Ejemplo n.º 1
        // <summary>
        /// Calculate all required results.
        /// 1. Overlap and Union of the Spatial Pooler SDRs of two Images as Input
        ///    It cross compares the 1st SDR with it self and all the Tranings Images.
        /// 2. Creates bitmaps of the overlaping and non-overlaping regions of the Comparing SDRs.
        /// 3. Also generate HeatMaps of the SDRs during Spatial Pooler learning Phase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sdrs"></param>
        private void CalculateResult(Dictionary <string, int[]> sdrs, Dictionary <string, int[]> inputVectors, int numOfCols, int[] activeCols, string outFolder, string trainingImage, int[] inputVector)
            int[] CompareArray = new int[numOfCols];
            int[] ActiveArray  = new int[numOfCols];

            ActiveArray = SdrRepresentation.GetIntArray(activeCols, 4096);

            sdrs.Add(trainingImage, activeCols);
            inputVectors.Add(trainingImage, inputVector);
            int[] FirstSDRArray = new int[81];
            if (sdrs.First().Key == null)
                FirstSDRArray = new int[sdrs.First().Value.Length];

            FirstSDRArray = sdrs.First().Value;

            CompareArray = SdrRepresentation.GetIntArray(FirstSDRArray, 4096);

            var Array = SdrRepresentation.OverlapArraFun(ActiveArray, CompareArray);

            int[,] twoDimenArray2 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(Array, (int)Math.Sqrt(Array.Length), (int)Math.Sqrt(Array.Length));
            int[,] twoDimArray1   = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray2);
            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray1, 1024, 1024, $"{outFolder}\\Overlap_{sdrs.Count}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Red, text: $"Overlap.png");

            Array = ActiveArray.Union(CompareArray).ToArray();
            int[,] twoDimenArray4 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(Array, (int)Math.Sqrt(Array.Length), (int)Math.Sqrt(Array.Length));
            int[,] twoDimArray3   = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray4);
            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray3, 1024, 1024, $"{outFolder}\\Union_{sdrs.Count}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Green, text: $"Union.png");

            // Bitmap Intersection Image of two bit arrays selected for comparison
            SdrRepresentation.DrawIntersections(twoDimArray3, twoDimArray1, 10, $"{outFolder}\\Intersection_{sdrs.Count}.png", Color.Black, Color.Gray, text: $"Intersection.png");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SimilarityResult(int arr1, int arr2, Dictionary <double, int[]> sdrs, String folder)                // Function to check similarity between Inputs
            List <int[, ]> arrayOvr = new List <int[, ]>();

            int h = arr1;
            int w = arr2;

            Console.WriteLine("SDR[h] = ");


            Console.WriteLine("SDR[w] = ");


            var Overlaparray = SdrRepresentation.OverlapArraFun(sdrs[h], sdrs[w]);

            int[,] twoDimenArray2 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(Overlaparray, (int)Math.Sqrt(Overlaparray.Length), (int)Math.Sqrt(Overlaparray.Length));
            int[,] twoDimArray1   = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray2);
            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray1, 1024, 1024, $"{folder}\\Overlap_Union\\Overlap_{h}_{w}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Red, text: $"Overlap_{h}_{w}.png");

            var unionArr = sdrs[h].Union(sdrs[w]).ToArray();

            int[,] twoDimenArray4 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(unionArr, (int)Math.Sqrt(unionArr.Length), (int)Math.Sqrt(unionArr.Length));
            int[,] twoDimArray3   = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray4);

            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray3, 1024, 1024, $"{folder}\\Overlap_Union\\Union_{h}_{w}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Green, text: $"Overlap_{h}_{w}.png");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void OverlapArraFunTest()
            int[] a1 = new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 };
            int[] a2 = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 };

            Assert.ThrowsException <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => SdrRepresentation.OverlapArraFun(a1, a2));
            var res = SdrRepresentation.OverlapArraFun(a2, a1);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SimilarityResult1(int[] arr1, int[] arr2, Dictionary <Object, int[]> sdrs, String folder, Object input0, Object input1)                // Function to check similarity between Inputs
            List <int[, ]> arrayOvr = new List <int[, ]>();

            Object h = input0;
            Object w = input1;

            var Overlaparray = SdrRepresentation.OverlapArraFun(arr1, arr2);

            int[,] twoDimenArray2 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(Overlaparray, 32, 32);

            var twoDimArray1 = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray2);

            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray1, 1024, 1024, $"{folder}\\Overlap_Union\\Overlap_{h.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-")}_{w.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-")}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Red, text: $"Overlap_{h}_{w}.png");

            var unionArr = arr1.Union(arr2).ToArray();

            int[,] twoDimenArray4 = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(unionArr, 32, 32);
            int[,] twoDimArray3   = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray4);

            NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmap(twoDimArray3, 1024, 1024, $"{folder}\\Overlap_Union\\Union{h.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-")}_{w.ToString().Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", "-")}.png", Color.PaleGreen, Color.Green, text: $"Overlap_{h}_{w}.png");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CreateSdrsTest()
            var colDims   = new int[] { 64, 64 };
            int numOfCols = 64 * 64;

            string trainingFolder = @"..\..\..\TestFiles\Sdr";

            int imgSize = 28;

            var trainingImages = Directory.GetFiles(trainingFolder, "*.jpeg");


            int counter = 0;

            bool isInStableState = false;

            // HTM parameters
            HtmConfig htmConfig = new HtmConfig(new int[] { imgSize, imgSize }, new int[] { 64, 64 })
                PotentialRadius            = 10,
                PotentialPct               = 1,
                GlobalInhibition           = true,
                LocalAreaDensity           = -1.0,
                NumActiveColumnsPerInhArea = 0.02 * numOfCols,
                StimulusThreshold          = 0.0,
                SynPermInactiveDec         = 0.008,
                SynPermActiveInc           = 0.05,
                SynPermConnected           = 0.10,
                MinPctOverlapDutyCycles    = 1.0,
                MinPctActiveDutyCycles     = 0.001,
                DutyCyclePeriod            = 100,
                MaxBoost      = 10.0,
                RandomGenSeed = 42,
                Random        = new ThreadSafeRandom(42)

            Connections connections = new Connections(htmConfig);

            HomeostaticPlasticityController hpa = new HomeostaticPlasticityController(connections, trainingImages.Length * 50, (isStable, numPatterns, actColAvg, seenInputs) =>
                isInStableState = true;
                Debug.WriteLine($"Entered STABLE state: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");

            SpatialPooler sp = new SpatialPoolerMT(hpa);


            string outFolder = nameof(CreateSdrsTest);


            while (true)

                Dictionary <string, int[]> sdrs = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                Dictionary <string, int[]> inputVectors = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();

                foreach (var trainingImage in trainingImages)
                    FileInfo fI = new FileInfo(trainingImage);

                    string outputHamDistFile = $"{outFolder}\\image-{fI.Name}_hamming.txt";
                    string outputActColFile  = $"{outFolder}\\image{fI.Name}_activeCol.txt";
                    string outputActColFile1 = $"{outFolder}\\image{fI.Name}_activeCol.csv";

                    using (StreamWriter swActCol = new StreamWriter(outputActColFile))
                        using (StreamWriter swActCol1 = new StreamWriter(outputActColFile1))
                            int[] activeArray = new int[numOfCols];

                            string testName = $"{outFolder}\\{fI.Name}";

                            string inputBinaryImageFile = NeoCortexUtils.BinarizeImage($"{trainingImage}", imgSize, testName);

                            // Read input csv file into array
                            int[] inputVector = NeoCortexUtils.ReadCsvIntegers(inputBinaryImageFile).ToArray();

                            List <double[, ]> overlapArrays = new List <double[, ]>();
                            List <double[, ]> bostArrays    = new List <double[, ]>();

                            sp.compute(inputVector, activeArray, true);

                            var activeCols = ArrayUtils.IndexWhere(activeArray, (el) => el == 1);

                            if (isInStableState)
                                CalculateResult(sdrs, inputVectors, numOfCols, activeCols, outFolder, trainingImage, inputVector);

                                overlapArrays.Add(ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <double>(ArrayUtils.ToDoubleArray(connections.Overlaps), colDims[0], colDims[1]));

                                bostArrays.Add(ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <double>(connections.BoostedOverlaps, colDims[0], colDims[1]));

                                var activeStr = Helpers.StringifyVector(activeArray);
                                swActCol.WriteLine("Active Array: " + activeStr);

                                int[,] twoDimenArray = ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(activeArray, colDims[0], colDims[1]);
                                twoDimenArray        = ArrayUtils.Transpose(twoDimenArray);
                                List <int[, ]> arrays = new List <int[, ]>();
                                arrays.Add(ArrayUtils.Transpose(ArrayUtils.Make2DArray <int>(inputVector, (int)Math.Sqrt(inputVector.Length), (int)Math.Sqrt(inputVector.Length))));

                                //Calculating the max value of the overlap in the OverlapArray
                                int max = SdrRepresentation.TraceColumnsOverlap(overlapArrays, swActCol1, fI.Name);

                                int red   = Convert.ToInt32(max * 0.80);      // Value above this threshould would be red and below this will be yellow
                                int green = Convert.ToInt32(max * 0.50);      // Value above this threshould would be yellow and below this will be green

                                string outputImage = $"{outFolder}\\cycle-{counter}-{fI.Name}";

                                NeoCortexUtils.DrawBitmaps(arrays, outputImage, Color.Yellow, Color.Gray, OutImgSize, OutImgSize);
                                NeoCortexUtils.DrawHeatmaps(overlapArrays, $"{outputImage}_overlap.png", 1024, 1024, red, red, green);

                                if (sdrs.Count == trainingImages.Length)