Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int Create(ServiceDescription_User serviceDescription_User)

            var count = _serviceDescription_UserRepository.SaveChanges();

            var user = _userRepository.Get(serviceDescription_User.IdSharedUser);

            var invitationSecurity = Guid.NewGuid();

            _eventDispatcher.Dispatch(new SendInvitationEmailEvent(user.Email, invitationSecurity));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ShareServiceDescriptionWithUser(int idServiceDescription, int idUserToShare)
            var notYetShared = _serviceDescription_UserRepository.GetAllBySharedUser(idUserToShare).Count(x => x.IdServiceDescription == idServiceDescription) == 0;

            if (notYetShared)
                var serviceDescription_User = new ServiceDescription_User
                    IdServiceDescription = idServiceDescription,
                    IdSharedUser         = idUserToShare


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AcceptInvitationForExistingUser(ShareInvitation shareInvitation, User user)
            var shareInvitations = _shareInvitationRepository.GetAll()
                                   .Where(x => x.Email == shareInvitation.Email.ToLower() && x.InvitationStatus == InvitationStatusEnum.Invited).ToList();

            user.ServiceDescription_Users = new List <ServiceDescription_User>();

            foreach (var item in shareInvitations)
                //Update the invitation status to Accepted
                item.InvitationStatus = InvitationStatusEnum.Accepted;

                //Update the entity with the new invitation status in the EF context

                //Get the service description according to the service description id in the input parameters
                var serviceDescription = _serviceDescriptionRepository.GetComplete(item.IdServiceDescription);

                //Generate the graph (original) for the service description
                var graphJson = _graphService.CreateGraphData(serviceDescription.Id, serviceDescription.ServiceName, serviceDescription.WsdlInterfaces);

                //Generate the service description for the (invited) shared user
                var serviceDescription_User = new ServiceDescription_User
                    IdServiceDescription = item.IdServiceDescription,
                    IdSharedUser         = user.Id

                //Add the link between the (invited) shared user and the service description

            //Update the (invited) shared user in the database via the EF context

            //Save the updated invitation, with new status, in the database via the EF context
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public int Update(ServiceDescription_User serviceDescription_User)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public int Remove(ServiceDescription_User serviceDescription_User)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AcceptInvitationForNewUser(ShareInvitation shareInvitation, User newUser)
            var shareInvitations = _shareInvitationRepository.GetAll()
                                   .Where(x => x.Email == shareInvitation.Email.ToLower() && x.InvitationStatus == InvitationStatusEnum.Invited).ToList();

            newUser.ServiceDescription_Users = new List <ServiceDescription_User>();

            foreach (var invitation in shareInvitations)
                //Update the invitation status to Accepted
                invitation.InvitationStatus = InvitationStatusEnum.Accepted;

                //Update the entity with the new invitation status in the EF context

                var idServiceDescription = invitation.IdServiceDescription;

                //Generate the service description for the (invited) shared user
                var serviceDescription_User = new ServiceDescription_User
                    IdServiceDescription = idServiceDescription

                //Add the link between the (invited) shared user and the service description

                var ontologiesUsedByServiceDescription = _serviceDescription_OntologyRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.IdServiceDescription == idServiceDescription);
                var ontologiesSharedByOpenedInProject  = _shareInvitation_OntologyRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.IdShareInvitation == invitation.Id);
                newUser.Ontology_Users = new List <Ontology_User>();

                foreach (var idOntology in ontologiesUsedByServiceDescription.Select(x => x.IdOntology).ToList())
                    if (!newUser.Ontology_Users.Any(x => x.IdOntology == idOntology))
                        newUser.Ontology_Users.Add(new Ontology_User {
                            IdOntology = idOntology

                foreach (var idOntology in ontologiesSharedByOpenedInProject.Select(x => x.IdOntology).ToList())
                    if (!newUser.Ontology_Users.Any(x => x.IdOntology == idOntology))
                        newUser.Ontology_Users.Add(new Ontology_User {
                            IdOntology = idOntology

            //Hash the password for the invited user
            newUser.Password = HashHelper.GetHash(newUser.Password);

            //Create the the (invited) shared user in the EF context

            //Save the (invited) shared user in the database via the EF context

            //Save the updated invitation, with new status, in the database via the EF context