Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///Calculates the element stiffness matrix used for warping analysis
        ///and the torsion load vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="coords"></param>
        /// <returns>Element stiffness matrix *(k_el)* and element torsion load vector* (f_el) *</returns>
        internal void torsion_properties(SectionMaterial mat, ExtendedTri tri, out double[,] k_el, out double[] f_el)
            //# initialise stiffness matrix and load vector
            k_el = new double[6, 6];
            f_el = new double[6];

            //# Gauss points for 6 point Gaussian integration
            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(6);
            var Nxy = new double[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                var      B = tri.ShapeInfo[i].B;
                double[] N = tri.ShapeInfo[i].N;
                double   j = tri.ShapeInfo[i].j;

                //# determine x and y position at Gauss point
                var Nx          = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(0));
                var Ny          = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(1));
                var B_Transpose = B.Transpose();

                //# calculated modulus weighted stiffness matrix and load vector
                k_el.Append(B_Transpose.Dot(B).Dot(gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus));
                Nxy[0] = Ny;
                Nxy[1] = -Nx;
                f_el.Append(B_Transpose.Dot(Nxy).Dot(gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public SectionAttributes(SectionMaterial newMat, SectionWeapon newWeapon)
     this.material = newMat;
     this.weapon = newWeapon;
     this.sp = this.material.GetInitialSP();
     this.maxSP = this.material.GetMaxSP() - this.weapon.GetSPCost();
     this.height = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Build(int t, SectionMaterial m, SectionWeapon w)
     : base("Build")
     this.playerNumber = TurnOrder.myPlayer.playerNumber;
     this.towerNumber = t;
     this.material = EncodeMaterial(m);
     this.weapon = EncodeWeapon(w);
     this.cost = m.GetCost() + w.GetCost();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ISec_Test()
            SectionDefinition sec = new SectionDefinition(nameof(ISec_Test));

            sec.SolutionSettings = new SolutionSettings(0.01);
            SectionMaterial steel = new SectionMaterial("Steel", 1, 200e3, 0.3, 500);

            sec.Contours.Add(new SectionContour(helper.CreateIShape(304, 165, 10.2, 6.1, 11.4, 8), false, steel));
            Compare(nameof(ISec_Test), sec);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            Solver _solver = new Solver();
            ShapeGeneratorHelper helper = new ShapeGeneratorHelper();

            SectionMaterial defaultMat = new SectionMaterial("dummy", 1, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

            SectionDefinition sec = new SectionDefinition();

            sec.SolutionSettings = new SolutionSettings(0.002);

            sec.Contours.Add(new SectionContour(helper.CreateRectangle(300, 180), false, defaultMat));

            var c1 = new SectionContour(helper.CreateCircle(15, 50), true, defaultMat);

            c1.ShiftPoints(30, 30);
            var c2 = new SectionContour(helper.CreateCircle(15, 50), true, defaultMat);

            c2.ShiftPoints(150, 30);
            var c3 = new SectionContour(helper.CreateCircle(15, 50), true, defaultMat);

            c3.ShiftPoints(150, 270);
            var c4 = new SectionContour(helper.CreateCircle(15, 50), true, defaultMat);

            c4.ShiftPoints(30, 270);





            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed={0}", sw.Elapsed);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void StartBuild(Player player, Tower t, SectionMaterial m, SectionWeapon w)
     GameObject block = null;
     GameObject weapon = null;
     Section topOfTower = t.GetTopSection();
     GameObject playerSpot = t.towerBase.towerPoint;
     if(topOfTower == null) {
         spawnPoint.transform.position = playerSpot.transform.position;
     } else {
         Vector3 old = playerSpot.transform.position;
         spawnPoint.transform.position = new Vector3(old.x, topOfTower.collider.bounds.max.y, old.z);
     block = Instantiate(m.GetPrefab(),spawnPoint.transform.position,Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
     if(player.playerNumber == 1)
         block.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up);
     else if(player.playerNumber ==2)
         block.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up);
     block.transform.Find("FireCam").camera.enabled = false;
     block.transform.Find("HitCam").camera.enabled = false;
     block.transform.Find("CollapseCam").camera.enabled = false;
     if (w.wtype != "Nothing"){
         weapon = Instantiate(w.GetPrefab()) as GameObject; //I believe the here lies the issue for why building Nothing doesn't work? maybe.
         if(player.playerNumber == 1)
             weapon.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up);
         else if(player.playerNumber ==2)
             weapon.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up);
     //if(weapon != null) {
         Vector3 localScale = weapon.transform.localScale;
         weapon.transform.parent = block.transform;
         weapon.transform.localPosition = block.transform.Find("WeaponLocation").localPosition;
         weapon.transform.localScale = localScale;
     Section sc = block.GetComponent<Section>();
     SectionAttributes s = new SectionAttributes(m, w);
     sc.attributes = s;
     player.Build(sc, t);
     TowerSelection.LocalSelectSection(t, sc.attributes.height);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CompositeSec_Test()
            //Note that because of using more than one material, some output need to be mapped to eq. material (e.g. Sx output represents Mpx and Sx= Mpx/fy)

            SectionMaterial steel  = new SectionMaterial("Steel", 1, 200e3, 0.3, 500);
            var             timber = new SectionMaterial("Timber", 2, 8e3, 0.35, 20);

            SectionDefinition sec = new SectionDefinition(nameof(CompositeSec_Test));

            sec.SolutionSettings = new SolutionSettings(0.01);
            sec.Contours.Add(new SectionContour(helper.CreateIShape(304, 165, 10.2, 6.1, 11.4, 8), false, steel));
            var panel = new SectionContour(helper.CreateRectangle(50, 600), false, timber);

            panel.ShiftPoints(-217.5, 304);

            Compare(nameof(CompositeSec_Test), sec);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        shear_warping_integrals(SectionMaterial mat, ExtendedTri tri, double ixx, double iyy, double ixy, double[] omega)
            //# initialise integrals
            var sc_xint  = 0.0;
            var sc_yint  = 0.0;
            var q_omega  = 0.0;
            var i_omega  = 0.0;
            var i_xomega = 0.0;
            var i_yomega = 0.0;

            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(6);

            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                double[] N = tri.ShapeInfo[i].N;
                double   j = tri.ShapeInfo[i].j;

                //# determine x and y position at Gauss point
                var Nx = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(0));
                var Ny = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(1));

                var Nomega = N.Dot(omega);

                sc_xint  += gp[0] * (iyy * Nx + ixy * Ny) * (Nx * Nx + Ny * Ny) * j * mat.elastic_modulus;
                sc_yint  += gp[0] * (ixx * Ny + ixy * Nx) * (Nx * Nx + Ny * Ny) * j * mat.elastic_modulus;
                q_omega  += gp[0] * Nomega * j * mat.elastic_modulus;
                i_omega  += gp[0] * Nomega * Nomega * j * mat.elastic_modulus;
                i_xomega += gp[0] * Nx * Nomega * j * mat.elastic_modulus;
                i_yomega += gp[0] * Ny * Nomega * j * mat.elastic_modulus;

            return(sc_xint, sc_yint, q_omega, i_omega, i_xomega, i_yomega);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private int EncodeMaterial(SectionMaterial m)
     return GetTower().faction.EncodeSectionMaterial(m.mtype);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates total force resisted by the element when subjected to a
        /// stress equal to the yield strength. Also returns the modulus weighted
        /// area and first moments of area, and determines whether or not the
        /// element is above or below the line defined by the unit vector *u* and
        /// point* p*.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="coords"></param>
        /// <param name="u">Unit vector in the direction of the line</param>
        /// <param name="p">Point on the line</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public (double f_el, double ea_el, double qx_el, double qy_el, bool is_above) plastic_properties(SectionMaterial mat,
                                                                                                         double[,] coords, double[] u, double[] p)
            //# initialise geometric properties
            var e     = mat.elastic_modulus;
            var area  = 0.0;
            var qx    = 0.0;
            var qy    = 0.0;
            var force = 0.0;

            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(3);

            double[] N;
            double   j;

            double[,] B;
            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                ShapeFunctionHelper.shape_function(coords, gp, out N, out B, out j);
                area += gp[0] * j;

                var x = N.Dot(coords.Row(1));
                var y = N.Dot(coords.Row(0));
                qx    += gp[0] * x * j;
                qy    += gp[0] * y * j;
                force += gp[0] * j * mat.yield_strength;

            //# calculate element centroid
            var cx = qy / area;
            var cy = qx / area;

            //# determine if the element is above the line p + u
            bool is_above = point_above_line(u, p[0], p[1], cx, cy);

            return(force, area *e, qx *e, qy *e, is_above);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the integrals used to evaluate the monosymmetry constant about both global axes and both prinicipal axes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="coords"></param>
        /// <param name="phi">Principal bending axis angle</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal (double int_x, double int_y, double int_11, double int_22) monosymmetry_integrals(SectionMaterial mat, ExtendedTri tri, double phi)
            //# initialise integrals
            var int_x  = 0.0;
            var int_y  = 0.0;
            var int_11 = 0.0;
            var int_22 = 0.0;

            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(6);

            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                double[] N = tri.ShapeInfo[i].N;
                double   j = tri.ShapeInfo[i].j;

                //# determine x and y position at Gauss point
                var Nx = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(0));
                var Ny = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(1));

                //# determine 11 and 22 position at Gauss point
                (var Nx_11, var Ny_22) = principal_coordinate(phi, Nx, Ny);

                //# weight the monosymmetry integrals by the section elastic modulus
                int_x  += (gp[0] * (Nx * Nx * Ny + Ny * Ny * Ny) * j * mat.elastic_modulus);
                int_y  += (gp[0] * (Ny * Ny * Nx + Nx * Nx * Nx) * j * mat.elastic_modulus);
                int_11 += (gp[0] * (Nx_11 * Nx_11 * Ny_22 + Ny_22 * Ny_22 * Ny_22) * j * mat.elastic_modulus);
                int_22 += (gp[0] * (Ny_22 * Ny_22 * Nx_11 + Nx_11 * Nx_11 * Nx_11) * j * mat.elastic_modulus);

            return(int_x, int_y, int_11, int_22);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the variables used to determine the shear deformation coefficients.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="coords"></param>
        /// <param name="ixx">Second moment of area about the centroidal x-axis</param>
        /// <param name="iyy">Second moment of area about the centroidal y-axis</param>
        /// <param name="ixy">Second moment of area about the centroidal xy-axis</param>
        /// <param name="psi_shear">Values of the psi shear function at the element nodes</param>
        /// <param name="phi_shear">Values of the phi shear function at the element nodes</param>
        /// <param name="nu">Effective Poisson's ratio for the cross-section</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal (double kappa_x, double kappa_y, double kappa_xy) shear_coefficients(SectionMaterial mat,
                                                                                      ExtendedTri tri, double ixx, double iyy, double ixy, double[] psi_shear, double[] phi_shear, double nu)
            //# initialise integrals
            var kappa_x  = 0.0;
            var kappa_y  = 0.0;
            var kappa_xy = 0.0;

            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(6);
            var d   = new double[2];
            var h   = new double[2];

            //var psi_shear = new Vector(psi_shear2);
            //var phi_shear = new Vector(phi_shear2);

            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                var      B = tri.ShapeInfo[i].B;
                double[] N = tri.ShapeInfo[i].N;
                double   j = tri.ShapeInfo[i].j;

                //# determine x and y position at Gauss point
                var Nx = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(0));
                var Ny = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(1));

                //# determine shear parameters
                var r  = Nx * Nx - Ny * Ny;
                var q  = 2 * Nx * Ny;
                var d1 = ixx * r - ixy * q;
                var d2 = ixy * r + ixx * q;
                var h1 = -ixy * r + iyy * q;
                var h2 = -iyy * r - ixy * q;

                d[0] = d1;
                d[1] = d2;
                h[0] = h1;
                h[1] = h2;

                var B_Transpose = B.Transpose();

                var psi_shearXB_Transpose = psi_shear.Dot(B_Transpose).Subtract(d.Dot(nu / 2));
                var BXphi_shear           = B.Dot(phi_shear).Subtract(h.Dot(nu / 2));

                kappa_x += psi_shearXB_Transpose.Dot(B.Dot(psi_shear).Subtract(d.Dot(nu / 2))) * (gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus);

                kappa_y += phi_shear.Dot(B_Transpose).Subtract(h.Dot(nu / 2)).Dot(BXphi_shear) * gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus;

                kappa_xy += psi_shearXB_Transpose.Dot(BXphi_shear) * (gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus);

            return(kappa_x, kappa_y, kappa_xy);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the element shear load vectors used to evaluate the shear         functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="coords"></param>
        /// <param name="ixx">Second moment of area about the centroidal x-axis</param>
        /// <param name="iyy">Second moment of area about the centroidal y-axis</param>
        /// <param name="ixy">Second moment of area about the centroidal xy-axis</param>
        /// <param name="nu">Effective Poisson's ratio for the cross-section</param>
        /// <returns>Element shear load vector psi *(f_psi)* and phi *(f_phi)*</returns>
        internal (double[] f_psi, double[] f_phi) shear_load_vectors(SectionMaterial mat,
                                                                     ExtendedTri tri, double ixx, double iyy, double ixy, double nu)
            //# initialise stiffness matrix and load vector
            var f_psi = new double[6];
            var f_phi = new double[6];

            //# Gauss points for 6 point Gaussian integration
            var gps = ShapeFunctionHelper.gauss_points(6);

            var d = new double[2];
            var h = new double[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < gps.RowCount(); i++)
                var gp = gps.Row(i);

                // shape_function(coords, gp, out N, ref B, out j);
                var      B = tri.ShapeInfo[i].B;
                double[] N = tri.ShapeInfo[i].N;
                double   j = tri.ShapeInfo[i].j;

                //# determine x and y position at Gauss point
                var Nx = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(0));
                var Ny = N.Dot(tri.coords.Row(1));

                //# determine shear parameters
                var r  = Nx * Nx - Ny * Ny;
                var q  = 2 * Nx * Ny;
                var d1 = ixx * r - ixy * q;
                var d2 = ixy * r + ixx * q;
                var h1 = -ixy * r + iyy * q;
                var h2 = -iyy * r - ixy * q;

                //d[0, 0] = d1;
                //d[1, 0] = d2;
                //h[0, 0] = h1;
                //h[1, 0] = h2;

                //var B_Transpose = B.Transpose;

                //Vector tmp = new Vector(N);
                //tmp *= 2 * (1 + nu);

                //f_psi += gp[0] * (nu / 2 * (B_Transpose * d).Transpose.Row(0) +
                //                 tmp * (ixx * Nx - ixy * Ny)) * j * mat.elastic_modulus;

                //f_phi += gp[0] * (nu / 2 * (B_Transpose * h).Transpose.Row(0) +
                //                 tmp * (iyy * Ny - ixy * Nx)) * j * mat.elastic_modulus;

                d[0] = d1;
                d[1] = d2;
                h[0] = h1;
                h[1] = h2;

                var B_Transpose = B.Transpose();

                var NN = N.Dot(2 * (1 + nu));

                f_psi.Append(B_Transpose.Dot(d).Dot(nu / 2).Append(NN.Dot(ixx * Nx - ixy * Ny)).Dot(gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus));
                f_phi.Append(B_Transpose.Dot(h).Dot(nu / 2).Append(NN.Dot(iyy * Ny - ixy * Nx)).Dot(gp[0] * j * mat.elastic_modulus));

            return(f_psi, f_phi);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static void BuildSection(Player p, Tower t, SectionMaterial material, SectionWeapon weapon)
     instance.StartBuild(p, t, material, weapon);