Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task <SearchQueryImages> GetSearchQueryImages(WebClient wc, string booru, string apiKey, string query, int page)
            // Set required headers
            wc.Headers["User-Agent"] = UserAgent;

            string queryUrl = GetSearchQueryUrl(booru, apiKey, query, page);

            try {
                string searchJson = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(queryUrl);

                SearchQueryImages result;
                if (booru != "twibooru.org")
                    result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchQueryImages>(searchJson);
                    SearchQueryImagesTwibooru intermResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchQueryImagesTwibooru>(searchJson);
                    result        = new SearchQueryImages();
                    result.total  = intermResult.total;
                    result.images = intermResult.search.ConvertAll(im => (Image)im);
                if (result.images == null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Null search images. JSON: {searchJson}");
            catch (WebException ex) {
                if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                    HttpWebResponse response = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                    if (response != null)
                        // Other http status code
                        Console.WriteLine($"Error uploading image ({response.StatusCode})(request: {queryUrl}");
                        // no http status code available
                        Console.WriteLine("Error uploading image (Unknown error)");
                    // no http status code available
                    Console.WriteLine("Error uploading image (Unknown error)");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Philomena Copier v{Version}");
            Console.WriteLine("Ensure your filters are set correctly on the source booru. The active filter will be used when copying images.");
            Console.WriteLine("API keys can be found on the Account page.");

            // Get booru info
            string sourceBooru  = GetInputWithPattern(DomainPattern, "Enter source booru url: ");
            string sourceApiKey = GetInputWithPattern(ApiKeyPattern, "Enter source booru API Key: ");
            string targetBooru  = GetInputWithPattern(DomainPattern, "Enter target booru url: ");
            string targetApiKey = GetInputWithPattern(ApiKeyPattern, "Enter target booru API Key: ");

            // Get query
            Console.WriteLine("Enter query to copy from the source booru to the target booru. Any query that can be made on the site will work.");
            Console.Write("Query: ");
            string searchQuery = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) {
                // Get the first page of images
                int currentPage = 1;
                SearchQueryImages searchImages = await GetSearchQueryImages(wc, sourceBooru, sourceApiKey, searchQuery, currentPage);

                // Check how many images are in the query
                if (searchImages.total == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("This query has no images! Double-check the query and try again.");

                Console.WriteLine($"There are {searchImages.total} images in this query");
                Console.WriteLine("Ensure the query and image count are correct! If they are not, Ctrl-C to exit. Otherwise, press enter to continue.");
                if (searchImages.images == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Fatal error, searchImages.images is null");

                // Upload all images
                int      currentImage = 1;
                TimeSpan currentRetryDelay;
                string   sourceBooruAbbreviated = sourceBooru.Substring(0, sourceBooru.LastIndexOf("."));
                while (searchImages.images.Count > 0)
                    // Upload the current page
                    foreach (Image image in searchImages.images)
                        // Reset the retry delay
                        currentRetryDelay = InitialRetryDelay;
                        image.description = Regex.Replace(image.description, InSiteLinkPattern, new MatchEvaluator(match => ReplaceMDLink(match, sourceBooru)));
                        image.description = Regex.Replace(image.description, RelativeLinkPattern, new MatchEvaluator(match => ReplaceRelLink(match, sourceBooru)));
                        image.tags.Add($"{sourceBooruAbbreviated} import");

                        bool success            = false;
                        int  attemptsAtMaxDelay = 0;

                        while (!success && attemptsAtMaxDelay < maxAttemptsAtMaxDelay)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Uploading image {currentImage}/{searchImages.total} ({image.id})...");
                            PostStatus status = await UploadImage(wc, image, targetBooru, targetApiKey);

                            if (status == PostStatus.Failure)
                                // Exponential backoff to prevent overloading server
                                Console.WriteLine($"Retrying in {currentRetryDelay.TotalSeconds} seconds...");
                                await Task.Delay(currentRetryDelay);

                                // Double the delay for next time, if it is below the max
                                if (currentRetryDelay < MaxRetryDelay)
                                    currentRetryDelay *= 2;
                                // Move to the next image
                                success = true;

                        if (attemptsAtMaxDelay >= maxAttemptsAtMaxDelay)
                            Console.WriteLine("Max attempts reached; moving onto next image.");


                        // Delay to prevent overloading servers
                        await Task.Delay(InitialRetryDelay);

                    currentRetryDelay = InitialRetryDelay;
                    // Load the next page
                        searchImages = await GetSearchQueryImages(wc, sourceBooru, sourceApiKey, searchQuery, currentPage);

                        if (searchImages == null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Retrying in {currentRetryDelay.TotalSeconds} seconds...");
                            await Task.Delay(currentRetryDelay);

                            if (currentRetryDelay < MaxRetryDelay)
                                currentRetryDelay *= 2;
                    } while(searchImages == null);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Philomena Copier v{Version}");
            Console.WriteLine("Ensure your filters are set correctly on the source booru. The active filter will be used when copying images.");
            Console.WriteLine("API keys can be found on the Account page.");

            // Get booru info
            string sourceBooru  = GetInputWithPattern(DomainPattern, "Enter source booru url: ");
            string sourceApiKey = GetInputWithPattern(ApiKeyPattern, "Enter source booru API Key: ");
            string targetBooru  = GetInputWithPattern(DomainPattern, "Enter target booru url: ");
            string targetApiKey = GetInputWithPattern(ApiKeyPattern, "Enter target booru API Key: ");

            // Get query
            Console.WriteLine("Enter query to copy from the source booru to the target booru. Any query that can be made on the site will work.");
            Console.Write("Query: ");
            string searchQuery = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) {
                // Get the first page of images
                int currentPage = 1;
                SearchQueryImages searchImages = await GetSearchQueryImages(wc, sourceBooru, sourceApiKey, searchQuery, currentPage);

                // Check how many images are in the query
                if (searchImages.total == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("This query has no images! Double-check the query and try again.");

                Console.WriteLine($"There are {searchImages.total} images in this query");
                Console.WriteLine("Ensure the query and image count are correct! If they are not, Ctrl-C to exit. Otherwise, press enter to continue.");

                // Upload all images
                int      currentImage = 1;
                TimeSpan currentRetryDelay;
                while (searchImages.images.Count > 0)
                    // Upload the current page
                    foreach (Image image in searchImages.images)
                        // Reset the retry delay
                        currentRetryDelay = InitialRetryDelay;

                        bool success = false;

                        while (!success)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Uploading image {currentImage}/{searchImages.total} ({image.id})...");
                            PostStatus status = await UploadImage(wc, image, targetBooru, targetApiKey);

                            if (status == PostStatus.Failure)
                                // Exponential backoff to prevent overloading server
                                Console.WriteLine($"Retrying in {currentRetryDelay.TotalSeconds} seconds...");
                                await Task.Delay(currentRetryDelay);

                                // Double the delay for next time, if it is below the max
                                if (currentRetryDelay < MaxRetryDelay)
                                    currentRetryDelay *= 2;
                                // Move to the next image
                                success = true;


                        // Delay to prevent overloading servers
                        await Task.Delay(InitialRetryDelay);

                    // Load the next page
                    searchImages = await GetSearchQueryImages(wc, sourceBooru, sourceApiKey, searchQuery, currentPage);
