public static void EnsureCountEquals <T>(
            this IEnumerable <T> collection, int count, string checkedVariableName,
            string callerMethod = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callerMethod))
                callerMethod = "Unknown";

            // Get the collection count
            var collectionCount = -1;

            collectionCount = SeeingSharpUtil.GetCollectionCount(collection);

            // Check result
            if (collectionCount != count)
                throw new SeeingSharpCheckException(string.Format(
                                                        "Collection {0} within method {1} does not have the expected count of elements (expected {2})!",
                                                        checkedVariableName, callerMethod, count, collectionCount));
        public static void EnsureCountInRange <T>(
            this IEnumerable <T> collection, int countMin, int countMax, string checkedVariableName,
            string callerMethod = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callerMethod))
                callerMethod = "Unknown";

            // Get the collection count
            var collectionCount = -1;

            collectionCount = SeeingSharpUtil.GetCollectionCount(collection);

            // Check result
            if (collectionCount < countMin ||
                collectionCount > countMax)
                throw new SeeingSharpCheckException(
                          $"Collection {checkedVariableName} within method {callerMethod} does not have the expected count of elements (expected min {countMin} to max {countMax}, current count is {collectionCount})!");