private void DrawButton(Graphics graphics, ScrollButton scrollButton)
     Rectangle buttonBounds = base.GetButtonBounds(scrollButton);
     if (base.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
         buttonBounds.Inflate(-base.itemStrip.ItemSize.Width / 6, -base.itemStrip.ItemSize.Height / 4);
         buttonBounds.Inflate(-base.itemStrip.ItemSize.Width / 4, -base.itemStrip.ItemSize.Height / 6);
     if (base.ActiveButton == scrollButton)
         buttonBounds.Offset(1, 1);
         Size size = (base.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) ? new Size(0, 2) : new Size(2, 0);
         buttonBounds.Inflate(size.Width, size.Height);
         graphics.FillRectangle(SelectionBrush, buttonBounds);
         graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, buttonBounds);
         buttonBounds.Inflate(-size.Width, -size.Height);
     using (GraphicsPath path = ActivityDesignerPaint.GetScrollIndicatorPath(buttonBounds, scrollButton))
         graphics.FillPath(Brushes.Black, path);
         graphics.DrawPath(Pens.Black, path);
 protected Rectangle GetButtonBounds(ScrollButton scrollButton)
     Rectangle empty = Rectangle.Empty;
     empty.Size = this.buttonSize;
     if ((scrollButton == ScrollButton.Left) || (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Up))
         empty.X = this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width;
         empty.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height;
         return empty;
     if ((scrollButton == ScrollButton.Right) || (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Down))
         if (this.orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal)
             empty.X = ((this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width) + empty.Size.Width) + this.itemStrip.Size.Width;
             if (empty.X >= this.bounds.Right)
                 empty.X = this.bounds.Right - empty.Size.Width;
             empty.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height;
             return empty;
         empty.X = this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width;
         empty.Y = ((this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height) + empty.Size.Height) + this.itemStrip.Size.Height;
         if (empty.Y >= this.bounds.Bottom)
             empty.Y = this.bounds.Bottom - empty.Size.Height;
     return empty;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ScrollBar(int x, int y, int width, int height)
     GuideColor               = Color.Black;
     Rect                     = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
     _rectsDestGuideMiddle    = new Rectangle[2];
     _rectsDestGuideMiddle[0] = new Rectangle(Rect.X + width / 5, Rect.Y + width / 2, width / 4, Rect.Height - width);
     _rectsDestGuideMiddle[1] = new Rectangle(Rect.X + width * 3 / 5, Rect.Y + width / 2, width / 4, Rect.Height - width);
     _buttonUp                = new ScrollButton(Rect.X, Rect.Y, width, (int)(width / 1.22f), "ScrollButton", "ListBoxUp", SpriteEffects.None);
     _buttonUp.OnPressed     += Up_OnPressed;
     _buttonUp.OnReleased    += Up_OnReleased;
     _buttonDown              = new ScrollButton(Rect.X, Rect.Y + height - (int)(width / 1.22f), width, (int)(width / 1.22f), "ScrollButton", "ListBoxUp", SpriteEffects.FlipVertically);
     _buttonDown.OnPressed   += Down_OnPressed;
     _buttonDown.OnReleased  += Down_OnReleased;
     _buttonThumb             = new ScrollThumb(Rect.X, Rect.Y + (int)(width / 1.65f), width, width * 7, height - width * 7 - (int)(width / 0.845f), "Thumb", "Thumb");
     _buttonThumb.OnMoved    += Thumb_OnMoved;
     ButtonsColor             = Color.White;
     _stepForUpDown           = 0;
     _timer                   = new Timer(500);
     _timer.AutoReset         = false;
     _timer.Elapsed          += Timer_Elapsed;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

            if (this.itemStrip.Bounds.Contains(pt))
                ScrollButton button = this.HitTest(pt);
                if (button != ScrollButton.Up)
                    int num = ((button == ScrollButton.Left) || (button == ScrollButton.Up)) ? -1 : 1;
                    this.itemStrip.ScrollPosition += num;
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                    this.ActiveButton = button;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void Start()
        // cache our variables

        canvas   = scrollCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas> ();                // save canvas
        canvasRT = canvas.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();               // save rect transform

        canvasHeight = canvasRT.rect.height;                             // height of canvas
        canvasWidth  = canvasRT.rect.width;                              // width of canvas

        buttonWidth        = canvasWidth - ((canvasWidth / margin) * 2); // add margin based on factor
        buttonHeight       = canvasHeight / buttonsTotal;                // the button height based on total buttons
        buttonCenterOffset = buttonHeight / 2;                           // center of button

        buttonHeightVector = new Vector3(0f, buttonHeight, 0f);

        // initialize the pool with the names
        for (int i = 0; i < buttonsTotal; i++)
            GameObject   go      = Instantiate(scrollButtonPrefab, scrollCanvas);
            ScrollButton sButton = go.GetComponent <ScrollButton> ();

            // set scale of buttons
            Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            // Set intial positions
            float   buttonX   = canvasWidth / 2;                                                // left justified
            float   buttonY   = canvasHeight - i * buttonHeight - buttonCenterOffset;           // height of button
            Vector3 placement = new Vector3(buttonX, buttonY, 0f);

            // Initialize buttons
            sButton.Init(buttonLabels [i], placement, dimensions, canvas);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ArrowElement(ScrollButton sb)
     this.ScrollButton = sb;
     VSElement         = null;
     if (VisualStyleInformation.IsSupportedByOS)   //OSでサポートがなければVisualStyleは設定しない
         if (sb == ScrollButton.Left)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Right)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Down)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Down.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Up)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Up.Hot;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ScrollButton DirectionToScrollButton(Direction d)
            ScrollButton sb = ScrollButton.Down;

            switch (d)
            case Direction.Up:
                sb = ScrollButton.Up;

            case Direction.Down:
                sb = ScrollButton.Down;

            case Direction.Left:
                sb = ScrollButton.Left;

            case Direction.Right:
                sb = ScrollButton.Right;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void StartScrolling(ScrollButton button)
     this.scrollTimer.Interval = 10; // msec
     this.scrollButton = button;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	// Draw a scroll button control.
	public static void DrawScrollButton
				(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle,
				 ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
					 rectangle.X, rectangle.Y,
					 rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height,
					 button, state,
 private Rectangle GetButtonBounds(ScrollButton scrollButton)
     Image leftScrollImage = ActivityPreviewDesignerTheme.LeftScrollImage;
     if ((scrollButton == ScrollButton.Up) || (leftScrollImage == null))
         return Rectangle.Empty;
     System.Drawing.Size size = leftScrollImage.Size;
     size.Height = Math.Min(size.Width, Math.Min(size.Height, this.ItemSize.Height));
     size.Width = Math.Min(size.Width, size.Height);
     int num = (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Left) ? this.bounds.X : (this.bounds.Right - size.Width);
     Rectangle empty = Rectangle.Empty;
     empty.X = num;
     empty.Y = (this.bounds.Y + (this.bounds.Size.Height / 2)) - (size.Height / 2);
     empty.Size = size;
     return empty;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private Rectangle GetButtonBounds(ScrollButton scrollButton)
            Image scrollButtonImage = ActivityPreviewDesignerTheme.LeftScrollImage;
            if (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Min || scrollButtonImage == null)
                return Rectangle.Empty;

            Size scrollButtonSize = scrollButtonImage.Size;
            scrollButtonSize.Height = Math.Min(scrollButtonSize.Width, Math.Min(scrollButtonSize.Height, ItemSize.Height));
            scrollButtonSize.Width = Math.Min(scrollButtonSize.Width, scrollButtonSize.Height);

            int startLocation = (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Left) ? this.bounds.X : this.bounds.Right - scrollButtonSize.Width;
            Rectangle scrollRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
            scrollRectangle.X = startLocation;
            scrollRectangle.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.bounds.Size.Height / 2 - scrollButtonSize.Height / 2;
            scrollRectangle.Size = scrollButtonSize;
            return scrollRectangle;
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public static void DrawScrollButton (Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state) {
			ThemeEngine.Current.CPDrawScrollButton (graphics, new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), button, state);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     throw null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static void SetScrollButtonToGroup(ScrollButton btn, String group)
     ButtonGroupState.scrollButtonList[group] = btn;
 public static void DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
 public static void DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
Ejemplo n.º 17
		public abstract void CPDrawScrollButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public void DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ButtonState state, ScrollButton scroll_button_type ) {
			Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( border_normal_dark_color );
			Color first_gradient_color = gradient_first_color; 
			Color second_gradient_color = gradient_second_color_nr2;
			bool pushed = false;
			if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) == ButtonState.Pushed ) {
				first_gradient_color = pressed_gradient_first_color;
				second_gradient_color = pressed_gradient_second_color;
				pushed = true;
			Point[] points = null;
			LinearGradientBrush lgbr = null;
			switch ( scroll_button_type ) {
				case ScrollButton.Left:
					// FIXME: temporary fix for artefacts, it should use the backcolor of the parent control
					dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( ColorControl ), area.X, area.Y, area.X, area.Bottom - 1 );
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2 ), first_gradient_color, second_gradient_color );
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 2, area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 2 );
					Pen tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : Color.White );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 1, area.Y + 2, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Y + 1, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 1 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : inner_border_dark_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 2 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( edge_top_inner_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X, area.Y + 1, area.X + 1, area.Y );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X, area.Bottom - 2, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 1 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Right:
					// FIXME: temporary fix for artefacts, it should use the backcolor of the parent control
					dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( ColorControl ), area.Right - 1, area.Y, area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 );
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2 ), first_gradient_color, second_gradient_color );
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 2, area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 2 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : Color.White );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Y + 1, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 1 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : inner_border_dark_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 2 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( edge_top_inner_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y, area.Right - 1, area.Y + 1 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 1 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Up:
					// FIXME: temporary fix for artefacts, it should use the backcolor of the parent control
					dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( ColorControl ), area.X, area.Y, area.Right - 1, area.Y );
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 2, area.Y ), first_gradient_color, second_gradient_color );
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 2, area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 4 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : Color.White );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Y + 1, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 1 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : inner_border_dark_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 2 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( edge_top_inner_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X, area.Y + 1, area.X + 1, area.Y );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y, area.Right - 1, area.Y + 1 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Down:
					// FIXME: temporary fix for artefacts, it should use the backcolor of the parent control
					dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( ColorControl ), area.X, area.Bottom - 1, area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 );
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 2, area.Y ), first_gradient_color, second_gradient_color );
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 2, area.Y + 2, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 4 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : Color.White );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Y + 1, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 1 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( pushed ? pressed_inner_border_dark_color : inner_border_dark_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Y + 2, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 2 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 2, area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 2 );
					tmp_pen = ResPool.GetPen( edge_top_inner_color );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.X, area.Bottom - 2, area.X + 1, area.Bottom - 1 );
					dc.DrawLine( tmp_pen, area.Right - 2, area.Bottom - 1, area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 2 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
			lgbr.Dispose( );
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/* Scroll button: regular button + direction arrow */
		public override void CPDrawScrollButton( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton scroll_button_type, ButtonState state ) {
			bool enabled = ( state == ButtonState.Inactive ) ? false: true;
			DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( dc, area, state, scroll_button_type );
			Color color_arrow;
			if ( enabled )
				color_arrow = arrow_color;
				color_arrow = ColorGrayText;
			/* Paint arrows */
			int centerX = area.Left + area.Width / 2;
			int centerY = area.Top + area.Height / 2;
			int shift = 0;
			if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) != 0 )
				shift = 1;
			int min_4 = 4;
			int min_2 = 2;
			if ( area.Width < 12 || area.Height < 12 ) {
				min_4 = 3;
				min_2 = 1;
			Point[]	arrow = new Point[ 4 ];
			switch (scroll_button_type) {
			case ScrollButton.Down:
				centerY += shift + 1;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_4, centerY - min_2);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX, centerY + min_2);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX + min_4, centerY - min_2);
				arrow [3] = new Point (centerX - min_4, centerY - min_2);
			case ScrollButton.Up:
				centerY -= shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_4, centerY + min_2);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX, centerY - min_2);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX + min_4, centerY + min_2);
				arrow [3] = new Point (centerX - min_4, centerY + min_2);
			case ScrollButton.Left:
				centerX -= shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY - min_4);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY + min_4);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY);
				arrow [3] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY - min_4);
			case ScrollButton.Right:
				centerX += shift + 1;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY - min_4);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY + min_4);
				arrow [3] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY - min_4);
			SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode;
			dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
			dc.FillPolygon( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( color_arrow ), arrow );
			dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode;
Ejemplo n.º 20
	public static void DrawScrollButton
				(Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height,
				 ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
					 x, y, width, height,
					 button, state,
Ejemplo n.º 21
		/* Scroll button: regular button + direction arrow */
		public override void CPDrawScrollButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton type, ButtonState state)
			DrawScrollButtonPrimitive (dc, area, state);
			bool fill_rect = true;
			int offset = 0;
			if ((state & ButtonState.Pushed) != 0)
				offset = 1;
			// skip the border
			Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (area.X + 2 + offset, area.Y + 2 + offset, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 4);
			Point [] arrow = new Point [3];
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				arrow [i] = new Point ();
			Pen pen = SystemPens.ControlText;
			if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive) != 0) {
				pen = SystemPens.ControlDark;
			switch (type) {
				case ScrollButton.Down:
					int x_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Width / 2.0f) - 1;
					int y_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 2.0f) - 1;
					if (x_middle == 1)
						x_middle = 2;
					int triangle_height;
					if (rect.Height < 8) {
						triangle_height = 2;
						fill_rect = false;
					} else if (rect.Height == 11) {
						triangle_height = 3;
					} else {
						triangle_height = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 3.0f);
					arrow [0].X = rect.X + x_middle;
					arrow [0].Y = rect.Y + y_middle + triangle_height / 2;
					arrow [1].X = arrow [0].X + triangle_height - 1;
					arrow [1].Y = arrow [0].Y - triangle_height + 1;
					arrow [2].X = arrow [0].X - triangle_height + 1;
					arrow [2].Y = arrow [1].Y;
					dc.DrawPolygon (pen, arrow);
					if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive) != 0) {
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [1].X + 1, arrow [1].Y + 1, arrow [0].X + 1, arrow [0].Y + 1);
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [1].X, arrow [1].Y + 1, arrow [0].X + 1, arrow [0].Y);
					if (fill_rect) {
						for (int i = 0; i < arrow [0].Y - arrow [1].Y; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (pen, arrow [1].X, arrow [1].Y + i, arrow [2].X, arrow [1].Y + i);
							arrow [1].X -= 1;
							arrow [2].X += 1;
				case ScrollButton.Up:
					x_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Width / 2.0f) - 1;
					y_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 2.0f);
					if (x_middle == 1)
						x_middle = 2;
					if (y_middle == 1)
						y_middle = 2;
					if (rect.Height < 8) {
						triangle_height = 2;
						fill_rect = false;
					} else if (rect.Height == 11) {
						triangle_height = 3;
					} else {
						triangle_height = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 3.0f);
					arrow [0].X = rect.X + x_middle;
					arrow [0].Y = rect.Y + y_middle - triangle_height / 2;
					arrow [1].X = arrow [0].X + triangle_height - 1;
					arrow [1].Y = arrow [0].Y + triangle_height - 1;
					arrow [2].X = arrow [0].X - triangle_height + 1;
					arrow [2].Y = arrow [1].Y;
					dc.DrawPolygon (pen, arrow);
					if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive) != 0) {
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [1].X + 1, arrow [1].Y + 1, arrow [2].X + 1, arrow [1].Y + 1);
					if (fill_rect) {
						for (int i = 0; i < arrow [1].Y - arrow [0].Y; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (pen, arrow [2].X, arrow [1].Y - i, arrow [1].X, arrow [1].Y - i);
							arrow [1].X -= 1;
							arrow [2].X += 1;
				case ScrollButton.Left:
					y_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 2.0f) - 1;
					if (y_middle == 1)
						y_middle = 2;
					int triangle_width;
					if (rect.Width < 8) {
						triangle_width = 2;
						fill_rect = false;
					} else if (rect.Width == 11) {
						triangle_width = 3;
					} else {
						triangle_width = (int)Math.Round (rect.Width / 3.0f);
					arrow [0].X = rect.Left + triangle_width - 1;
					arrow [0].Y = rect.Y + y_middle;
					if (arrow [0].X - 1 == rect.X)
						arrow [0].X += 1;
					arrow [1].X = arrow [0].X + triangle_width - 1;
					arrow [1].Y = arrow [0].Y - triangle_width + 1;
					arrow [2].X = arrow [1].X;
					arrow [2].Y = arrow [0].Y + triangle_width - 1;
					dc.DrawPolygon (pen, arrow);
					if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive) != 0) {
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [1].X + 1, arrow [1].Y + 1, arrow [2].X + 1, arrow [2].Y + 1);
					if (fill_rect) {
						for (int i = 0; i < arrow [2].X - arrow [0].X; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (pen, arrow [2].X - i, arrow [1].Y, arrow [2].X - i, arrow [2].Y);
							arrow [1].Y += 1;
							arrow [2].Y -= 1;
				case ScrollButton.Right:
					y_middle = (int)Math.Round (rect.Height / 2.0f) - 1;
					if (y_middle == 1)
						y_middle = 2;
					if (rect.Width < 8) {
						triangle_width = 2;
						fill_rect = false;
					} else if (rect.Width == 11) {
						triangle_width = 3;
					} else {
						triangle_width = (int)Math.Round (rect.Width / 3.0f);
					arrow [0].X = rect.Right - triangle_width - 1;
					arrow [0].Y = rect.Y + y_middle;
					if (arrow [0].X - 1 == rect.X)
						arrow [0].X += 1;
					arrow [1].X = arrow [0].X - triangle_width + 1;
					arrow [1].Y = arrow [0].Y - triangle_width + 1;
					arrow [2].X = arrow [1].X;
					arrow [2].Y = arrow [0].Y + triangle_width - 1;
					dc.DrawPolygon (pen, arrow);
					if ((state & ButtonState.Inactive) != 0) {
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [0].X + 1, arrow [0].Y + 1, arrow [2].X + 1, arrow [2].Y + 1);
						dc.DrawLine (SystemPens.ControlLightLight, arrow [0].X, arrow [0].Y + 1, arrow [2].X + 1, arrow [2].Y);
					if (fill_rect) {
						for (int i = 0; i < arrow [0].X - arrow [1].X; i++) {
							dc.DrawLine (pen, arrow [2].X + i, arrow [1].Y, arrow [2].X + i, arrow [2].Y);
							arrow [1].Y += 1;
							arrow [2].Y -= 1;
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     DrawScrollButton(graphics, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, button, state);
Ejemplo n.º 23
		protected virtual void DrawScrollButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clippingArea, ScrollButton button, PushButtonState state)
			ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton (dc, bounds, button, GetButtonState (state));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public ArrowElement(ScrollButton sb)
     this.ScrollButton = sb;
     VSElement = null;
     if (VisualStyleInformation.IsSupportedByOS) { //OSでサポートがなければVisualStyleは設定しない
         if (sb == ScrollButton.Left)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Right)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Down)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Down.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Up)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Up.Hot;
 internal static GraphicsPath GetScrollIndicatorPath(Rectangle bounds, ScrollButton button)
     GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
     if (!bounds.IsEmpty)
         if ((button == ScrollButton.Left) || (button == ScrollButton.Right))
             int height = bounds.Height + (bounds.Height % 2);
             int num2 = height / 2;
             Size size = new Size(height / 2, height);
             if (button == ScrollButton.Right)
                 path.AddLine(bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2), bounds.Top, bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2), bounds.Top + size.Height);
                 path.AddLine((int) (bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)), (int) (bounds.Top + size.Height), (int) ((bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width), (int) (bounds.Top + num2));
                 path.AddLine((bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width, bounds.Top + num2, bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2), bounds.Top);
                 path.AddLine((int) (bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)), (int) (bounds.Top + num2), (int) ((bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width), (int) (bounds.Top + size.Height));
                 path.AddLine((bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width, bounds.Top + size.Height, (bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width, bounds.Top);
                 path.AddLine((bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2)) + size.Width, bounds.Top, bounds.Left + ((bounds.Width - size.Width) / 2), bounds.Top + num2);
         else if ((button == ScrollButton.Up) || (button == ScrollButton.Down))
             int width = bounds.Width + (bounds.Width % 2);
             int num4 = width / 2;
             Size size2 = new Size(width, width / 2);
             if (button == ScrollButton.Down)
                 path.AddLine(bounds.Left, bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2), bounds.Left + size2.Width, bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2));
                 path.AddLine((int) (bounds.Left + size2.Width), (int) (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)), (int) (bounds.Left + num4), (int) ((bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height));
                 path.AddLine(bounds.Left + num4, (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2));
                 path.AddLine((int) (bounds.Left + num4), (int) (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)), (int) (bounds.Left + size2.Width), (int) ((bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height));
                 path.AddLine(bounds.Left + size2.Width, (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height, bounds.Left, (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height);
                 path.AddLine(bounds.Left, (bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2)) + size2.Height, bounds.Left + num4, bounds.Top + ((bounds.Height - size2.Height) / 2));
     return path;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     throw null;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public ArrowElement(ScrollButton sb)
     this.ScrollButton = sb;
     VSElement = null;
     if (VisualStyleInformation.IsSupportedByOS) { //OS�ŃT�|�[�g���Ȃ����VisualStyle�͐ݒ肵�Ȃ�
         if (sb == ScrollButton.Left)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Right)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Down)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Down.Hot;
         else if (sb == ScrollButton.Up)
             VSElement = VisualStyleElement.Spin.Up.Hot;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		public static void DrawScrollButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state) {
			ThemeEngine.Current.CPDrawScrollButton (graphics, rectangle, button, state);
	public static void DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state) {}
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected Rectangle GetButtonBounds(ScrollButton scrollButton)
            Rectangle buttonRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;
            buttonRectangle.Size = this.buttonSize;

            if (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Left || scrollButton == ScrollButton.Up)
                buttonRectangle.X = this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width;
                buttonRectangle.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height;
            else if (scrollButton == ScrollButton.Right || scrollButton == ScrollButton.Down)
                if (this.orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                    buttonRectangle.X = this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width + buttonRectangle.Size.Width + this.itemStrip.Size.Width;
                    if (buttonRectangle.X >= this.bounds.Right)
                        buttonRectangle.X = this.bounds.Right - buttonRectangle.Size.Width;

                    buttonRectangle.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height;
                    buttonRectangle.X = this.bounds.X + this.margin.Width;

                    buttonRectangle.Y = this.bounds.Y + this.margin.Height + buttonRectangle.Size.Height + this.itemStrip.Size.Height;
                    if (buttonRectangle.Y >= this.bounds.Bottom)
                        buttonRectangle.Y = this.bounds.Bottom - buttonRectangle.Size.Height;

            return buttonRectangle;
		static VisualStyleElement GetScrollButtonVisualStyleElement (ScrollButton type, ButtonState state)
			switch (type) {
			case ScrollButton.Left:
				if (IsDisabled (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftDisabled;
				else if (IsPressed (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftPressed;
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftNormal;
			case ScrollButton.Right:
				if (IsDisabled (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightDisabled;
				else if (IsPressed (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightPressed;
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightNormal;
			case ScrollButton.Up:
				if (IsDisabled (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.UpDisabled;
				else if (IsPressed (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.UpPressed;
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.UpNormal;
				if (IsDisabled (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.DownDisabled;
				else if (IsPressed (state))
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.DownPressed;
					return VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.DownNormal;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 protected virtual void DrawScrollButton(Graphics dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clippingArea, ScrollButton button, PushButtonState state)
     ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(dc, bounds, button, GetButtonState(state));
Ejemplo n.º 33
		protected override void DrawScrollButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clippingArea, ScrollButton button, PushButtonState state)
			if (!ThemeVisualStyles.RenderClientAreas) {
				base.DrawScrollButton (dc, bounds, clippingArea, button, state);
			VisualStyleElement element;
			if (button == ScrollButton.Left)
				switch (state) {
				case PushButtonState.Hot:
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Hot;
				case PushButtonState.Pressed:
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Pressed;
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Normal;
				switch (state) {
				case PushButtonState.Hot:
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Hot;
				case PushButtonState.Pressed:
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Pressed;
					element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Normal;
			if (!VisualStyleRenderer.IsElementDefined (element)) {
				if (button == ScrollButton.Left)
					switch (state) {
					case PushButtonState.Hot:
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftHot;
					case PushButtonState.Pressed:
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftPressed;
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftNormal;
					switch (state) {
					case PushButtonState.Hot:
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightHot;
					case PushButtonState.Pressed:
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightPressed;
						element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightNormal;
				if (!VisualStyleRenderer.IsElementDefined (element)) {
					base.DrawScrollButton (dc, bounds, clippingArea, button, state);
			new VisualStyleRenderer (element).DrawBackground (dc, bounds, clippingArea);
Ejemplo n.º 34
 protected override void DisposeOther()
     OnScrollValueChanged = null;
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     ThemeEngine.Current.CPDrawScrollButton(graphics, new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), button, state);
	public static void DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state) {}
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     ThemeEngine.Current.CPDrawScrollButton(graphics, rectangle, button, state);
		public override void CPDrawScrollButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton type, ButtonState state)
			if (!RenderClientAreas ||
				(state & ButtonState.Flat) == ButtonState.Flat ||
				(state & ButtonState.Checked) == ButtonState.Checked) {
				base.CPDrawScrollButton (dc, area, type, state);
			VisualStyleElement element = GetScrollButtonVisualStyleElement (type, state);
			if (!VisualStyleRenderer.IsElementDefined (element)) {
				base.CPDrawScrollButton (dc, area, type, state);
			new VisualStyleRenderer (element).DrawBackground (dc, area);
Ejemplo n.º 39
		/* Scroll button: regular button + direction arrow */
		public override void CPDrawScrollButton( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton scroll_button_type, ButtonState state )
			bool enabled = ( state == ButtonState.Inactive ) ? false: true;
			DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( dc, area, state, scroll_button_type );
			Pen pen = null;
			if ( enabled )
				pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen( arrow_color, 2 );
				pen = ResPool.GetSizedPen( ColorGrayText, 2 );
			/* Paint arrows */
			int centerX = area.Left + area.Width / 2;
			int centerY = area.Top + area.Height / 2;
			int shift = 0;
			if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) != 0 )
				shift = 1;
			int min_3 = 3;
			int min_2 = 2;
			if ( area.Width < 12 || area.Height < 12 ) {
				min_3 = 2;
				min_2 = 1;
			Point[]	arrow = new Point [3];
			switch (scroll_button_type) {
			case ScrollButton.Down:
				centerY += shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_3, centerY - min_2);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX, centerY + min_2);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX + min_3, centerY - min_2);
			case ScrollButton.Up:
				centerY -= shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_3, centerY + min_2);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX, centerY - min_2);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX + min_3, centerY + min_2);
			case ScrollButton.Left:
				centerX -= shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY - min_3);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY + min_3);
			case ScrollButton.Right:
				centerX += shift;
				arrow [0] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY - min_3);
				arrow [1] = new Point (centerX + min_2, centerY);
				arrow [2] = new Point (centerX - min_2, centerY + min_3);

			SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode;
			dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
			dc.DrawLines (pen, arrow);
			dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 private void StartScrolling(ScrollButton button)
     this.scrollTimer.Interval = 10; // msec
     this.scrollButton = button;
Ejemplo n.º 41
		/* Nice scroll button */
		public void DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ButtonState state, ScrollButton scroll_button_type )
			Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor );
			dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), area );
			Color use_color;
			if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) == ButtonState.Pushed )
				use_color = PressedColor;
				use_color = NormalColor;
			Point[] points = null;
			LinearGradientBrush lgbr = null;
			switch ( scroll_button_type )
				case ScrollButton.Left:
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ), use_color, Color.White );
					lgbr.Blend = FlatBlend;
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Right:
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ), Color.White, use_color );
					lgbr.Blend = NormalBlend;
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 1, area.Height - 2 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Up:
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), use_color, Color.White );
					lgbr.Blend = FlatBlend;
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
				case ScrollButton.Down:
					lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), Color.White, use_color );
					lgbr.Blend = NormalBlend;
					dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 );
					points = new Point[] {
						new Point( area.X, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ),
						new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ),
						new Point( area.X, area.Y )
					dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points );
			lgbr.Dispose( );
Ejemplo n.º 42
        protected override void DrawScrollButton(Graphics dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clippingArea, ScrollButton button, PushButtonState state)
            if (!ThemeVisualStyles.RenderClientAreas)
                base.DrawScrollButton(dc, bounds, clippingArea, button, state);
            VisualStyleElement element;

            if (button == ScrollButton.Left)
                switch (state)
                case PushButtonState.Hot:
                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Hot;

                case PushButtonState.Pressed:
                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Pressed;

                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.DownHorizontal.Normal;
                switch (state)
                case PushButtonState.Hot:
                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Hot;

                case PushButtonState.Pressed:
                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Pressed;

                    element = VisualStyleElement.Spin.UpHorizontal.Normal;
            if (!VisualStyleRenderer.IsElementDefined(element))
                if (button == ScrollButton.Left)
                    switch (state)
                    case PushButtonState.Hot:
                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftHot;

                    case PushButtonState.Pressed:
                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftPressed;

                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.LeftNormal;
                    switch (state)
                    case PushButtonState.Hot:
                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightHot;

                    case PushButtonState.Pressed:
                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightPressed;

                        element = VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar.ArrowButton.RightNormal;
                if (!VisualStyleRenderer.IsElementDefined(element))
                    base.DrawScrollButton(dc, bounds, clippingArea, button, state);
            new VisualStyleRenderer(element).DrawBackground(dc, bounds, clippingArea);
Ejemplo n.º 43
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NuGenScrollBar"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="serviceProvider">
		/// Requires:<para/>
		/// <see cref="INuGenButtonStateService"/><para/>
		/// <see cref="INuGenControlStateService"/><para/>
		/// <see cref="INuGenValueTrackerService"/><para/>
		/// <see cref="INuGenScrollBarRenderer"/><para/>
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="serviceProvider"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		public NuGenScrollBar(INuGenServiceProvider serviceProvider)
			: base(serviceProvider)
			_components = new Container();

			_smallChangeDownTimer = new Timer(_components);
			_smallChangeUpTimer = new Timer(_components);
			_largeChangeDownTimer = new Timer(_components);
			_largeChangeUpTimer = new Timer(_components);

			_leftTopButton = new ScrollButton(serviceProvider);
			_rightBottomButton = new ScrollButton(serviceProvider);
			_leftTopTrack = new ScrollTrack(serviceProvider);
			_rightBottomTrack = new ScrollTrack(serviceProvider);
			_sizeBox = new SizeBox(serviceProvider);



				new Control[] {
					, _leftTopTrack
					, _rightBottomTrack
					, _leftTopButton
					, _rightBottomButton

			this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
			this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

			this.ValueTracker.LargeChange = this.DefaultLargeChange;
			this.ValueTracker.Maximum = this.DefaultMaximum;
			this.ValueTracker.Minimum = this.DefaultMinimum;
			this.ValueTracker.SmallChange = this.DefaultSmallChange;
			this.ValueTracker.Value = this.DefaultValue;

Ejemplo n.º 44
Archivo: Theme.cs Proyecto: yonder/mono
 public abstract void CPDrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state);
Ejemplo n.º 45
		 * InitializeLeftTopButton

		private void InitializeLeftTopButton(ScrollButton leftTopButton)
			Debug.Assert(leftTopButton != null, "leftTopButton != null");

			leftTopButton.MouseDown += _leftTopButton_MouseDown;
			leftTopButton.MouseUp += _leftTopButton_MouseUp;
 public static void DrawScrollButton(Graphics graphics, int x, int y, int width, int height, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state)
     DrawFrameControl(graphics, x, y, width, height, 3, (int) (button | ((ScrollButton) ((int) state))), Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 47
		 * InitializeRightBottomButton

		private void InitializeRightBottomButton(ScrollButton rightBottomButton)
			Debug.Assert(rightBottomButton != null, "rightBottomButton != null");

			rightBottomButton.MouseDown += _rightBottomButton_MouseDown;
			rightBottomButton.MouseUp += _rightBottomButton_MouseUp;