Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool Counter(ScriptCondition condition, ScriptExecutionContext context)
            var counterName   = condition.Arguments[0].StringValue;
            var op            = (CounterOperator)condition.Arguments[1].IntValue.Value;
            var comparedValue = condition.Arguments[2].IntValue.Value;

            return(EvaluateOperator(context.Scripting.Counters[counterName], op, comparedValue));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ScriptingCondition Get(ScriptCondition condition)
            if (!Conditions.TryGetValue(condition.ContentType, out var conditionFunction))
                // TODO: Implement this condition type.

        public static MapScriptCondition Create(ScriptCondition condition, SceneSettings sceneSettings)
            if (!Factories.TryGetValue(condition.ContentType, out var factory))
                // TODO: Implement this condition type.
                return(new FalseCondition());

            return(factory(condition, sceneSettings));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool Flag(ScriptCondition condition, ScriptExecutionContext context)
            var flagName          = condition.Arguments[0].StringValue;
            var comparedFlagValue = condition.Arguments[1].IntValueAsBool;

            if (!context.Scripting.Flags.TryGetValue(flagName, out var flagValue))

            return(flagValue == comparedFlagValue);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestCounter(ScriptingComparison comparison, int compareValue, bool expectedResult)
            _fixture.Game.Scripting.Counters["MyCounter"] = 5;

            var condition = new ScriptCondition(
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.CounterName, "MyCounter"),
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.Comparison, (int)comparison),
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.Integer, compareValue));

            var result = _fixture.Game.Scripting.EvaluateScriptCondition(condition);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructeur principal
 /// </summary>
 private FormsManager()
     AnimationManagerContainer = new AnimationManagerContainer();
     ResourcesManager          = new ResourcesManager();
     DialogManager             = new DialogManager();
     TriggerManager            = new TriggerManager();
     ItemManager      = new ItemManager();
     CharacterManager = new CharacterManager();
     VariableManager  = new VariableManager();
     CoordsManager    = new CoordsManager();
     EventManager     = new EventManager();
     EventActions     = new EventActions();
     ScriptCondition  = new ScriptCondition();
     ScriptLoop       = new ScriptLoop();
     ScriptChoice     = new ScriptChoice();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestCounter(ScriptingComparison comparison, int compareValue, bool expectedResult)
            var game = _fixture.GetGame(SageGame.CncGenerals);

            game.Scripting.SetCounterValue("MyCounter", 5);

            var condition = new ScriptCondition(
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.CounterName, "MyCounter"),
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.Comparison, (int)comparison),
                new ScriptArgument(ScriptArgumentType.Integer, compareValue));

            var result = game.Scripting.EvaluateScriptCondition(condition);

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates Game2.
    /// </summary>
    public GMGame CreateGame2()
        //create conditions
        ACondition falseCond = new FalseCondition();
        ACondition trueCond = new TrueCondition();
        ScriptCondition<bool> scriptCond =  new ScriptCondition<bool>(TestScriptConditionEvaulateBool, true);

        //create triggers
        ScriptTrigger<int> trigger1 = new ScriptTrigger<int>(2, 2, trueCond.Check, trueCond.Check, TestScriptFunctionInt, 1);
        ScriptTrigger<float> trigger2 = new ScriptTrigger<float>(5, 10, trueCond.Check, falseCond.Check, TestScriptFunctionFloat, 2.2f);
        ScriptTrigger<string> trigger3 = new ScriptTrigger<string>(1, 3, null, null, TestScriptFunctionString, "no conditions");
        DialogTrigger trigger4 = new DialogTrigger(1, 3, scriptCond.Check, null, "myDialog");

        //create games and add triggers
        GMGame game = new GMGame("game2");

        return game;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static bool TimerExpired(ScriptCondition condition, ScriptExecutionContext context)
            var timerName = condition.Arguments[0].StringValue;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void LoadScriptBlock(Level level, ScriptDef targetSD, XmlNode node, ScriptBlock root, string firstChildName = "")
            if (node == null || root == null) {

            var child = node.FirstChild;
            if (child == null) {

            do {
                if (!firstChildName.Equals("")) {
                    if (!child.Name.Equals(firstChildName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                        Log.WriteInfo("Attention ! Impossible d'ajouter le scriptBlock : " + child.Name + " alors que le scriptBlock obligatoire est : " + firstChildName);

                ScriptBlock scriptBlock = null;

                switch (child.Name.ToLower()) {
                    case "action": {
                            var a = child.Attributes?["a"];
                            if (a == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <action> ne contient pas d'action \"a\" !");
                            var p = child.Attributes?["p"];
                            if (p == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <action> ne contient pas de paramètres ! \"p\" ");

                            var parameters = new List<string>();

                            var i = 1;

                            do {
                            } while ((p = child.Attributes?["p" + i]) != null);

                            scriptBlock = new ScriptAction(level, a.Value, parameters);

                    case "update": {
                            var delayA = child.Attributes?["delay"];
                            if (delayA == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <update> ne contient pas de delay");

                            double delay = 0.0;
                            if (delayA.Value.Equals("$FRAME_RATE")) {
                                delay = 1.0 / 60.0;
                            else {
                                if (!double.TryParse(delayA.Value, out delay))
                                    throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <update> ne contient pas de delay valide !");
                                if (delay <= 0)
                                    throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <update> ne contient pas un delay valide ! Il est plus petit ou égal à 0 !");
                            scriptBlock = new ScriptUpdate(delay);
                            LoadScriptBlock(level, targetSD, child, scriptBlock);
                    case "condition": {
                            var varRefA = child.Attributes?["ref"];
                            var valueConditionA = child.Attributes?["value"];

                            if (varRefA == null || valueConditionA == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <condition> ne contient pas la référence vers la variable ou sa condition \"ref\" ou \"value\" !");

                            if (!targetSD.Variables.ContainsKey(varRefA.Value))
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <condition> utilise la variable : " + varRefA.Value + " alors qu'elle n'est pas définie dans <variables> !");

                            var variable = targetSD.Variables[varRefA.Value];

                            if (variable is int) {
                                if (!int.TryParse(valueConditionA.Value, out var condition)) {
                                    throw new Exception(" dans le scriptBlock <condition>, la condition utilisée ne peut pas être convertie en nombre (int) !");
                                scriptBlock = new ScriptCondition<int>(varRefA.Value, condition);
                            else if (variable is bool) {
                                if (!bool.TryParse(valueConditionA.Value, out var condition)) {
                                    throw new Exception(" dans le scriptBlock <condition>, la condition utilisée ne peut pas être convertie en booléen (bool) !");
                                scriptBlock = new ScriptCondition<bool>(varRefA.Value, condition);
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <condition> utilise une variable dont le type est inconnu !");

                            LoadScriptBlock(level, targetSD, child, scriptBlock);
                    case "collision": {
                            var dirSide = child.Attributes?["side"];
                            var typeRef = child.Attributes?["typeRef"];
                            if (dirSide == null || typeRef == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <collision> ne contient pas la direction \"side\" ou la référence \"typeRef\" !");

                            var sides = new List<PhysicsBody.CollisionSide>();

                            var rawSides = dirSide.Value.Split('|');

                            foreach (var rawSide in rawSides) {
                                if (!Enum.TryParse<PhysicsBody.CollisionSide>(rawSide, out var side))
                                    throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <collision> contient une erreur ! Impossible de convertir : " + dirSide.Value + " en direction !");

                            scriptBlock = new ScriptCollisionEvent(sides, typeRef.Value);
                            LoadScriptBlock(level, targetSD, child, scriptBlock);
                    case "key": {
                            var codeA = child.Attributes?["code"];
                            var justPressedA = child.Attributes?["justPressed"];
                            var upA = child.Attributes?["up"];

                            if (codeA == null)
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <key> ne contient pas la touche \"code\"");

                            if (!Enum.TryParse<Keyboard.Key>(codeA.Value, true, out var key)) {
                                throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <key> contient une touche qui n'existe pas ! : " + codeA.Value);

                            bool justPressed = false, up = false;

                            if (justPressedA != null) {
                                if (!bool.TryParse(justPressedA.Value, out justPressed))
                                    throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <key> contient des erreurs ! Impossible de convertir : " + justPressedA.Value + " en valeur booléenne !");

                            if (upA != null) {
                                if (!bool.TryParse(upA.Value, out up))
                                    throw new Exception(" le scriptBlock <key> contient des erreurs ! Impossible de convertir : " + upA.Value + " en valeur booléenne !");

                            scriptBlock = new ScriptInput(key, justPressed, up);
                            LoadScriptBlock(level, targetSD, child, scriptBlock);

                if (scriptBlock == null)
                    throw new Exception(" le script contient un scriptBlock inconnu !");


            } while ((child = child.NextSibling) != null);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TimerExpiredCondition(ScriptCondition condition)
     _timerName = condition.Arguments[0].StringValue;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public FlagCondition(ScriptCondition condition)
     _flagName  = condition.Arguments[0].StringValue;
     _flagValue = condition.Arguments[1].IntValueAsBool;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static bool True(ScriptCondition condition, ScriptExecutionContext context) => true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private bool VerifyCondition(ScriptCondition c)
            bool   returnValue     = false;
            string comparisonValue = c.ComparisonValue;

            if (c.Domain == Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie &&
                (c.Target == SourceModule.Scheduler || c.Target == SourceModule.Automation) &&
                (c.Property == "Scheduler.TimeEvent" || c.Property == "Scheduler.CronEvent"))
                return(HomeGenie.ProgramManager.SchedulerService.IsScheduling(DateTime.Now, c.ComparisonValue));
            // if the comparison value starts with ":", then the value is read from another module property
            // eg: ":HomeAutomation.X10/B3/Level"
            if (comparisonValue.StartsWith(":"))
                string[] propertyPath = comparisonValue.Substring(1).Split('/');
                comparisonValue = "";
                if (propertyPath.Length >= 3)
                    string domain       = propertyPath[0];
                    string address      = propertyPath[1];
                    string propertyName = propertyPath[2];
                    var    targetModule = HomeGenie.Modules.Find(m => m.Domain == domain && m.Address == address);
                    if (targetModule == null)
                        // abbreviated path, eg: ":X10/B3/Level"
                        targetModule =
                            HomeGenie.Modules.Find(m => m.Domain.EndsWith("." + domain) && m.Address == address);
                    if (targetModule != null)
                        var mprop = Utility.ModuleParameterGet(targetModule, propertyName);
                        if (mprop != null)
                            comparisonValue = mprop.Value;
            // the following "Programs.*" parameters are deprecated, just left for compatibility with HG < r340
            // Also the target SourceModule.Automation is deprecated and left for compatibility with HG < 499
            ModuleParameter parameter = null;

            if (c.Domain == Domains.HomeAutomation_HomeGenie &&
                (c.Target == SourceModule.Scheduler || c.Target == SourceModule.Automation))
                parameter      = new ModuleParameter();
                parameter.Name = c.Property;
                switch (parameter.Name)
                case "Programs.DateDay":
                case "Scheduler.DateDay":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString();

                case "Programs.DateMonth":
                case "Scheduler.DateMonth":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();

                case "Programs.DateDayOfWeek":
                case "Scheduler.DateDayOfWeek":
                    parameter.Value = ((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek).ToString();

                case "Programs.DateYear":
                case "Scheduler.DateYear":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

                case "Programs.DateHour":
                case "Scheduler.DateHour":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString();

                case "Programs.DateMinute":
                case "Scheduler.DateMinute":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString();

                case "Programs.Date":
                case "Scheduler.Date":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("YY-MM-dd");

                case "Programs.Time":
                case "Scheduler.Time":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                case "Programs.DateTime":
                case "Scheduler.DateTime":
                    parameter.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("YY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    //    Module module = homegenie.Modules.Find(m => m.Address == c.Target && m.Domain == c.Domain);
                    //    if (module != null)
                    //        parameter = module.Properties.Find(mp => mp.Name == c.Property);
                    //    break;
                Module module = HomeGenie.Modules.Find(m => m.Address == c.Target && m.Domain == c.Domain);
                if (module != null)
                    parameter = module.Properties.Find(mp => mp.Name == c.Property);

            if (parameter != null)
                IComparable lvalue = parameter.Value;
                IComparable rvalue = comparisonValue;
                double   dval  = 0;
                DateTime dtval = new DateTime();
                if (double.TryParse(parameter.Value.Replace(",", "."),
                                    NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dval))
                    lvalue = dval;
                    rvalue = double.Parse(comparisonValue.Replace(",", "."),
                                          NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                else if (DateTime.TryParse(parameter.Value, out dtval))
                    lvalue = dtval;
                    rvalue = DateTime.Parse(comparisonValue);
                int comparisonresult = lvalue.CompareTo(rvalue);
                if (c.ComparisonOperator == ComparisonOperator.LessThan && comparisonresult < 0)
                    returnValue = true;
                else if (c.ComparisonOperator == ComparisonOperator.Equals && comparisonresult == 0)
                    returnValue = true;
                else if (c.ComparisonOperator == ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan && comparisonresult > 0)
                    returnValue = true;
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Awake()
            WebPlayerDebugManager.addOutput ("Version build: " + buildTime, 1);
            dbModuleManager = DBModuleManager.Instance;

            //Debug.Log ("TWISTGame Awake");


            //------- TODO WORKAROUND -------
            GameScenario gs = GameScenario.Instance;
            gs.currentDate = System.DateTime.Now;

            //Edit StartPoint
            System.DateTime startDate = GameScenario.Instance.currentDate;
            //WebPlayerDebugManager.addOutput("Get Current Date: " + startDate, 3);
            startDate = startDate.AddDays (-28);
            string text;
            text = i18n.Get("CP1_2_2", "004").Replace(
                startDate.Day + "." + startDate.Month + "." + startDate.Year
            i18n.Set("CP1_2_2", "004", text);

            //Edit EndPoint
            startDate = GameScenario.Instance.currentDate;
            startDate = startDate.AddDays (14);
            text = i18n.Get ("CP1_2_2", "004").Replace(
                startDate.Day + "." + startDate.Month + "." + startDate.Year
            i18n.Set ("CP1_2_2", "004", text);
            text = i18n.Get ("CP1_5_5", "001").Replace(
                startDate.Day + "." + startDate.Month + "." + startDate.Year
            i18n.Set ("CP1_5_5", "001", text);
            text = i18n.Get ("CP1_6_1", "001").Replace(
                startDate.Day + "." + startDate.Month + "." + startDate.Year
            i18n.Set ("CP1_6_1", "001", text);

            //SIMMode = false;
            //TWISTMode = true;
            SIMMode = SIM;
            TWISTMode = TWIST;
            SIMOptions = ActivateSimOptions;

            //------- /WORKAROUND -------

            Log.Info("Starting TWISTBueBe...");

            // We have two sub game games to the main game
            GMGameCP gameCP = new GMGameCP("CP");

            GMGameSIM gameSIM = new GMGameSIM("SIM");
            /*GameObject objSIM = UIManager.Instance.GetHud("TimeLineSIM");
            goSIM = objSIM.GetComponent<TimeLine>();

            /*gm.Start ("CP");
            //gm.Start ("SIM");
            //gm.Start ("CP");

            // get the view object
            GameObject objCP = UIManager.Instance.GetHud("TimeLineCP");
            goCP = objCP.GetComponent<TimeLine>();

            //create conditions
            ACondition falseCond = new FalseCondition();
            ACondition trueCond  = new TrueCondition();
            ScriptCondition<bool> scriptCond =
                new ScriptCondition<bool>(
                    TestScriptConditionEvaulateBool, true);

            //Log.Info("Number of screens:"+ui.NumberOfScreens);
            //Log.Assert(ui.NumberOfScreens > 0,
            //	"No screen found! Did you tag any screen as UIScreen?");

            // Log.Assert(startScreen,
            //            "Missing start screen: '"
            //            +startScreenName+"' for "
            //            +gameObject.name);
            // //ui.ActivateScreen(startScreenName);
            // //startScreen.SetActive(true);
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Awake()
            Debug.Log ("AquaSphereMini awake.");
            WebPlayerDebugManager.addOutput ("Version build: " + buildTime, 1);
            dbModuleManager = DBModuleManager.Instance;
            //------- TODO WORKAROUND -------
            GameScenario gs = GameScenario.Instance;
            gs.currentDate = System.DateTime.Now;
            //Edit StartPoint
            System.DateTime startDate = GameScenario.Instance.currentDate;
            // "Get Current Date: " + startDate, 3);
            startDate = startDate.AddDays (-28);

            Log.Info("Starting AquaSphereMini...");
            //create conditions
            ACondition falseCond = new FalseCondition();
            ACondition trueCond  = new TrueCondition();
            ScriptCondition<bool> scriptCond =
                new ScriptCondition<bool>(
                    TestScriptConditionEvaulateBool, true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static bool False(ScriptCondition condition, ScriptExecutionContext context) => false;