Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //set thisparent to be this collider's parent in the hierarchy; i.e. the object that contains the object with this script
     //thisParent = ;
     scriptThing = thisParent.GetComponentInParent <ScriptEnemyClass>();
     eMove       = GetComponentInParent <ScriptEnemyMovement>();
    public void StartUp()
        //Debug.Log("statuseffectclass enabled");
        //stacks = new List<StatusEffectClass>(2);

        switch (entity.name)
        case "PlayerCharacter(Unit2)":
            pData    = entity.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerStatScript>();
            isPlayer = true;

        case "MeleeEnemy":
        case "RangedEnemy":
            eData    = entity.GetComponentInChildren <ScriptEnemyClass>();
            isPlayer = false;

            isPlayer = false;
            //isSafe = false;
        //if (isSafe != true)
        //    Destroy(this.gameObject); //this does one thing: removes any unsafe object from existance
        //    if(eData.statHold.whatStatus.FindIndex(statusEffectName)

        InvokeRepeating("IncrementDuration", 0, 0.1f);
        isDurationRunning = true;
    // Runs whenever this script becomes enabled; this will only run when the enemy can detect the player, then sets the variables necessary
    void OnEnable()
        //Debug.Log("onenable hasrun" + hasRun); //this is one of many debugs;
        if (detect.firstAwake)         //if detect hasn't run it's awake function
            hasRun = false;            //hasRun set to false
        if (detect.firstAwake != true) //if detect has already run it's awake function
            hasRun = true;             //hasRun set to true
        Debug.Log("llamaduck" + hasRun);
        if (hasRun) //if hasRun == (is equal to) true
            //if (firstRun) { thisParent = GetComponentInParent<Transform>(); }

            //if (this.gameObject.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>() != null)
            //    navi = this.gameObject.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
            isMovementRunning = true; //set variable to true

            eClass         = GetComponent <ScriptEnemyClass>();                //re/assign eClass
            detect         = GetComponentInChildren <ScriptDetectionRadius>(); //re/assign detect;
            playerCollider = detect.colliderHolder;                            //re/assign playerCollider
            //playerCollider = moveEnd.GetComponentInParent<Collider>();
            moveEnd      = playerCollider.transform;                           //set moveEnd to be equal to the transform of the playerCollider
            playerExents = playerCollider.bounds.extents;                      //re/assign playerExtents to extents of its collider's bounding box
            myCollider   = GetComponentInParent <Collider>();                  //re/assign myCollider; gets the collider data from gameObject's parent
            myExtents    = myCollider.bounds.extents;                          //re/assign myExtents; as playerExtents above
            Debug.Log(playerExents + "playerext");
            Debug.Log(myExtents + "enemyextents");
            Debug.Log(myExtents + playerExents); //these 3 lines output the extents of the player, this enemy, and their combined extents
            targetStart = thisParent;            //i'm not sure why this is here; legacy code? probably could remove it...

            startPos = transform.position;                            //re/assigns startPos to the position of this enemy
            endPos   = moveEnd.position - (playerExents + myExtents); //this calculation is used once; sets endpos to be an offset position of moveEnd.position - the combined extents, thus forming a buffer
            attackSphere = eClass.attackRange;                            //re/assigns attackSphere from the eClass variable attackRange
                startTime = Time.time;                                    //re/sets starttime to the system time
                //set end marker to be a the endpoint of a vector with a set magnitude, but a direction of the player object's transform
                playerLoc     = moveEnd.position;                         //re/sets playerLoc to moveEnd.position; it's weird but necessary for the math to work
                targetStart   = moveEnd;                                  //re/sets targetStart
                playerLoc     =
                    playerLoc = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(playerLoc, speed); //re/sets playerLoc to be a vector3 with magnitude clamped at speed

                //llama.position = playerLoc;

                journeyLength = Vector3.Distance(moveStart.position, targetStart.position); //re/sets journey length
                isLerping     = true;                                                       //sets isLerping

                startPos = transform.position;                            //re/assigns startpos
                endPos   = moveEnd.position - (playerExents + myExtents); //duplicate of above; no harm done
                if (Mathf.Abs(playerExents.y - myExtents.y) < 1)          //if the absolute value of the difference of the y extents is < 1; is there isn't much of a height difference
                    endPos.y = this.gameObject.transform.position.y;      //sets the y value endPos to be the current y position; this is used for preventing enemies from sinking into hte ground
                    endPos.y += playerExents.y - myExtents.y; //otherwise, recalculate endPos.y to be more accurate; note the floating point error
                speed = eClass.speed;
                //insert code to set transforms properly?
                rotate.speed          = speed;          //re/sets speed of rotation
                rotate.playerCollider = playerCollider; //re/sets the playerCollider of rotate
                rotate.detect         = detect;         //these really just do the same thing for rotate as they do here
                rotate.enabled        = true;
                rotate.canRotate      = true;