Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Boolean Verify(byte[] publicKey, byte[] message, byte[] signature, byte[] rgbContext = null)
            EdDSAPoint A = DecodePoint(publicKey);

            byte[] r = new byte[signature.Length / 2];
            Array.Copy(signature, r, r.Length);
            EdDSAPoint R = DecodePoint(r);

            byte[] s = new byte[signature.Length / 2];
            Array.Copy(signature, r.Length, s, 0, r.Length);
            BigInteger S = new BigInteger(1, s);

            message = PreHash(message);

            ShakeDigest sha256 = new ShakeDigest(256);

            byte[] rgbDom = Dom(rgbContext);
            sha256.BlockUpdate(rgbDom, 0, rgbDom.Length);
            sha256.BlockUpdate(r, 0, r.Length);
            sha256.BlockUpdate(publicKey, 0, publicKey.Length);
            sha256.BlockUpdate(message, 0, message.Length);
            byte[] h = new byte[114];
            sha256.DoFinal(h, 0, 114);
            BigInteger k = new BigInteger(1, h).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);

            EdDSAPoint left  = EdDSAPoint448.B.MultipleByScalar(S).Normalize();
            EdDSAPoint right = EdDSAPoint448.Add((EdDSAPoint448)R, (EdDSAPoint448)A.MultipleByScalar(k)).Normalize();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ImplSign(ShakeDigest d, byte[] h, byte[] s, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
            byte phflag = 0x00;

            Dom4(d, phflag, ctx);
            d.BlockUpdate(h, ScalarBytes, ScalarBytes);
            d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen);
            d.DoFinal(h, 0, h.Length);

            byte[] r = ReduceScalar(h);
            byte[] R = new byte[PointBytes];
            ScalarMultBaseEncoded(r, R, 0);

            Dom4(d, phflag, ctx);
            d.BlockUpdate(R, 0, PointBytes);
            d.BlockUpdate(pk, pkOff, PointBytes);
            d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen);
            d.DoFinal(h, 0, h.Length);

            byte[] k = ReduceScalar(h);
            byte[] S = CalculateS(r, k, s);

            Array.Copy(R, 0, sig, sigOff, PointBytes);
            Array.Copy(S, 0, sig, sigOff + PointBytes, ScalarBytes);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void Dom4(ShakeDigest d, byte x, byte[] y)
     d.BlockUpdate(Dom4Prefix, 0, Dom4Prefix.Length);
     d.BlockUpdate(y, 0, y.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override byte[] PreHash(byte[] Message)
            ShakeDigest digest = new ShakeDigest(256);

            digest.BlockUpdate(Message, 0, Message.Length);
            byte[] result = new byte[64];
            digest.DoFinal(result, 0, 64);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool Verify(byte[] sig, int sigOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen)
            if (!CheckContextVar(ctx))
                throw new ArgumentException("ctx");

            byte[] R = Arrays.CopyOfRange(sig, sigOff, sigOff + PointBytes);
            byte[] S = Arrays.CopyOfRange(sig, sigOff + PointBytes, sigOff + SignatureSize);

            if (!CheckPointVar(R))
            if (!CheckScalarVar(S))

            PointExt pA = new PointExt();

            if (!DecodePointVar(pk, pkOff, true, pA))

            byte phflag = 0x00;

            ShakeDigest d = new ShakeDigest(256);

            byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2];

            Dom4(d, phflag, ctx);
            d.BlockUpdate(R, 0, PointBytes);
            d.BlockUpdate(pk, pkOff, PointBytes);
            d.BlockUpdate(m, mOff, mLen);
            d.DoFinal(h, 0, h.Length);

            byte[] k = ReduceScalar(h);

            uint[] nS = new uint[ScalarUints];
            DecodeScalar(S, 0, nS);

            uint[] nA = new uint[ScalarUints];
            DecodeScalar(k, 0, nA);

            PointExt pR = new PointExt();

            ScalarMultStraussVar(nS, nA, pA, pR);

            byte[] check = new byte[PointBytes];
            EncodePoint(pR, check, 0);

            return(Arrays.AreEqual(check, R));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override byte[] Sign(byte[] publicKey, byte[] privateKey, byte[] M, byte[] context = null)
            ShakeDigest sha512 = new ShakeDigest(256);

            sha512.BlockUpdate(privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
            byte[] h = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(h, 0, 114);
            byte[] x = new byte[57];
            Array.Copy(h, x, 57);
            x[0]  &= 0xfc; // Clear lowest 2 bits
            x[56]  = 0;    // Clear the highest byte
            x[55] |= 0x80; // Set the highest bit
            BigInteger a = new BigInteger(1, x);

            byte[] A = publicKey;

            byte[] prefix = new byte[57];
            Array.Copy(h, 57, prefix, 0, 57);

            M = PreHash(M);

            byte[] domBytes = Dom(context);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(domBytes, 0, domBytes.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(prefix, 0, prefix.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(M, 0, M.Length);
            byte[] r1 = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(r1, 0, 114);
            BigInteger r  = new BigInteger(1, r1).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);
            EdDSAPoint rB = EdDSAPoint448.B.MultipleByScalar(r);

            byte[] R = rB.Encode();

            sha512.BlockUpdate(domBytes, 0, domBytes.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(R, 0, R.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(A, 0, A.Length);
            sha512.BlockUpdate(M, 0, M.Length);
            byte[] kBytes = new byte[114];
            sha512.DoFinal(kBytes, 0, 114);
            BigInteger k = new BigInteger(1, kBytes).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);
            BigInteger S = r.Add(k.Multiply(a)).Mod(EdDSAPoint448.L);

            byte[] hash = new byte[57 * 2];
            byte[] rgbS = S.ToByteArrayUnsigned();
            Array.Copy(rgbS, 0, hash, 57 - rgbS.Length, rgbS.Length);
            Array.Copy(R, hash, 57);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void GeneratePublicKey(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff)
            ShakeDigest d = new ShakeDigest(256);

            byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2];

            d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize);
            d.DoFinal(h, 0, h.Length);

            byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes];
            PruneScalar(h, 0, s);

            ScalarMultBaseEncoded(s, pk, pkOff);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void checkSHAKE(int bitSize, CShakeDigest cshake, byte[] msg)
            ShakeDigest ref_ = new ShakeDigest(bitSize);

            ref_.BlockUpdate(msg, 0, msg.Length);
            cshake.BlockUpdate(msg, 0, msg.Length);

            byte[] res1 = new byte[32];
            byte[] res2 = new byte[32];

            ref_.DoFinal(res1, 0, res1.Length);
            cshake.DoFinal(res2, 0, res2.Length);

            Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(res1, res2));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void Sign(byte[] sk, int skOff, byte[] pk, int pkOff, byte[] ctx, byte[] m, int mOff, int mLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff)
            if (!CheckContextVar(ctx))
                throw new ArgumentException("ctx");

            ShakeDigest d = new ShakeDigest(256);

            byte[] h = new byte[ScalarBytes * 2];

            d.BlockUpdate(sk, skOff, SecretKeySize);
            d.DoFinal(h, 0, h.Length);

            byte[] s = new byte[ScalarBytes];
            PruneScalar(h, 0, s);

            ImplSign(d, h, s, pk, pkOff, ctx, m, mOff, mLen, sig, sigOff);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override EdDSAPoint GetPublic(byte[] privateKey)
            if (privateKey.Length != 57)
                throw new CoseException("Invalid private key");

            ShakeDigest shake = new ShakeDigest(256);

            byte[] h = new byte[114];
            shake.BlockUpdate(privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
            shake.DoFinal(h, 0, 114);

            Array.Resize(ref h, 57);

            h[0]  &= 0xfc; // Clear lowest 2 bits
            h[56]  = 0;    // Clear the highest byte
            h[55] |= 0x80; // Set the highest bit
            BigInteger    a         = new BigInteger(1, h);
            EdDSAPoint448 publicKey = (EdDSAPoint448)EdDSAPoint448.B.MultipleByScalar(a);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ShakeDigest(ShakeDigest source)
     : base(source)