Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Select repair items with mouse
        if (selected == '\0' && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray = main_camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI")))
                Transform objectHit = hit.transform;

                // Do something with the object that was hit by the raycast.

                SelectableRepairNode ui_element = objectHit.GetComponent <SelectableRepairNode>();
                selected       = ui_element.hotkey;
                mouse_selected = true;
                SoundFactory.AddSound("event:/menuselect", null, null);
        else if ((mouse_selected && Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) || (!mouse_selected && selected != '\0' && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)))
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray = main_camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Build")))
                Transform objectHit = hit.transform;

                // Do something with the object that was hit by the raycast.

                ConstructionNode construction_site = objectHit.GetComponentInChildren <ConstructionNode>();
                SoundFactory.AddSound("event:/menuselect", null, null);

            selected       = '\0';
            mouse_selected = false;

        KeyCode[] hotkeys = new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Q, KeyCode.W, KeyCode.E, KeyCode.R };
        // Select repair items with hotkeys (priority)
        foreach (KeyCode key in hotkeys)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(key))
                selected       = (char)key;
                mouse_selected = false;
                SoundFactory.AddSound("event:/menuselect", null, null);
            else if (Input.GetKeyUp(key) && (char)key == selected)
                selected       = '\0';
                mouse_selected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void construct(SelectableRepairNode repair)
     if (!already_constructed && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < time_cutoff)
         if (pathfinding_route != null)
         GameObject.Instantiate(repair.pathfinding_route, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);