Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected ScriptBase(ScriptContext scriptContext, ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType, string scriptText)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("scriptContext", scriptContext);
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("scriptText", scriptText);

            _scriptContext      = scriptContext;
            _scriptLanguageType = scriptLanguageType;
            _scriptText         = scriptText;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private ScriptEngine GetEngine(ScriptLanguageType languageType)
            ScriptEngine scriptEngine;
            bool         engineAvailable = GetScriptEngines().TryGetValue(languageType, out scriptEngine);

            if (!engineAvailable)
                throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("ScriptEngine for ScriptLanguageType {0} cannot be supplied. Check App.config <microsoft.scripting>-section.", languageType));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static TResult ExecuteScriptExpression <TResult> (string expressionScriptSourceCode, params object[] scriptParameter)
            const ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;
            var engine         = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType);
            var scriptSource   = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(expressionScriptSourceCode, SourceCodeKind.Expression);
            var compiledScript = scriptSource.Compile();
            var scriptScope    = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType).CreateScope();

            for (int i = 0; i < scriptParameter.Length; i++)
                scriptScope.SetVariable("p" + i, scriptParameter[i]);
            return(compiledScript.Execute <TResult> (scriptScope));
        public void ImportFromAssemblyIntoScriptScope(ScriptScope scriptScope, string assembly, string nameSpace, string symbol)
            string scriptText = @"
import clr
clr.AddReferenceByPartialName('" + assembly + "')" +
from " + nameSpace + " import " + symbol;

            const ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;
            var engine       = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType);
            var scriptSource = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptText, SourceCodeKind.Statements);

        public void Ctor()
            ScriptContext            scriptContext      = ScriptContextObjectMother.CreateTestScriptContext();
            const ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;

            const string scriptText = "'ExpressionScriptCtorTest'";

            var scriptEnvironment = ScriptEnvironment.Create();
            var script            = new ExpressionScript <string> (scriptContext, scriptLanguageType, scriptText, scriptEnvironment);

            Assert.That(script.ScriptContext, Is.EqualTo(scriptContext));
            Assert.That(script.ScriptLanguageType, Is.EqualTo(scriptLanguageType));
            Assert.That(script.ScriptText, Is.EqualTo(scriptText));
            Assert.That(script.Execute(), Is.EqualTo("ExpressionScriptCtorTest"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExpressionScript{TResult}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptContext">
        ///   The <see cref="ScriptContext"/> to use when executing the script. The script context is used to isolate re-motion modules from each other.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scriptLanguageType">The script language to use for the script.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptText">
        ///   The source code of the script. This must be an expression in the language defined by <paramref name="scriptLanguageType"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scriptEnvironment">
        ///   The <see cref="ScriptEnvironment"/> defining the variables and imported symbols the script has access to.
        /// </param>
        public ExpressionScript(
            ScriptContext scriptContext,
            ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType,
            string scriptText,
            ScriptEnvironment scriptEnvironment)
            : base(
                ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("scriptContext", scriptContext),
                ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("scriptText", scriptText))
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("scriptEnvironment", scriptEnvironment);

            _scriptEnvironment = scriptEnvironment;

            var engine = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType);

            _scriptSource = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptText, SourceCodeKind.Expression);
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the passed symbols from the given namespace in the given assembly into the <see cref="ScriptEnvironment"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assembly">Partial name of the assembly to import from (e.g. "Remotion")</param>
        /// <param name="nameSpace">Namespace name in assembly to import from (e.g. "Remotion.Diagnostics.ToText")</param>
        /// <param name="symbols">array of symbol names to import (e.g. "To", "ToTextBuilder", ...)</param>
        public void Import(string assembly, string nameSpace, params string[] symbols)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("assembly", assembly);
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("nameSpace", nameSpace);
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("symbols", symbols);

            string scriptText = @"
import clr
clr.AddReferenceByPartialName('" + assembly + "')" +
from " + nameSpace + " import " + string.Join(",", symbols);

            const ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;
            var engine       = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType);
            var scriptSource = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptText, SourceCodeKind.Statements);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MySqlHybridScriptEditor"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sp">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="pane">The pane.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptType">Indicates the script type.</param>
        internal MySqlHybridScriptEditor(ServiceProvider sp, MySqlHybridScriptEditorPane pane, ScriptLanguageType scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.JavaScript)
            : this()
            ScriptLanguageType = scriptType;
            ConnectionInfoToolStripDropDownButton.Image = scriptType == ScriptLanguageType.JavaScript
        ? Resources.js_id
        : Resources.py_id;
            Pane            = pane;
            ServiceProvider = sp;
            CodeEditor.Init(sp, this);
            if (Package == null)

            SetConnection(Package.SelectedMySqlConnection, Package.SelectedMySqlConnectionName);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Ctor()
            ScriptContext            scriptContext      = ScriptContextObjectMother.CreateTestScriptContext();
            const ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;
            const string             scriptFunctionName = "Test";

            const string scriptText =
                @"def Test() :
  return 'CtorTest'";

            var scriptEnvironment = ScriptEnvironment.Create();

            var script = new ScriptFunction <string> (scriptContext, scriptLanguageType, scriptText, scriptEnvironment, scriptFunctionName);

            Assert.That(script.ScriptContext, Is.EqualTo(scriptContext));
            Assert.That(script.ScriptLanguageType, Is.EqualTo(scriptLanguageType));
            Assert.That(script.ScriptText, Is.EqualTo(scriptText));
            Assert.That(script.Execute(), Is.EqualTo("CtorTest"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        int IVsEditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance(uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument,
                                                  string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid,
                                                  IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, out IntPtr ppunkDocView, out IntPtr ppunkDocData,
                                                  out string pbstrEditorCaption, out Guid pguidCmdUi, out int pgrfCdw)
            string s;

            pvHier.GetCanonicalName(itemid, out s);
            pgrfCdw          = 0;
            LastDocumentPath = pszMkDocument;
            pguidCmdUi       = VSConstants.GUID_TextEditorFactory;

            ppunkDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
            ppunkDocView = IntPtr.Zero;
            WindowPane editor;

            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(LastDocumentPath);

            if (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".mysql"))
                editor = new SqlEditorPane(_serviceProvider, this);
                ScriptLanguageType scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.JavaScript;
                if (fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".mypy"))
                    scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.Python;

                editor = new MySqlHybridScriptEditorPane(_serviceProvider, this, scriptType);
            if (editor.Window != null)
                ppunkDocData = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor.Window);
                ppunkDocView = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(editor);

            pbstrEditorCaption = "";
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new script instance. This immediately executes the given
        /// <paramref name="scriptText"/>, and stores a delegate to the <paramref name="scriptFunctionName" />, which is run when <see cref="Execute"/>
        /// is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptContext">
        ///   The <see cref="ScriptContext"/> to use when executing the script. The script context is used to isolate re-motion modules from each other.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scriptLanguageType">The script language to use for the script.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptText">
        ///   The source code of the script. This must be source code matching the language defined by <paramref name="scriptLanguageType"/>. The script
        ///   is immediately executed, i.e., all global statements are immediately run. After that, a delegate defining the main function (defined by
        ///   <paramref name="scriptFunctionName"/>) is stored for later use. When <see cref="Execute"/> is invoked, that function is run and its result
        ///   returned.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scriptEnvironment">
        ///   The <see cref="ScriptEnvironment"/> defining the variables and imported symbols the script has access to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scriptFunctionName">
        ///   The name of the script's main function. This function must be defined by <paramref name="scriptText"/>, and it is invoked when the
        ///   script is executed.
        /// </param>
        public ScriptFunction(
            ScriptContext scriptContext,
            ScriptLanguageType scriptLanguageType,
            string scriptText,
            ScriptEnvironment scriptEnvironment,
            string scriptFunctionName)
            : base(
                ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("scriptContext", scriptContext),
                ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("scriptText", scriptText))
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("scriptEnvironment", scriptEnvironment);
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("scriptFunctionName", scriptFunctionName);

            var engine       = ScriptingHost.GetScriptEngine(scriptLanguageType);
            var scriptSource = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptText, SourceCodeKind.Statements);

            // Immediately execute the script. This will cause all function definitions to be stored as variables. We can then extract the script function
            // and store it as a delegate.

            _func = scriptEnvironment.ScriptScope.GetVariable <Func <TResult> > (scriptFunctionName);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the ScriptEngine given by the <paramref name="languageType"/> parameter. Throws if requested engine is not available on system.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Note: Executing scripts directly through a <see cref="ScriptEngine"/> will bypass re-motion's Extension Module separation
 /// (see <see cref="ScriptContext"/>). For guaranteed re-motion mixin stable binding use re-motion
 /// <see cref="ScriptFunction{TFixedArg1,TResult}"/>.<see cref="ScriptFunction{TFixedArg1,TResult}.Execute"/> etc instead.
 /// </remarks>
 public static ScriptEngine GetScriptEngine(ScriptLanguageType languageType)
 public MySqlHybridScriptEditorPane(ServiceProvider sp, SqlEditorFactory factory, ScriptLanguageType scriptType = ScriptLanguageType.JavaScript)
     : base(sp)
     Factory      = factory;
     DocumentPath = factory.LastDocumentPath;
     _editor      = new MySqlHybridScriptEditor(sp, this, scriptType);
 public static ScriptEngine GetEngine(this ScriptingHost scriptingHost, ScriptLanguageType languageType)
     return((ScriptEngine)PrivateInvoke.InvokeNonPublicMethod(scriptingHost, "GetEngine", languageType));