Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Dictionary <string, TimeSpan> loadReceivedPersistDurations()
            string       pdFile = (string)Registry.GetValue(CONNECTION_MANAGER_REGSITRY_KEY, PERSIST_DIRATION_FILE_REGVAL, "");
            StreamReader sr     = null;

            if (pdFile.Length == 0)
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                sr = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(INTERNAL_PERSIST_DURATIONS));
                    sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(pdFile, FileMode.Open));
                catch (Exception e)
                    EventLog logger = new EventLog("Application");
                    logger.Source = LOGSOURCE;
                    StringBuilder sbe = new StringBuilder("Cannot read inbound persistDuration data: ");
                    sbe.Append("ebXml duplicate elimination NOT available");
                    logger.WriteEntry(sbe.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning);
            Dictionary <string, TimeSpan> pd = new Dictionary <string, TimeSpan>();
            string line = null;

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] fields = line.Split(TABSEPARATOR);
//                    char[] f = fields[0].ToCharArray();
//                    f[fields[0].LastIndexOf(':')] = '/';
//                    fields[0] = new string(f);
                    int      s = SdsTransmissionDetails.iso8601DurationToSeconds(fields[1]);
                    TimeSpan t = new TimeSpan(0, 0, s);
                    pd.Add(fields[0], t);
                catch (Exception e)
                    EventLog logger = new EventLog("Application");
                    logger.Source = LOGSOURCE;
                    StringBuilder sbe = new StringBuilder("Cannot read inbound persistDuration data: ");
                    sbe.Append("ebXml duplicate elimination NOT available");
                    logger.WriteEntry(sbe.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Wrapper round the transmission and, where relevant retry and receipt of an asynchronous
  * response, for a "Sendable" message using the given transmission details resolved either
  * from SDS or the local SDS cache. This does the actual transmission in a separate thread
  * so will return immediately.
  * @param Sendable s Message to send
  * @param SdsTransmissionDetails c retrieved transmission details for the message type/recipient pair
 public void send(Sendable s, SdsTransmissionDetails c)
     if (!c.IsSynchronous)
         // Don't expect an ack if we're sending an asynchronous ack, but otherwise do
         // do that we have something to attach a response to, if we're going to get one.
         if (!(s.Type == Sendable.ACK) && (c.DuplicateElimination.Equals("always")))
             if (!requests.ContainsKey(s.getMessageId()))
                 requests.Add(s.getMessageId(), s);
     (new Thread(() => this.doTransmission(s))).Start();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /** Called at start-up if the system needs to load any persisted, reliable messages
         * for sending. This applies the persist duration for the message type to the declared
         * timestamp, and will run the expire() method on anything that has expired whilst
         * the MHS was down.
        public void loadPersistedMessages()
            string[]     files = Directory.GetFiles(messageDirectory);
            EbXmlMessage ebxml = null;

            foreach (String f in files)
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(f, FileMode.Open))
                        ebxml = new EbXmlMessage(fs);

                        // "f" is now of the form "odscode_messageid" so get the ods code and set it here.
                        string ods = f.Substring(0, f.IndexOf("_")).Substring(f.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

                        // Do an SDS lookup and populate retry interval, persist duration
                        // and retry cound in ebxml.

                        List <SdsTransmissionDetails> sdsdetails = sdsConnection.getTransmissionDetails(ebxml.Header.SvcIA, ods, ebxml.HL7Message.ToAsid, ebxml.Header.ToPartyKey);
                        if (sdsdetails.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("Cannot resolve SDS details for persisted message: " + f);
                        if (sdsdetails.Count > 1)
                            throw new Exception("Ambiguous SDS details for persisted message: " + f);

                        SdsTransmissionDetails sds = sdsdetails[0];
                        ebxml.PersistDuration = sds.PersistDuration;
                        ebxml.RetryCount      = sds.Retries;
                        ebxml.RetryInterval   = sds.RetryInterval;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        EventLog logger = new EventLog("Application");
                        logger.Source = LOGSOURCE;
                        StringBuilder sbe = new StringBuilder("Failed to load persisted ebXml message ");
                        sbe.Append(" due to exception ");
                        sbe.Append(" at ");
                        logger.WriteEntry(sbe.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit);
                DateTime check      = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan pd         = getPersistDuration(ebxml.Header.SvcIA);
                DateTime expiryTime = ebxml.Started.Add(pd);
                if (expiryTime.CompareTo(check) < 0)
                    requests.Add(ebxml.getMessageId(), ebxml);
  * Wrapper round the transmission and, where relevant retry and receipt of an asynchronous
  * response, for a "Sendable" message using the given transmission details resolved either
  * from SDS or the local SDS cache. This does the actual transmission in a separate thread
  * so will return immediately.
  * @param Sendable s Message to send
  * @param SdsTransmissionDetails c retrieved transmission details for the message type/recipient pair
 public void send(Sendable s, SdsTransmissionDetails c)
     if (!c.IsSynchronous)
         // Don't expect an ack if we're sending an asynchronous ack, but otherwise do
         // do that we have something to attach a response to, if we're going to get one.
         if (!(s.Type == Sendable.ACK) && (c.DuplicateElimination.Equals("always")))
             if (!requests.ContainsKey(s.getMessageId()))
                 requests.Add(s.getMessageId(), s);
     (new Thread(() => this.doTransmission(s))).Start();