Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user pressed the 'Watch' button in the primary cell
        /// </summary>
        public void WatchButtonClicked( )
            NotesWatchUIViewController viewController = new NotesWatchUIViewController( );

            Series.Message latestMessage = SeriesEntries[0].Series.GetLatestMessage( );

            viewController.MediaUrl  = latestMessage.WatchUrl;
            viewController.ShareUrl  = latestMessage.ShareUrl;
            viewController.Name      = latestMessage.Name;
            viewController.AudioOnly = false;

            Task.PerformSegue(this, viewController);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user pressed the 'Take Notes' button in the primary cell
        /// </summary>
        public void TakeNotesClicked( )
            // maybe technically a hack...we know our parent is a NoteTask,
            // so cast it so we can use the existing NotesViewController.
            NotesTask noteTask = Task as NotesTask;

            if (noteTask != null)
                Series.Message latestMessage = SeriesEntries[0].Series.GetLatestMessage( );

                noteTask.NoteController.NoteName = latestMessage.Name;
                noteTask.NoteController.NoteUrl  = latestMessage.NoteUrl;

                Task.PerformSegue(this, noteTask.NoteController);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public Series.Message GetLatestMessage( )
                if (Messages.Count > 0)
                    // we consider the "latest message" to be the next upcoming message (as in today or later) WITH a note.
                    // if we can't find that, we'll take the newest series we can find WITH a note.
                    // and if we can't find ANYTHING with a note? Take the first message in the list.
                    Series.Message latestMessageWithNote = Messages[0];

                    // the list is sorted by date, with the newest message at [0], and the one furthest in the past at [count - 1]

                    // since we want the next upcoming note, go backwards until we find one with a message that's on or after today.
                    int i;
                    for (i = Messages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        // does this note have a message?
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Messages[i].NoteUrl) == false)
                            // if it's for today or in the future, we're done, use it.
                            if (DateTime.Parse(Messages[i].Date) >= new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day))
                                // otherwise, take it as the latest with a note, so that we at least return something valid, if possible.
                                latestMessageWithNote = Messages[i];

                    // so there was no message for today / in the future that also had a note.
                    // we'll either be returning the most recent with a note, or just the first message in the list.
                    // this should NEVER happen, but better than crashing.
                    return(new Message("Uknown", "Unknown", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString( ), string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty));
Ejemplo n.º 4
            UITableViewCell GetPrimaryCell(UITableView tableView)
                SeriesPrimaryCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(SeriesPrimaryCell.Identifier) as SeriesPrimaryCell;

                // if there are no cells to reuse, create a new one
                if (cell == null)
                    cell        = new SeriesPrimaryCell(tableView.Frame, UITableViewCellStyle.Default, SeriesCell.Identifier, ImageMainPlaceholder);
                    cell.Parent = this;

                    // take the parent table's width so we inherit its width constraint
                    cell.Bounds = new CGRect(cell.Bounds.X, cell.Bounds.Y, tableView.Bounds.Width, cell.Bounds.Height);

                    // configure the cell colors
                    cell.BackgroundColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.BG_Layer_Color);
                    cell.SelectionStyle  = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;

                // Banner Image
                if (SeriesEntries.Count > 0)
                    cell.Image.Image = SeriesEntries[0].mBillboard != null ? SeriesEntries[0].mBillboard : ImageMainPlaceholder;

                    // Create the title
                    Series.Message latestMessage = SeriesEntries[0].Series.GetLatestMessage( );

                    cell.Title.Text = latestMessage.Name;
                    if (SeriesEntries[0].Series.SeriesPrivate == true ||
                        latestMessage.Private == true)
                        cell.Title.Text += " (Private)";
                    cell.Title.SizeToFit( );
                    cell.Title.Frame = new CGRect(10, cell.Image.Frame.Bottom + 5, cell.Frame.Width - 10, cell.Title.Frame.Height);

                    // Date & Speaker
                    cell.Date.Text = latestMessage.Date;
                    cell.Date.SizeToFit( );
                    cell.Date.Frame = new CGRect(10,
                                                 cell.Title.Frame.Bottom - 7,
                                                 Math.Max(22, cell.Date.Bounds.Height));

                    cell.Speaker.Text = latestMessage.Speaker;
                    cell.Speaker.SizeToFit( );
                    cell.Speaker.Frame = new CGRect(cell.Bounds.Width - cell.Speaker.Bounds.Width - 10,
                                                    cell.Title.Frame.Bottom - 7,
                                                    Math.Max(22, cell.Speaker.Bounds.Height));

                    // Position the Watch Button and icon
                    cell.WatchButton.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, cell.Bounds.Width / 2 + 6, cell.WatchButton.Bounds.Height + 10);
                    cell.WatchButton.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(-5, cell.Speaker.Frame.Bottom + 7);

                    nfloat labelTotalWidth = cell.WatchButtonIcon.Bounds.Width + cell.WatchButtonLabel.Bounds.Width + 5;
                    cell.WatchButtonIcon.Layer.Position  = new CGPoint((cell.WatchButton.Bounds.Width - labelTotalWidth) / 2 + (cell.WatchButtonIcon.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.WatchButton.Bounds.Height / 2);
                    cell.WatchButtonLabel.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(cell.WatchButtonIcon.Frame.Right + (cell.WatchButtonLabel.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.WatchButton.Bounds.Height / 2);

                    // Position the Take Notes icon and button
                    cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, cell.Bounds.Width / 2 + 5, cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds.Height + 10);
                    cell.TakeNotesButton.Layer.Position = new CGPoint((cell.Bounds.Width + 5) - cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds.Width, cell.Speaker.Frame.Bottom + 7);

                    labelTotalWidth = cell.TakeNotesButtonIcon.Bounds.Width + cell.TakeNotesButtonLabel.Bounds.Width + 5;
                    cell.TakeNotesButtonIcon.Layer.Position  = new CGPoint((cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds.Width - labelTotalWidth) / 2 + (cell.TakeNotesButtonIcon.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds.Height / 2);
                    cell.TakeNotesButtonLabel.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(cell.TakeNotesButtonIcon.Frame.Right + (cell.TakeNotesButtonLabel.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.TakeNotesButton.Bounds.Height / 2);

                    // Position the Discussion Guide icon and button
                    cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, cell.Bounds.Width + 6, cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Bounds.Height + 10);
                    cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(-5, cell.TakeNotesButton.Frame.Bottom);

                    labelTotalWidth = cell.DiscussionGuideButtonIcon.Bounds.Width + cell.DiscussionGuideButtonLabel.Bounds.Width + 5;
                    cell.DiscussionGuideButtonIcon.Layer.Position  = new CGPoint((cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Bounds.Width - labelTotalWidth) / 2 + (cell.DiscussionGuideButtonIcon.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Bounds.Height / 2);
                    cell.DiscussionGuideButtonLabel.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(cell.DiscussionGuideButtonIcon.Frame.Right + (cell.DiscussionGuideButtonLabel.Bounds.Width / 2), cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Bounds.Height / 2);

                    // Position the Bottom Banner
                    cell.BottomBanner.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, cell.Bounds.Width, cell.BottomBanner.Bounds.Height + 10);
                    cell.BottomBanner.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(0, cell.DiscussionGuideButton.Frame.Bottom - 1);

                    // Watch Button & Labels
                    // disable the button if there's no watch URL
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latestMessage.WatchUrl))

                    // Take Notes Button & Labels
                    // disable the button if there's no note URL
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latestMessage.NoteUrl))

                    // DiscussionGuide Button & Labels
                    // disable the button if there's no note URL
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latestMessage.DiscussionGuideUrl))

                PendingPrimaryCellHeight = cell.BottomBanner.Frame.Bottom;