Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DontBindToObjectExplorerConnectEvents()
            // when I ask for a non-file object in the workspace, it should return null
            var        workspace = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            ScriptFile file      = workspace.GetFile("objectexplorer://server;database=database;user=user");


            // when I ask for a file, it should return the file
            string tempFile     = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string fileContents = "hello world";

            File.WriteAllText(tempFile, fileContents);

            file = workspace.GetFile(tempFile);
            Assert.Equal(fileContents, file.Contents);

            if (tempFile.StartsWith("/"))
                tempFile = tempFile.Substring(1);
            file = workspace.GetFile("file://" + tempFile);
            Assert.Equal(fileContents, file.Contents);

            file = workspace.GetFileBuffer("untitled://" + tempFile, fileContents);
            Assert.Equal(fileContents, file.Contents);

            // For windows files, just check scheme is null since it's hard to mock file contents in these
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task VerifyFileIsNotAddedOnDocOpened(string filePath)
            // setup test workspace
            var workspace        = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            var workspaceService = new WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> {
                Workspace = workspace

            // send a document open event with git:/ prefix URI
            var openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem {
                    Uri = filePath

            await workspaceService.HandleDidOpenTextDocumentNotification(openParams, eventContext : null);

            // verify the file is not being tracked by workspace

            // send a close event with git:/ prefix URI
            var closeParams = new DidCloseTextDocumentParams
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem {
                    Uri = filePath

            await workspaceService.HandleDidCloseTextDocumentNotification(closeParams, eventContext : null);

            // this is not that interesting validation since the open is ignored
            // the main validation is that close doesn't raise an exception
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetFileReturnsNullForPerforceFile()
            // when I ask for a non-file object in the workspace, it should return null
            var        workspace = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            ScriptFile file      = workspace.GetFile("perforce:myfile.sql");

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void ResolveRelativeScriptPath()
     TestUtils.RunIfWindows(() =>
         var workspace = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
         Assert.NotNull(workspace.ResolveRelativeScriptPath(null, @"c:\path\file.sql"));
         Assert.NotNull(workspace.ResolveRelativeScriptPath(@"c:\path\", "file.sql"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void GetBaseFilePath()
     TestUtils.RunIfWindows(() =>
         using (var workspace = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace())
             Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => workspace.GetBaseFilePath("path"));
             Assert.Equal(workspace.GetBaseFilePath("tsqloutput://c:/path/file.sql"), workspace.WorkspacePath);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task FileClosedSuccessfully()
            // Given:
            // ... A workspace that has a single file open
            var workspace        = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            var workspaceService = new WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> {
                Workspace = workspace
            var openedFile = workspace.GetFileBuffer(TestObjects.ScriptUri, string.Empty);


            // ... And there is a callback registered for the file closed event
            ScriptFile closedFile = null;
            string     closedUri  = null;

            workspaceService.RegisterTextDocCloseCallback((u, f, c) =>
                closedUri  = u;
                closedFile = f;

            // If:
            // ... An event to close the open file occurs
            var eventContext  = new Mock <EventContext>().Object;
            var requestParams = new DidCloseTextDocumentParams
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem {
                    Uri = TestObjects.ScriptUri
            await workspaceService.HandleDidCloseTextDocumentNotification(requestParams, eventContext);

            // Then:
            // ... The file should no longer be in the open files

            // ... The callback should have been called
            // ... The provided script file should be the one we created
            Assert.Equal(openedFile, closedFile);
            Assert.Equal(TestObjects.ScriptUri, closedUri);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task WorkspaceContainsFile()
            var workspace        = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            var workspaceService = new WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> {
                Workspace = workspace
            var openedFile = workspace.GetFileBuffer(TestObjects.ScriptUri, string.Empty);

            // send a document open event
            var openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem {
                    Uri = TestObjects.ScriptUri

            await workspaceService.HandleDidOpenTextDocumentNotification(openParams, eventContext : null);

            // verify the file is being tracked by workspace
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task FileClosedNotOpen()
            // Given:
            // ... A workspace that has no files open
            var workspace        = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
            var workspaceService = new WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> {
                Workspace = workspace


            // ... And there is a callback registered for the file closed event
            bool callbackCalled = false;

            workspaceService.RegisterTextDocCloseCallback((f, c) =>
                callbackCalled = true;

            // If:
            // ... An event to close the a file occurs
            var eventContext  = new Mock <EventContext>().Object;
            var requestParams = new DidCloseTextDocumentParams
                TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem {
                    Uri = TestObjects.ScriptUri
            // Then:
            // ... There should be a file not found exception thrown
            // TODO: This logic should be changed to not create the ScriptFile
            await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <IOException>(
                () => workspaceService.HandleDidCloseTextDocumentNotification(requestParams, eventContext));

            // ... There should still be no open files
            // ... The callback should not have been called
        public async Task HandleRequestToChangeToSqlcmdFile()
            var scriptFile = new ScriptFile()
                ClientFilePath = "HandleRequestToChangeToSqlcmdFile_" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "_.sql"

                // Prepare a script file
                scriptFile.SetFileContents("koko wants a bananas");
                File.WriteAllText(scriptFile.ClientFilePath, scriptFile.Contents);

                // Create a workspace and add file to it so that its found for intellense building
                var workspace        = new ServiceLayer.Workspace.Workspace();
                var workspaceService = new WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> {
                    Workspace = workspace
                var langService = new LanguageService()
                    WorkspaceServiceInstance = workspaceService
                langService.CurrentWorkspaceSettings.SqlTools.IntelliSense.EnableIntellisense = true;

                // Add a connection to ensure the intellisense building works
                ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = GetLiveAutoCompleteTestObjects().ConnectionInfo;
                langService.ConnectionServiceInstance.OwnerToConnectionMap.Add(scriptFile.ClientFilePath, connectionInfo);

                // Test SQL
                int countOfValidationCalls = 0;
                var eventContextSql        = new Mock <SqlTools.Hosting.Protocol.EventContext>();
                eventContextSql.Setup(x => x.SendEvent(PublishDiagnosticsNotification.Type, It.Is <PublishDiagnosticsNotification>((notif) => ValidateNotification(notif, 2, ref countOfValidationCalls)))).Returns(Task.FromResult(new object()));
                await langService.HandleDidChangeLanguageFlavorNotification(new LanguageFlavorChangeParams
                    Uri      = scriptFile.ClientFilePath,
                    Language = LanguageService.SQL_LANG.ToLower(),
                    Flavor   = "MSSQL"
                }, eventContextSql.Object);

                await langService.DelayedDiagnosticsTask; // to ensure completion and validation before moveing to next step

                // Test SQL CMD
                var eventContextSqlCmd = new Mock <SqlTools.Hosting.Protocol.EventContext>();
                eventContextSqlCmd.Setup(x => x.SendEvent(PublishDiagnosticsNotification.Type, It.Is <PublishDiagnosticsNotification>((notif) => ValidateNotification(notif, 0, ref countOfValidationCalls)))).Returns(Task.FromResult(new object()));
                await langService.HandleDidChangeLanguageFlavorNotification(new LanguageFlavorChangeParams
                    Uri      = scriptFile.ClientFilePath,
                    Language = LanguageService.SQL_CMD_LANG.ToLower(),
                    Flavor   = "MSSQL"
                }, eventContextSqlCmd.Object);

                await langService.DelayedDiagnosticsTask;

                Assert.True(countOfValidationCalls == 2, $"Validation should be called 2 time but is called {countOfValidationCalls} times");
                if (File.Exists(scriptFile.ClientFilePath))