Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        popdelay -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (popdelay <= 0)
            popdelay = 2.2f;

            ShapeKeyAnimations shapeKeyAnims = gameObject.GetComponent <ShapeKeyAnimations>();
            shapeKeyAnims.shapeKeyAnimations [0].Play();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ShapeKeyAnimations shapeKeyAnims = gameObject.GetComponent <ShapeKeyAnimations>();

        shapeKeyAnims.shapeKeyAnimations [0].Reset();
    public void Awake()
        textureLookup = new Hashtable();
        for (int i = 0; i < textureReferences.Length; i++)
            string name = textureReferences[i].name;
            if (name == "")
                name = textureReferences[i].texture.name;
                textureReferences[i].name = name;
            textureLookup.Add(textureReferences[i].name, textureReferences[i].texture);
        gameObjectLookup = new Hashtable();
        for (int i = 0; i < gameObjectReferences.Length; i++)
            string name = gameObjectReferences[i].name;
            if (name == "")
                name = gameObjectReferences[i].gameObject.name;
                gameObjectReferences[i].name = name;
            gameObjectLookup.Add(gameObjectReferences[i].name, gameObjectReferences[i].gameObject);
        string encodedString = dataFile.text;

        data = new JSONObject(encodedString);

        if (data.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
            JSONObject shapeKeys = data["ShapeKeys"];
            if (shapeKeys.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
                if (shapeKeys.list.Count > 0)
                    ShapeKeys  sk            = gameObject.AddComponent <ShapeKeys>() as ShapeKeys;
                    ShapeKey[] shapekeyarray = new ShapeKey[shapeKeys.list.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < shapeKeys.list.Count; i++)
                        JSONObject thisShapeKey = shapeKeys.list[i];
                        JSONObject scaleVector  = thisShapeKey["Scale"];

                        ShapeKey s = new ShapeKey();
                        s.name           = shapeKeys.keys[i];
                        s.meshObject     = lookupGameObject(thisShapeKey["Object"].str);
                        s.image          = lookupTexture(thisShapeKey["ImageFile"].str);
                        s.scale          = new Vector3(scaleVector["x"].n, scaleVector["y"].n, scaleVector["z"].n);
                        shapekeyarray[i] = s;
                    sk.shapeKeys = shapekeyarray;
                Debug.Log("shapeKeys: Should be an object!");

            JSONObject animations = data["ShapeKeyAnimations"];
            if (animations.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
                if (animations.list.Count > 0)
                    ShapeKeyAnimations  ska = gameObject.AddComponent <ShapeKeyAnimations>() as ShapeKeyAnimations;
                    ShapeKeyAnimation[] shapekeyanimarray = new ShapeKeyAnimation[animations.list.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < animations.list.Count; i++)
                        JSONObject thisAnimation = animations.list[i];
                        JSONObject frames        = thisAnimation["Frames"];
                        JSONObject keys          = thisAnimation["ShapeKeys"];
                        //JSONObject style = thisShapeKey["Style"];
                        JSONObject startShape = thisAnimation["StartShape"];

                        ShapeKeyAnimation anim = new ShapeKeyAnimation();
                        anim.name           = animations.keys[i];
                        anim.numberOfFrames = frames.list.Count;
                        anim.frameRate      = thisAnimation["Framerate"].n;

                        Hashtable shapeKeyFrames = new Hashtable();
                        Hashtable startShapes    = new Hashtable();

                        ShapeKey[] sks = new ShapeKey[keys.list.Count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < keys.list.Count; j++)
                            ShapeKeys             sk       = gameObject.GetComponent <ShapeKeys>() as ShapeKeys;
                            ShapeKey              shapekey = sk.findShapeKeyNamed(keys[j].str);
                            ShapeKeyFrameSequence sequence = new ShapeKeyFrameSequence();
                            sequence.strength = new float[frames.list.Count];
                            shapeKeyFrames.Add(shapekey, sequence);
                            sks[j] = shapekey;

                            startShapes.Add(shapekey, startShape[j].n);

                        for (int j = 0; j < frames.list.Count; j++)
                            JSONObject frameData = frames[j];
                            for (int k = 0; k < frameData.list.Count; k++)
                                JSONObject value = frameData[k];
                                ((ShapeKeyFrameSequence)shapeKeyFrames[sks[k]]).strength[j] = value.n;

                        anim.frames          = shapeKeyFrames;
                        anim.startShapes     = startShapes;
                        shapekeyanimarray[i] = anim;
                    ska.shapeKeyAnimations = shapekeyanimarray;
                Debug.Log("animations: Should be an object!");
            Debug.Log("data: Should be an object!");