Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void SetDefaults()
            TraceMode = Setting.Hidden <bool>(this, "Trace mode")
                        .SetDescription("Whether to run with unchained exceptions.")

            DebugMode = Setting.Bool(this, "Debug mode")
                        .SetDescription("Whether to run the game in a debugging mode. The equivalent of #if DEBUG.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void SetDefaults()
            ModSearchPaths = Setting.Hidden <string[]>(this, "Mod search paths")
                             .SetDescription("The paths in which to search for packed *.mod files.")
                             .SetDefault(new[] {
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "mods"),
                Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "mods")

            ClientLogLocation = Setting.Path(this, "Client log directory")
                                .SetDescription("The directory where the client (menus and watchdog) logs are stored.")
                                .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "clientlogs", "client.log"));

            SandboxGames = Setting.Bool(this, "Sandbox servers and game instances")
                           .SetDescription("WARNING! SIGNIFICANT USABILITY IMPLICATIONS! Disabling this will crash the game when you leave a server. ")

            StoredServerAddress = Setting.Hidden <string>(this, "\"Join server\" stored user address").SetDefault("");

            WindowRectangle = Setting.Hidden <Rectangle>(this, "Window Rectangle")
                              .SetDefault(new Rectangle(100, 100, 800, 480));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void SetDefaults()
            GameLogLocation = Setting.Path(this, "Log storage location")
                              .SetDescription("Where to store runtime logs for the game.")
                              .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "gamelogs", "game.log"));

            ForceFullGCEveryFrame = Setting.Bool(this, "Force Full GC every frame")
                                    .SetDescription("Whether to force a full GC every frame. Useful for detecting memory leaks, terrible for performance." +
                                                    " (If you don't know what this is: DON'T USE IT)")

            ModUnpackPath = Setting.Hidden <string>(this, "Mod temp directory")
                            .SetDescription("The place to store mods that are used at runtime. In other words, this is the directory" +
                                            " that *.mod files are unpacked into.")
                            .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "tempmodunpack"));

            ModAssetPath = Setting.Hidden <string>(this, "Mod temp directory for assets")
                           .SetDescription("The place to store mods assets that are used at runtime. In other words, this is the directory" +
                                           " that *.mod files are unpacked into (but not the code).")
                           .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "tempmodunpack", "assets"));

            ModMapPath = Setting.Hidden <string>(this, "Mod temp directory for maps")
                         .SetDescription("The place where maps from *.mod files are unpacked to.")
                         .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "tempmodunpack", "maps"));

            ModDownloadPath = Setting.Path(this, "Mod download directory")
                              .SetDescription("The directory to store mods downloaded from servers in.")
                              .SetDefault(Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "mods"));

            CoreMods = Setting.Hidden <string[]>(this, "Core Mods")
                       .SetDescription("The core mods that will be autoinjected into every game without verification.")

            AssetSearchPaths = Setting.Hidden <string[]>(this, "Asset search paths")
                               .SetDescription("The paths in which to look for assets assets.")
                               .SetDefault(new[] {
                Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),     //current directory
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "assets"),
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "assets", "animations"),
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "assets", "mapobjects"),
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "assets", "other"),
                Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "assets", "tanks"),
                Path.Combine(ModUnpackPath, "assets"),
                Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "assets"),

            PhysicsCompensationForRendering = Setting.Hidden <float>(this, "Physics Skin Compensation")
                                              .SetDescription("The amount in blocks to compensate for Farseer Physics's skin on bodies.")

            Fullscreen = Setting.Bool(this, "Fullscreen mode")
                         .SetDescription("Whether to render the game in fullscreen mode")

            VSync = Setting.Bool(this, "Enable vertical blank sync")
                    .SetDescription("Whether v-blank-sync should be enabled.")

            Zoom = Setting.Hidden <float>(this, "Game world zoom")
                   .SetDescription("The zoom level of the game world, relative to default.")

            SSAARate = Setting.Number(this, "SSAA Rate")
                       .SetDescription("The amount of supersampling to do for the game images; " +
                                       "higher values are (slightly) better, lower values are (much) faster.")
                       .SetAllowedValues(1, 1.25f, 1.5f, 1.75f, 2f, 2.25f, 2.5f, 2.75f, 3f, 3.5f, 4f, 4.5f, 5f, 5.5f, 6f);

            UserTankImageDownloadCache = Setting.Path(this, "Custom Tank Image Download Path")
                                         .SetDescription("The path in which to download custom images that users make for their tanks")
                                                         ConfigDir, "tankimages"));

            InputDriverName = Setting.String(this, "Input driver name")
                              .SetDescription("The name of the driver to use for in game input.")
                              .SetAllowedValues(() => InputDriverBase.Drivers.Keys);

            InputKeyBindings = Setting.Hidden <string>(this, "Input Key Bindings")
                               .SetDescription("The stored key bindings for the current input driver");