/// <summary> /// Create a shape message. /// </summary> /// <param name="id_">Shape id</param> /// <param name="vertices">Vertices that make up the shape</param> /// <param name="indices">Indices indicating in which order to draw the vertices</param> /// <returns>The created shape</returns> public static Shape_ CreateShape_(Int32 id_, ICollection <Vector3> vertices, ICollection <UInt32> indices, UnityEngine.Transform transform = null) { if (vertices == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices"); } if (indices == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("indices"); } if (vertices.Count < 3) { Debug.LogWarning("Creating a shape with less than 3 vertices."); } if (indices.Count < 3) { Debug.LogWarning("Creating a shape with less than 3 indices."); } Shape_ result = new Shape_ { id = id_, }; foreach (var uVertex in vertices) { result.vertices.Add(UnityMessageBuilder.CreateVector(uVertex)); } foreach (UInt32 index in indices) { result.indices.Add(index); } if (transform != null) { result.transform = CreateTransform_(transform); } return(result); }
// Затем напишем метод, который работает с любыми Shape'ами и выдает площадь фигуры. // В данном методе происходит проверка на тип переданной фигуры и в зависимости от него используется // та или иная формула. // // Подобные методы довольно часто встречаются, когда мы не хотим заносить сложные зависимости в наши // классы и пользоваться полиморфизмом. Например, данный метод может обращаться к серверу для расчета площади и т.п. // Не хотелось бы усложнять класс Shape и его наследников лишними подробностями. public double GetArea_(Shape_ shape) { var rectangle = shape as Rectangle_; if (rectangle != null) { return(rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width); } var circle = shape as Circle_; if (circle != null) { return(Math.PI * Math.Pow(circle.Radius, 2)); } throw new NotSupportedException(shape.GetType().Name); }
public static void CreateShape_() { int id = 42; List <Vector3> vecs = new List <Vector3>(); vecs.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1)); vecs.Add(new Vector3(2, 2, 2)); vecs.Add(new Vector3(3, 3, 3)); List <UInt32> indices = new List <UInt32>(); indices.Add(1); indices.Add(0); indices.Add(2); Shape_ result = UnityMessageBuilder.CreateShape_(id, vecs, indices); Assert.AreEqual(result.id, id); Assert.AreEqual(result.vertices.Count, vecs.Count); for (int i = 0; i < result.vertices.Count; i++) { var protoVec = result.vertices[i]; var unityVec = vecs[i]; Assert.AreEqual(unityVec, protoVec.ToUnityVector()); } Assert.AreEqual(indices.Count, result.indices.Count); for (int i = 0; i < result.indices.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(indices[i], result.indices[i]); } result.vertices.RemoveAt(0); Assert.AreEqual(vecs.Count - 1, result.vertices.Count); Assert.AreEqual(vecs[1], result.vertices[0].ToUnityVector()); result.indices.RemoveAt(0); Assert.AreEqual(indices.Count - 1, result.indices.Count); Assert.AreEqual(indices[1], result.indices[0]); }
public static void SetShapeUpdateInfo() { List <Vector3> vert1 = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> vert2 = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> vert3 = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> vert4 = new List <Vector3>(); vert1.Add(new Vector3(1, 1, 1)); vert1.Add(new Vector3(1, 2, 2)); vert1.Add(new Vector3(1, 3, 3)); vert2.Add(new Vector3(2, 1, 1)); vert2.Add(new Vector3(2, 2, 2)); vert2.Add(new Vector3(2, 3, 3)); vert3.Add(new Vector3(3, 1, 1)); vert3.Add(new Vector3(3, 2, 2)); vert3.Add(new Vector3(3, 3, 3)); vert4.Add(new Vector3(4, 1, 1)); vert4.Add(new Vector3(4, 2, 2)); vert4.Add(new Vector3(4, 3, 3)); List <UInt32> indices = new List <UInt32>(); indices.Add(0); indices.Add(1); indices.Add(2); Shape_ shape1 = UnityMessageBuilder.CreateShape_(1, vert1, indices); Shape_ shape2 = UnityMessageBuilder.CreateShape_(2, vert2, indices); Shape_ shape3 = UnityMessageBuilder.CreateShape_(3, vert3, indices); Shape_ shape4 = UnityMessageBuilder.CreateShape_(4, vert3, indices); List <Shape_> changedShapes = new List <Shape_>(); List <Shape_> newShapes = new List <Shape_>(); changedShapes.Add(shape1); changedShapes.Add(shape2); newShapes.Add(shape3); newShapes.Add(shape4); Message result = new Message(); result.SetShapeUpdateInfo(changedShapes, newShapes); Assert.AreEqual(changedShapes.Count, result.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(newShapes.Count, result.shapeUpdateInfo.newShapes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < changedShapes.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(changedShapes[i].id, result.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes[i].id); Assert.AreEqual(changedShapes[i].vertices.Count, result.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes[i].vertices.Count); for (int j = 0; j < changedShapes[i].vertices.Count; j++) { Assert.AreEqual(changedShapes[i].vertices[j].ToUnityVector(), result.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes[i].vertices[j].ToUnityVector()); } } for (int i = 0; i < newShapes.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(newShapes[i].id, result.shapeUpdateInfo.newShapes[i].id); Assert.AreEqual(newShapes[i].vertices.Count, result.shapeUpdateInfo.newShapes[i].vertices.Count); for (int j = 0; j < newShapes[i].vertices.Count; j++) { Assert.AreEqual(newShapes[i].vertices[j].ToUnityVector(), result.shapeUpdateInfo.newShapes[i].vertices[j].ToUnityVector()); } } }
public void AcceptConnection() { if (EditorPrefs.GetBool("test_tcp_asio") == false) { Debug.LogWarning("[TEST_TCPAsioConnection.AcceptConnection] Test is disabled, you can enable this test via the menu option \"Testing\""); Assert.That(true); return; } Debug.LogWarning("[TEST_TCPAsioConnection.AcceptConnection] This test will only pass when a tcp client is manually connected to the listener started in this test."); _subscriber = new TestIncomingDataLinkSubscriberCopy(); _listener = new TCPDataLinkListener <ProtoBufPresentation>(_subscriber); //use public IP address not localhost/ //use eduroam(same network) try { Assert.True(_listener.Start("", 1234)); } catch (SocketException ex) { Assert.That(false, "Invalid ip address\n" + ex.Message); } int sleepCount = 0; while (!_subscriber.Connected) { if (sleepCount > 500) { Assert.True(false, "Failed to connect within timeout."); break; } Thread.Sleep(20); sleepCount++; } Debug.Log("Actually connected"); //Thread.Sleep(8000); Assert.IsTrue(_subscriber.Connected); Assert.NotNull(_subscriber.DataLink); Assert.IsTrue(_subscriber.DataLink.Connected()); if (_subscriber.Connected) { Thread.Sleep(3000); Communicator comm = new Communicator(_subscriber.DataLink, new ProtoBufPresentation()); Communication.Message m = new Message { messageType = Communication.MessageType_.ShapeUpdate, messageTarget = Communication.MessageTarget_.Robot, id = 5 }; Shape_ sh = new Shape_(); sh.id = 15; Vector3_ v = new Vector3_ { x = 3.0f, y = 3.0f, z = 4.0f }; Vector3_ v1 = new Vector3_ { x = -1.0f, y = -3.0f, z = -5.5f }; sh.vertices.Add(v); sh.vertices.Add(v1); Shape_ sh2 = new Shape_(); sh2.id = 2; Vector3_ v2 = new Vector3_ { x = 3.4f, y = 3.1f, z = 4.7f }; sh2.vertices.Add(v2); m.shapeUpdateInfo = new ShapeUpdateInfo_(); //m.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes = new List<Shape_>(); m.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes.Add(sh); m.shapeUpdateInfo.changedShapes.Add(sh2); m.customMessage = new CustomMessage_(); m.customMessage.key = "asdf"; m.customMessage.data = "asdf data"; Assert.IsTrue(comm.SendCommand(m)); } }