것도 안함

                    // 필터링 인수있으면 하위시설물으로 필터 리셋
                    layer.DefinitionExpression = "";
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("레이어가 존재하지 않습니다.");