Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the market details for a ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFit">A doctrine ships ship fit.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        internal void RefreshShipFitMarketDetails(ShipFit shipFit, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            // Only update the ship fit prices if they are older than 5 minutes.
            if (Time.HasElapsed(shipFit.LastPriceRefresh, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) == true)
                // Update the buy and sell prices of all ship fit components.
                this.RefreshShipFitComponentsPrices(shipFit, settingProfile);

                // Ship Fit Calculations.
                shipFit.BuyPrice        = shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Sum(x => (x.BuyPrice * x.Quantity));
                shipFit.SellPrice       = shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Sum(x => (x.SellPrice * x.Quantity));
                shipFit.ShippingCost    = shipFit.FitPackagedVolume * settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3;
                shipFit.ContractReward  = (shipFit.SellPrice * settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage) + shipFit.ShippingCost + settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee;
                shipFit.BuyOrderProfit  = shipFit.ContractReward - shipFit.BuyPrice;
                shipFit.SellOrderProfit = shipFit.ContractReward - shipFit.SellPrice;

                // Set the ship fit's last price refresh timestamp to the current date & time.
                shipFit.LastPriceRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Update the ship fit in the database.

                // Commit changes to the database.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult UpdateSettings(AccountSettingsViewModel viewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Create an Auto Mapper map between the setting profile entity and the view model.
                Mapper.CreateMap <AccountSettingsViewModel, SettingProfile>();

                // Convert the currently logged-in account id to an integer.
                viewModel.AccountId = Conversion.StringToInt32(User.Identity.Name);

                // Populate a setting profile with automapper and pass it back to the service layer for update.
                SettingProfile settingProfile = Mapper.Map <AccountSettingsViewModel, SettingProfile>(viewModel);
                var            result         = this.doctrineShipsServices.UpdateSettingProfile(settingProfile);

                // If the result is false, something did not validate in the service layer.
                if (result != false)
                    TempData["Status"] = "The settings were successfully updated.";
                    TempData["Status"] = "Error: The settings were not updated, a validation error occured.";

                return(View("~/Views/Account/Settings.cshtml", viewModel));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a default setting profile to an account. This method does not commit to the database itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The id of the account for which a setting profile should be generated.</param>
        /// <returns>The new setting profile id or 0 if an error occurs.</returns>
        internal int AddDefaultSettingProfile(int accountId)
            int settingProfileId = 0;

            // Fetch the default setting profile (Id 0).
            var defaultSettingProfile = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetSettingProfileReadOnly(0);

            if (defaultSettingProfile != null)
                // Create an Auto Mapper map between setting profile entities, ignoring the primary key.
                Mapper.CreateMap <SettingProfile, SettingProfile>()
                .ForMember(x => x.SettingProfileId, opt => opt.Ignore())
                .ForMember(x => x.AccountId, opt => opt.Ignore());

                // Assign the default setting profile to a new setting profile object.
                SettingProfile newSettingProfile = Mapper.Map <SettingProfile, SettingProfile>(defaultSettingProfile);

                // Assign the passed account id to the new object.
                newSettingProfile.AccountId = accountId;

                // Add the new setting profile and read it back to capture the new auto-generated id.
                newSettingProfile = this.doctrineShipsRepository.CreateSettingProfile(newSettingProfile);

                // Assign the new setting profile id as the return value.
                settingProfileId = newSettingProfile.SettingProfileId;
                // If a default setting profile is not found, log it and throw an exception.
                logger.LogMessage("A Default Setting Profile Was Not Found.", 0, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                throw new ArgumentException("A Default Setting Profile Was Not Found.");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the market prices of all components in a ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFit">A doctrine ships ship fit.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        internal void RefreshShipFitComponentsPrices(ShipFit shipFit, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            double buyPrice;
            double sellPrice;
            IDictionary <int, double> buyPrices;
            IDictionary <int, double> sellPrices;

            // Ensure that there are ship fit components to be refreshed.
            if (shipFit.ShipFitComponents != null && shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Any() != false)
                buyPrices  = this.eveDataSource.GetStationBuyPrice(shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Select(x => x.ComponentId).ToList(), settingProfile.BuyStationId);
                sellPrices = this.eveDataSource.GetStationSellPrice(shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Select(x => x.ComponentId).ToList(), settingProfile.SellStationId);

                foreach (var item in shipFit.ShipFitComponents)
                    buyPrices.TryGetValue(item.ComponentId, out buyPrice);
                    sellPrices.TryGetValue(item.ComponentId, out sellPrice);

                    item.BuyPrice  = buyPrice * settingProfile.BrokerPercentage;
                    item.SellPrice = sellPrice;

                    item.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a setting profile for a particular account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A setting profile object to be updated.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the update was successful or false if not.</returns>
        internal bool UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
            // Validate the setting profile updates.
            if (this.doctrineShipsValidation.SettingProfile(settingProfile).IsValid == true)
                // Update the existing record, save and log.
                logger.LogMessage("Setting Profile Updated For Account Id: " + settingProfile.AccountId, 2, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);


Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches and returns a Doctrine Ships ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFitId">The id for which a ship fit object should be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        /// <param name="accountId">The currently logged-in account id for security checking.</param>
        /// <returns>A ship fit object.</returns>
        internal ShipFit GetShipFitDetail(int shipFitId, int accountId, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            ShipFit shipFit = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetShipFit(shipFitId);

            if (shipFit != null)
                if (accountId == shipFit.AccountId)
                    // Refresh the market details for the ship fit.
                    this.RefreshShipFitMarketDetails(shipFit, settingProfile);


        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Adds a sales agent from an api key and account id.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="apiId">A valid eve api id (keyID).</param>
        /// <param name="apiKey">A valid eve api key (vCode).</param>
        /// <param name="accountId">The id of the account for which a sales agent should be added.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a validation result object.</returns>
        public async Task <IValidationResult> AddSalesAgent(int apiId, string apiKey, int accountId)
            IValidationResult validationResult;

            validationResult = SalesAgentManager.AddSalesAgent(apiId, apiKey, accountId);

            // If the sales agent addition was successful, notify the account twitter account.
            if (validationResult.IsValid)
                SettingProfile settingProfile = AccountManager.GetAccountSettingProfile(accountId);

                await TaskManager.SendDirectMessage(this.doctrineShipsSettings.TwitterContext,
                                                    "A Sales Agent Was Added To Account: " + accountId);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Deletes a setting profile from an accountId and a settingProfileId.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account Id of the requestor. The account Id should own the setting profile being deleted.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfileId">The Id of the setting profile to be deleted.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the deletion was successful or false if not.</returns>
        internal bool DeleteSettingProfile(int accountId, int settingProfileId)
            SettingProfile settingProfile = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetSettingProfile(settingProfileId);

            if (settingProfile != null)
                // If the account Id matches the account Id of the setting profile being deleted, continue.
                if (accountId == settingProfile.AccountId)
                    // Delete the setting profile and log the event.
                    logger.LogMessage("Setting Profile '" + settingProfile.SettingProfileId + "' Successfully Deleted For Account Id: " + settingProfile.AccountId, 1, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);


 internal void UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     settingProfile.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified;
 internal SettingProfile AddSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     return settingProfile;
 internal SettingProfile CreateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     settingProfile.ObjectState = ObjectState.Added;
     return settingProfile;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal IValidationResult SettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
            IValidationResult validationResult = new ValidationResult();

            var existingSettingProfile = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetSettingProfileReadOnly(settingProfile.SettingProfileId);

            // Does the setting profile exist in the database?
            if (existingSettingProfile == null)
                validationResult.AddError("SettingProfile.Null", "The setting profile being modified does not exist in the database.");
                // Does the setting profile being modified belong to the requesting account?
                if (existingSettingProfile.AccountId != settingProfile.AccountId)
                    validationResult.AddError("SettingProfile.Permission", "The setting profile being modified does not belong to the requesting account.");

            // Null checks.
            if (settingProfile.TwitterHandle == null)
                validationResult.AddError("TwitterHandle.Null", "TwitterHandle cannot be null.");

            // Regex checks.
            if (settingProfile.TwitterHandle != null)
                if (!Regex.Match(settingProfile.TwitterHandle, "^@(\\w){1,15}$").Success)
                    validationResult.AddError("TwitterHandle.Format", "Invalid twitter handle.");

            // Range checks.
            if (settingProfile.BrokerPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.BrokerPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("BrokerPercentage.Range", "BrokerPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.SalesTaxPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.SalesTaxPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("SalesTaxPercentage.Range", "SalesTaxPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("ContractMarkupPercentage.Range", "ContractMarkupPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee < 0 || settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee > double.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("ContractBrokerFee.Range", "ContractBrokerFee is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3 < 0 || settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3 > double.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("ShippingCostPerM3.Range", "ShippingCostPerM3 is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.BuyStationId < 0 || settingProfile.BuyStationId > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("BuyStationId.Range", "BuyStationId is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.SellStationId < 0 || settingProfile.SellStationId > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("SellStationId.Range", "SellStationId is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.AlertThreshold < 0 || settingProfile.AlertThreshold > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("AlertThreshold.Range", "AlertThreshold is outside of expected ranges.");

            return validationResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the market details for a ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFit">A doctrine ships ship fit.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        internal void RefreshShipFitMarketDetails(ShipFit shipFit, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            // Only update the ship fit prices if they are older than 5 minutes.
            if (Time.HasElapsed(shipFit.LastPriceRefresh, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) == true)
                // Update the buy and sell prices of all ship fit components.
                this.RefreshShipFitComponentsPrices(shipFit, settingProfile);

                // Ship Fit Calculations.
                shipFit.BuyPrice = shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Sum(x => (x.BuyPrice * x.Quantity));
                shipFit.SellPrice = shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Sum(x => (x.SellPrice * x.Quantity));
                shipFit.ShippingCost = shipFit.FitPackagedVolume * settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3;
                shipFit.ContractReward = (shipFit.SellPrice * settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage) + shipFit.ShippingCost + settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee;
                shipFit.BuyOrderProfit = shipFit.ContractReward - shipFit.BuyPrice;
                shipFit.SellOrderProfit = shipFit.ContractReward - shipFit.SellPrice;

                // Set the ship fit's last price refresh timestamp to the current date & time.
                shipFit.LastPriceRefresh = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Update the ship fit in the database.

                // Commit changes to the database.
 public void UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a setting profile for a particular account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A setting profile object to be updated.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the update was successful or false if not.</returns>
        internal bool UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
            // Validate the setting profile updates.
            if (this.doctrineShipsValidation.SettingProfile(settingProfile).IsValid == true)
                // Update the existing record, save and log.
                logger.LogMessage("Setting Profile Updated For Account Id: " + settingProfile.AccountId, 2, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

                return true;

            return false;
 internal void UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     settingProfile.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified;
     this.unitOfWork.Repository <SettingProfile>().Update(settingProfile);
 internal SettingProfile AddSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     this.unitOfWork.Repository <SettingProfile>().Insert(settingProfile);
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates a setting profile for a particular account.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settingProfile">A setting profile object to be updated.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the update was successful or false if not.</returns>
 public bool UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     return AccountManager.UpdateSettingProfile(settingProfile);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal IValidationResult SettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
            IValidationResult validationResult = new ValidationResult();

            var existingSettingProfile = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetSettingProfileReadOnly(settingProfile.SettingProfileId);

            // Does the setting profile exist in the database?
            if (existingSettingProfile == null)
                validationResult.AddError("SettingProfile.Null", "The setting profile being modified does not exist in the database.");
                // Does the setting profile being modified belong to the requesting account?
                if (existingSettingProfile.AccountId != settingProfile.AccountId)
                    validationResult.AddError("SettingProfile.Permission", "The setting profile being modified does not belong to the requesting account.");

            // Null checks.
            if (settingProfile.TwitterHandle == null)
                validationResult.AddError("TwitterHandle.Null", "TwitterHandle cannot be null.");

            // Regex checks.
            if (settingProfile.TwitterHandle != null)
                if (!Regex.Match(settingProfile.TwitterHandle, "^@(\\w){1,15}$").Success)
                    validationResult.AddError("TwitterHandle.Format", "Invalid twitter handle.");

            // Range checks.
            if (settingProfile.BrokerPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.BrokerPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("BrokerPercentage.Range", "BrokerPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.SalesTaxPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.SalesTaxPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("SalesTaxPercentage.Range", "SalesTaxPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage < 0 || settingProfile.ContractMarkupPercentage > 100)
                validationResult.AddError("ContractMarkupPercentage.Range", "ContractMarkupPercentage is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee < 0 || settingProfile.ContractBrokerFee > double.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("ContractBrokerFee.Range", "ContractBrokerFee is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3 < 0 || settingProfile.ShippingCostPerM3 > double.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("ShippingCostPerM3.Range", "ShippingCostPerM3 is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.BuyStationId < 0 || settingProfile.BuyStationId > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("BuyStationId.Range", "BuyStationId is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.SellStationId < 0 || settingProfile.SellStationId > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("SellStationId.Range", "SellStationId is outside of expected ranges.");

            if (settingProfile.AlertThreshold < 0 || settingProfile.AlertThreshold > int.MaxValue)
                validationResult.AddError("AlertThreshold.Range", "AlertThreshold is outside of expected ranges.");

 internal SettingProfile CreateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     settingProfile.ObjectState = ObjectState.Added;
     this.unitOfWork.Repository <SettingProfile>().Insert(settingProfile);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
 public SettingProfile AddSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     return SettingProfileOperations.AddSettingProfile(settingProfile);
 public IValidationResult SettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public SettingProfile AddSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
 public SettingProfile CreateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     return SettingProfileOperations.CreateSettingProfile(settingProfile);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public SettingProfile CreateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates a setting profile for a particular account.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settingProfile">A setting profile object to be updated.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the update was successful or false if not.</returns>
 public bool UpdateSettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches and returns a Doctrine Ships ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFitId">The id for which a ship fit object should be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        /// <param name="accountId">The currently logged-in account id for security checking.</param>
        /// <returns>A ship fit object.</returns>
        internal ShipFit GetShipFitDetail(int shipFitId, int accountId, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            ShipFit shipFit = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetShipFit(shipFitId);

            if (shipFit != null)
                if (accountId == shipFit.AccountId)
                    // Refresh the market details for the ship fit.
                    this.RefreshShipFitMarketDetails(shipFit, settingProfile);

                    return shipFit;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the market prices of all components in a ship fit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipFit">A doctrine ships ship fit.</param>
        /// <param name="settingProfile">A doctrine ships account setting profile.</param>
        internal void RefreshShipFitComponentsPrices(ShipFit shipFit, SettingProfile settingProfile)
            double buyPrice;
            double sellPrice;
            IDictionary<int, double> buyPrices;
            IDictionary<int, double> sellPrices;

            // Ensure that there are ship fit components to be refreshed.
            if (shipFit.ShipFitComponents != null && shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Any() != false)
                buyPrices = this.eveDataSource.GetStationBuyPrice(shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Select(x => x.ComponentId).ToList(), settingProfile.BuyStationId);
                sellPrices = this.eveDataSource.GetStationSellPrice(shipFit.ShipFitComponents.Select(x => x.ComponentId).ToList(), settingProfile.SellStationId);

                foreach (var item in shipFit.ShipFitComponents)
                    buyPrices.TryGetValue(item.ComponentId, out buyPrice);
                    sellPrices.TryGetValue(item.ComponentId, out sellPrice);

                    item.BuyPrice = buyPrice * settingProfile.BrokerPercentage;
                    item.SellPrice = sellPrice;

                    item.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified;
 public IValidationResult SettingProfile(SettingProfile settingProfile)
     return AccountCheck.SettingProfile(settingProfile);