Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Plot CreateAdvancedStatisticsPlot()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400);

            // create some sample data to represent test scores
            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] scores = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 250, 85, 5);

            // create a Population object from the data
            var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(scores);

            // display the original values scattered vertically
            double[] ys = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pop.values.Length, stdDev: .15);
            plt.PlotScatter(pop.values, ys, markerSize: 10,
                            markerShape: MarkerShape.openCircle, lineWidth: 0);

            // display the bell curve for this distribution
            double[] curveXs = DataGen.Range(pop.minus3stDev, pop.plus3stDev, .1);
            double[] curveYs = pop.GetDistribution(curveXs);
            plt.PlotScatter(curveXs, curveYs, markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2);

            // improve the style of the plot
            plt.Title($"Test Scores (mean: {pop.mean:0.00} +/- {pop.stDev:0.00}, n={pop.n})");
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Test_Population_CurveSideways()
            Random rand = new Random(0);
            var    ages = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(rand, 44, 78, 2);

            double[] curveXs = DataGen.Range(ages.minus3stDev, ages.plus3stDev, .1);
            double[] curveYs = ages.GetDistribution(curveXs);

            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            plt.PlotScatter(DataGen.Random(rand, ages.values.Length), ages.values,
                            markerSize: 10, markerShape: MarkerShape.openCircle, lineWidth: 0);
            plt.PlotScatter(curveYs, curveXs, markerSize: 0);
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot);

Ejemplo n.º 3
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                // create some sample data to represent test scores
                Random rand = new Random(0);

                double[] scores = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, 35, 85, 5);

                // create a Population object and plot it
                var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(scores);

                plt.PlotPopulations(pop, "scores");

                // improve the style of the plot
                plt.Title($"Test Scores (mean: {pop.mean:0.00} +/- {pop.stDev:0.00}, n={pop.n})");
                plt.Ticks(displayTicksX: false);
                plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GenerateMultipleBoxAndWhiskers(List <List <ResultModel> > allResults, List <int> xValues, string plotTitle, string plotName = "results")
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400);

            var poulations = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population[allResults.Count];
            var p          = 0;

            foreach (var results in allResults)
                var ys = new double[results.Count];
                var i  = 0;
                foreach (var r in results)
                    ys[i] = r.Fitness;
                var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(ys);
                poulations[p] = pop;

            var popSeries = new ScottPlot.Statistics.PopulationSeries(poulations);

            plt.PlotPopulations(popSeries, "scores");

            // improve the style of the plot
            plt.YLabel("Solution energy");

            var ticks = new string[xValues.Count];
            var j     = 0;

            foreach (var iterations in xValues)
                ticks[j] = iterations.ToString();
            plt.Grid(lineStyle: LineStyle.Dot, enableVertical: false);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GenerateSingleBoxAndWhiskers(List <ResultModel> results, string plotName = "results")
            var plt = new Plot(600, 400);

            var ys = new double[results.Count];
            var i  = 0;

            foreach (var r in results)
                ys[i] = r.Fitness;

            plt.Title("Solution energy");
            plt.YLabel("Solution energy");

            var pop = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(ys);

            plt.PlotPopulations(pop, "scores");

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Test_scatter_10kPoints()
            double[]  pointCounts = { 10, 100, 1000, 10000 };
            const int REPS        = 10;

            double[] speeds = new double[pointCounts.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCounts.Length; i++)
                int      pointCount = (int)pointCounts[i];
                var      plt        = new ScottPlot.Plot();
                Random   rand       = new Random(0);
                double[] xs         = DataGen.Random(rand, pointCount);
                double[] ys         = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount);
                plt.AddScatter(xs, ys);
                plt.Render(lowQuality: true);

                List <double> times = new List <double>();
                for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++)
                    plt.Render(lowQuality: true);

                var stats = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(times.ToArray());
                speeds[i] = stats.mean;
                Console.WriteLine($"Rendered {pointCount} points in {stats.mean} ms");

            var plt2 = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            plt2.Title("Scatter Plot Benchmark");
            plt2.YLabel("Time (ms)");
            plt2.XLabel("Number of Points");
            plt2.AddScatter(pointCounts, speeds);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PlotParameters AddSeriesFromString(string dataString, DrawSettings drawSettings, Dictionary <string, object> metadata)
            object data = new object();

            string[] raw = dataString.Split(new char[] { ',', '\n' });

            if (!drawSettings.dateXAxis)
                List <double> serialData = raw.Where(m => double.TryParse(m, out _)).Select(m => double.Parse(m)).ToList();

                if (drawSettings.type == PlotType.scatter || drawSettings.type == PlotType.bar)
                    double[] xs = new double[serialData.Count / 2];
                    double[] ys = new double[serialData.Count / 2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < serialData.Count; i++)
                        int row = i / 2;
                        int col = i % 2;

                        if (col == 0)
                            xs[row] = serialData[i];
                            ys[row] = serialData[i];

                        data = new double[][] { xs, ys };
                else if (drawSettings.type == PlotType.signal || drawSettings.type == PlotType.histogram)
                    data = serialData.ToArray();
                else if (drawSettings.type == PlotType.box_whisker)
                    ScottPlot.Statistics.Population dataPopulation = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(serialData.ToArray());
                    data = dataPopulation;

                if (drawSettings.type == PlotType.scatter && drawSettings.polarCoordinates)
                    (((double[][])data)[0], ((double[][])data)[1]) = ScottPlot.Tools.ConvertPolarCoordinates(((double[][])data)[0], ((double[][])data)[1]);
                if (drawSettings.type == PlotType.scatter || drawSettings.type == PlotType.bar)
                    List <DateTime> dataX = new List <DateTime>();
                    List <double>   dataY = new List <double>();

                    int successfullyParsed = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++)
                        if (successfullyParsed % 2 == 0)
                            DateTime temp;
                            if (DateTime.TryParse(raw[i], out temp))
                            double temp;
                            if (double.TryParse(raw[i], out temp))

                    long totalDistanceTicks = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dataX.Count; i++)
                        if (i == dataX.Count - 1)

                        totalDistanceTicks += Math.Abs(dataX[i].Ticks - dataX[i + 1].Ticks);
                    long averageTickDistance    = totalDistanceTicks / (dataX.Count - dataX.Count % 2); //The fact that this is rounded doesn't matter, bc ticks are so obsenely small
                    long averageSecondsDistance = averageTickDistance / 10_000_000;

                    metadata["numTimeUnits"] = 1;

                    if (averageSecondsDistance > 0.75 * 86400 * 365)
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Year;
                    else if (averageSecondsDistance > 0.75 * 86400 * 30)
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Month;
                    else if (averageSecondsDistance > 0.75 * 86400)
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Day;
                    else if (averageSecondsDistance > 0.75 * 3600)
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Hour;
                    else if (averageSecondsDistance > 0.75 * 60)
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Minute;
                        metadata["timeUnit"] = ScottPlot.Config.DateTimeUnit.Second;
                    metadata["startDate"] = dataX[0];

                    metadata["numTimeUnits"] = (dataX.Count / 30) + 1;

                    double[] dataXDouble = dataX.Select((dt, i) => dt.ToOADate()).ToArray();

                    data = new double[][] { dataXDouble, dataY.ToArray() };

            PlotParameters plotParams = new PlotParameters {
                data = data, drawSettings = drawSettings, metaData = metadata



Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void formsPlot1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this is the plotting place - all in the Load

            //           string tname1 = "WXROVER";
            //           string tname2 = "WXIN";
            //           int pointcount = 5000;
            //           double[,] tempData;

            int cnt = 0;
            //            double[] t1 = new double[Globals.pointcount];
            //            double[] t2 = new double[Globals.pointcount];

            // a couple of local lists
            List <double> orgs = new List <double> {
            List <double> chks = new List <double> {

            classWXstnChk WXchk = new classWXstnChk();                                                         //make an object WXck

            WXchk.cnxstring("", "DAWES_SQL2008", "WeatherStation", "WeatherStation", "Esp32a.b."); //a constructor - no arguments

            //go get the data
            Globals.tempData = WXchk.getTemperatureData(Globals.pointcount, Globals.tname1, Globals.tname2);  //this gets the data as an XY pair
                                                                                                              //there will be a lot of duplcates in this array.  Lets remove the dupes - done in the SQL

            //for scotterplot to work, these need to be in two separate Arrays, so we seperate them out in
            //this loop and we might as well get rid of the empty slots
            //maybe this would also work
            // double [] tab1 = new double[tempData.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < pointcount - 1; i++)
                if (Globals.tempData[i, 0] > 0)
                    t1[i]   = tempData[i, 0];
                    t2[i]   = tempData[i, 1];
                    t1qq[i] = tempData[i, 0];
                    t2qq[i] = tempData[i, 1];

                    //might as well put the data in the grid
                        dgXY.Rows[i].Cells["dgXYrecord"].Value = i.ToString(); //puts the record no on the dgXY
                        dgXY.Rows[i].Cells["dgXYx"].Value      = t1[i];
                        dgXY.Rows[i].Cells["dgXYy"].Value      = t2[i];
                    catch { }

                    cnt += 1;
            }//end of for loop

            // we have two arrays lets sort them to form a QQ plot

            // the arrays are declared a certain size and are now full of 0's
            //this will reduce them down to just data.
            // if there is no data in the arrays then cnt will = 0
            if (cnt == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("No Data in your selection.", "No data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            Array.Resize(ref t1, cnt);
            Array.Resize(ref t2, cnt);
            cntG = cnt;

            // int aa = cnt;
            int ab = t2.GetLength(0);
            // create a Population object from the data
            var popt1 = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(t1);
            var popt2 = new ScottPlot.Statistics.Population(t2);

            // now lets fill the stats box
            lblT1.Text       = tname1;
            lblT2.Text       = tname2;
            lblMeanT1.Text   = Math.Round(popt1.mean, 2).ToString();
            lblMeanT2.Text   = Math.Round(popt2.mean, 2).ToString();
            lblMedT1.Text    = Math.Round(popt1.median, 2).ToString();
            lblMedT2.Text    = Math.Round(popt2.median, 2).ToString();
            lblQ3T1.Text     = popt1.Q3.ToString();
            lblq3table2.Text = popt1.Q3.ToString();
            lblQ1t1.Text     = popt1.Q1.ToString();
            lblQ1T2.Text     = popt2.Q1.ToString();
            lblstderrT1.Text = Math.Round(popt1.stdErr, 2).ToString();
            lblstderrT2.Text = Math.Round(popt2.stdErr, 2).ToString();
            lblstdevT1.Text  = Math.Round(popt1.stDev, 2).ToString();
            lblstdevT2.Text  = Math.Round(popt2.stDev, 2).ToString();
            lblIQRt1.Text    = Math.Round(popt1.IQR, 2).ToString();
            lblIQRt2.Text    = Math.Round(popt2.IQR, 2).ToString();
            lblNtn1.Text     = cnt.ToString(); //opt1.aa.ToString();
                                               // lblNtn2.Text = ab.ToString(); // popt2.count.ToString();

            //this gives us the regression line and the correlation coeficient
            var    model = new ScottPlot.Statistics.LinearRegressionLine(t1, t2);
            string line  = $"Y={model.slope:0.0000}X + {model.offset:0.0}";

            lblLine.Text   = line;
            lblCorrel.Text = $"R² = {model.rSquared:0.0000}";

            formsPlot1.plt.Title($"ScarpWeather Temperature XY Plot");
            //formsPlot1.plt.AxisAuto(horizontalMargin: 0, verticalMargin: 0.5);
            //                 xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax

            int axisMin, axisMax;

            axisMin = (int)popt1.min - 2;  //get some data from the arrays
            //axisMin = 0;
            axisMax = (int)popt1.max + 2;

            formsPlot1.plt.Axis(axisMin, axisMax, axisMin, axisMax); //defines the min and max of the chart
                                                                     //            formsPlot1.plt.Axis(15,40,15,40);

            formsPlot1.plt.Legend();  // got ot have this be we toggle it with hte context menu

            //this draws the scatter plot
            XYplotPoints = formsPlot1.plt.PlotScatter(t1, t2, Color.DarkCyan, lineWidth: 0, markerSize: 5, label: "XYData");
            //draw the QQ plot
            QQplotPoints         = formsPlot1.plt.PlotScatter(t1qq, t2qq, Color.DarkGreen, lineWidth: 0, markerSize: 5, label: "QQData");
            QQplotPoints.visible = false;

            // draws the regresion line
            //if (plotRegression)
            regLine = formsPlot1.plt.PlotLine(model.slope, model.offset, (axisMin, axisMax), lineWidth: 2, label: "Regression", color: Color.BlueViolet);

            //plot a 45 degree line = X=Y
            XequalsYLine = formsPlot1.plt.PlotLine(1.0, 0.0, (0, 100), Color.Goldenrod, lineWidth: 2, label: "X=Y", lineStyle: ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dot); //uses the equation of the line to plot

            //the 10% error lines
            errorLineA = formsPlot1.plt.PlotLine(0, 0, 100.0 - 0.1 * 100, 100, color: Color.OrangeRed, lineWidth: 2, label: "10%error", lineStyle: ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dash);
            errorLineB = formsPlot1.plt.PlotLine(0, 0, 100, 100.0 - 0.1 * 100, color: Color.OrangeRed, lineWidth: 2, lineStyle: ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dash);

            formsPlot1.Render();//draw the chart on the PC screen
        }//end function