Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Optimizer(double startValue, double mutationAmount, SetValueMethod setValueMethod)
     this.currValue      = startValue;
     this.lastValue      = startValue;
     this.mutationAmount = mutationAmount;
     this.setValueMethod = setValueMethod;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SetEncodedValue_KnownHeaders_ThrowIf_IncorrectValue(SetValueMethod method)
            if (method == SetValueMethod.AddShortcut)

            var writer = new CborWriter();

            byte[] encodedNullValue = writer.Encode();

            var map = new CoseHeaderMap();

            // only accepts int or tstr
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.Algorithm, encodedNullValue, method));
            // [ +label ] (non-empty array)
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.CriticalHeaders, encodedNullValue, method));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.CriticalHeaders, writer.Encode(), method));
            // tstr / uint
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType, encodedNullValue, method));
            // bstr
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.KeyIdentifier, encodedNullValue, method));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void TextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
     if (__editable && __object != null)
         SetValueMethod _method = __objectEditor.GetMethod(__object.GetType());
         if (_method != null)
             _method.Invoke(ref __object, __textBox.Text);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SetValue_KnownHeaders_ThrowIf_IncorrectValue(SetValueMethod method)
            var map = new CoseHeaderMap();

            // only accepts int or tstr
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.Algorithm, ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty, method));
            // [ +label ] (non-empty array)
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.CriticalHeaders, ReadOnlySpan <byte> .Empty, method));
            // tstr / uint
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType, -1, method));
            // bstr
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>("value", () => SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.KeyIdentifier, "foo", method));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public PropertyMap(ISerializer serializer, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, ITypeMap typeMap, IEnumerable <string> availableFilters)
            this.serializer = serializer;

            this.typeMap = typeMap is IContentTypeMap contentTypeMap && propertyDefinition.Content.UseXop
                ? contentTypeMap.GetOptimizedContentTypeMap()
                : typeMap;

            Definition = propertyDefinition;

            getValueMethod = Definition.PropertyInfo.CreateGetValueMethod();
            setValueMethod = Definition.PropertyInfo.CreateSetValueMethod();

            if (availableFilters == null)

            foreach (var availableFilter in availableFilters.Where(f => Definition.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Type.IsFilterableField(Definition.RuntimeName, f)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SetValue_GetValue_KnownCoseHeaderLabel(SetValueMethod setMethod, GetValueMethod getMethod)
            var map = new CoseHeaderMap();

            SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.Algorithm, (int)ECDsaAlgorithm.ES256, setMethod);

            if (setMethod != SetValueMethod.AddShortcut)
                SetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.CriticalHeaders, GetDummyCritHeaderValue(), setMethod);

            SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType, ContentTypeDummyValue, setMethod);
            SetValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.KeyIdentifier, s_sampleContent, setMethod);

            Assert.Equal((int)ECDsaAlgorithm.ES256, GetValue <int>(map, CoseHeaderLabel.Algorithm, getMethod));

            if (getMethod != GetValueMethod.GetValueShortcut)
                AssertExtensions.SequenceEqual(GetDummyCritHeaderValue(), GetEncodedValue(map, CoseHeaderLabel.CriticalHeaders, getMethod));

            Assert.Equal(ContentTypeDummyValue, GetValue <string>(map, CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType, getMethod));
            AssertExtensions.SequenceEqual(s_sampleContent, GetValue <byte[]>(map, CoseHeaderLabel.KeyIdentifier, getMethod));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal override void Set(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value)
            if (_Type == null)
                _Type = valueType;
            else if (_Type != valueType)
                // Essentially declaring a new variable.
                _Type = valueType;
                Store = null;

            // Declare an IL local variable if no storage location has been allocated yet.
            if (Store == null)
                Store = generator.DeclareVariable(valueType, Name);

            // Load the value:

            // Store the value in the variable.
 public EnumListProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue, CreateInstanceMethod createInstance = null) : base(name, getValue, setValue, createInstance)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>Sets this variable with the given value generator method.</summary>
 internal virtual void Set(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value)
 public StructMutableContainerListProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue, CreateInstanceMethod createInstanceMethod = null)
     : base(name, getValue, setValue, createInstanceMethod)
 public StructListProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue, CreateInstanceMethod createInstance = null)
     : base(name, getValue, setValue)
     m_CreateInstanceMethod = createInstance ?? DefaultCreateInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public StructValueStructProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue, GetValueRefMethod getValueRef) : base(name, getValue, setValue)
     m_GetValueRef = getValueRef;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public StructMutableContainerProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue, RefAccessMethod refAccess) : base(name, getValue, setValue)
     RefAccess = refAccess;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores the value on the top of the stack in the reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param>
        /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param>
        /// <param name="valueType"> The primitive type of the value that is on the top of the stack. </param>
        /// <param name="throwIfUnresolvable"> <c>true</c> to throw a ReferenceError exception if
        /// the name is unresolvable; <c>false</c> to create a new property instead. </param>
        public void GenerateSet(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value, bool throwIfUnresolvable)
            if (ResolvedProperty == null)
                // Dynamic property access
                // -----------------------
                // xxx = object.Set(x)

                // Load the left-hand side:
                var lhs = this.GetOperand(0);

                // -- Begin args for Prototype.SetPropertyValue --

                // Script engine (engine):

                // Put LHS object onto stack now (thisObj):
                lhs.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // What type have we now got on the stack? Typically expected to be 'object'.
                Type lhsType = lhs.GetResultType(optimizationInfo);

                // Ensure it's boxed (still thisObj):
                EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, lhsType);

                // Load the property name and convert to a string.
                var rhs = this.GetOperand(1);
                rhs.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);
                EmitConversion.ToString(generator, rhs.GetResultType(optimizationInfo));

                if (rIU)
                    // Output the value now (twice):

                    // We now have [obj][value][value] on the stack.
                    // Calling the set method would fail (as it'll operate on the duplicated value).
                    // So, we have to pop one off and re-add it after.

                    // In order for SetValue to work, we need to shove the 2nd copy into a temp variable.
                    ILLocalVariable localVar = generator.DeclareVariable(valueType);

                    // Store into the local:

                    // Set the value:

                    // Load from the local:
                    // Output the value now:

                    // Set the value:
            else if (isArrayIndex)
                // Array indexer
                // -------------
                // object[index] = x

                // Load the left-hand side and convert to an object instance.
                var lhs = this.GetOperand(0);
                lhs.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // Load the right-hand side and convert to int32/uint32/whatever the indexer function wants.
                var rhs = this.GetOperand(1);
                rhs.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // Convert the index:
                EmitConversion.Convert(generator, rhs.GetResultType(optimizationInfo), ResolvedProperty.FirstIndexType);

                // Call set:
                ResolvedProperty.Set(generator, optimizationInfo, rIU, valueType, value);
                // Named property modification (e.g. x.property = y)
                // -------------------------------------------------

                if (ResolvedProperty.HasEngine)
                    // Emit the engine ref:

                if (ResolvedProperty.HasAccessor)
                    // Load the left-hand side:
                    var lhs = GetOperand(0);
                    lhs.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // Target object is now on the stack.

                // Set it:
                ResolvedProperty.Set(generator, optimizationInfo, rIU, valueType, value);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void SetEncodedValue_GetEncodedValue_KnownCoseHeaderLabel(int knownHeader, byte[] encodedValue, SetValueMethod setMethod, GetValueMethod getMethod)
            var map   = new CoseHeaderMap();
            var label = new CoseHeaderLabel(knownHeader);

            SetEncodedValue(map, label, encodedValue, setMethod);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> returnedEncocedValue = GetEncodedValue(map, label, getMethod);

            AssertExtensions.SequenceEqual(encodedValue, returnedEncocedValue);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public ValueClassProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue) : base(name, getValue, setValue)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public ClassValueStructProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue)
     : base(name, getValue, setValue)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public Property(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue)
     : this(name)
     m_GetValue = getValue;
     m_SetValue = setValue;
 public StructEnumProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue) : base(name, getValue, setValue)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public StructContainerProperty(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue) : base(name, getValue, setValue)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        internal override void Set(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value)
            if (_Type == null)
                _Type = valueType;
            else if (valueType != _Type)
                // Essentially declaring a new variable.
                // This overwrites the name reference in the scope to the new variable.

                Scope.AddVariable(Name, valueType, null).Set(generator, optimizationInfo, rIU, valueType, value);


            // Load the value:

            // Store it in the arg:
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores the value on the top of the stack in the reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param>
        /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param>
        /// <param name="valueType"> The primitive type of the value that is on the top of the stack. </param>
        /// <param name="throwIfUnresolvable"> <c>true</c> to throw a ReferenceError exception if
        /// the name is unresolvable; <c>false</c> to create a new property instead. </param>
        public void GenerateSet(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value, bool throwIfUnresolvable)
            if (Variable == null)
                // Create a new variable:
                Variable = Scope.AddVariable(Name, valueType, null);
            else if (Variable.IsHoisted(Scope))
                Wrench.Log.Add("Attempted to set a hoisted variable. This is slow and is usually unnecessary. Ignoring it by treating it as a local.");

                // This happens in this situation:
                // function a(){
                //  var b="hello!";
                //  var test=function(){
                //     b="overwriting a hoisted variable here (Nitrassic treats it as a new local in test's scope)";
                //   };
                //  // Nitrassic is wrong if this happens:
                //  test();
                //  console.log(b); // *should* be the value set from inside test
                // }

                // Create a new variable:
                Variable = Scope.AddVariable(Name, valueType, null);

            // Output a set now:
            Variable.Set(generator, optimizationInfo, rIU, valueType, value);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected DelegateValueClassPropertyBase(string name, GetValueMethod getValue, SetValueMethod setValue)
     : base(name)
     m_GetValue = getValue;
     m_SetValue = setValue;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void AddMethod(Type _type, SetValueMethod _method)
     __methods[_type] = _method;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        internal override void Set(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, bool rIU, Type valueType, SetValueMethod value)
            // Resolve if needed:
            if (Field == null && Property == null)
                // Update type, potentially forcing the variable to change type
                // (unless it's a fixed property, in which case the value being set changes type instead):
                if (Property == null)
                    // Fixed property - var changes type:
                    Type = valueType;

            ILLocalVariable localVar = null;

            // Is the return value of this set in use?
            // E.g. var x=obj.x=14;
            if (rIU)
                // It's in use and 'obj.x' is not static.

                // Output the value twice:

                // If it's not static then we now have [obj][value][value] on the stack.
                // Calling the set method would fail (as it'll operate on the duplicated value).
                // So, we have to pop one off and re-add it after.

                if (!IsStatic)
                    // Note that if it's static, no 'obj' reference goes onto the stack anyway.

                    // At this point, we have our target object followed by two copies of the value.
                    // For the following Call/StoreField to work correctly, we must store the 2nd copy into a local.
                    localVar = generator.DeclareVariable(valueType);

                    // Store into the local:
                // Output the value just once:

            if (_Type != valueType)
                // Convert if needed:
                EmitConversion.Convert(generator, valueType, _Type, optimizationInfo);

            if (Property != null)
                // Call the set method:
                // Load the field:

            if (localVar != null)
                // Reload the 2nd copy of the value: