Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AddNativeProperty(string propertyDesc, ScriptCallbackCB callbackCB, object userData)
            var oldLex = currentLexer;

            currentLexer = new ScriptLex(propertyDesc);

            var baseVar = Root;

            var propName = currentLexer.TokenString;


            while (currentLexer.TokenType == (ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.')
                currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.');

                var link = baseVar.FindChild(propName);
                if (link == null)
                    link = baseVar.AddChild(propName, new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Object));
                baseVar  = link.Var;
                propName = currentLexer.TokenString;
            var propVar = new ScriptVar();

            callbackCB.Invoke(propVar, null);

            currentLexer = oldLex;

            baseVar.AddChild(propName, propVar);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddMethod(String funcName, String[] args, ScriptCallbackCB callback, Object userdata)
            ScriptVar funcVar = new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Function | ScriptVar.Flags.Native);

            funcVar.SetCallback(callback, userdata);

            //do we have any arguments to create?
            if (args != null)
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    funcVar.AddChildNoDup(arg, null);

            Root.AddChild(funcName, funcVar);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddMethod(String funcProto, ScriptCallbackCB callback, Object userdata)
            ScriptLex oldLex = _currentLexer;

            using (_currentLexer = new ScriptLex(funcProto))
                ScriptVar baseVar = Root;

                String funcName = _currentLexer.TokenString;

                while (_currentLexer.TokenType == (ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.')
                    _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.');
                    ScriptVarLink link = baseVar.FindChild(funcName);

                    if (link == null)
                        link = baseVar.AddChild(funcName, new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Object));

                    baseVar  = link.Var;
                    funcName = _currentLexer.TokenString;

                ScriptVar funcVar = new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Function | ScriptVar.Flags.Native);
                funcVar.SetCallback(callback, userdata);


                baseVar.AddChild(funcName, funcVar);

            _currentLexer = oldLex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void AddMethod(String[] ns, String funcName, String[] args, ScriptCallbackCB callback, Object userdata)
            String    fName   = funcName;
            ScriptVar baseVar = Root;

            if (ns != null)
                int x = 0;
                for (; x < ns.Length; x++)
                    ScriptVarLink link = baseVar.FindChild(ns[x]);

                    if (link == null)
                        link = baseVar.AddChild(ns[x], new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Object));

                    baseVar = link.Var;

            ScriptVar funcVar = new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Function | ScriptVar.Flags.Native);

            funcVar.SetCallback(callback, userdata);

            //do we have any arguments to create?
            if (args != null)
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    funcVar.AddChildNoDup(arg, null);

            baseVar.AddChild(fName, funcVar);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void AddNative(string funcDesc, ScriptCallbackCB callbackCB, object userData)
            var oldLex = currentLexer;

            currentLexer = new ScriptLex(funcDesc);

            var baseVar = Root;

            var funcName = currentLexer.TokenString;


            while (currentLexer.TokenType == (ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.')
                currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) '.');

                var link = baseVar.FindChild(funcName);
                if (link == null)
                    link = baseVar.AddChild(funcName, new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Object));
                baseVar  = link.Var;
                funcName = currentLexer.TokenString;

            var funcVar = new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Function | ScriptVar.Flags.Native);

            funcVar.SetCallback(callbackCB, userData);

            currentLexer = oldLex;

            baseVar.AddChild(funcName, funcVar);
        private ScriptVarLink FunctionCall(ref bool execute, ScriptVarLink function, ScriptVar parent)
            if (execute)
                if (!function.Var.IsFunction)
                    throw new ScriptException(String.Format("{0} is not a function", function.Name));

                _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) '(');
                ScriptVar functionRoot = new ScriptVar(null, ScriptVar.Flags.Function);

                if (parent != null)
                    functionRoot.AddChildNoDup("this", parent);

                ScriptVarLink v = function.Var.FirstChild;
                while (v != null)
                    ScriptVarLink value = Base(ref execute);
                    if (value.Var.IsBasic)
                        //pass by val
                        functionRoot.AddChild(v.Name, value.Var.DeepCopy());
                        //pass by ref
                        functionRoot.AddChild(v.Name, value.Var);

                    if (_currentLexer.TokenType != (ScriptLex.LexTypes) ')')
                        _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) ',');

                    v = v.Next;

                _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) ')');

                ScriptVarLink returnVarLink = functionRoot.AddChild(ScriptVar.ReturnVarName, null);


                _callStack.Push(String.Format("{0} from line {1}", function.Name, _currentLexer.LineNumber));

                if (function.Var.IsNative)
                    ScriptCallbackCB func = function.Var.GetCallback();
                    if (func != null)
                        func(functionRoot, function.Var.GetCallbackUserData(), parent);
                    ScriptException ex     = null;
                    ScriptLex       oldLex = _currentLexer;
                    ScriptLex       newLex = new ScriptLex(function.Var.GetString());
                    _currentLexer = newLex;

                        Block(ref execute);

                        execute = true;
                    catch (ScriptException e)
                        ex = e;

                    _currentLexer = oldLex;

                    if (ex != null)
                        throw ex;


                ScriptVarLink returnVar = new ScriptVarLink(returnVarLink.Var, null);


            //not executing the function, just parsing it out
            _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) '(');

            while (_currentLexer.TokenType != (ScriptLex.LexTypes) ')')
                Base(ref execute);

                if (_currentLexer.TokenType != (ScriptLex.LexTypes) ')')
                    _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) ',');

            _currentLexer.Match((ScriptLex.LexTypes) ')');

            if (_currentLexer.TokenType == (ScriptLex.LexTypes) '{')             //WTF?
                Block(ref execute);
