public void Start()
        // create a new ManualResetEvent. This will be used to make the main application
        // thread wait until the full server reply has been received.
        m_ResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        // initialize the security options
        SecurityOptions options = new SecurityOptions(
            SecureProtocol.Ssl3 | SecureProtocol.Tls1,                  // use SSL3 or TLS1
            null,                                                       // do not use client authentication
            ConnectionEnd.Client,                                       // this is the client side
            CredentialVerification.None,                                // do not check the certificate -- this should not be used in a real-life application :-)
            null,                                                       // not used with automatic certificate verification
            "",                                        // this is the common name of the Microsoft web server
            SecurityFlags.Default,                                      // use the default security flags
            SslAlgorithms.SECURE_CIPHERS,                               // only use secure ciphers
            null);                                                      // do not process certificate requests.

        try {
            // create the securesocket with the specified security options
            m_Socket = new SecureSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp, options);
            // resolve
            IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve("").AddressList[0], 443);
            // start connecting to
            m_Socket.BeginConnect(endpoint, new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnect), null);
            // wait until the entire web page has been received
            // close the SecureSocket
        } catch {
            OnError("Could not connect to the website");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 ///<summary>Starts connecting to the remote host.</summary>
 override public void StartHandshake()
     try {
         DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(MapTo.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
         DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(MapTo, new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), DestinationSocket);
     } catch {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 ///<summary>Processes a PASV reply from the server.</summary>
 ///<param name="Reply">The reply to process.</param>
 private void ProcessPasvReply(string Reply)
     try {
         IPEndPoint ConnectTo = ParsePasvIP(Reply);
         DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(ConnectTo.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
         DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(ConnectTo, new AsyncCallback(this.OnPasvConnected), DestinationSocket);
     } catch {
Ejemplo n.º 4
        ///<summary>Processes a received query.</summary>
        ///<param name="Query">The query to process.</param>
        private void ProcessQuery(byte [] Query)
            try {
                switch (Query[1])
                case 1:                 //CONNECT
                    IPAddress RemoteIP   = null;
                    int       RemotePort = 0;
                    if (Query[3] == 1)
                        RemoteIP   = IPAddress.Parse(Query[4].ToString() + "." + Query[5].ToString() + "." + Query[6].ToString() + "." + Query[7].ToString());
                        RemotePort = Query[8] * 256 + Query[9];
                    else if (Query[3] == 3)
                        RemoteIP   = Dns.Resolve(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Query, 5, Query[4])).AddressList[0];
                        RemotePort = Query[4] + 5;
                        RemotePort = Query[RemotePort] * 256 + Query[RemotePort + 1];
                    RemoteConnection = new SecureSocket(RemoteIP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    RemoteConnection.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(RemoteIP, RemotePort), new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), RemoteConnection);

                case 2:                 //BIND
                    byte [] Reply   = new byte[10];
                    long    LocalIP = Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().Address;
                    AcceptSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    AcceptSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
                    Reply[0] = 5;                                                                       //Version 5
                    Reply[1] = 0;                                                                       //Everything is ok :)
                    Reply[2] = 0;                                                                       //Reserved
                    Reply[3] = 1;                                                                       //We're going to send a IPv4 address
                    Reply[4] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 256)));                                     //IP Address/1
                    Reply[5] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 65536) / 256));                             //IP Address/2
                    Reply[6] = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 16777216) / 65536));                        //IP Address/3
                    Reply[7] = (byte)(Math.Floor(LocalIP / 16777216));                                  //IP Address/4
                    Reply[8] = (byte)(Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256)); //Port/1
                    Reply[9] = (byte)(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256);             //Port/2
                    Connection.BeginSend(Reply, 0, Reply.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.OnStartAccept), Connection);

                case 3:                 //ASSOCIATE
                                        //ASSOCIATE is not implemented (yet?)

            } catch {
Ejemplo n.º 5
 ///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the FtpDataConnection class.</summary>
 ///<param name="RemoteAddress">The address on the local FTP client to connect to.</param>
 ///<returns>The PORT command string to send to the FTP server.</returns>
 public string ProcessPort(IPEndPoint RemoteAddress)
     try {
         ListenSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
         ListenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
         ListenSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(this.OnPortAccept), ListenSocket);
         ClientSocket = new SecureSocket(RemoteAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
         ClientSocket.BeginConnect(RemoteAddress, new AsyncCallback(this.OnPortConnected), ClientSocket);
         return("PORT " + Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().ToString().Replace('.', ',') + "," + Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256).ToString() + "," + (((IPEndPoint)ListenSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256).ToString() + "\r\n");
     } catch {
         return("PORT 0,0,0,0,0,0\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void Connect(SecureProtocol protocol, bool directTLS)
                GXLogging.Debug(log, "Connecting to host: " + host + ", port: " + port);
                options = new SecurityOptions(protocol);
                options.AllowedAlgorithms = SslAlgorithms.SECURE_CIPHERS;
                options.Entity            = ConnectionEnd.Client;
                options.VerificationType  = CredentialVerification.Manual;
                options.Verifier          = new CertVerifyEventHandler(OnCertificateVerify);
                options.Flags             = SecurityFlags.Default;
                options.CommonName        = host;
                if ((protocol == SecureProtocol.Tls1) && directTLS)
                    options.Protocol = SecureProtocol.Tls1;

                connection = new SecureSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp, options);

                IPAddress[] serverIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(host.Trim());

                IAsyncResult result = connection.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(serverIPs[0], port), null, null);
                if (result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout * 1000, true) && connection.Connected)
                    string response = GetResponse();
                    GXLogging.Debug(log, "Server response: " + response);
                    if (!response.StartsWith("220"))
                        throw new IOException(response);
                    GXLogging.Error(log, String.Format("Could not connect to host '{0}' with DNS resolved IP: {1} - Port {2}", host, serverIPs[0].ToString(), port.ToString()));
                    throw new GXMailException("Can't connect to host", MAIL_CantLogin);
            catch (IOException exc)
                GXLogging.Error(log, "Bad server response", exc);
                throw new GXMailException(exc.Message, MAIL_CantLogin);
            catch (Exception exc)
                GXLogging.Error(log, "Can't connect to host", exc);
                throw new GXMailException("Can't connect to host", MAIL_CantLogin);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void EndResolve()
            if (State != ClientState.Disconnected)
                    _hostEntry = Dns.EndResolve(_currentAsyncResult);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (!HandleException(e))
                        throw new AsyncTcpClientException(this, e);

                    State   = ClientState.Connecting;
                    _socket = new SecureSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    if (_ssl3Enabled)
                        _socket.ChangeSecurityProtocol(new SecurityOptions(SecureProtocol.Ssl3));
                    _socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendTimeout, Timeout);
                    _socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, Timeout);
                    _endPoint = new IPEndPoint(_hostEntry.AddressList[0], _port);
                    if (_traceProtocol)
                        Trace("Connecting to " + _endPoint.Address.ToString() + ':' + _endPoint.Port.ToString());
                    _currentAsyncResult = _socket.BeginConnect(_endPoint, null, null);
                    InvokeAfterWait(new MethodInvoker(EndConnect), _currentAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (!HandleException(e))
                        throw new AsyncTcpClientException(this, e);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        ///<summary>Processes a SOCKS request from a client.</summary>
        ///<param name="Request">The request to process.</param>
        protected override void ProcessRequest(byte [] Request)
            int Ret;

            try {
                if (Request[0] == 1)           // CONNECT
                    IPAddress RemoteIP;
                    int       RemotePort = Request[1] * 256 + Request[2];
                    Ret      = Array.IndexOf(Request, (byte)0, 7);
                    Username = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Request, 7, Ret - 7);
                    if (Request[3] == 0 && Request[4] == 0 && Request[5] == 0 && Request[6] != 0)              // Use remote DNS
                        Ret      = Array.IndexOf(Request, (byte)0, Ret + 1);
                        RemoteIP = Dns.Resolve(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Request, Username.Length + 8, Ret - Username.Length - 8)).AddressList[0];
                    else                 //Do not use remote DNS
                        RemoteIP = IPAddress.Parse(Request[3].ToString() + "." + Request[4].ToString() + "." + Request[5].ToString() + "." + Request[6].ToString());
                    RemoteConnection = new SecureSocket(RemoteIP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    RemoteConnection.BeginConnect(new IPEndPoint(RemoteIP, RemotePort), new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), RemoteConnection);
                else if (Request[0] == 2)             // BIND
                    byte [] Reply   = new byte[8];
                    long    LocalIP = Listener.GetLocalExternalIP().Address;
                    AcceptSocket = new SecureSocket(IPAddress.Any.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    AcceptSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
                    RemoteBindIP = IPAddress.Parse(Request[3].ToString() + "." + Request[4].ToString() + "." + Request[5].ToString() + "." + Request[6].ToString());
                    Reply[0]     = 0;                                                                       //Reply version 0
                    Reply[1]     = 90;                                                                      //Everything is ok :)
                    Reply[2]     = (byte)(Math.Floor(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port / 256)); //Port/1
                    Reply[3]     = (byte)(((IPEndPoint)AcceptSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port % 256);             //Port/2
                    Reply[4]     = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 256)));                                     //IP Address/1
                    Reply[5]     = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 65536) / 256));                             //IP Address/2
                    Reply[6]     = (byte)(Math.Floor((LocalIP % 16777216) / 65536));                        //IP Address/3
                    Reply[7]     = (byte)(Math.Floor(LocalIP / 16777216));                                  //IP Address/4
                    Connection.BeginSend(Reply, 0, Reply.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.OnStartAccept), Connection);
            } catch {
Ejemplo n.º 9
 ///<summary>Connects to the specified endpoint.</summary>
 ///<param name="RemoteServer">The IPEndPoint to connect to.</param>
 ///<exception cref="SocketException">There was an error connecting to the specified endpoint</exception>
 private void ConnectTo(IPEndPoint RemoteServer)
     if (DestinationSocket != null)
         try {
         } catch {
         } finally {
     try {
         DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(RemoteServer.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
         DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(RemoteServer, new AsyncCallback(this.OnRemoteConnected), DestinationSocket);
     } catch {
         throw new SocketException();