Ejemplo n.º 1
        public RtspSource(string name, string sourceLocation, NetworkCredential credential = null, AuthenticationSchemes authType = AuthenticationSchemes.None, Rtsp.RtspClient.ClientProtocolType? rtpProtocolType = null, int bufferSize = RtspClient.DefaultBufferSize, Sdp.MediaType? specificMedia = null, TimeSpan? startTime = null, TimeSpan? endTime = null)
            : this(name, new Uri(sourceLocation), credential, authType, rtpProtocolType, bufferSize, specificMedia, startTime, endTime)
            //Check for a null Credential and UserInfo in the Location given.
            if (credential == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_Source.UserInfo))
                RtspClient.Credential = Media.Common.Extensions.Uri.UriExtensions.ParseUserInfo(m_Source);

                //Remove the user info from the location
                RtspClient.CurrentLocation = new Uri(RtspClient.CurrentLocation.AbsoluteUri.Replace(RtspClient.CurrentLocation.UserInfo + (char)Common.ASCII.AtSign, string.Empty).Replace(RtspClient.CurrentLocation.UserInfo, string.Empty));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public RtpSource(string name, Sdp.SessionDescription sessionDescription)
            : base(name, new Uri(Rtp.RtpClient.RtpProtcolScheme + "://" + ((Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine)sessionDescription.ConnectionLine).IPAddress))
            if (sessionDescription == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionDescription");

            RtpClient = Rtp.RtpClient.FromSessionDescription(SessionDescription = sessionDescription);

            RtpClient.FrameChangedEventsEnabled = PerPacket == false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Sdp sdp = SdpText.ToSdp();

            var text = sdp.ToText();
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(this.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode() ^ Type.GetHashCode() ^ Sdp.GetHashCode());
 public bool Equals(WebRTCSessionDescription other)
     return(true && Type.Equals(other.Type) && Sdp.Equals(other.Sdp));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal RtpClient.TransportContext GetSourceContext(Sdp.MediaDescription md)
         foreach (RtpClient.TransportContext context in Attached.Keys)
             if (md.MediaType == context.MediaDescription.MediaType) return context;
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
         return GetSourceContext(md);
     catch { }
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an attachment from a ClientSession to the given source where the media desciprtion 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="md"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void RemoveMedia(Sdp.MediaDescription md)
            //Determine if we have a source which corresponds to the mediaDescription given
            RtpClient.TransportContext sourceContext = Attached.Keys.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MediaDescription == md);

            //If the sourceContext is not null
            if (sourceContext != null)
                //Remove the entry from the sessions routing table
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a RtspStream for use in a RtspServer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name given to the stream on the RtspServer</param>
        /// <param name="sourceLocation">The rtsp uri to the media</param>
        /// <param name="credential">The network credential the stream requires</param>
        /// /// <param name="authType">The AuthenticationSchemes the stream requires</param>
        public RtspSource(string name, Uri sourceLocation, NetworkCredential credential = null, AuthenticationSchemes authType = AuthenticationSchemes.None, Rtsp.RtspClient.ClientProtocolType? rtpProtocolType = null, int bufferSize = RtspClient.DefaultBufferSize, Sdp.MediaType? specificMedia = null, TimeSpan? startTime = null, TimeSpan? endTime = null, bool perPacket = false)
            : base(name, sourceLocation, perPacket)
            //Create the listener if we are the top level stream (Parent)
            if (IsParent)
                RtspClient = new RtspClient(m_Source, rtpProtocolType, bufferSize);
            //else it is already assigned via the child

            if (credential != null)
                RtspClient.Credential = SourceCredential = credential;

                if (authType != AuthenticationSchemes.None) RtspClient.AuthenticationScheme = SourceAuthenticationScheme = authType;

            //If only certain media should be setup
            if (specificMedia.HasValue) SpecificMediaType = specificMedia;

            //If there was a start time given
            if (startTime.HasValue) MediaStartTime = startTime;

            if (endTime.HasValue) MediaEndTime = endTime;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public RtspSource(string name, string location, RtspClient.ClientProtocolType rtpProtocolType, int bufferSize = RtspClient.DefaultBufferSize, Sdp.MediaType? specificMedia = null, TimeSpan? startTime = null, TimeSpan? endTime = null)
     : this(name, location, null, AuthenticationSchemes.None, rtpProtocolType, bufferSize, specificMedia, startTime, endTime)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //Writes a .Sdp file
        public virtual void WriteDescription(IMedia stream, Sdp.SessionDescription sdp)
            if (!IsArchiving(stream)) return;

            //Add lines with Alias info?

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(BaseDirectory + '/' + stream.Id +'/' + "SessionDescription.sdp", sdp.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TransportContext GetContextForMediaDescription(Sdp.MediaDescription mediaDescription)
     if (mediaDescription == null) return null;
     return TransportContexts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MediaDescription.MediaType == mediaDescription.MediaType && c.MediaDescription.MediaFormat == mediaDescription.MediaFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Will create a <see cref="RtpClient"/> based on the given parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedMemory"></param>
        /// <param name="incomingEvents"></param>
        /// <param name="rtcpEnabled"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RtpClient FromSessionDescription(Sdp.SessionDescription sessionDescription, Common.MemorySegment sharedMemory = null, bool incomingEvents = true, bool rtcpEnabled = true, Socket existingSocket = null, int? rtpPort = null, int? rtcpPort = null, int remoteSsrc = 0, int minimumSequentialRtpPackets = 2)
            if (sessionDescription == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionDescription");

            Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine connectionLine = new Sdp.Lines.SessionConnectionLine(sessionDescription.ConnectionLine);

            IPAddress remoteIp = IPAddress.Parse(connectionLine.IPAddress), localIp = Media.Common.Extensions.Socket.SocketExtensions.GetFirstIPAddress(remoteIp.AddressFamily);

            RtpClient participant = new RtpClient(sharedMemory, incomingEvents);

            byte lastChannel = 0;

            bool hasSocket = existingSocket != null;

            foreach (Media.Sdp.MediaDescription md in sessionDescription.MediaDescriptions)
                TransportContext tc = TransportContext.FromMediaDescription(sessionDescription, lastChannel++, lastChannel++, md, rtcpEnabled, remoteSsrc, minimumSequentialRtpPackets);

                //Find range info in the SDP
                var rangeInfo = md.RangeLine;

                //If there is a range directive
                if (rangeInfo == null)
                    rangeInfo = sessionDescription.RangeLine;
                    if (rangeInfo != null)
                        string type;
                        Sdp.SessionDescription.TryParseRange(rangeInfo.Parts[0], out type, out tc.m_StartTime, out tc.m_EndTime);
                    //else if (sessionDescription.TimeDescriptions.Count > 0)
                    //tc.MediaStartTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds();
                    //tc.MediaEndTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds();

                //Check for udp if no existing socket was given
                if (false == hasSocket && string.Compare(md.MediaProtocol, Media.Rtp.RtpClient.RtpAvpProfileIdentifier, true) == 0)
                    int localPort = Media.Common.Extensions.Socket.SocketExtensions.FindOpenPort(ProtocolType.Udp);
                    tc.Initialize(localIp, remoteIp, localPort++, localPort++, rtpPort ?? md.MediaPort, rtcpPort ?? md.MediaPort + 1);
                else if (hasSocket)//If had a socket use it
                    tc.Initialize(localIp, remoteIp, rtpPort ?? md.MediaPort);

                //Try to add the context

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Media.Common.Extensions.Exception.ExceptionExtensions.TryRaiseTaggedException(tc, "See Tag, Could not add the created TransportContext.", ex);

            //Return the participant
            return participant;
Ejemplo n.º 13
            public static TransportContext FromMediaDescription(Sdp.SessionDescription sessionDescription, byte dataChannel, byte controlChannel, Sdp.MediaDescription mediaDescription, bool rtcpEnabled = true, int remoteSsrc = 0, int minimumSequentialpackets = 2)
                if (mediaDescription == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaDescription");

                TransportContext tc = new TransportContext(dataChannel, controlChannel, RFC3550.Random32(Media.Rtcp.SourceDescriptionReport.PayloadType), mediaDescription, rtcpEnabled, remoteSsrc, minimumSequentialpackets);

                int reportReceivingEvery = 0,
                    reportSendingEvery = 0,
                    asData = 0;

                if (rtcpEnabled)
                    //Set to the default interval
                    reportSendingEvery = reportReceivingEvery = (int)DefaultReportInterval.TotalMilliseconds;

                    //If any lines were parsed
                    if (Media.Sdp.Lines.SessionBandwidthLine.TryParseBandwidthDirectives(mediaDescription, out reportReceivingEvery, out reportSendingEvery, out asData))
                        //Determine if rtcp is disabled
                        bool rtcpDisabled = reportReceivingEvery == 0 && reportSendingEvery == 0;

                        //If Rtcp is not disabled then this will set the read and write timeouts.
                        if (false == rtcpDisabled)
                             For the RTP A/V Profile [2], which specifies that the default RTCP
                                interval algorithm defined in the RTP spec [1] is to be used, at
                                least RS/(RS+RR) of the RTCP bandwidth is dedicated to active data
                                senders.  If the proportion of senders to total participants is less
                                than or equal to RS/(RS+RR), each sender gets RS divided by the
                                number of senders.  When the proportion of senders is greater than
                                RS/(RS+RR), the senders get their proportion of the sum of these
                                parameters, which means that a sender and a non-sender each get the
                                same allocation.  Therefore, it is not possible to constrain the data
                                senders to use less RTCP bandwidth than is allowed for non-senders.
                                A few special cases are worth noting:

                            tc.IsRtcpEnabled = true;

                            if (reportReceivingEvery > 0) tc.m_ReceiveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(reportReceivingEvery / Media.Common.Extensions.TimeSpan.TimeSpanExtensions.MicrosecondsPerMillisecond);

                            if (reportSendingEvery > 0) tc.m_SendInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(reportSendingEvery / Media.Common.Extensions.TimeSpan.TimeSpanExtensions.MicrosecondsPerMillisecond);

                            //Should set MaximumRtcpBandwidthPercentage

                        else if (rtcpEnabled) tc.IsRtcpEnabled = false;

                //check for range in mediaDescription

                var rangeInfo = mediaDescription.RangeLine ?? (sessionDescription != null ? sessionDescription.RangeLine : null);

                if (rangeInfo != null)
                    string type;
                    Media.Sdp.SessionDescription.TryParseRange(rangeInfo.Parts[0], out type, out tc.m_StartTime, out tc.m_EndTime);

                //rtcpAttribute indicates if RTCP should use a special port and not be dervied from the RtpPort algorithmically


                //rtcp-mux is handled in the Initialize call

                return tc;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public TransportContext(byte dataChannel, byte controlChannel, int ssrc, Sdp.MediaDescription mediaDescription, Socket socket, bool rtcpEnabled = true, int senderSsrc = 0, int minimumSequentialRtpPackets = 2)
     : this(dataChannel, controlChannel, ssrc, mediaDescription, rtcpEnabled, senderSsrc, minimumSequentialRtpPackets)
     RtpSocket = RtcpSocket = socket;