Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void AssertValidConnection(IncomingConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
            //precaution, should never happen..
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionInfo.SourceDatabaseId) ||
                Guid.TryParse(connectionInfo.SourceDatabaseId, out Guid sourceDbId) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Failed to parse source database Id. What I got is {(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionInfo.SourceDatabaseId) ? "<empty string>" : Database.DbId.ToString())}. This is not supposed to happen and is likely a bug.");

            if (sourceDbId == Database.DbId)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Cannot have replication with source and destination being the same database. They share the same db id ({connectionInfo} - {Database.DbId})");

            if (_server.IsPassive())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Cannot accept the incoming replication connection from {connectionInfo.SourceUrl}, because this node is in passive state.");

            if (_incoming.TryRemove(connectionInfo.SourceDatabaseId, out IncomingReplicationHandler value))
                if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        $"Disconnecting existing connection from {value.FromToString} because we got a new connection from the same source db");


Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static IEnumerable <OngoingTask> CollectExternalReplicationTasks(List <ExternalReplication> watchers, DatabaseTopology dbTopology, ClusterTopology clusterTopology, ServerStore store)
            if (dbTopology == null)
                yield break;

            foreach (var watcher in watchers)
                NodeId responsibale = null;

                var tag = dbTopology.WhoseTaskIsIt(watcher, store.IsPassive());
                if (tag != null)
                    responsibale = new NodeId
                        NodeTag = tag,
                        NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)

                yield return(new OngoingTaskReplication
                    TaskId = watcher.TaskId,
                    TaskName = watcher.Name,
                    ResponsibleNode = responsibale,
                    DestinationDatabase = watcher.Database,
                    TaskState = watcher.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                    DestinationUrl = watcher.Url
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <SubscriptionState> AssertSubscriptionConnectionDetails(long id, string name, TimeSpan timeout)
            await _serverStore.WaitForCommitIndexChange(RachisConsensus.CommitIndexModification.GreaterOrEqual, id);

            using (_serverStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext serverStoreContext))
                using (serverStoreContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                    var subscription  = GetSubscriptionFromServerStore(serverStoreContext, name);
                    var dbRecord      = _serverStore.Cluster.ReadDatabase(serverStoreContext, _db.Name, out var _);
                    var whoseTaskIsIt = dbRecord.Topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(subscription, _serverStore.IsPassive());
                    if (whoseTaskIsIt != _serverStore.NodeTag)
                        throw new SubscriptionDoesNotBelongToNodeException($"Subscripition with id {id} can't be proccessed on current node ({_serverStore.NodeTag}), because it belongs to {whoseTaskIsIt}")
                                  AppropriateNode = whoseTaskIsIt
                    if (subscription.Disabled)
                        throw new SubscriptionClosedException($"The subscription {id} is disabled and cannot be used until enabled");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task GetRemoteTaskTcp()
            var remoteTask     = GetStringQueryString("remote-task");
            var database       = GetStringQueryString("database");
            var verifyDatabase = GetBoolValueQueryString("verify-database", false);

            if (ServerStore.IsPassive())
                throw new NodeIsPassiveException($"Can't fetch Tcp info from a passive node in url {this.HttpContext.Request.GetFullUrl()}");

            if (verifyDatabase.HasValue && verifyDatabase.Value)
                await ServerStore.DatabasesLandlord.TryGetOrCreateResourceStore(database);

            if (Authenticate(HttpContext, ServerStore, database, remoteTask) == false)

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out JsonOperationContext context))
                using (var writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream()))
                    var output = Server.ServerStore.GetTcpInfoAndCertificates(HttpContext.Request.GetClientRequestedNodeUrl(), forExternalUse: true);
                    context.Write(writer, output);
        private static IEnumerable <OngoingTask> CollectExternalReplicationTasks(string name, List <ExternalReplication> watchers, DatabaseTopology dbTopology, ClusterTopology clusterTopology, ServerStore store)
            if (dbTopology == null)
                yield break;

            foreach (var watcher in watchers)
                NodeId responsibale = null;

                var tag = dbTopology.WhoseTaskIsIt(watcher, store.IsPassive());
                if (tag != null)
                    responsibale = new NodeId
                        NodeTag = tag,
                        NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)

                (string Url, OngoingTaskReplication.ReplicationStatus Status)res = (null, OngoingTaskReplication.ReplicationStatus.None);
                string error = null;
                if (tag == store.NodeTag)
                        store.DatabasesLandlord.DatabasesCache.TryGetValue(name, out var task);
                        res = task.Result.ReplicationLoader.GetExternalReplicationDestination(watcher.TaskId);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // failed to retrive the destination url
                        error = e.ToString();
                    res.Status = OngoingTaskReplication.ReplicationStatus.NotOnThisNode;

                yield return(new OngoingTaskReplication
                    TaskId = watcher.TaskId,
                    TaskName = watcher.Name,
                    ResponsibleNode = responsibale,
                    DestinationDatabase = watcher.Database,
                    TaskState = watcher.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                    DestinationUrl = res.Url,
                    Status = res.Status,
                    Error = error
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private bool TryGetMentorNode(string dbName, DatabaseTopology topology, ClusterTopology clusterTopology, string promotable, out string mentorNode)
            var url  = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(promotable);
            var task = new PromotableTask(promotable, url, dbName);

            mentorNode = topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(task, _server.IsPassive());

            if (mentorNode == null)
                // We are in passive mode and were kicked out of the cluster.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static IEnumerable <OngoingTask> CollectBackupTasks(
            DatabaseRecord databaseRecord,
            DatabaseTopology dbTopology,
            ClusterTopology clusterTopology,
            ServerStore store)
            if (dbTopology == null)
                yield break;

            if (databaseRecord.PeriodicBackups == null)
                yield break;

            if (databaseRecord.PeriodicBackups.Count == 0)
                yield break;

            var database = store.DatabasesLandlord.TryGetOrCreateResourceStore(databaseRecord.DatabaseName).Result;

            foreach (var backupConfiguration in databaseRecord.PeriodicBackups)
                var tag = dbTopology.WhoseTaskIsIt(backupConfiguration, store.IsPassive());

                var backupDestinations = GetBackupDestinations(backupConfiguration);

                var backupStatus = database.PeriodicBackupRunner.GetBackupStatus(backupConfiguration.TaskId);
                var nextBackup   = database.PeriodicBackupRunner.GetNextBackupDetails(databaseRecord, backupConfiguration, backupStatus);

                yield return(new OngoingTaskBackup
                    TaskId = backupConfiguration.TaskId,
                    BackupType = backupConfiguration.BackupType,
                    TaskName = backupConfiguration.Name,
                    TaskState = backupConfiguration.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                    LastFullBackup = backupStatus.LastFullBackup,
                    LastIncrementalBackup = backupStatus.LastIncrementalBackup,
                    NextBackup = nextBackup,
                    ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                        NodeTag = tag,
                        NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                    BackupDestinations = backupDestinations
        public async Task UpdateExternalReplication()
            if (ResourceNameValidator.IsValidResourceName(Database.Name, ServerStore.Configuration.Core.DataDirectory.FullPath, out string errorMessage) == false)
                throw new BadRequestException(errorMessage);

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext context))
                var updateJson = await context.ReadForMemoryAsync(RequestBodyStream(), "read-update-replication");

                if (updateJson.TryGet(nameof(UpdateExternalReplicationCommand.Watcher), out BlittableJsonReaderObject watcherBlittable) == false)
                    throw new InvalidDataException($"{nameof(UpdateExternalReplicationCommand.Watcher)} was not found.");

                var watcher = JsonDeserializationClient.ExternalReplication(watcherBlittable);
                if (ServerStore.LicenseManager.CanAddExternalReplication(out var licenseLimit) == false)

                var(index, _) = await ServerStore.UpdateExternalReplication(Database.Name, watcher);

                await Database.RachisLogIndexNotifications.WaitForIndexNotification(index);

                string responsibleNode;
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    var record = ServerStore.Cluster.ReadDatabase(context, Database.Name);
                    responsibleNode = record.Topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(watcher, ServerStore.IsPassive());

                HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Created;

                using (var writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream()))
                    context.Write(writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                        [nameof(ModifyOngoingTaskResult.TaskId)]           = watcher.TaskId == 0 ? index : watcher.TaskId,
                        [nameof(ModifyOngoingTaskResult.RaftCommandIndex)] = index,
                        [nameof(OngoingTask.ResponsibleNode)] = responsibleNode
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private TaskStatus GetTaskStatus(
            DatabaseRecord databaseRecord,
            PeriodicBackupConfiguration configuration,
            bool skipErrorLog = false)
            if (configuration.Disabled)

            if (configuration.HasBackup() == false)
                if (skipErrorLog == false)
                    var message = $"All backup destinations are disabled for backup task id: {configuration.TaskId}";
                                                         "Periodic Backup",


            var whoseTaskIsIt = databaseRecord.Topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(configuration, _serverStore.IsPassive());

            if (whoseTaskIsIt == null)

            if (whoseTaskIsIt == _serverStore.NodeTag)

            if (_logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                _logger.Info($"Backup job is skipped at {SystemTime.UtcNow}, because it is managed " +
                             $"by '{whoseTaskIsIt}' node and not the current node ({_serverStore.NodeTag})");

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static IEnumerable <OngoingTask> CollectSubscriptionTasks(TransactionOperationContext context, DatabaseRecord databaseRecord, ClusterTopology clusterTopology, ServerStore store)
            foreach (var keyValue in ClusterStateMachine.ReadValuesStartingWith(context, SubscriptionState.SubscriptionPrefix(databaseRecord.DatabaseName)))
                var subscriptionState = JsonDeserializationClient.SubscriptionState(keyValue.Value);
                var tag = databaseRecord.Topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(subscriptionState, store.IsPassive());

                yield return(new OngoingTaskSubscription
                    // Supply only needed fields for List View
                    ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                        NodeTag = tag,
                        NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                    TaskName = subscriptionState.SubscriptionName,
                    TaskState = subscriptionState.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                    TaskId = subscriptionState.SubscriptionId,
                    Query = subscriptionState.Query
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void HandleTopologyChange(DatabaseRecord newRecord)
            var instancesToDispose = new List <OutgoingReplicationHandler>();

            if (newRecord == null || _server.IsPassive())
                DropOutgoingConnections(Destinations, ref instancesToDispose);

            HandleInternalReplication(newRecord, ref instancesToDispose);
            HandleExternalReplication(newRecord, ref instancesToDispose);
            var destinations = new List <ReplicationNode>();

            _destinations = destinations;

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Task GetTopology()
            var name = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("name");

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext context))
                var dbId = Constants.Documents.Prefix + name;
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    using (var dbBlit = ServerStore.Cluster.Read(context, dbId, out long _))
                        if (TryGetAllowedDbs(name, out var _, requireAdmin: false) == false)

                        if (dbBlit == null)
                            // here we return 503 so clients will try to failover to another server
                            // if this is a newly created db that we haven't been notified about it yet
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable;
                            HttpContext.Response.Headers["Database-Missing"] = name;
                            using (var writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, HttpContext.Response.Body))
                                              new DynamicJsonValue
                                    ["Type"]    = "Error",
                                    ["Message"] = "Database " + name + " wasn't found"

                        var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(context);
                        if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && clusterTopology.TopologyId != null)
                            // we were kicked-out from the cluster
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable;

                        clusterTopology.ReplaceCurrentNodeUrlWithClientRequestedNodeUrlIfNecessary(ServerStore, HttpContext);

                        var dbRecord = JsonDeserializationCluster.DatabaseRecord(dbBlit);
                        using (var writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream()))
                            context.Write(writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                                [nameof(Topology.Nodes)] = new DynamicJsonArray(
                                    dbRecord.Topology.Members.Select(x => new DynamicJsonValue
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Url)]        = GetUrl(x, clusterTopology),
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ClusterTag)] = x,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ServerRole)] = ServerNode.Role.Member,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Database)]   = dbRecord.DatabaseName
                                    .Concat(dbRecord.Topology.Rehabs.Select(x => new DynamicJsonValue
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Url)]        = GetUrl(x, clusterTopology),
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ClusterTag)] = x,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Database)]   = dbRecord.DatabaseName,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ServerRole)] = ServerNode.Role.Rehab
                                [nameof(Topology.Etag)] = dbRecord.Topology.Stamp?.Index ?? -1
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task GetTopology()
            var name = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("name");
            var applicationIdentifier = GetStringQueryString("applicationIdentifier", required: false);

            if (applicationIdentifier != null)
                AlertIfDocumentStoreCreationRateIsNotReasonable(applicationIdentifier, name);

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext context))
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    using (var rawRecord = ServerStore.Cluster.ReadRawDatabaseRecord(context, name))
                        if (await CanAccessDatabaseAsync(name, requireAdmin: false) == false)

                        if (rawRecord == null)
                            // here we return 503 so clients will try to failover to another server
                            // if this is a newly created db that we haven't been notified about it yet
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable;
                            HttpContext.Response.Headers["Database-Missing"] = name;
                            await using (var writer = new AsyncBlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream()))
                                              new DynamicJsonValue
                                    ["Type"]    = "Error",
                                    ["Message"] = "Database " + name + " wasn't found"

                        var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(context);
                        if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && clusterTopology.TopologyId != null)
                            // we were kicked-out from the cluster
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable;

                        if (rawRecord.Topology.Members.Count == 0 && rawRecord.Topology.Rehabs.Count == 0 && rawRecord.DeletionInProgress.Any())
                            // The database at deletion progress from all nodes
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable;
                            HttpContext.Response.Headers["Database-Missing"] = name;
                            await using (var writer = new AsyncBlittableJsonTextWriter(context, HttpContext.Response.Body))
                                context.Write(writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                                    ["Type"]    = "Error",
                                    ["Message"] = "Database " + name + " was deleted"


                        clusterTopology.ReplaceCurrentNodeUrlWithClientRequestedNodeUrlIfNecessary(ServerStore, HttpContext);

                        await using (var writer = new AsyncBlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream()))
                            context.Write(writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                                [nameof(Topology.Nodes)] = new DynamicJsonArray(
                                    rawRecord.Topology.Members.Select(x => new DynamicJsonValue
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Url)]        = GetUrl(x, clusterTopology),
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ClusterTag)] = x,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ServerRole)] = ServerNode.Role.Member,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Database)]   = rawRecord.DatabaseName
                                    .Concat(rawRecord.Topology.Rehabs.Select(x => new DynamicJsonValue
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Url)]        = GetUrl(x, clusterTopology),
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ClusterTag)] = x,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.Database)]   = rawRecord.DatabaseName,
                                    [nameof(ServerNode.ServerRole)] = ServerNode.Role.Rehab
                                [nameof(Topology.Etag)] = rawRecord.Topology.Stamp?.Index ?? -1
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task AddNode()

            var nodeUrl       = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("url");
            var watcher       = GetBoolValueQueryString("watcher", false);
            var assignedCores = GetIntValueQueryString("assignedCores", false);

            if (assignedCores <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Assigned cores must be greater than 0!");

            nodeUrl = UrlHelper.TryGetLeftPart(nodeUrl);
            var remoteIsHttps = nodeUrl.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (HttpContext.Request.IsHttps != remoteIsHttps)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node '{nodeUrl}' to cluster because it will create invalid mix of HTTPS & HTTP endpoints. A cluster must be only HTTPS or only HTTP.");

            NodeInfo nodeInfo;

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                using (var requestExecutor = ClusterRequestExecutor.CreateForSingleNode(nodeUrl, Server.Certificate.Certificate))
                    requestExecutor.DefaultTimeout = ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout;

                    var infoCmd = new GetNodeInfoCommand();
                        await requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(infoCmd, ctx);
                    catch (AllTopologyNodesDownException e)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't contact node at {nodeUrl}", e);

                    nodeInfo = infoCmd.Result;

                    if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException("You can't add new node to an already existing cluster");

            if (assignedCores != null && assignedCores > nodeInfo.NumberOfCores)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add node because the assigned cores is larger " +
                                            $"than the available cores on that machine: {nodeInfo.NumberOfCores}");


            if (assignedCores == null)
                assignedCores = ServerStore.LicenseManager.GetCoresToAssign(nodeInfo.NumberOfCores);

            Debug.Assert(assignedCores <= nodeInfo.NumberOfCores);

            ServerStore.LicenseManager.AssertCanAddNode(nodeUrl, assignedCores.Value);

            if (ServerStore.IsLeader())
                using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                    string          topologyId;
                    ClusterTopology clusterTopology;
                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        topologyId      = clusterTopology.TopologyId;

                    var possibleNode = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                    if (possibleNode.HasUrl)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because this url is already used by node {possibleNode.NodeTag}");

                    if (nodeInfo.ServerId == ServerStore.GetServerId())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because it's a synonym of the current node URL:{ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl()}");

                    if (nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        if (topologyId != nodeInfo.TopologyId)
                            throw new TopologyMismatchException(
                                      $"Adding a new node to cluster failed. The new node is already in another cluster. " +
                                      $"Expected topology id: {topologyId}, but we get {nodeInfo.TopologyId}");

                        if (nodeInfo.CurrentState != RachisState.Passive)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster " +
                                                                $"because it's already in the cluster under tag :{nodeInfo.NodeTag} " +
                                                                $"and URL: {clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(nodeInfo.NodeTag)}");

                    var nodeTag = nodeInfo.NodeTag == RachisConsensus.InitialTag ? null : nodeInfo.NodeTag;
                    CertificateDefinition oldServerCert = null;
                    X509Certificate2      certificate   = null;

                    if (remoteIsHttps)
                        if (nodeInfo.Certificate == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because it has no certificate while trying to use HTTPS");

                        certificate = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(nodeInfo.Certificate), (string)null, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

                        var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        if (certificate.NotBefore.ToUniversalTime() > now)
                            // Because of time zone and time drift issues, we can't assume that the certificate generation will be
                            // proper. Because of that, we allow tolerance of the NotBefore to be a bit earlier / later than the
                            // current time. Clients may still fail to work with our certificate because of timing issues,
                            // but the admin needs to setup time sync properly and there isn't much we can do at that point
                            if ((certificate.NotBefore.ToUniversalTime() - now).TotalDays > 1)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                          $"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' is not yet valid. It starts on {certificate.NotBefore}");

                        if (certificate.NotAfter.ToUniversalTime() < now)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' expired on {certificate.NotAfter}");

                        var expected = GetStringQueryString("expectedThumbprint", required: false);
                        if (expected != null)
                            if (certificate.Thumbprint != expected)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate thumbprint '{certificate.Thumbprint}' doesn't match the expected thumbprint '{expected}'.");

                        using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                            var key      = Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint;
                            var readCert = ServerStore.Cluster.Read(ctx, key);
                            if (readCert != null)
                                oldServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(readCert);

                        if (oldServerCert == null)
                            var certificateDefinition = new CertificateDefinition
                                Certificate       = nodeInfo.Certificate,
                                Thumbprint        = certificate.Thumbprint,
                                NotAfter          = certificate.NotAfter,
                                Name              = "Server Certificate for " + nodeUrl,
                                SecurityClearance = SecurityClearance.ClusterNode

                            var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint, certificateDefinition));

                            await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                    await ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(nodeUrl, nodeTag, validateNotInTopology : false, asWatcher : watcher ?? false);

                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        possibleNode    = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                        nodeTag         = possibleNode.HasUrl ? possibleNode.NodeTag : null;

                        if (certificate != null)
                            var key = Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint;

                            var modifiedServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(ServerStore.Cluster.Read(ctx, key));

                            if (modifiedServerCert == null)
                                throw new ConcurrencyException("After adding the certificate, it was removed, shouldn't happen unless another admin removed it midway through.");

                            if (oldServerCert == null)
                                modifiedServerCert.Name = "Server certificate for Node " + nodeTag;
                                var value = "Node " + nodeTag;
                                if (modifiedServerCert.Name.Contains(value) == false)
                                    modifiedServerCert.Name += ", " + value;

                            var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(key, modifiedServerCert));

                            await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                        var nodeDetails = new NodeDetails
                            NodeTag             = nodeTag,
                            AssignedCores       = assignedCores.Value,
                            NumberOfCores       = nodeInfo.NumberOfCores,
                            InstalledMemoryInGb = nodeInfo.InstalledMemoryInGb,
                            UsableMemoryInGb    = nodeInfo.UsableMemoryInGb,
                            BuildInfo           = nodeInfo.BuildInfo
                        await ServerStore.LicenseManager.CalculateLicenseLimits(nodeDetails, forceFetchingNodeInfo : true, waitToUpdate : true);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        private IEnumerable <EtlProcess> GetRelevantProcesses <T, TConnectionString>(List <T> configurations, HashSet <string> uniqueNames) where T : EtlConfiguration <TConnectionString> where TConnectionString : ConnectionString
            foreach (var config in configurations)
                SqlEtlConfiguration   sqlConfig   = null;
                RavenEtlConfiguration ravenConfig = null;

                var connectionStringNotFound = false;

                switch (config.EtlType)
                case EtlType.Raven:
                    ravenConfig = config as RavenEtlConfiguration;
                    if (_databaseRecord.RavenConnectionStrings.TryGetValue(config.ConnectionStringName, out var ravenConnection))
                        connectionStringNotFound = true;


                case EtlType.Sql:
                    sqlConfig = config as SqlEtlConfiguration;
                    if (_databaseRecord.SqlConnectionStrings.TryGetValue(config.ConnectionStringName, out var sqlConnection))
                        connectionStringNotFound = true;



                if (connectionStringNotFound)
                                          new List <string>
                        $"Connection string named '{config.ConnectionStringName}' was not found for {config.EtlType} ETL"


                if (ValidateConfiguration(config, uniqueNames) == false)

                if (config.Disabled)

                if (_databaseRecord.Topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(config, _serverStore.IsPassive()) != _serverStore.NodeTag)

                foreach (var transform in config.Transforms)
                    if (transform.Disabled)

                    EtlProcess process = null;

                    if (sqlConfig != null)
                        process = new SqlEtl(transform, sqlConfig, _database, _serverStore);

                    if (ravenConfig != null)
                        process = new RavenEtl(transform, ravenConfig, _database, _serverStore);

                    yield return(process);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void WriteDatabaseInfo(string databaseName, BlittableJsonReaderObject dbRecordBlittable,
                                       TransactionOperationContext context, BlittableJsonTextWriter writer)
            var online = ServerStore.DatabasesLandlord.DatabasesCache.TryGetValue(databaseName, out Task <DocumentDatabase> dbTask) &&
                         dbTask != null &&

            // Check for exceptions
            if (dbTask != null && dbTask.IsFaulted)
                WriteFaultedDatabaseInfo(context, writer, dbTask, databaseName);

            var dbRecord = JsonDeserializationCluster.DatabaseRecord(dbRecordBlittable);
            var db       = online ? dbTask.Result : null;

            var indexingStatus = db?.IndexStore.Status ?? IndexRunningStatus.Running;

            // Looking for disabled indexing flag inside the database settings for offline database status
            if (dbRecord.Settings.TryGetValue(RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Indexing.Disabled), out var val) && val == "true")
                indexingStatus = IndexRunningStatus.Disabled;
            var disabled        = dbRecord.Disabled;
            var topology        = dbRecord.Topology;
            var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(context);

            var nodesTopology = new NodesTopology();

            if (topology != null)
                foreach (var member in topology.Members)
                    var url  = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(member);
                    var node = new InternalReplication
                        Database = databaseName,
                        NodeTag  = member,
                        Url      = url
                    SetNodeStatus(topology, member, nodesTopology);

                foreach (var promotable in topology.Promotables)
                    var node   = GetNode(databaseName, clusterTopology, promotable, out var promotableTask);
                    var mentor = topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(promotableTask, ServerStore.IsPassive());
                    nodesTopology.Promotables.Add(GetNodeId(node, mentor));
                    SetNodeStatus(topology, promotable, nodesTopology);

                foreach (var rehab in topology.Rehabs)
                    var node   = GetNode(databaseName, clusterTopology, rehab, out var promotableTask);
                    var mentor = topology.WhoseTaskIsIt(promotableTask, ServerStore.IsPassive());
                    nodesTopology.Rehabs.Add(GetNodeId(node, mentor));
                    SetNodeStatus(topology, rehab, nodesTopology);

            if (online == false)
                // If state of database is found in the cache we can continue
                if (ServerStore.DatabaseInfoCache.TryWriteOfflineDatabaseStatusToRequest(
                        context, writer, databaseName, disabled, indexingStatus, nodesTopology))
                // We won't find it if it is a new database or after a dirty shutdown, so just report empty values then

            var size = new Size(GetTotalSize(db));

            var databaseInfo = new DatabaseInfo
                Name      = databaseName,
                Disabled  = disabled,
                TotalSize = size,

                IsAdmin     = true, //TODO: implement me!
                IsEncrypted = dbRecord.Encrypted,
                UpTime      = online ? (TimeSpan?)GetUptime(db) : null,
                BackupInfo  = GetBackupInfo(db),

                Alerts         = db?.NotificationCenter.GetAlertCount() ?? 0,
                RejectClients  = false, //TODO: implement me!
                LoadError      = null,
                IndexingErrors = db?.IndexStore.GetIndexes().Sum(index => index.GetErrorCount()) ?? 0,

                DocumentsCount             = db?.DocumentsStorage.GetNumberOfDocuments() ?? 0,
                HasRevisionsConfiguration  = db?.DocumentsStorage.RevisionsStorage.Configuration != null,
                HasExpirationConfiguration = db?.ExpiredDocumentsCleaner != null,
                IndexesCount   = db?.IndexStore.GetIndexes().Count() ?? 0,
                IndexingStatus = indexingStatus,

                NodesTopology            = nodesTopology,
                ReplicationFactor        = topology?.ReplicationFactor ?? -1,
                DynamicNodesDistribution = topology?.DynamicNodesDistribution ?? false

            var doc = databaseInfo.ToJson();

            context.Write(writer, doc);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task AddNode()
            var nodeUrl       = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("url");
            var tag           = GetStringQueryString("tag", false);
            var watcher       = GetBoolValueQueryString("watcher", false);
            var raftRequestId = GetRaftRequestIdFromQuery();

            var maxUtilizedCores = GetIntValueQueryString("maxUtilizedCores", false);

            if (maxUtilizedCores != null && maxUtilizedCores <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Max utilized cores cores must be greater than 0");

            nodeUrl = nodeUrl.Trim();
            if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(nodeUrl, UriKind.Absolute) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Given node URL '{nodeUrl}' is not in a correct format.");

            nodeUrl = UrlHelper.TryGetLeftPart(nodeUrl);
            var remoteIsHttps = nodeUrl.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (HttpContext.Request.IsHttps != remoteIsHttps)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node '{nodeUrl}' to cluster because it will create invalid mix of HTTPS & HTTP endpoints. A cluster must be only HTTPS or only HTTP.");

            tag = tag?.Trim();

            NodeInfo nodeInfo;

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                using (var requestExecutor = ClusterRequestExecutor.CreateForSingleNode(nodeUrl, Server.Certificate.Certificate))
                    requestExecutor.DefaultTimeout = ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout;

                    // test connection to remote.
                    var result = await ServerStore.TestConnectionToRemote(nodeUrl, database : null);

                    if (result.Success == false)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(result.Error);

                    // test connection from remote to destination
                    result = await ServerStore.TestConnectionFromRemote(requestExecutor, ctx, nodeUrl);

                    if (result.Success == false)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(result.Error);

                    var infoCmd = new GetNodeInfoCommand();
                        await requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(infoCmd, ctx);
                    catch (AllTopologyNodesDownException e)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't contact node at {nodeUrl}", e);

                    nodeInfo = infoCmd.Result;

                    if (SchemaUpgrader.CurrentVersion.ServerVersion != nodeInfo.ServerSchemaVersion)
                        var nodesVersion = nodeInfo.ServerSchemaVersion == 0 ? "Pre 4.2 version" : nodeInfo.ServerSchemaVersion.ToString();
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add node with mismatched storage schema version.{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                                            $"My version is {SchemaUpgrader.CurrentVersion.ServerVersion}, while node's version is {nodesVersion}");

                    if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException("You can't add new node to an already existing cluster");

            if (ServerStore.ValidateFixedPort && nodeInfo.HasFixedPort == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to add node '{nodeUrl}' to cluster. " +
                                                    $"Node '{nodeUrl}' has port '0' in 'Configuration.Core.ServerUrls' setting. " +
                                                    "Adding a node with non fixed port is forbidden. Define a fixed port for the node to enable cluster creation.");

            await ServerStore.EnsureNotPassiveAsync();


            if (ServerStore.IsLeader())
                using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                    var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology();

                    var possibleNode = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                    if (possibleNode.HasUrl)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because this url is already used by node {possibleNode.NodeTag}");

                    if (nodeInfo.ServerId == ServerStore.GetServerId())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because it's a synonym of the current node URL:{ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl()}");

                    if (nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        AssertCanAddNodeWithTopologyId(clusterTopology, nodeInfo, nodeUrl);

                    var nodeTag = nodeInfo.NodeTag == RachisConsensus.InitialTag ? tag : nodeInfo.NodeTag;
                    CertificateDefinition oldServerCert = null;
                    X509Certificate2      certificate   = null;

                    if (remoteIsHttps)
                        if (nodeInfo.Certificate == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because it has no certificate while trying to use HTTPS");

                        certificate = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(nodeInfo.Certificate), (string)null, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

                        var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        if (certificate.NotBefore.ToUniversalTime() > now)
                            // Because of time zone and time drift issues, we can't assume that the certificate generation will be
                            // proper. Because of that, we allow tolerance of the NotBefore to be a bit earlier / later than the
                            // current time. Clients may still fail to work with our certificate because of timing issues,
                            // but the admin needs to setup time sync properly and there isn't much we can do at that point
                            if ((certificate.NotBefore.ToUniversalTime() - now).TotalDays > 1)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                          $"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' is not yet valid. It starts on {certificate.NotBefore}");

                        if (certificate.NotAfter.ToUniversalTime() < now)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' expired on {certificate.NotAfter}");

                        var expected = GetStringQueryString("expectedThumbprint", required: false);
                        if (expected != null)
                            if (certificate.Thumbprint != expected)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate thumbprint '{certificate.Thumbprint}' doesn't match the expected thumbprint '{expected}'.");

                        // if it's the same server certificate as our own, we don't want to add it to the cluster
                        if (certificate.Thumbprint != Server.Certificate.Certificate.Thumbprint)
                            using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                                var readCert = ServerStore.Cluster.GetCertificateByThumbprint(ctx, certificate.Thumbprint);
                                if (readCert != null)
                                    oldServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(readCert);

                            if (oldServerCert == null)
                                var certificateDefinition = new CertificateDefinition
                                    Certificate          = nodeInfo.Certificate,
                                    Thumbprint           = certificate.Thumbprint,
                                    PublicKeyPinningHash = certificate.GetPublicKeyPinningHash(),
                                    NotAfter             = certificate.NotAfter,
                                    Name = "Server Certificate for " + nodeUrl,
                                    SecurityClearance = SecurityClearance.ClusterNode

                                var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(certificate.Thumbprint, certificateDefinition,

                                await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                    await ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(nodeUrl, nodeTag, validateNotInTopology : true, asWatcher : watcher ?? false);

                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        possibleNode    = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                        nodeTag         = possibleNode.HasUrl ? possibleNode.NodeTag : null;

                        if (certificate != null && certificate.Thumbprint != Server.Certificate.Certificate.Thumbprint)
                            var modifiedServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(ServerStore.Cluster.GetCertificateByThumbprint(ctx, certificate.Thumbprint));

                            if (modifiedServerCert == null)
                                throw new ConcurrencyException("After adding the certificate, it was removed, shouldn't happen unless another admin removed it midway through.");

                            if (oldServerCert == null)
                                modifiedServerCert.Name = "Server certificate for Node " + nodeTag;
                                var value = "Node " + nodeTag;
                                if (modifiedServerCert.Name.Contains(value) == false)
                                    modifiedServerCert.Name += ", " + value;

                            var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(certificate.Thumbprint, modifiedServerCert, $"{raftRequestId}/put-modified-certificate"));

                            await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                        var detailsPerNode = new DetailsPerNode
                            MaxUtilizedCores    = maxUtilizedCores,
                            NumberOfCores       = nodeInfo.NumberOfCores,
                            InstalledMemoryInGb = nodeInfo.InstalledMemoryInGb,
                            UsableMemoryInGb    = nodeInfo.UsableMemoryInGb,
                            BuildInfo           = nodeInfo.BuildInfo,
                            OsInfo = nodeInfo.OsInfo

                        var maxCores = ServerStore.LicenseManager.LicenseStatus.MaxCores;

                            await ServerStore.PutNodeLicenseLimitsAsync(nodeTag, detailsPerNode, maxCores, $"{raftRequestId}/put-license-limits");
                            // we'll retry this again later

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public async Task AddNode()

            var nodeUrl = GetStringQueryString("url").TrimEnd('/');
            var watcher = GetBoolValueQueryString("watcher", false);

            var remoteIsHttps = nodeUrl.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (HttpContext.Request.IsHttps != remoteIsHttps)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node '{nodeUrl}' to cluster because it will create invalid mix of HTTPS & HTTP endpoints. A cluster must be only HTTPS or only HTTP.");

            NodeInfo nodeInfo;

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                using (var requestExecutor = ClusterRequestExecutor.CreateForSingleNode(nodeUrl, Server.ClusterCertificateHolder.Certificate))
                    requestExecutor.DefaultTimeout = ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout;

                    var infoCmd = new GetNodeInfoCommand();
                        await requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(infoCmd, ctx);
                    catch (AllTopologyNodesDownException e)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't contact node at {nodeUrl}", e);

                    nodeInfo = infoCmd.Result;

                    if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException("You can't add new node to an already existing cluster");

            if (ServerStore.IsLeader())
                using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                    string topologyId;
                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        var possibleNode    = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                        if (possibleNode.HasUrl)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because this url is already used by node {possibleNode.NodeTag}");
                        topologyId = clusterTopology.TopologyId;

                    if (nodeInfo.TopologyId != null && topologyId != nodeInfo.TopologyId)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException(
                                  $"Adding a new node to cluster failed. The new node is already in another cluster. Expected topology id: {topologyId}, but we get {nodeInfo.TopologyId}");

                    var nodeTag = nodeInfo.NodeTag == RachisConsensus.InitialTag
                        ? null : nodeInfo.NodeTag;

                    if (remoteIsHttps)
                        if (nodeInfo.Certificate == null)
                            throw  new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} to cluster because it has no certificate while trying to use HTTPS");

                        var certificate = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(nodeInfo.Certificate));

                        if (certificate.NotBefore > DateTime.UtcNow)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' is not yet valid. It starts on {certificate.NotBefore}");

                        if (certificate.NotAfter < DateTime.UtcNow)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' expired on {certificate.NotAfter}");

                        var expected = GetStringQueryString("expectedThumbrpint", required: false);
                        if (expected != null)
                            if (certificate.Thumbprint != expected)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} to cluster because its certificate thumbprint '{certificate.Thumbprint}' doesn't match the expected thumbprint '{expected}'.");

                        var certificateDefinition = new CertificateDefinition
                            Certificate = nodeInfo.Certificate,
                            Thumbprint  = certificate.Thumbprint

                        var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint, certificateDefinition));

                        await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                    await ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(nodeUrl, nodeTag, validateNotInTopology : false, asWatcher : watcher ?? false);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public async Task AddNode()

            var nodeUrl       = GetStringQueryString("url").TrimEnd('/');
            var watcher       = GetBoolValueQueryString("watcher", false);
            var assignedCores = GetIntValueQueryString("assignedCores", false);

            if (assignedCores <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Assigned cores must be greater than 0!");

            var remoteIsHttps = nodeUrl.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (HttpContext.Request.IsHttps != remoteIsHttps)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node '{nodeUrl}' to cluster because it will create invalid mix of HTTPS & HTTP endpoints. A cluster must be only HTTPS or only HTTP.");

            NodeInfo nodeInfo;

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                using (var requestExecutor = ClusterRequestExecutor.CreateForSingleNode(nodeUrl, Server.ClusterCertificateHolder.Certificate))
                    requestExecutor.DefaultTimeout = ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout;

                    var infoCmd = new GetNodeInfoCommand();
                        await requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(infoCmd, ctx);
                    catch (AllTopologyNodesDownException e)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't contact node at {nodeUrl}", e);

                    nodeInfo = infoCmd.Result;

                    if (ServerStore.IsPassive() && nodeInfo.TopologyId != null)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException("You can't add new node to an already existing cluster");

            if (assignedCores == null)
                assignedCores = ServerStore.LicenseManager.GetCoresToAssign(nodeInfo.NumberOfCores);

            if (assignedCores != null && assignedCores > nodeInfo.NumberOfCores)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add node because the assigned cores is larger " +
                                            $"than the available cores on that machine: {nodeInfo.NumberOfCores}");


            if (ServerStore.LicenseManager.CanAddNode(nodeUrl, assignedCores, out var licenseLimit) == false)

            if (ServerStore.IsLeader())
                using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext ctx))
                    string topologyId;
                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        var possibleNode    = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                        if (possibleNode.HasUrl)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't add a new node on {nodeUrl} to cluster because this url is already used by node {possibleNode.NodeTag}");
                        topologyId = clusterTopology.TopologyId;

                    if (nodeInfo.TopologyId != null && topologyId != nodeInfo.TopologyId)
                        throw new TopologyMismatchException(
                                  $"Adding a new node to cluster failed. The new node is already in another cluster. Expected topology id: {topologyId}, but we get {nodeInfo.TopologyId}");

                    var nodeTag = nodeInfo.NodeTag == RachisConsensus.InitialTag ? null : nodeInfo.NodeTag;
                    CertificateDefinition oldServerCert = null;
                    X509Certificate2      certificate   = null;

                    if (remoteIsHttps)
                        if (nodeInfo.Certificate == null)
                            throw  new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because it has no certificate while trying to use HTTPS");

                        certificate = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(nodeInfo.Certificate));

                        if (certificate.NotBefore > DateTime.UtcNow)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' is not yet valid. It starts on {certificate.NotBefore}");

                        if (certificate.NotAfter < DateTime.UtcNow)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate '{certificate.FriendlyName}' expired on {certificate.NotAfter}");

                        var expected = GetStringQueryString("expectedThumbrpint", required: false);
                        if (expected != null)
                            if (certificate.Thumbprint != expected)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot add node {nodeTag} with url {nodeUrl} to cluster because its certificate thumbprint '{certificate.Thumbprint}' doesn't match the expected thumbprint '{expected}'.");

                        using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                            var key      = Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint;
                            var readCert = ServerStore.Cluster.Read(ctx, key);
                            if (readCert != null)
                                oldServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(readCert);

                        if (oldServerCert == null)
                            var certificateDefinition = new CertificateDefinition
                                Certificate       = nodeInfo.Certificate,
                                Thumbprint        = certificate.Thumbprint,
                                Name              = "Server Certificate for " + nodeUrl,
                                SecurityClearance = SecurityClearance.ClusterNode

                            var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint, certificateDefinition));

                            await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                    await ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(nodeUrl, nodeTag, validateNotInTopology : false, asWatcher : watcher ?? false);

                    using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                        var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(ctx);
                        var possibleNode    = clusterTopology.TryGetNodeTagByUrl(nodeUrl);
                        nodeTag = possibleNode.HasUrl ? possibleNode.NodeTag : null;

                        if (certificate != null)
                            var key = Constants.Certificates.Prefix + certificate.Thumbprint;

                            var modifiedServerCert = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(ServerStore.Cluster.Read(ctx, key));

                            if (modifiedServerCert == null)
                                throw new ConcurrencyException("After adding the certificate, it was removed, shouldn't happen unless another admin removed it midway through.");

                            if (oldServerCert == null)
                                modifiedServerCert.Name = "Server certificate for Node " + nodeTag;
                                var value = "Node " + nodeTag;
                                if (modifiedServerCert.Name.Contains(value) == false)
                                    modifiedServerCert.Name += ", " + value;

                            var res = await ServerStore.PutValueInClusterAsync(new PutCertificateCommand(key, modifiedServerCert));

                            await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(res.Index);

                        ServerStore.LicenseManager.CalculateLicenseLimits(nodeTag, assignedCores, nodeInfo, forceFetchingNodeInfo: true);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public Task GetOngoingTaskInfo()
            if (ResourceNameValidator.IsValidResourceName(Database.Name, ServerStore.Configuration.Core.DataDirectory.FullPath, out string errorMessage) == false)
                throw new BadRequestException(errorMessage);

            var key     = GetLongQueryString("key");
            var typeStr = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("type");

            using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext context))
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    var clusterTopology = ServerStore.GetClusterTopology(context);
                    var record          = ServerStore.Cluster.ReadDatabase(context, Database.Name);
                    var dbTopology      = record?.Topology;

                    if (Enum.TryParse <OngoingTaskType>(typeStr, true, out var type) == false)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown task type: {type}", "type");

                    string tag;

                    switch (type)
                    case OngoingTaskType.Replication:

                        var watcher = record?.ExternalReplication.Find(x => x.TaskId == key);
                        if (watcher == null)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                        tag = dbTopology?.WhoseTaskIsIt(watcher, ServerStore.IsPassive());

                        var replicationTaskInfo = new OngoingTaskReplication
                            TaskId          = watcher.TaskId,
                            TaskName        = watcher.Name,
                            ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                                NodeTag = tag,
                                NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                            DestinationDatabase = watcher.Database,
                            TaskState           = watcher.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                            DestinationUrl      = watcher.Url

                        WriteResult(context, replicationTaskInfo);


                    case OngoingTaskType.Backup:

                        var backupConfiguration = record?.PeriodicBackups?.Find(x => x.TaskId == key);
                        if (backupConfiguration == null)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                        tag = dbTopology?.WhoseTaskIsIt(backupConfiguration, ServerStore.IsPassive());
                        var backupDestinations = GetBackupDestinations(backupConfiguration);
                        var backupStatus       = Database.PeriodicBackupRunner.GetBackupStatus(key);
                        var nextBackup         = Database.PeriodicBackupRunner.GetNextBackupDetails(record, backupConfiguration, backupStatus);

                        var backupTaskInfo = new OngoingTaskBackup
                            TaskId          = backupConfiguration.TaskId,
                            BackupType      = backupConfiguration.BackupType,
                            TaskName        = backupConfiguration.Name,
                            TaskState       = backupConfiguration.Disabled ? OngoingTaskState.Disabled : OngoingTaskState.Enabled,
                            ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                                NodeTag = tag,
                                NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                            BackupDestinations    = backupDestinations,
                            LastFullBackup        = backupStatus.LastFullBackup,
                            LastIncrementalBackup = backupStatus.LastIncrementalBackup,
                            NextBackup            = nextBackup

                        WriteResult(context, backupTaskInfo);

                    case OngoingTaskType.SqlEtl:

                        var sqlEtl = record?.SqlEtls?.Find(x => x.TaskId == key);
                        if (sqlEtl == null)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                        WriteResult(context, new OngoingTaskSqlEtl
                            TaskId        = sqlEtl.TaskId,
                            TaskName      = sqlEtl.Name,
                            Configuration = sqlEtl

                    case OngoingTaskType.RavenEtl:

                        var ravenEtl = record?.RavenEtls?.Find(x => x.TaskId == key);
                        if (ravenEtl == null)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                        WriteResult(context, new OngoingTaskRavenEtl
                            TaskId        = ravenEtl.TaskId,
                            TaskName      = ravenEtl.Name,
                            Configuration = ravenEtl

                    case OngoingTaskType.Subscription:

                        var nameKey = GetQueryStringValueAndAssertIfSingleAndNotEmpty("taskName");
                        var itemKey = SubscriptionState.GenerateSubscriptionItemKeyName(record.DatabaseName, nameKey);
                        var doc     = ServerStore.Cluster.Read(context, itemKey);
                        if (doc == null)
                            HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                        var subscriptionState = JsonDeserializationClient.SubscriptionState(doc);
                        tag = dbTopology?.WhoseTaskIsIt(subscriptionState, ServerStore.IsPassive());

                        var subscriptionStateInfo = new SubscriptionStateWithNodeDetails
                            Query = subscriptionState.Query,
                            ChangeVectorForNextBatchStartingPoint = subscriptionState.ChangeVectorForNextBatchStartingPoint,
                            SubscriptionId   = subscriptionState.SubscriptionId,
                            SubscriptionName = subscriptionState.SubscriptionName,
                            LastTimeServerMadeProgressWithDocuments = subscriptionState.LastTimeServerMadeProgressWithDocuments,
                            Disabled = subscriptionState.Disabled,
                            LastClientConnectionTime = subscriptionState.LastClientConnectionTime,
                            ResponsibleNode          = new NodeId
                                NodeTag = tag,
                                NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)

                        // Todo: here we'll need to talk with the running node? TaskConnectionStatus = subscriptionState.Disabled ? OngoingTaskConnectionStatus.NotActive : OngoingTaskConnectionStatus.Active,

                        WriteResult(context, subscriptionStateInfo.ToJson());

                        HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static IEnumerable <OngoingTask> CollectEtlTasks(DatabaseRecord databaseRecord, DatabaseTopology dbTopology, ClusterTopology clusterTopology, ServerStore store)
            if (dbTopology == null)
                yield break;

            if (databaseRecord.RavenEtls != null)
                foreach (var ravenEtl in databaseRecord.RavenEtls)
                    var tag = dbTopology.WhoseTaskIsIt(ravenEtl, store.IsPassive());

                    var taskState = OngoingTaskState.Enabled;

                    if (ravenEtl.Disabled || ravenEtl.Transforms.All(x => x.Disabled))
                        taskState = OngoingTaskState.Disabled;
                    else if (ravenEtl.Transforms.Any(x => x.Disabled))
                        taskState = OngoingTaskState.PartiallyEnabled;

                    if (databaseRecord.RavenConnectionStrings.TryGetValue(ravenEtl.ConnectionStringName, out var connection) == false)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Could not find connection string named '{ravenEtl.ConnectionStringName}' in the database record for '{ravenEtl.Name}' ETL");

                    yield return(new OngoingTaskRavenEtl
                        TaskId = ravenEtl.TaskId,
                        TaskName = ravenEtl.Name,
                        // TODO arek TaskConnectionStatus =
                        TaskState = taskState,
                        ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                            NodeTag = tag,
                            NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                        DestinationUrl = connection.Url,
                        DestinationDatabase = connection.Database

            if (databaseRecord.SqlEtls != null)
                foreach (var sqlEtl in databaseRecord.SqlEtls)
                    var tag = dbTopology.WhoseTaskIsIt(sqlEtl, store.IsPassive());

                    var taskState = OngoingTaskState.Enabled;

                    if (sqlEtl.Disabled || sqlEtl.Transforms.All(x => x.Disabled))
                        taskState = OngoingTaskState.Disabled;
                    else if (sqlEtl.Transforms.Any(x => x.Disabled))
                        taskState = OngoingTaskState.PartiallyEnabled;

                    if (databaseRecord.SqlConnectionStrings.TryGetValue(sqlEtl.ConnectionStringName, out var sqlConnection) == false)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Could not find connection string named '{sqlEtl.ConnectionStringName}' in the database record for '{sqlEtl.Name}' ETL");

                    var(database, server) =
                        SqlConnectionStringParser.GetDatabaseAndServerFromConnectionString(sqlEtl.FactoryName, sqlConnection.ConnectionString);

                    yield return(new OngoingTaskSqlEtl
                        TaskId = sqlEtl.TaskId,
                        TaskName = sqlEtl.Name,
                        // TODO arek TaskConnectionStatus =
                        TaskState = taskState,
                        ResponsibleNode = new NodeId
                            NodeTag = tag,
                            NodeUrl = clusterTopology.GetUrlFromTag(tag)
                        DestinationServer = server,
                        DestinationDatabase = database