Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult RedirectFromPaypal(int id)
            ServiceReference1.ClientAPIServiceSoapClient s = new ServiceReference1.ClientAPIServiceSoapClient();
            string         clientId   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"];
            string         clientPwd  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientPwd"];
            string         responseid = "";
            string         status     = "";
            string         balances   = "";
            TB_Transaction tx         = entities.TB_Transaction.Where(x => x.TransactionId == id).FirstOrDefault();
            bool           result     = s.RequestInput(clientId, clientPwd, tx.TransactionNumber, tx.ProductId.ToString(), Convert.ToDecimal(tx.Denomination), tx.Phone, ref responseid, ref status, ref balances);

            RechargeModel model = new RechargeModel();

            model.phone    = tx.Phone;
            model.amount   = tx.Denomination;
            model.Operator = entities.TB_Product.Where(x => x.ProductId == tx.ProductId).FirstOrDefault().Product_Name;
            tx.Status      = status;
            tx.ResponseId  = responseid;

            if (status == "SUBMIT_SUCCESS")
                repo.DeductMoneyFromWallet(tx.UserId ?? 0, Convert.ToDecimal(tx.Denomination));
                ViewBag.Message     = "Recharge Succesful ! Transaction Number is :" + tx.TransactionNumber;
                ViewBag.MessageDesc = "";
                ViewBag.Message     = "Recharge was UnSuccesful ! Transaction Number is :" + tx.TransactionNumber + "";
                ViewBag.MessageDesc = "Some issue occured in the backend. We haven't deducted money from your wallet. Please try again later. Please note down transaction number for refund process.";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult PayUsingWallet()
            RechargeModel model  = (RechargeModel)Session["recharge"];
            EWallet       wallet = null;

            if (Session["user"] != null)
                TB_User user = (TB_User)Session["user"];
                wallet = user.EWallets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(model.amount) < wallet.Amount)
                    ServiceReference1.ClientAPIServiceSoapClient s = new ServiceReference1.ClientAPIServiceSoapClient();
                    string         clientId   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"];
                    string         clientPwd  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientPwd"];
                    string         responseid = "";
                    string         status     = "";
                    string         balances   = "";
                    string         number     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6);
                    TB_Transaction tx         = repo.createTransaction(number, model.amount, wallet.UserID ?? 0, Convert.ToInt32(model.ProductId), model.phone);
                    bool           result     = s.RequestInput(clientId, clientPwd, number, model.Operators, Convert.ToDecimal(model.amount), model.phone, ref responseid, ref status, ref balances);
                    tx.Status     = status;
                    tx.ResponseId = responseid;

                    if (status == "SUBMIT_SUCCESS")
                        TB_Transaction txu = entities.TB_Transaction.Where(x => x.TransactionId == tx.TransactionId).FirstOrDefault();
                        txu.PaymentStatus = "Payment Recieved.";
                        repo.DeductMoneyFromWallet(((TB_User)Session["user"]).UserId, Convert.ToDecimal(model.amount));
                        TB_Paypal paypal = new TB_Paypal();
                        paypal.Amount        = Convert.ToDecimal(model.amount);
                        paypal.date          = DateTime.Now;
                        paypal.EWalletID     = wallet.EWalletID;
                        paypal.Type          = "Mobile Recharge";
                        paypal.UserID        = user.UserId;
                        paypal.TransactionID = txu.TransactionId;
                        ViewBag.Message = "Recharge Succesful !";
                        ViewBag.Message     = "Recharge was UnSuccesful !";
                        ViewBag.MessageDesc = "Some issue occured in the backend. We haven't deducted money from your wallet. Please try again later";
