Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The NewTrace
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TLinkData"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="input">The input<see cref="NewTraceInput{TLinkData}"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Task{TraceState{TState, TLinkData}}"/></returns>
        public async Task <TraceState <TState, TLinkData> > NewTraceAsync <TLinkData>(NewTraceInput <TLinkData> input)
            //extract info from input
            string    actionKey  = input.ActionKey;
            TLinkData data       = input.Data;
            string    groupLabel = input.GroupLabel;

            SdkConfig sdkConfig = await this.GetConfigAsync();

            string workflowId = sdkConfig.WorkflowId;
            string configId   = sdkConfig.ConfigId;
            string accountId  = sdkConfig.AccountId;
            string groupId    = sdkConfig.GetGroupId(groupLabel);

            // upload files and transform data
            await this.UploadFilesInLinkData(data);

            TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData> cfg = new TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData>()
                WorkflowId = workflowId,
                // and workflow config id
                ConfigId = configId,
            // use a TraceLinkBuilder to create the first link
            // only provide workflowId to initiate a new trace
            TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData> linkBuilder = new TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData>(cfg);

            // this is an attestation
            linkBuilder.ForAttestation(actionKey, data).WithGroup(groupId).WithCreatedBy(accountId);
            // call createLink helper
            return(await this.CreateLinkAsync(linkBuilder));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The AppendLink
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TLinkData"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="input">The input<see cref="AppendLinkInput{TLinkData}"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Task{TraceState{TState, TLinkData}}"/></returns>
        public async Task <TraceState <TState, TLinkData> > AppendLinkAsync <TLinkData>(AppendLinkInput <TLinkData> input)
            // retrieve parent link
            TransferResponseInput <TLinkData> headLinkInput = new TransferResponseInput <TLinkData>(input.TraceId, null);
            TraceLink <TLinkData>             parentLink    = await this.GetHeadLinkAsync <TLinkData>(headLinkInput);

            //extract info from input
            string    actionKey  = input.ActionKey;
            TLinkData data       = input.Data;
            string    groupLabel = input.GroupLabel;

            SdkConfig sdkConfig = await this.GetConfigAsync();

            string workflowId = sdkConfig.WorkflowId;
            string configId   = sdkConfig.ConfigId;
            string accountId  = sdkConfig.AccountId;
            string groupId    = sdkConfig.GetGroupId(groupLabel);

            // upload files and transform data
            await this.UploadFilesInLinkData(data);

            TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData> cfg = new TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData>()
                // provide workflow id
                WorkflowId = workflowId,
                // and workflow config id
                ConfigId = configId,
                // and parent link to append to the existing trace
                ParentLink = parentLink
            // use a TraceLinkBuilder to create the first link
            // only provide workflowId to initiate a new trace
            TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData> linkBuilder = new TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData>(cfg);

            // this is an attestation
            linkBuilder.ForAttestation(actionKey, data)
            // call createLink helper
            return(await this.CreateLinkAsync(linkBuilder));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <TraceState <TState, TLinkData> > RejectTransferAsync <TLinkData>(TransferResponseInput <TLinkData> input)
            // retrieve parent link
            TransferResponseInput <TLinkData> headLinkInput = new TransferResponseInput <TLinkData>(input.TraceId, null);
            TraceLink <TLinkData>             parentLink    = await this.GetHeadLinkAsync <TLinkData>(headLinkInput);

            TLinkData data       = input.Data;
            string    groupLabel = input.GroupLabel;

            SdkConfig sdkConfig = await this.GetConfigAsync();

            String workflowId = sdkConfig.WorkflowId;
            string configId   = sdkConfig.ConfigId;
            String accountId  = sdkConfig.AccountId;
            String groupId    = sdkConfig.GetGroupId(groupLabel);

            TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData> cfg = new TraceLinkBuilderConfig <TLinkData>()
                // provide workflow id
                WorkflowId = workflowId,
                // and workflow config id
                ConfigId = configId,
                // and parent link to append to the existing trace
                ParentLink = parentLink
            // use a TraceLinkBuilder to create the first link
            // only provide workflowId to initiate a new trace
            TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData> linkBuilder = new TraceLinkBuilder <TLinkData>(cfg);

            // this is a push transfer
            // add group info
            // add creator info
            // call createLink helper
            return(await this.CreateLinkAsync(linkBuilder));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the traces in a given stage (INCOMING, OUTGOING, BACKLOG, ATTESTATION)T
        /// When stageType=ATTESTATION, you must also provide the form id to identify the
        /// stage. If no stage correspond to the stageType x actionKey, it will throw. If
        /// more than one stage is found it will also throw.
        /// @param stageType      the stage type
        /// @param paginationInfo the pagination info
        /// @param actionKey (optional) the action key in case of ATTESTATION
        /// @return the traces in a given stage
        /// @throws Error
        /// @throws Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TLinkData"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="stageType">The stageType<see cref="TraceStageType"/></param>
        /// <param name="paginationInfo">The paginationInfo<see cref="PaginationInfo"/></param>
        /// <param name="actionKey">The action key<see cref="String"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Task{TracesState{TState, TLinkData}}"/></returns>
        public async Task <TracesState <TState, TLinkData> > GetTracesInStageAsync <TLinkData>(TraceStageType stageType, PaginationInfo paginationInfo,
                                                                                               String actionKey)
            // actionKey can only be set in ATTESTATION case
            if (stageType == TraceStageType.ATTESTATION && actionKey == null)
                throw new Exception("You must and can only provide actionKey when stageType is ATTESTATION");
            // extract info from config
            SdkConfig sdkConfig = await this.GetConfigAsync();

            String groupId = sdkConfig.GetGroupId();

            // create variables
            Dictionary <String, object> variables = new Dictionary <String, object>
                { "groupId", groupId },
                { "stageType", stageType.ToString() },

            if (actionKey != null)
                variables.Add("actionKey", actionKey);

            Dictionary <String, object> variablesPaginationInfo = JsonHelper.ObjectToMap(paginationInfo);

            variablesPaginationInfo.ToList().ForEach(x => variables.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            // execute the graphql query
            string query = GraphQL.QUERY_GETTRACESINSTAGE;
            GraphQLResponse <dynamic> jsonResponse = await this.client.GraphqlAsync(query, variables, null, null);

            var jsonData = jsonResponse.Data;

            // extract relevant info from the response
            var stages = jsonData.group.stages.nodes;

            // there must be exactly one stage
            if (stages.Count == 1)
                var stage = stages[0];

                var trace = stage.traces;
                // extract traces response and pagination
                var info       = trace.info;
                int totalCount = trace.totalCount;

                List <TraceState <TState, TLinkData> > traces = new List <TraceState <TState, TLinkData> >();

                // get all the groups that are owned by one of my accounts
                var nodes = trace.nodes;
                foreach (var node in nodes)
                    traces.Add(this.MakeTraceState <TLinkData>((JObject)node));

                TracesState <TState, TLinkData> tracesList = new TracesState <TState, TLinkData>()
                    Traces     = traces,
                    TotalCount = totalCount,
                    Info       = nodes.Count >= 1 ? info.ToObject <Info>() : null

            // comAdde detail for error
            String stageDetail = stageType.ToString() + actionKey ?? "";

            // throw if no stages were found if
            if (stages.size() == 0)
                throw new Exception("No " + stageDetail + " stage");
            // throw if multiple stages were found throw new
            throw new Exception("Multiple " + stageDetail + " stages");