Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Script[] GetScripts(ScriptKind kind)
            Func<DirectoryInfo, bool> selector;
            switch (kind)
                case ScriptKind.PreMigration:
                    selector = IsPreMigrationFolder;
                case ScriptKind.Migration:
                    selector = IsMigrationFolder;
                case ScriptKind.PostMigration:
                    selector = IsPostMigrationFolder;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(kind), kind, null);

            var q = from d in _directory.EnumerateDirectories("*") 
                    where selector(d) 
                    from s in d.GetFiles("*.sql", SearchOption.AllDirectories) 
                    let collectionName = Path.GetFileName(d.FullName.Substring(_directory.FullName.Length + 1).Split(Path.PathSeparator).First()) 
                    let scriptName = s.FullName.Substring(d.FullName.Length + 1) 
                    let content = ReadFile(s.FullName) 
                    let checksum = content.Checksum() 
                    orderby d.FullName ascending, scriptName ascending 
                    select new Script(collectionName, scriptName, content, checksum);

            var scripts = q.ToArray();

            return scripts;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ScriptKind EnsureScriptKind(string fileName, ScriptKind scriptKind)
            // Using scriptKind as a condition handles both:
            // - 'scriptKind' is unspecified and thus it is `null`
            // - 'scriptKind' is set and it is `Unknown` (0)
            // If the 'scriptKind' is 'null' or 'Unknown' then we attempt
            // to get the ScriptKind from the file name. If it cannot be resolved
            // from the file name then the default 'TS' script kind is returned.
            var sk = scriptKind != ScriptKind.Unknown ? scriptKind : GetScriptKindFromFileName(fileName);

            return(sk != ScriptKind.Unknown ? sk : ScriptKind.Ts);
        public string Print(IStatement[] statements, ScriptKind scriptKind)
            var astPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(statements);

            var command = new PrintCommand()
                AstPayload = astPayload,
                ScriptKind = scriptKind

            var response = this.ExecuteCommand(command);

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PrintCommandResult>(response);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    void AddScript(string source, string name, ScriptKind kind, string path, string value = null)
        var xname  = name;
        var suffix = 0;

        while (_scriptlookup.ContainsKey(xname))
            xname = $"{name}-{++suffix}";
        _scriptlookup[xname] = new ScriptInfo {
            Source = source,
            Name   = xname,
            Kind   = kind,
            Path   = path,
            Value  = value
        public IStatement[] Parse(string payload, ScriptKind scriptKind)
            var command = new ParseCommand()
                Payload    = payload,
                ScriptKind = scriptKind

            var response = this.ExecuteCommand(command);

            var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ParseCommandResult>(response);

            List <IStatement> ast = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <IStatement> >(result.AstPayload, new JsonSerializerSettings
                TypeNameHandling         = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
                NullValueHandling        = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                MetadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.ReadAhead

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool ExecuteScripts(bool whatif, ScriptKind kind)
            var scripts = _scriptFileRepository.GetScripts(kind);

            var maxFolderNameLength = scripts.Select(s => s.Collection.Length).DefaultIfEmpty().Max();
            var maxFileNameLength = scripts.Select(s => s.ScriptName.Length).DefaultIfEmpty().Max();

            foreach (var script in scripts)
                Logger.Info($"[{script.Collection}".PadRight(maxFolderNameLength + 1) + "] ");
                Logger.Info((script.ScriptName + "... ").PadRight(maxFileNameLength + 4));
                    if (!whatif)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.ErrorLine("ERROR: " + e.Message);
                    return false;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public bool HasScripts(ScriptKind kind)
     var scripts = _scriptFileRepository.GetScripts(kind);
     return scripts.Any();