public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ball")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ball")

            //Play sound effect for missing the ball
            HoleSFXSource.PlayOneShot(BallBehaviorScript.HoleSFXClip, 0.5f);

            CatchBallScript.isBallCatchable = false;
    public void CatchBall()
        //Check for collision with ball collider trigger

        //Use raycast to start detection

        //Set up raycast hit variable
        RaycastHit hit;
        //find cursor position at click
        Ray ray = PlayerCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        //Debug.Log("isBallCatchable: " + isBallCatchable);
        //Check to make sure player can only catch ball after it hits wall
        if (isBallCatchable == true)
            //Debug.Log("Entering Raycast function");
            //determine if cursor position is overlapping with ball
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                //Debug.Log("Performing Raycast");
                Transform objectHit = hit.transform;
                //Set the Object's tag that was hit to variable ObjectThatWasHit
                ObjectThatWasHit = objectHit.tag;
                //If the object that was hit has a tag of "Ball"
                if (ObjectThatWasHit == "Ball")
                    //Increment the number of successful catches
                    CatchesNum += 1;

                    //Call function from Scoring Script to add score

                    //Play sound effect for catching the ball
                    BallSFXSource.PlayOneShot(CaughtBallSFXClip, 0.5f);

                    if (CatchesNum == SpawnMovingObjectScript.ArrayOfWhenToRemoveWallPieces[SpawnMovingObjectScript.RemoveWallCounter])
                        //Launch RemoveWallPiece Function

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color =;

                        //Change wall mat to blue
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[1];
                    if (CatchesNum == 10)
                        RotateWallScript.isWallRotating = true;

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color =;

                        //Change wall mat to red
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[2];
                    if (CatchesNum == SpawnMovingObjectScript.ArrayOfWhenToSpawnRedCubes[SpawnMovingObjectScript.SpawnCubeCounter])
                        SpawnMovingObjectScript.RandomSpawnPosition = Random.Range(0, (SpawnMovingObjectScript.ObjectSpawnPositionObjects.Count - 1));

                        SpawnMovingObjectScript.ObjectSpawnPosition = SpawnMovingObjectScript.ObjectSpawnPositionObjects[SpawnMovingObjectScript.RandomSpawnPosition].transform.position;

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color = Color.yellow;

                        //Change wall mat to yellow
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[3];

                        //Debug.Log("Counter: " + SpawnMovingObjectScript.SpawnCubeCounter);

                        if (SpawnMovingObjectScript.SpawnCubeCounter < (SpawnMovingObjectScript.ArrayOfWhenToSpawnRedCubes.Length - 1))
                            //Debug.Log("Incrementing Counter");
                            SpawnMovingObjectScript.SpawnCubeCounter += 1;
                        //do  nothing;

                    if (CatchesNum == 20)
                        RotateWallScript.isWallRotating = true;
                        StartCoroutine(RotateWallScript.RotateWall(-fRotation * 2));

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color =;

                        //Change wall mat to red
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[2];

                    if (CatchesNum == 25)
                        RotateWallScript.isWallRotating = true;
                        StartCoroutine(RotateWallScript.RotateWall(fRotation * 2));

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color =;

                        //Change wall mat to red
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[2];

                    if (CatchesNum == 30)
                        RotateWallScript.isWallRotating = true;
                        StartCoroutine(RotateWallScript.RotateWall(-fRotation * 2));

                        MainRoomLightSettings.color =;

                        //Change wall mat to red
                        //Wall Materials Array: | 0 - Default B/W | 1 - Blue | 2 - Red | 3 - Yellow
                        //for (int i = 0; i < WallPieces.Length; i++)
                        //    WallMaterialComponent = WallPieces[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

                        //    WallMaterialComponent.sharedMaterial = WallMaterials[2];

                    //Reset ball being spawned after catching

                    //Prevent player from spamming ball spawn

                    //Fade in Score Text Amount

                    HitSideWallRightScript.didBallHitSideWallRight = false;
                    HitSideWallLeftScript.didBallHitSideWallLeft   = false;

                    bBallWasCaught = false;
                else if (ObjectThatWasHit != "Ball")
                    if (SpawnBallScript.isBallSpawned == true)
                        numCounterForMissedCatchesBeforeAd += 1;

                    //number of missed catches
                    ShowAdScript.numMissedCatches += 1;


                    //Debug.Log("You missed the ball.");

                    //Fading number each time the ball is caught
                    //ScoringScript.ScoreIncreaseFadeNumberText.text = ScoringScript.fAmountToIncreaseScorePerCatch.ToString();

                    //Current game score shown in the top left
                    ScoringScript.UICurrentGameScoreText.text = ScoringScript.fCurrentScore.ToString();

                    //Update the final score text
                    //ScoringScript.EndOfRoundScoreText.text = ScoringScript.fCurrentScore.ToString();

                    //Update the Ball Speed Multiplier Text
                    //ScoringScript.BallSpeedMultiplierText.text = ScoringScript.fballSpeedMult.ToString();

                    //Run Function to show the Game Over screen and run calculations

                    //Update the high score

                    //Save the player profiles
                else if (ObjectThatWasHit == "UI")
                    //Do nothing