Ejemplo n.º 1
 void DisableWallSensors()
     m_ledgeGrab  = false;
     m_wallSlide  = false;
     m_ledgeClimb = false;
     m_body2d.gravityScale = m_gravity;
     m_animator.SetBool("WallSlide", m_wallSlide);
     m_animator.SetBool("LedgeGrab", m_ledgeGrab);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Decrease timer that disables input movement. Used when attacking
        m_disableMovementTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        //Check if character just landed on the ground
        if (!m_grounded && m_groundSensor.State())
            m_grounded = true;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);

        //Check if character just started falling
        if (m_grounded && !m_groundSensor.State())
            m_grounded = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);

        // -- Handle input and movement --
        float inputX = 0.0f;

        if (m_disableMovementTimer < 0.0f)
            inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        // GetAxisRaw returns either -1, 0 or 1
        float inputRaw = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");

        // Check if current move input is larger than 0 and the move direction is equal to the characters facing direction
        if (Mathf.Abs(inputRaw) > Mathf.Epsilon && Mathf.Sign(inputRaw) == m_facingDirection)
            m_moving = true;

            m_moving = false;

        // Swap direction of sprite depending on move direction
        if (inputRaw > 0)
            GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = false;
            m_facingDirection = 1;

        else if (inputRaw < 0)
            GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true;
            m_facingDirection = -1;

        // SlowDownSpeed helps decelerate the characters when stopping
        float SlowDownSpeed = m_moving ? 1.0f : 0.5f;

        // Set movement
        m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(inputX * m_maxSpeed * SlowDownSpeed, m_body2d.velocity.y);

        // Set AirSpeed in animator
        m_animator.SetFloat("AirSpeedY", m_body2d.velocity.y);

        // Set Animation layer for hiding sword
        int boolInt = m_hideSword ? 1 : 0;

        m_animator.SetLayerWeight(1, boolInt);

        // -- Handle Animations --
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && m_grounded && m_disableMovementTimer < 0.0f)
            m_grounded = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);
            m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(m_body2d.velocity.x, m_jumpForce);

        else if (m_moving)
            m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 1);

            m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Decrease death respawn timer
        m_respawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        // Increase timer that controls attack combo
        m_timeSinceAttack += Time.deltaTime;

        // Decrease timer that checks if we are in parry stance
        m_parryTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        // Decrease timer that disables input movement. Used when attacking
        m_disableMovementTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        // Respawn Hero if dead
        if (m_dead && m_respawnTimer < 0.0f)

        if (m_dead)

        //Check if character just landed on the ground
        if (!m_grounded && m_groundSensor.State())
            m_grounded = true;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);

        //Check if character just started falling
        if (m_grounded && !m_groundSensor.State())
            m_grounded = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);

        // -- Handle input and movement --
        float inputX = 0.0f;

        if (m_disableMovementTimer < 0.0f)
            inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        // GetAxisRaw returns either -1, 0 or 1
        float inputRaw = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");

        // Check if character is currently moving
        if (Mathf.Abs(inputRaw) > Mathf.Epsilon && Mathf.Sign(inputRaw) == m_facingDirection)
            m_moving = true;
            m_moving = false;

        // Swap direction of sprite depending on move direction
        if (inputRaw > 0 && !m_dodging && !m_wallSlide && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb)
            m_SR.flipX        = false;
            m_facingDirection = 1;

        else if (inputRaw < 0 && !m_dodging && !m_wallSlide && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb)
            m_SR.flipX        = true;
            m_facingDirection = -1;

        // SlowDownSpeed helps decelerate the characters when stopping
        float SlowDownSpeed = m_moving ? 1.0f : 0.5f;

        // Set movement
        if (!m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && m_parryTimer < 0.0f)
            m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(inputX * m_maxSpeed * SlowDownSpeed, m_body2d.velocity.y);

        // Set AirSpeed in animator
        m_animator.SetFloat("AirSpeedY", m_body2d.velocity.y);

        // Set Animation layer for hiding sword
        int boolInt = m_hideSword ? 1 : 0;

        m_animator.SetLayerWeight(1, boolInt);

        // Check if all sensors are setup properly
        if (m_wallSensorR1 && m_wallSensorR2 && m_wallSensorL1 && m_wallSensorL2)
            bool prevWallSlide = m_wallSlide;
            //Wall Slide
            // True if either both right sensors are colliding and character is facing right
            // OR if both left sensors are colliding and character is facing left
            m_wallSlide = (m_wallSensorR1.State() && m_wallSensorR2.State() && m_facingDirection == 1) || (m_wallSensorL1.State() && m_wallSensorL2.State() && m_facingDirection == -1);
            if (m_grounded)
                m_wallSlide = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("WallSlide", m_wallSlide);
            //Play wall slide sound
            if (prevWallSlide && !m_wallSlide)

            //Grab Ledge
            // True if either bottom right sensor is colliding and top right sensor is not colliding
            // OR if bottom left sensor is colliding and top left sensor is not colliding
            bool shouldGrab = !m_ledgeClimb && !m_ledgeGrab && ((m_wallSensorR1.State() && !m_wallSensorR2.State()) || (m_wallSensorL1.State() && !m_wallSensorL2.State()));
            if (shouldGrab)
                Vector3 rayStart;
                if (m_facingDirection == 1)
                    rayStart = m_wallSensorR2.transform.position + new Vector3(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    rayStart = m_wallSensorL2.transform.position - new Vector3(0.2f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                var hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayStart, Vector2.down, 1.0f);

                GrabableLedge ledge = null;
                if (hit)
                    ledge = hit.transform.GetComponent <GrabableLedge>();

                if (ledge)
                    m_ledgeGrab           = true;
                    m_body2d.velocity     = Vector2.zero;
                    m_body2d.gravityScale = 0;

                    m_climbPosition = ledge.transform.position + new Vector3(ledge.topClimbPosition.x, ledge.topClimbPosition.y, 0);
                    if (m_facingDirection == 1)
                        transform.position = ledge.transform.position + new Vector3(ledge.leftGrabPosition.x, ledge.leftGrabPosition.y, 0);
                        transform.position = ledge.transform.position + new Vector3(ledge.rightGrabPosition.x, ledge.rightGrabPosition.y, 0);
                m_animator.SetBool("LedgeGrab", m_ledgeGrab);

        // -- Handle Animations --
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("e") && !m_dodging)
            m_animator.SetBool("noBlood", m_noBlood);
            m_respawnTimer = 2.5f;
            m_dead = true;

        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("q") && !m_dodging)
            // Disable movement
            m_disableMovementTimer = 0.1f;

        // Parry & parry stance
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && m_grounded)
            // Parry
            // Used when you are in parry stance and something hits you
            if (m_parryTimer > 0.0f)
                m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(-m_facingDirection * m_parryKnockbackForce, m_body2d.velocity.y);

            // Parry Stance
            // Ready to parry in case something hits you
                m_parryTimer = 7.0f / 12.0f;

        //Up Attack
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.GetKey("w") && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && m_grounded && m_timeSinceAttack > 0.2f)

            // Reset timer
            m_timeSinceAttack = 0.0f;

            // Disable movement
            m_disableMovementTimer = 0.35f;

        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && m_grounded && m_timeSinceAttack > 0.2f)
            // Reset timer
            m_timeSinceAttack = 0.0f;


            // Loop back to one after second attack
            if (m_currentAttack > 2)
                m_currentAttack = 1;

            // Reset Attack combo if time since last attack is too large
            if (m_timeSinceAttack > 1.0f)
                m_currentAttack = 1;

            // Call one of the two attack animations "Attack1" or "Attack2"
            m_animator.SetTrigger("Attack" + m_currentAttack);

            // Disable movement
            m_disableMovementTimer = 0.35f;

        //Air Slam Attack
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.GetKey("s") && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_grounded)
            m_body2d.velocity      = new Vector2(0.0f, -m_jumpForce);
            m_disableMovementTimer = 0.8f;

            // Reset timer
            m_timeSinceAttack = 0.0f;

        // Air Attack Up
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.GetKey("w") && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && !m_grounded && m_timeSinceAttack > 0.2f)
            Debug.Log("Air attack up");

            // Reset timer
            m_timeSinceAttack = 0.0f;

        // Air Attack
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && !m_grounded && m_timeSinceAttack > 0.2f)

            // Reset timer
            m_timeSinceAttack = 0.0f;

        // Dodge
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("left shift") && m_grounded && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb)
            m_dodging   = true;
            m_crouching = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Crouching", false);
            m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(m_facingDirection * m_dodgeForce, m_body2d.velocity.y);

        // Ledge Climb
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("w") && m_ledgeGrab)
            m_ledgeClimb           = true;
            m_body2d.gravityScale  = 0;
            m_disableMovementTimer = 6.0f / 14.0f;

        // Ledge Drop
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("s") && m_ledgeGrab)

        else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && (m_grounded || m_wallSlide) && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && !m_crouching && m_disableMovementTimer < 0.0f)
            // Check if it's a normal jump or a wall jump
            if (!m_wallSlide)
                m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(m_body2d.velocity.x, m_jumpForce);
                m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(-m_facingDirection * m_jumpForce / 2.0f, m_jumpForce);
                m_facingDirection = -m_facingDirection;
                m_SR.flipX        = !m_SR.flipX;

            m_grounded = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Grounded", m_grounded);

        //Crouch / Stand up
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown("s") && m_grounded && !m_dodging && !m_ledgeGrab && !m_ledgeClimb && m_parryTimer < 0.0f)
            m_crouching = true;
            m_animator.SetBool("Crouching", true);
            m_body2d.velocity = new Vector2(m_body2d.velocity.x / 2.0f, m_body2d.velocity.y);
        else if (Input.GetKeyUp("s") && m_crouching)
            m_crouching = false;
            m_animator.SetBool("Crouching", false);

        else if (m_moving)
            m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 1);

            m_animator.SetInteger("AnimState", 0);