Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void Start()
        isNew           = 0;
        lines           = 1;
        lineNumber      = 0;
        width           = 0.0f;
        hasTargetCoords = false;

        if (targetSpeed == 0.0f)
            targetSpeed = 1.0f;

        state = SentenceBitState.Interact;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void setTargetPosition(float z, float x)
        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

        targetPosition = pos;

        speed = Vector3.zero;
        pos   = this.theMesh.transform.position;

        targetSpeedDirection = targetPosition - pos;
        //targetSpeedDirection.Normalize ();
        elapsedTime = 0.0f;

        isMoving        = true;
        hasTargetCoords = true;

        state       = SentenceBitState.Wait1;
        elapsedTime = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void Update()

        Vector3 touchPos;

        if (order == 0)
            correctlyAligned = true;
        if (correctlyAligned)
            theMesh.color = Color.green;
            theMesh.color = Color.white;

        if (parent.finished)
            speed = Vector3.zero;

        if (state == SentenceBitState.Wait1)
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (elapsedTime > WAIT1TIME)
                elapsedTime = 0.0f;
                state       = SentenceBitState.Assembling;

        if (state == SentenceBitState.Assembling)
            Vector3 pos = this.theMesh.transform.position;
            pos         += targetSpeedDirection / targetSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (elapsedTime >= targetSpeed)
                state       = SentenceBitState.Wait2;
                pos         = targetPosition;
                elapsedTime = 0.0f;
            this.theMesh.transform.position   = pos;
            this.theShadow.transform.position = pos + smallDelta;

        if (state == SentenceBitState.Wait2)
            parent.finished = true;
            elapsedTime    += Time.deltaTime;
            if (elapsedTime > WAIT2TIME)
                elapsedTime = 0.0f;
                state       = SentenceBitState.Finished;

        if (state != SentenceBitState.Interact)

        if (isNew == 0)
            Bounds bounds = theMesh.GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds;

            theCollider.size = new Vector3(bounds.size.z, bounds.size.x, 0.2f);
            //Vector3 cen = theCollider.center;
            //theCollider.center = new Vector3 (bounds.size.z / 2.0f, cen.y, cen.z);
            width = theCollider.size.x;

            isNew = 1;

        bool touching;

        if (isTouchingThis && Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))            // release the finger
            isTouchingThis = false;
            BoxCollider interceptor;

            interceptor = GameObject.Find("RaycastInterceptor").GetComponent <BoxCollider> ();
            Ray        rayCastRay = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit info;
            interceptor.Raycast(rayCastRay, out info, 1000.0f);

            position   = info.point;
            position.y = 0.0f;
            Vector3 drift = position - lastPos;
            while (drift.magnitude > maxSpeed)
                drift *= 0.8f;
            speed = drift;
            if (speed.magnitude < minSpeed)
                speed = Vector3.zero;


        if (!isTouchingThis && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // down finger
        {                                                   // touching
            touchPos = Input.mousePosition;
            touching = true;
            float w = Screen.width;
            float h = Screen.height;

            const float PERSPMAGIC = 0.0617f;

            float localX = ((touchPos.x - w / 2.0f) / (w / 2.0f)) * volumeRadius * cam.fieldOfView * PERSPMAGIC;
            float localY = ((touchPos.y - h / 2.0f) / (h / 2.0f)) * volumeRadius * cam.fieldOfView * PERSPMAGIC;

            // check it collides with this bit
            position = theMesh.transform.position;

            Ray        rayCastRay = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit info;
            theCollider.Raycast(rayCastRay, out info, 1000.0f);

            if ((info.collider == theCollider) && parent.canPick)
                isTouchingThis = true;
                parent.canPick = false;                 // pick ONLY one!
                lastPos        = new Vector3(info.point.x, 0, info.point.z);
                pickXdelta     = position.x - info.point.x;
                pickZdelta     = position.z - info.point.z;


            if (isTouchingThis)
                //theMesh.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false;
            //theMesh.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true;

        if (isTouchingThis)
            BoxCollider interceptor;

            interceptor = GameObject.Find("RaycastInterceptor").GetComponent <BoxCollider> ();

            //pos = Input.mousePosition;

            Ray        rayCastRay = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit info;
            interceptor.Raycast(rayCastRay, out info, 1000.0f);

            position = info.point + new Vector3(pickXdelta, 0.0f, pickZdelta) + new Vector3(adjustX.getValue(), 0.0f, adjustZ.getValue());
            if (position.magnitude > volumeRadius)
                position = volumeRadius * 0.95f * position.normalized;

            lastPos   = info.point;
            lastPos.y = 0.0f;

            while (speed.magnitude > maxSpeed)
                speed *= 0.8f;

            //lastPos = new Vector3 (position.x, position.y, position.z);
            position = theMesh.transform.position;
            position = position + speed;

            float spdModulus = speed.magnitude;

            if (spdModulus > maxSpeed)
                spdModulus *= 1.0f - (Time.deltaTime / 3.0f);                 // loose energy
            speed = speed * spdModulus;

            float dist = position.magnitude;

            if (dist > volumeRadius)               // bounce back

                Vector3 yPrimeAxis = new Vector3(position.x, 0, position.z);
                Vector3 xPrimeAxis = new Vector3(-position.z, 0, position.x);

                float primeY = Vector3.Dot(speed, yPrimeAxis);
                float primeX = Vector3.Dot(speed, xPrimeAxis);

                primeY = -primeY;                 // invert radial direction

                Vector3 newSpeed = primeY * yPrimeAxis + primeX * xPrimeAxis;

                speed = newSpeed;
        theMesh.transform.position   = position;
        theShadow.transform.position = position + smallDelta;

        // track following bit

        SentenceBit nextBit = parent.getPiece(this.order + 1);

        if (nextBit == null)
        // find out if next piece is properly aligned

        float nextPieceCenterX;
        float nextPieceCenterY;
        float nextPieceWidth;

        Bounds      nextPieceBounds = nextBit.theMesh.GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds;
        BoxCollider nextBoxCollider = nextBit.theCollider;

        nextPieceCenterX = -nextPieceBounds.center.z;
        nextPieceCenterY = nextPieceBounds.center.x;
        nextPieceWidth   = nextBoxCollider.size.x;

        float thisPieceCenterX;
        float thisPieceCenterY;
        float thisPieceWidth;

        Bounds thisPieceBounds = theMesh.GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds;

        thisPieceCenterX = -thisPieceBounds.center.z;
        thisPieceCenterY = thisPieceBounds.center.x;
        thisPieceWidth   = theCollider.size.x;

        float deltaX, deltaY;

        deltaX = nextPieceCenterX - thisPieceCenterX;
        deltaY = nextPieceCenterY - thisPieceCenterY;

        if ((Mathf.Abs(deltaY) < (theCollider.size.y / 3.0)) &&

            (deltaX > (thisPieceWidth / 2.0 + nextPieceWidth / 2.0) &&
             deltaX < (thisPieceWidth / 2.0 + nextPieceWidth / 2.0) * 1.7))                      // also horizontally aligned

            if (correctlyAligned)

            chainedText        = ownText + " " + nextBit.chainedText;
            lines              = nextBit.lines;
            nextBit.lineNumber = lineNumber;

            if (order == 0)
        else if ((deltaX < 0.0f) &&      //-(thisPieceWidth + nextPieceWidth))
                 (deltaY < -(theCollider.size.y * 1.0)))
        {                 // next line possibility
            if (correctlyAligned)
            chainedText        = ownText + " " + nextBit.chainedText;
            nextBit.lineNumber = 1 + lineNumber;
            lines = 1 + nextBit.lines;

        else           // no aligment of any sort
            chainedText = ownText;
            lines       = 0;
            if (order == 0)