Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id, int?ids)
     ViewBag.UserType = adtype();
     if (adtype() == "Admin")
         SectionStudent sectionstudent = db.SectionStudents.Find(id);
         var            sses           = db.SSExams.Where(sse => sse.SectionStudent.Id == id);
         var            ssas           = db.SSAssignments.Where(ssa => ssa.SectionStudent.Id == id);
         foreach (SSExam sse in sses)
             if (db.SSExams.Find(sse) != null)
         foreach (SSAssignment ssa in ssas)
             if (db.SSAssignments.Find(ssa) != null)
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { ids = ids }));
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void SubmitMarks_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {                /* this method is called when the submit mark button is clicked*/
            double test; // create a dummy double var

            /*validate if the input can be converted to a double , this method returns true if the
             * result can be converted and false if not. assign the result of this method to the
             * createe bool var called Isvalid
             * this is an input validation for the mark input
            bool IsValid = double.TryParse(Mark.Text, out test);

            if (IsValid)
                /* if the input is valid and can be converted to double then */
                GridViewRow    row            = detailsGridView.SelectedRow;                                 // decalre a gridview var and assign it to the selected row in the my classes grid view
                SectionStudent sectionStudent = new SectionStudent(sectionId, row.Cells[1].Text.ToString()); //declare sectionstudent object and pass the section id as id and student id as a joinID
                sectionStudent.Grade = Mark.Text;                                                            // set the sectionStudent grade as the mark text box value
                sectionStudentList.Update(sectionStudent);                                                   // update the section student record with the new information
                /* else show error message in a popup */
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('Please enter a valid mark !')", true);                 // show a message in a popup
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // GET: /SectionStudent/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            SectionStudent sectionstudent = db.SectionStudents.Find(id);

            if (sectionstudent == null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,SectionId,StudentId")] SectionStudent sectionstudent)
     ViewBag.UserType = adtype();
     if (adtype() == "Admin")
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             db.Entry(sectionstudent).State = EntityState.Modified;
         ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections, "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
         ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students, "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // GET: /SectionStudent/Delete/5
 public ActionResult Delete(int?id, int?ids)
     ViewBag.UserType = adtype();
     if (adtype() == "Admin")
         if (id == null)
             return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
         SectionStudent sectionstudent = db.SectionStudents.Find(id);
         if (sectionstudent == null)
         ViewBag.ids = ids;
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // GET: /SectionStudent/Edit/5
 public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
     ViewBag.UserType = adtype();
     if (adtype() == "Admin")
         if (id == null)
             return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
         SectionStudent sectionstudent = db.SectionStudents.Find(id);
         if (sectionstudent == null)
         ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections, "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
         ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students, "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,SectionId,StudentId")] SectionStudent sectionstudent, int?ids)
     ViewBag.UserType = adtype();
     if (adtype() == "Admin")
         StudentManagmentSystem.Models.Section var = db.Sections.Find(ids);
         if (db.SectionStudents.Where(s => s.SectionId == ids).Count() == var.MaxCount)
             ViewBag.error = "Cannot add student. Maxcount ecxeeded.";
             ViewBag.ids   = ids;
             if (ids != null)
                 ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections.Where(s => s.Id == ids), "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
                 ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students.Where(s => db.SectionStudents.Where(ss => ss.StudentId == s.Id && ss.SectionId == ids).Count() == 0), "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
             ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections, "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
             ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students, "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
         if (ModelState.IsValid)
             return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { ids = ids }));
         ViewBag.ids = ids;
         if (ids != null)
             ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections.Where(s => s.Id == ids), "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
             ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students.Where(s => db.SectionStudents.Where(ss => ss.StudentId == s.Id && ss.SectionId == ids).Count() == 0), "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
         ViewBag.SectionId = new SelectList(db.Sections, "Id", "Name", sectionstudent.SectionId);
         ViewBag.StudentId = new SelectList(db.Students, "Id", "RegistrationNo", sectionstudent.StudentId);
         ViewBag.error     = "";
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
        public List <SectionStudent> GetAllSectionStudentByTeacher(string year, string section)
            dataAccess = new DataAccess();
            string                sql         = "SELECT * FROM Students_Info where collegeyear ='" + year + "' and section ='" + section + "' and status= 'active'";
            SqlDataReader         reader      = dataAccess.GetData(sql);
            List <SectionStudent> studentList = new List <SectionStudent>();

            while (reader.Read())
                SectionStudent sectionStudent = new SectionStudent();
                sectionStudent.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["id"]);
                sectionStudent.Name        = reader["name"].ToString();
                sectionStudent.Gender      = reader["sex"].ToString();
                sectionStudent.CollegeYear = reader["collegeyear"].ToString();
                sectionStudent.Username    = reader["username"].ToString();
                sectionStudent.Section     = reader["section"].ToString();
                sectionStudent.Status      = reader["status"].ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void EnrollMeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * This method is called when enroll me button is clicked

             * Declare variables and classes and instantiate them
            bool        exist        = false;
            bool        alreadyExist = false;
            string      scheduleID   = "";
            GridViewRow row          = classListGrid.SelectedRow;    // get the selected gidview row
            string      sectionId    = row.Cells[2].Text.ToString(); // get the section id
            string      studentID    = Session["User"].ToString();   // assign the student id from User session
            Section     section      = new Section(sectionId);

            sectionsList.Populate(section);             // populate the section object
            Student student = new Student(studentID);

            studentList.Populate(student);             // populate the student object

            // get the total hours of the student
            //int totalHours = scheduleList.TotalValue("Duration", "Section", "Schedule.SectionID", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent.SectionID", "StudentID", student.getID());

            //get the total hours of the student
            //This line calls the new total value with the less parameters
            int totalHours        = scheduleList.TotalValue("Duration", "Section", "SectionID", "SectionID", "SectionStudent", "StudentID", student.getID());
            int sectionTotalHours = scheduleList.TotalValue("Duration", "SectionID", sectionId); // get the total hours of the section per week

            if (totalHours < 20)                                                                 // check if the student registerd hours are less than 20 hours
                if (totalHours + sectionTotalHours > 20)
                {                  /*
                                    * if the section hours and student registerd hours are more than 20 hours then display error message in a popup
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('You can't SignUP for more than 20 hours !')", true);
                    scheduleList.Filter("SectionID", section.getID());                     // filter schedual list by the sectionId taken from the section object
                    foreach (Schedule schedule in scheduleList.List)
                        /* forEach element in the scheduleList */

                        // exist = scheduleList.Exist("Section", "Schedule.SectionID", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent.SectionID", "Day", schedule.Day, "Time", schedule.Time, "StudentID", student.getID()); //check if the student has a class in that day and time --  //this is the 12 parameter method
                        exist = scheduleList.Exist("Section", "SectionID", "SectionID", "SectionStudent", "Day", schedule.Day, "Time", schedule.Time, "StudentID", student.getID()); //check if the student has a class in that day and time -- this is the less parameters method

                        scheduleID = schedule.getID();                                                                                                                               // get the schedule id
                        while (Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Duration) > 1 && !exist)

                             * while schedual duration more than 1 and the exit var is false
                            int newTime = Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Time) + 1;               // get the new time by the adding 1 to the schedule time
                            schedule.Time = newTime.ToString();                             // assign the new time to the schedule object time

                            // exist = scheduleList.Exist("Section", "Schedule.SectionID", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent", "Section.SectionID", "SectionStudent.SectionID", "Day", schedule.Day, "Time", schedule.Time, "StudentID", student.getID()); //check if the student has a class in that day and time --  //this is the 12 parameter method
                            exist = scheduleList.Exist("Section", "SectionID", "SectionID", "SectionStudent", "Day", schedule.Day, "Time", schedule.Time, "StudentID", student.getID()); //check if the student has a class in that day and time -- this is the less parameters method

                            int duration = Convert.ToInt32(schedule.Duration) - 1;                                                                                                       // decrease the duration by 1
                            schedule.Duration = duration.ToString();                                                                                                                     // assign the new duration to the schedule object

                        if (exist)
                            /* if the exist var true make the alreadyExist var true */
                            alreadyExist = true;

                    if (alreadyExist)
                        /* if the alreadyExist var true display a message saying you already have class in that time in a popup */
                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('You already have a class in that time !')", true);
                        /* else */

                        sectionStudentList.Filter("SectionID", sectionId); // filter sectionstudentList by section id
                        int total = sectionStudentList.List.Count;         // get the count of the students that already registerd in the section
                        total = total + 1;                                 // add one to the count
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(section.Capacity) >= total)
                            /* if the loccation capicty greater or equal to toatal var then add student to the section */
                            SectionStudent     sectionStudent     = new SectionStudent(sectionId, studentID);                                                          // create new sectionStudent object
                            SectionStudentList sectionStudentList = new SectionStudentList();                                                                          // create new sectionStudentList
                            sectionStudentList.Add(sectionStudent);                                                                                                    //  add the new object to the list
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Section Added", "alert('You have been Enrolled to this section !')", true); // show a message in a popup
                            /* else show a message that the section is already full */
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('The Section is Already Full !')", true);
                /* else show a messagw that you can signup for more than 20h in a popup */
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('You can't SignUP for more than 20 hours !')", true);