Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            // standard prolog
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            var binding = thread.Bind(FunctionName, BindingRequestFlags.Read);
            var result  = binding.GetValueRef(thread);

            if (result == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Unknown identifier: {0}", FunctionName);

            CallTarget = result as ICallTarget;
            if (CallTarget == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("This identifier cannot be called: {0}", FunctionName);

            // set Evaluate pointer
            Evaluate = DoCall;

            // standard epilog is done by DoCall
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value)
            thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
            var targetValue = _target.Evaluate(thread);

            if (targetValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
            var type       = targetValue.GetType();
            var indexValue = _index.Evaluate(thread);

            //string and array are special cases
            if (type == typeof(string))
                thread.ThrowScriptError("String is read-only.");
            else if (type.IsArray)
                var arr    = targetValue as Array;
                var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                arr.SetValue(value, iIndex);
            else if (targetValue is IDictionary)
                var dict = (IDictionary)targetValue;
                dict[indexValue] = value;
                const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
                type.InvokeMember("set_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue, value });
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   object result = null; 
   var leftValue = _left.Evaluate(thread);
   if (leftValue == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
   var type = leftValue.GetType();
   var members = type.GetMember(_memberName); 
   if (members == null || members.Length == 0)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Member {0} not found in object of type {1}.", _memberName, type);
   var member = members[0];
   switch (member.MemberType) {
     case MemberTypes.Property:
       var propInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
       result = propInfo.GetValue(leftValue, null);
     case MemberTypes.Field:
       var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
       result = fieldInfo.GetValue(leftValue);
     case MemberTypes.Method:
       result = new ClrMethodBindingTargetInfo(type, _memberName, leftValue); //this bindingInfo works as a call target
       thread.ThrowScriptError("Invalid member type ({0}) for member {1} of type {2}.", member.MemberType, _memberName, type);
       result = null; 
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
   return result; 
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   var leftValue = _left.Evaluate(thread);
   if (leftValue == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
   var type = leftValue.GetType();
   var members = type.GetMember(_memberName);
   if (members == null || members.Length == 0)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Member {0} not found in object of type {1}.", _memberName, type);
   var member = members[0];
   switch (member.MemberType) {
     case MemberTypes.Property:
       var propInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
       propInfo.SetValue(leftValue, value, null);
     case MemberTypes.Field:
       var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
       fieldInfo.SetValue(leftValue, value);
       thread.ThrowScriptError("Cannot assign to member {0} of type {1}.", _memberName, type);
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void EvaluateNormal(ScriptThread thread)
            var  mTable    = target.Evaluate(thread) as MethodTable;
            bool createNew = mTable == null;

            var binding = thread.Runtime.BuiltIns.Bind(new BindingRequest(thread, this, target.Symbol, TypeInfo.NotDefined, BindingRequestFlags.Existing | BindingRequestFlags.Extern | BindingRequestFlags.Read));

            if (binding == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern Symbol {0} not found.", target.Symbol);

            var obj = binding.GetValueRef(thread) as MethodTable;

            if (obj == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern symbol {0} was not a method table!", target.Symbol);

            var tar = obj.GetIndex(parameters.ParamTypes) as BuiltInCallTarget;

            if (tar == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern symbol {0} with {1} parameters was not found.", target.Symbol, parameters.ChildNodes.Count);

            tar.ParamCount   = parameters.ChildNodes.Count;
            tar.ParamNames   = parameters.ParamNames;
            tar.HasParamsArg = parameters.HasParamsArg;
            tar.ParamTypes   = parameters.ParamTypes;

            if (createNew)
                mTable = new MethodTable(target.Symbol);
                target.DoCreate(thread, mTable, TypeInfo.Function);
                if (mTable.GetIndex(parameters.ParamTypes) != null)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("Function {0}({1}) is already defined!", target.Symbol, string.Join(", ", parameters.ParamNames));
                target.DoSetValue(thread, mTable, TypeInfo.Function);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            // standard prolog
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            object result = null;

            // is this variable a part of a pattern?
            if (UseType == NodeUseType.Name)
                // don't evaluate it
                result = CreateVariable();
                // get last recognized pattern
                var pattern = thread.GetLastPattern();
                if (pattern == null)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("No pattern recognized!");

                // read variable from the last recognized pattern
                result = pattern.GetVariable(Index);

            // standard epilog
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   object result = null; 
   var targetValue = _target.Evaluate(thread);
   if (targetValue == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
   var type = targetValue.GetType();
   var indexValue = _index.Evaluate(thread); 
   //string and array are special cases
   if (type == typeof(string)) {
     var sTarget = targetValue as string;
     var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue); 
     result = sTarget[iIndex];
   } else if (type.IsArray) {
     var arr = targetValue as Array;
     var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
     result = arr.GetValue(iIndex); 
   } else if (targetValue is IDictionary) {
     var dict = (IDictionary)targetValue;
     result = dict[indexValue];
   } else {
     const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
     result = type.InvokeMember("get_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue }); 
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
   return result; 
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private object EvaluateWithTailCheck(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
            var target = TargetRef.Evaluate(thread);
            var iCall  = target as ICallTarget;

            if (iCall == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrVarIsNotCallable, _targetName);
            var    args   = (object[])Arguments.Evaluate(thread);
            object result = null;

            result = iCall.Call(thread, args);
            //Note that after invoking tail we can get another tail.
            // So we need to keep calling tails while they are there.
            while (thread.Tail != null)
                var tail     = thread.Tail;
                var tailArgs = thread.TailArgs;
                thread.Tail     = null;
                thread.TailArgs = null;
                result          = tail.Call(thread, tailArgs);
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            // standard prolog
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            if (EntryPoint == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("No entry point defined (entry point is a function named «Go»)");

            // define built-in runtime library functions
            var libraryFunctions = LibraryFunction.ExtractLibraryFunctions(thread, new RefalLibrary(thread));

            foreach (var libFun in libraryFunctions)
                var binding = thread.Bind(libFun.Name, BindingRequestFlags.Write | BindingRequestFlags.ExistingOrNew);
                binding.SetValueRef(thread, libFun);

            // define functions declared in the compiled program
            foreach (var fun in FunctionList)

            // call entry point with an empty expression
            EntryPoint.Call(thread, new object[] { PassiveExpression.Build() });

            // standard epilog
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            object ret = null;

            string originalPath = target.Evaluate(thread) as string;

            List <Type> delegetateParamsHelper = new List <Type> {
                typeof(ScriptThread), typeof(object), typeof(object[])

            string path = Path.GetFullPath(originalPath);

            if (!GetFilePath(ref path))
                path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), originalPath);
                if (!GetFilePath(ref path))
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("LibraryNotFoundException. " + path + " could not be found.");

            if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".dll")
                ret = LoadAssembly(thread, path, delegetateParamsHelper);
                ret = LoadFile(path, thread);

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static void CheckTypeMatch(ScriptThread thread, TypeInfo expectedType, TypeInfo actualType)
     if (!Runtime.IsTypeMatch(expectedType, actualType))
         thread.ThrowScriptError("Type mismatch! Expected {0} but got {1}", expectedType, actualType);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
            object result;
            var    leftValue = _left.Evaluate(thread);

            if (leftValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");

            var type    = leftValue.GetType();
            var members = type.GetMember(_memberName);

            if (members.Length == 0)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Member {0} not found in object of type {1}.", _memberName, type);

            var member = members[0];

            switch (member.MemberType)
            case MemberTypes.Property:
                var propInfo = (PropertyInfo)member;
                result = propInfo.GetValue(leftValue, null);

            case MemberTypes.Field:
                var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)member;
                result = fieldInfo.GetValue(leftValue);

            case MemberTypes.Method:
                result = new ClrMethodBindingTargetInfo(type, _memberName, leftValue);     //this bindingInfo works as a call target

                thread.ThrowScriptError("Invalid member type ({0}) for member {1} of type {2}.", member.MemberType, _memberName, type);
                result = null;
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void EvaluateExtension(ScriptThread thread)
            var ident = target.Symbol;

            IBindingSource cons;
            MethodTable    mTable = null;

            if (thread.Runtime.ExtensionFunctions.TryGetValue(ident, out cons))
                mTable = ((cons as BuiltInCallableTargetInfo).BindingInstance as ConstantBinding).Target as MethodTable;
                mTable = new MethodTable(ident);
                var targetInfo = new BuiltInCallableTargetInfo(mTable);
                thread.Runtime.ExtensionFunctions.Add(ident, targetInfo);

            var binding = thread.Runtime.BuiltIns.Bind(new BindingRequest(thread, this, ident, TypeInfo.Function, BindingRequestFlags.Existing | BindingRequestFlags.Extern | BindingRequestFlags.Read));

            if (binding == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern Symbol {0} not found.", ident);
            var obj = binding.GetValueRef(thread) as MethodTable;

            if (obj == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern symbol {0} was not a method table!", ident);

            var tar = obj.GetIndex(parameters.ParamTypes) as BuiltInCallTarget;

            if (tar == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Extern symbol {0} with {1} parameters was not found.", target.Symbol, parameters.ChildNodes.Count);

            tar.ParamCount   = parameters.ChildNodes.Count;
            tar.ParamNames   = parameters.ParamNames;
            tar.HasParamsArg = parameters.HasParamsArg;
            tar.ParamTypes   = parameters.ParamTypes;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            // standard prolog
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            // evaluate expression
            var    expression = Expression.EvaluateExpression(thread);
            object result     = null;

            // extract last recognized pattern (it contains bound variables)
            var lastPattern = thread.GetLastPattern();

            if (lastPattern == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Internal error: last recognized pattern is lost.");
                return(null);                // never gets here

            // with-clause
            if (Block != null)
                Block.InputExpression = expression;
                Block.BlockPattern    = lastPattern;
                result = Block.Evaluate(thread);

            // where-clause
            else if (Pattern != null)
                result = EvaluateWhereClause(expression, lastPattern, thread);

            // internal compiler error
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Internal error: AST node doen't represent neither where- nor when-clause.");
                return(null);                // never get here

            // standard epilog
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 // Evaluation for non-tail languages
 private object EvaluateNoTail(ScriptThread thread) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   var target = TargetRef.Evaluate(thread);
   var iCall = target as ICallTarget;
   if (iCall == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrVarIsNotCallable, _targetName);
   var args = (object[])Arguments.Evaluate(thread);
   object result = iCall.Call(thread, args);
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value, TypeInfo type = TypeInfo.NotDefined)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            thread.ThrowScriptError("this is not writable.");

            //binding = thread.Bind("this", BindingRequestFlags.Write);
            //SetValue = binding.SetValueRef;
            //SetValue(thread, value);

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
            var targetValue = _target.Evaluate(thread);

            if (targetValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");

            var type       = targetValue.GetType();
            var indexValue = _index.Evaluate(thread);

            //string and array are special cases
            if (type == typeof(string))
                thread.ThrowScriptError("String is read-only.");
            else if (type.IsArray)
                var arr    = (Array)targetValue;
                var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                arr.SetValue(value, iIndex);
            else if (targetValue is IDictionary dict)
                dict[indexValue] = value;
                // Cannot use IndexerNameAttribute, see:
                // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/60de101a-278d-4674-bc1a-0a04210d566c/identifying-the-indexername-attribute-on-an-indexer-property?forum=vstscode
                var defaultMemberAttr    = type.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultMemberAttribute>();
                var indexerName          = defaultMemberAttr?.MemberName ?? "Item";
                const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
                type.InvokeMember("set_" + indexerName, flags, null, targetValue, new[] { indexValue, value });
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
            var leftValue = _left.Evaluate(thread);

            if (leftValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");

            var type    = leftValue.GetType();
            var members = type.GetMember(_memberName);

            if (members.Length == 0)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Member {0} not found in object of type {1}.", _memberName, type);

            var member = members[0];

            switch (member.MemberType)
            case MemberTypes.Property:
                var propInfo = (PropertyInfo)member;
                propInfo.SetValue(leftValue, value, null);

            case MemberTypes.Field:
                var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)member;
                fieldInfo.SetValue(leftValue, value);

                thread.ThrowScriptError("Cannot assign to member {0} of type {1}.", _memberName, type);
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   var targetValue = _target.Evaluate(thread);
   if (targetValue == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
   var type = targetValue.GetType();
   var indexValue = _index.Evaluate(thread);
   //string and array are special cases
   if (type == typeof(string)) {
     thread.ThrowScriptError("String is read-only.");
   } else if (type.IsArray) {
     var arr = targetValue as Array;
     var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
     arr.SetValue(value, iIndex);
   } else if (targetValue is IDictionary) {
     var dict = (IDictionary)targetValue;
     dict[indexValue] = value;
   } else {
     const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
     type.InvokeMember("set_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue, value }); 
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            var result       = new DataTable(ChildNodes.Count);
            int indexCounter = 0;

            foreach (AstNode t in ChildNodes)
                var tmp = t.Evaluate(thread);
                var arr = tmp as object[];
                if (arr != null)
                    if (arr.Length != 2)
                        thread.ThrowScriptError("Failed to create array.");

                    var name = (string)arr[0];

                    var iCall = arr[1] as ICallTarget;

                    var mTable = result.GetString(thread, name) as MethodTable;

                    if (iCall != null)
                        if (mTable != null)
                            arr[1] = mTable;
                            mTable = new MethodTable(name);
                            arr[1] = mTable;

                    result.SetString(thread, name, arr[1]);
                    result.SetInt(thread, indexCounter, tmp);

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // Evaluation for non-tail languages
        private object EvaluateNoTail(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
            var target = TargetRef.Evaluate(thread);
            var iCall  = target as ICallTarget;

            if (iCall == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrVarIsNotCallable, _targetName);
            var    args   = (object[])Arguments.Evaluate(thread);
            object result = iCall.Call(thread, args);

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
            object result      = null;
            var    targetValue = _target.Evaluate(thread);

            if (targetValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");
            var type       = targetValue.GetType();
            var indexValue = _index.Evaluate(thread);

            //string and array are special cases
            if (type == typeof(string))
                var sTarget = targetValue as string;
                var iIndex  = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                result = sTarget[iIndex];
            else if (type.IsArray)
                var arr    = targetValue as Array;
                var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                result = arr.GetValue(iIndex);
            else if (targetValue is IDictionary)
                var dict = (IDictionary)targetValue;
                result = dict[indexValue];
                //const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
                //result = type.InvokeMember("get_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue });

                var methodInfo = type.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("get_Item");
                methodInfo.Invoke(targetValue, new object[] { indexValue });
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void DoCreate(ScriptThread thread, object value, TypeInfo type)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            var valueType = Runtime.TypeToTypeInfo(value.GetType());

            Runtime.CheckTypeMatch(thread, type, valueType);

            if (binding == null || binding is NullBinding)
                binding = thread.Bind(Symbol, type, BindingRequestFlags.Write | BindingRequestFlags.NewOnly);

            if (binding?.SetValueRef == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("could not create {0} for writing", Symbol);

            binding.SetValueRef(thread, value, valueType);
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value, TypeInfo type = TypeInfo.NotDefined)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            var valueType = Runtime.TypeToTypeInfo(value.GetType());

            Runtime.CheckTypeMatch(thread, type, valueType);

            if (binding == null || binding is NullBinding)
                binding = thread.Bind(Symbol, type, BindingRequestFlags.Write | BindingRequestFlags.ExistingOrNew | BindingRequestFlags.PreferExisting);

            if (binding?.SetValueRef == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("ups {0} is not writable", Symbol);

            binding.SetValueRef(thread, value, valueType);
            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            // standard prolog
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            foreach (var sentence in Sentences)
                sentence.InputExpression = InputExpression;
                sentence.BlockPattern    = BlockPattern;

                var result = sentence.Evaluate(thread);
                if (result != null)
                    // standard epilog
                    thread.CurrentNode = Parent;

            // standard Refal exception: input expression doesn't match any pattern
            thread.ThrowScriptError("Recognition impossible");
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public override object Call(ScriptThread thread, object[] parameters)
     thread.ThrowScriptError("Calling external function is not supported");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            object result = thread.Runtime.NullValue;

            var target = TargetRef.Evaluate(thread);
            var args   = (object[])Arguments.Evaluate(thread);

            int argCount = Arguments.ChildNodes.Count;
            var argsType = args.Select(e => Runtime.TypeToTypeInfo(e.GetType())).ToArray();

            var iCall  = target as ICallTarget;
            var mTable = target as MethodTable;

            if (mTable != null)
                iCall = mTable.GetIndex(argsType);
                if (iCall == null)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("There is no function with name {0}({2}), that takes {1} arguments.", targetName, argCount, string.Join(", ", argsType));

            if (iCall == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Variable {0} of type {1} is not a callable function.", targetName, target.GetType().Name);

            if (iCall.GetParameterCount() != argCount && iCall.GetParameterCount() != -1 && !iCall.GetHasParamsArg())
                thread.ThrowScriptError("{0}({2}) does not take {1} arguments.", targetName, argCount, string.Join(", ", iCall.GetFunctionInfo().ParamTypes));

            if (iCall.GetHasParamsArg() && (iCall.GetParameterCount() != argCount || !(args[args.Length - 1] is DataTable)))
                var tempArgs = new object[iCall.GetParameterCount()];
                Array.Copy(args, tempArgs, tempArgs.Length - 1);
                int lastIndex = tempArgs.Length - 1;
                var tempDT    = new DataTable(args.Length - lastIndex);
                for (int i = lastIndex; i < args.Length; i++)
                    tempDT.SetInt(thread, i - lastIndex, args[i]);
                tempArgs[lastIndex] = tempDT;
                args = tempArgs;

            var fi = iCall.GetFunctionInfo();

            var back = thread.CurrentFuncInfo;

            thread.CurrentFuncInfo = fi;

            object thisRef = thread.Runtime.NullValue;

            if (TargetRef is MemberAccessNode)
                var man = (MemberAccessNode)TargetRef;
                thisRef = man.lastTargetValue;
                var bind = thread.Bind("this", BindingRequestFlags.Existing | BindingRequestFlags.NullOk | BindingRequestFlags.Read);
                if (bind != null && !(bind is NullBinding) && bind.GetValueRef != null)
                    thisRef = bind.GetValueRef(thread);
            result = iCall.Call(thread, thisRef, args);
            thread.CurrentFuncInfo = back;

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
     thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrConstructNotSupported, Name);
     return(null);              //never happens
Ejemplo n.º 29
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
     thread.CurrentNode = this; //standard prolog
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrNullNodeEval, Term);
     return(null);              //never happens
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
     thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrConstructNotSupported, Name);
     return null; //never happens
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public override void DoSetValue(ScriptThread thread, object value, Interpreter.TypeInfo type = Interpreter.TypeInfo.NotDefined)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;

            var targetValue = target.Evaluate(thread);

            if (targetValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null");

            if (targetValue == thread.Runtime.NullValue)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("NullReferenceException. target was null (" + target.AsString + ")");

            var valueType  = targetValue.GetType();
            var indexValue = index.Evaluate(thread);

            if (valueType == typeof(string))
                thread.ThrowScriptError("String is read-only");
            else if (valueType == typeof(DataTable))
                    var dtTarget = targetValue as DataTable;
                    var dtIndex  = indexValue as IEnumerable;

                    if (indexValue is string sIndex)
                        dtTarget.SetString(thread, sIndex, value);
                    else if (dtIndex != null)
                        dtTarget.FilterSet(thread, dtIndex, value);
                        int iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                        dtTarget.SetInt(thread, iIndex, value);
                catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("Out of Memory exception!");
                catch (Exception e)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("Index must be string, number or table. Exception was " + e.GetType() + " " + e.Message);
            else if (valueType.IsArray)
                var arr    = targetValue as Array;
                var iIndex = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(indexValue);
                arr.SetValue(value, iIndex);
            else if (targetValue is System.Collections.IDictionary dict)
                dict[indexValue] = value;
                BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
                valueType.InvokeMember("set_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue, value });

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            object result = thread.Runtime.NullValue;

            var targetValue = target.Evaluate(thread);

            if (targetValue == null)
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Target object is null.");

            var type       = targetValue.GetType();
            var indexValue = index.Evaluate(thread);

            if (type == typeof(Range) || type == typeof(RangeWithStep))
                targetValue = new DataTable(targetValue as IEnumerable, thread);
                type        = typeof(DataTable);

            if (type == typeof(string))
                var sTarget = targetValue as string;
                if (indexValue is Range r)
                    if (r.Start <= r.End)
                        int start = (int)r.Start;
                        start = start > 0 ? start : 0;
                        start = start < sTarget.Length ? start : sTarget.Length - 1;
                        int length = (int)r.Length;
                        length = length + start <= sTarget.Length ? length : sTarget.Length - start;
                        result = sTarget.Substring(start, length);
                        result = string.Join("", sTarget.Reverse().Skip((int)r.End).Take((int)r.Length));
                else if (indexValue is RangeWithStep rs)
                    result = string.Join("", rs.Where(e => e >= 0 && e < sTarget.Length).Select(e => sTarget[(int)e]));
                    var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);

                    if (iIndex < sTarget.Length)
                        result = sTarget[iIndex];
                        result = '\0';
            else if (type == typeof(DataTable))
                    var    dtTarget = targetValue as DataTable;
                    string sIndex   = indexValue as string;
                    var    dtIndex  = indexValue as IEnumerable;

                    if (sIndex != null)
                        result = dtTarget.GetString(thread, sIndex);
                    else if (dtIndex != null)
                        result = dtTarget.Filter(thread, dtIndex);
                        int iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                        result = dtTarget.GetInt(thread, iIndex);
                catch (Exception)
                    thread.ThrowScriptError("Index must be string, number or table.");
            else if (type.IsArray)
                var arr    = targetValue as Array;
                var iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(indexValue);
                result = arr.GetValue(iIndex);
            else if (targetValue is System.Collections.IDictionary dict)
                result = dict[indexValue];
                BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
                result = type.InvokeMember("get_Item", flags, null, targetValue, new object[] { indexValue });

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
            thread.CurrentNode = this;
            object result = thread.Runtime.NullValue;

            FlowControl = FlowControl.Next;

            if (DependentScopeInfo == null)
                DependentScopeInfo = new ScopeInfo(this, Parent?.AsString ?? "");

            thread.PushScope(DependentScopeInfo, null);

            DataTable foreachObject = null;
            var       rawobject     = InExpr.Evaluate(thread);

            if (rawobject is string)
                foreachObject = new DataTable((string)rawobject, thread);
            else if (rawobject is DataTable)
                foreachObject = (DataTable)rawobject;
            else if (rawobject is IEnumerable)
                foreachObject = new DataTable((IEnumerable)rawobject, thread);
                thread.ThrowScriptError("Can't iterate over object of type {0}", rawobject.GetType().Name);

            foreach (var e in foreachObject)
                IterVarBlock.SetValue(thread, e, TypeInfo.NotDefined);
                result = Block.Evaluate(thread);

                if (Block.FlowControl == FlowControl.Break)

                if (Block.FlowControl == FlowControl.Continue)
                    FlowControl = FlowControl.Next;

                if (Block.FlowControl == FlowControl.Return)

            if (Block.FlowControl == FlowControl.Return)
                FlowControl = FlowControl.Return;

            thread.CurrentNode = Parent;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 protected override object DoEvaluate(ScriptThread thread)
     thread.CurrentNode = this;
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Irony.Resources.ErrNullNodeEval, Term);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 private object EvaluateWithTailCheck(ScriptThread thread) {
   thread.CurrentNode = this;  //standard prolog
   var target = TargetRef.Evaluate(thread);
   var iCall = target as ICallTarget;
   if (iCall == null)
     thread.ThrowScriptError(Resources.ErrVarIsNotCallable, _targetName);
   var args = (object[])Arguments.Evaluate(thread);
   object result = null;
   result = iCall.Call(thread, args);
   //Note that after invoking tail we can get another tail. 
   // So we need to keep calling tails while they are there.
   while (thread.Tail != null) {
     var tail = thread.Tail;
     var tailArgs = thread.TailArgs;
     thread.Tail = null;
     thread.TailArgs = null;
     result = tail.Call(thread, tailArgs);
   thread.CurrentNode = Parent; //standard epilog
   return result; 